• Title/Summary/Keyword: National innovation capabilities

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Design of Maneuvering Target Tracking System Using Data Fusion Capability of Neural Networks (신경망의 자료 융합 능력을 이용한 기동 표적 추적 시스템의 설계)

  • Kim, Haeng-Koo;Jin, Seung-Hee;Yoon, Tae-Sung;Park, Jin-Bae;Joo, Young-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.07b
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    • pp.552-554
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    • 1998
  • In target tracking problems the fixed gain Kalman filter is primarily used to predict a target state vector. This filter, however, has a poor precision for maneuvering targets while it has a good performance for non-maneuvering targets. To overcome the problem this paper proposes the system which estimates the acceleration with neural networks using the input estimation technique. The ability to efficiently fuse information of different forms is one of the major capabilities of trained multi-layer neural networks. The primary motivation for employing neural networks in these applications comes from the efficiency with which more features can be utilized as inputs for estimating target maneuvers. The parallel processing capability of a properly trained neural network can permit fast processing of features to yield correct acceleration estimates. The features used as inputs can be extracted from the combinations of innovation data and heading changes, and for this we set the two dimensional model. The properly trained neural network system outputs the acceleration estimates and compensates for the primary Kalman filter. Finally the proposed system shows the optimum performance.

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In Small and Medium Business the Government 3.0-based Big Data Utilization Policy (중소기업에서 정부 3.0기반의 빅 데이터 활용정책)

  • Cho, Young-Bok;Woo, Seng-hee;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Convergence Society for SMB
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2013
  • Recently, in Korea lacks the innovation for small and medium enterprises the proportion of enterprises' capabilities are poor. In addition, sales of small business and medium scale venture are vulnerable because it is difficult to expect developments in the situation. thus the government 3.0 based small business and medium scale venture will present ways to take advantage of big data. Government 3.0 based big data infrastructure, small businesses and small and medium-sized ventures to build their autonomy is required so that you can take advantage of the platform advantage.

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Exploring the experience of developing COVID-19 vaccines in Iran

  • Mostafa Ghanei;Ali Mohabattalab;Kiarash Fartash;Narjes Kolahchi;Alireza Khakdaman;Hooman Kaghazian;Abolfazl Bagheri
    • Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2023
  • Widespread public vaccination is one of the effective mechanisms to ensure the health and prevent deaths in societies. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine is a stark instance in this regard. Vaccine development is a complex process requiring firm-level capabilities, various infrastructures, long-term planning, and stable and efficient policies. Due to the global demand for vaccines during the pandemic, the national capability to produce vaccines is critical. To this end, the current paper investigates influential factors, at the firm- and policylevel, in the COVID-19 vaccine development process in Iran. By adopting a qualitative research method and conducting 17 semi-structured interviews and analyzing policy documents, news, and reports, we extracted internal and external factors affecting the success and failure of a vaccine development project. We also discuss the characteristics of the vaccine ecosystem and the gradual maturity of policies. This paper draws lessons for vaccine development in developing countries at both firm and policy levels.

Characteristics of Input and Output of Scientific Research (국가별 과학연구 투입과 성과의 특성분석)

  • Park, Hyun-Woo;Kim, Kyung-Ho;Yeo, Woon-Dong
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.471-498
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    • 2009
  • The ability to judge a country's scientific standing is vital for the governments and businesses that must decide scientific priorities and funding. In this paper, we analyze the output and outcomes from research investment over the recent years, to measure the quality of scientific research on national scales and to set it in an international context. There are many ways to evaluate the quality of scientific research, but few have proved satisfactory. To measure the quantity and quality of science in different nations, we analyzed the numbers of published research papers and their citations. The number of citations per paper is a useful measure of the impact of a nation's research output. Essential at a were acquired from SCI database by Thomson Scientific, which indexes more than 8,000 journals, representing most significant materials in science and engineering. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and compare the output and outcomes among nations in a variety of viewpoints and criteria. One of the implications in response to the result of analysis is that sustainable economic development in highly competitive world markets requires a direct engagement in the generation of knowledge. Even modest improvement in healthcare, clean water, sanitation, food, and transport need capabilities in engineering, technology, and medicine beyond many countries' reach. Nations exporting natural resources such as gold and oil can import technology and expertise, but only until these resources are exhausted. For them, sustainability should imply investment in alternative agricultural and technological capabilities through improvements in their skills base. A strong science base does not necessarily leat to wealth generation. However, strength in science has additional benefits for individual nations, and for the world as a whole.

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Analyses of Impact on Business Performance of Information Security Companies: The Perspective of Mediating Effects of Organizational and Innovative Capabilities (정보보호 기업의 경영성과에 미치는 영향 분석: 조직 및 혁신 역량의 매개 효과의 관점에서)

  • Shin, HyunMin;Kim, Injai
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.157-172
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    • 2021
  • Information security companies were established in earnest from the mid-late 1990s to early 2000s, far shorter than other national key industries. Nevertheless, the information security industry has made rapid progress. It is expected that the proportion of the information security industry will increase rapidly with the development of advanced technology along with the 4th industrial revolution. As COVID-19, which occurred at the end of 2019, spreads around the world in 2020, non-face-to-face services and digital transformation are accelerating, and cyber threats to users are also increasing. However, there are limitations in responding to new Cyber Security threats due to the shortage of information protection manpower, insufficient security capabilities of domestic companies, and the narrow domestic information protection market. This study examines the external environmental factors of information security companies such as government information protection system operation, government influence, government support, partnership between information security companies, and internal environmental factors such as top management support, financial status, human resources, organizational capability, This study was conducted using empirical data to analyze whether it affects innovation capability and whether organizational capability and innovation capability affect financial and non-financial performance. The results of this study can be used as basic data to suggest policies and implications for information security, and to strengthen the competitiveness of the information security industry.

The Role of Innovative Activities in Training Students Using Computer Technologies

  • Minenok, Antonina;Donets, Ihor;Telychko, Tetiana;Hud, Hanna;Smoliak, Pavlo;Kurchatova, Angelika;Kuchai, Tetiana
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2022
  • Innovation is considered as an implemented innovation in education - in the content, methods, techniques and forms of educational activity and personality education (methods, technologies), in the content and forms of organizing the management of the educational system, as well as in the organizational structure of educational institutions, in the means of training and education and in approaches to social services in education, distance and multimedia learning, which significantly increases the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the educational process. The classification of currently known pedagogical technologies that are most often used in practice is shown. The basis of the innovative activity of a modern teacher is the formation of an innovative program-methodical complex in the discipline. Along with programmatic and content provision of disciplines, the use of informational tools and their didactic properties comes first. It combines technical capabilities - computer and video technology with live communication between the lecturer and the audience. In pedagogical innovation, the principles reflecting specific laws and regularities of the implementation of innovative processes are singled out. All principles are elements of a complex system of organization and management of innovative activities in the field of education and training. They closely interact with each other, which enhances the effect of each of them due to the synergistic effect. To improve innovative activities in the training of students, today computer technologies are widely used in pedagogy as a science, as well as directly in the practice of the pedagogical process. They have gained the most popularity in such activities as distance learning, online learning, assistance in the education management system, development of programs and virtual textbooks in various subjects, searching for information on the network for the educational process, computer testing of students' knowledge, creation of electronic libraries, formation of a unified scientific electronic environment, publication of virtual magazines and newspapers on pedagogical topics, teleconferences, expansion of international cooperation in the field of Internet education. The article considers computer technologies as the main building material for the entire society. In the modern world, there is a need to prepare a person for life in a multimedia environment. This process should be started as early as possible, because the child's contact with the media is present almost from the moment of his birth.

Applying Network Analysis in Convergent Research Relationships: The Case of High-Tech Convergence Technology Development Program (네트워크 분석을 통한 융합연구 구조 분석: 첨단융합기술개발사업을 중심으로)

  • Heo, Jungeun;Yang, Chang Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.883-912
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    • 2013
  • This study examines network compositions of convergent research relationships in the field of high-tech convergence technology and investigates the relational linkages among various research fields. A network analysis was performed to evaluate the High-Tech Convergence Technology Development Program, a convergent research funding program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF); the dataset covered the 2009-2011 period. The analytical results reveal the hidden network structure of convergent research relationships and demonstrate that the formation of convergent research might be enhanced by interdependent pressures placed on various research fields but also by accumulated research capabilities that each of these fields possessed and which could be used to converge specialized and heterogeneous research areas and interests.

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Making a Technological Catch-up: Barriers and Opportunities

  • Lee, Keun
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.97-131
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    • 2005
  • This paper has discussed several issues regarding the barriers and opportunities for technological catch-up by the late-comer countries and firms. As one of the barriers to technological catch-up, the paper emphasizes the uncertainty involved with the third stage of learning how to design. The barriers arise because as the forerunner firms refuse to sell or give license to successful catching-up firms who thus have to design the product by themselves. The paper discusses how to overcome this barrier. It also notes that if the crisis of design technology is a push factor for leapfrogging, arrival of new techno-economic paradigm can serve as a pull factor for leapfrogging, serving as a winder of opportunity. The, it emphasized the two risks with leapfrogging, namely the risk of choosing right technology or standards and the risk of creating initial markets, and how to overcome these risks. It discusses how to overcome these risks in leapfrogging, and differentiates diverse forms of knowledge accesses. Then, the paper takes up the issue of whether there can be a single common or several models for catch-up. A common element of catching-up is to enter new markets segments quickly, to manufacture with high levels of engineering excellence, and to be first-to-market by means of the best integrative designs. This observation is supported by the fact that Korea and Taiwan has achieved higher levels of technological capabilities in such sectors as featured by short cycle time of technology. The possibility of two alternative models for catch-up is also discussed in terms of the key difference between Korean and Taiwan, especially in the position toward the source of foreign knowledge and the paths taken toward the final goal of OBM. Taiwan followed the sequential steps of OEM, ODM and OBN, in collaboration or integration with the MNCs. Korean chaebols jumped from OEM directly to OBM even without consolidating design technology.

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Development of a Multi-material Stereolithography System (다중재료 광조형장치 개발)

  • Kim, Ho-Chan;Choi, Jae-Won;Wicker, Ryan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2010
  • Researchers continue to explore possibilities for expanding additive manufacturing (AM) technologies into direct product manufacturing. One limitation is in the materials available for use in AM that can meet the needs of end-use applications. Stereolithography (SL) is an AM technology well known for its precision and high quality surface finish capabilities. SL builds parts by selectively crosslinking or solidifying photo-curable liquid resins, and the resin industry has been continuously developing new resins with improved performance characteristics. This paper introduces a unique SL machine that can fabricate parts out of multiple SL materials. The technology is based on using multiple vats positioned on a rotating vat carousel that contain different photo-curable materials. To change the material during the process, the build platform is raised out of the current vat, a new vat with a different material is rotated under the platform, and the platform is submerged into the new vat so that the new material can be used. This paper introduces a new vat exchange mechanism, cleaning process, recoating process, resin leveling mechanism and process planning technologies for the implementation of multiple material SL. An overview of the system framework is provided and the system integration and control software is described. In addition, several multiple material test parts are designed, fabricated, and described.

A Empirical Study about the Impact of the Calibration and Measurement Capability(CMC) on Korean Trade (교정 및 측정능력(CMC)이 한국의 무역에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증분석)

  • Park, Jookeun;Han, Seong;Park, Jongseon
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.127-152
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    • 2017
  • With the advent of the WTO system in 1995, non-tariff barriers including technical barriers to trade(TBT) has become one of the important issues in world trade order. The purpose of this study is to analyse an impact of the calibration and measurement capabilities(CMC), the degree of equivalence of national measurement standards which is maintained by NMIs to provide governments with a technical foundation for wider agreements related to international trade. The results of the analysis using the gravity model with the proxy of the CMC shows that the CMC has a positive impact on Korean trade. Particularly, it was estimated that the CMC registered by high-income economies has more impact on Korean trade than those by low income economies. This implies that the countries highly dependent upon foreign trade like Korea need to have much more interest in the investment into measurement standards and science which is generally considered to be a public goods.