• 제목/요약/키워드: National health programs

검색결과 1,999건 처리시간 0.031초

노인의 주관적 건강상태와 건강관련 삶의 질의 관련성 : 구강건강수준의 조절 효과 중심으로 (Relationship between perceived health status and health-related quality of life in the elderly: A focus on moderating effects of oral health)

  • 이수향;신보미;신선정;배수명
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.715-729
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: This study aimed to validate the moderating effect of oral health on the relationship between perceived health status and health-related quality of life in the elderly and to use this information as primary data to suggest oral health policies for the aged society. Methods: This study included 3,707 subjects aged over 65 years who answered all the variables used in the study model and completed the health questionnaire and screening survey based on the sixth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Baron & Kenny's linear regression analysis using SPSS 22.0 and SPSS Macro Version 3.1 programs was performed to confirm the moderating effect of the number of remaining natural teeth, chewing difficulty, and cardiovascular disease on the relationship between perceived health status and healthrelated quality of life in the elderly. Results: The number of remaining natural teeth, chewing difficulties, and cardiovascular diseases affected the perceived health status of the elderly. As the number of remaining natural teeth increased, the effect of perceived health status on the quality of life in the elderly was buffered. The effect of perceived health status on the quality of life increased with chewing difficulties and the number of cardiovascular diseases. In particular, it was confirmed that chewing difficulties, rather than the number of cardiovascular diseases. had a greater effect on the quality of life in the elderly. Conclusions: Oral health policies and projects are required to ensure oral rehabilitation with dentures and implants and restore chewing function to improve the quality of life of the elderly in Korea.

소규모 사업장 근로자와 사업주의 보건관리 기술지원사업에 대한 인식도 조사 연구 (Employees' and Employers' Awareness of Occupational Health Program in SSE)

  • 정혜선;백도명;김은희;김지용;하은희;전경자;김선민;박혜숙;이복임
    • 한국직업건강간호학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 1998
  • The study was conducted to analyze employees' and employers' awareness of occupational health programs for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the program employed in small-scale enterprises (SSE). The 400 SSE that have under 50 employees and have been supported by the Government were selected for mail survey, and 120 employers and 318 employees of 183 factories returned the questionnaires. The results are as follows; 1) 33.8% of employees were not aware of the fact that their factories have been supported by Government, and 69.1% of employees did not know who was the monitor of that program. Only 147% of employees and 35.5% of employers agreed that the supported program reflected their opinions well. 2) 45.1% of employees participated in health education classes more than once. But only 15.6% of them considered the classes as very helpful. 21.1% of employers were much aware of health education schedule, and 44.2% reported that it was helpful for the prevention of occupational diseases. 3) 68.8% of employers were aware of the possibility of occupational diseases that could occur in their factories. And 36.5% of employers reported that some criteria were used for job reallocation to their employees. But only 9.7% of employees were assigned new job based on the result of health status examination. 4) 65.6% of employees were aware of the periodic evaluation for work environment, and 43.3% knew the evaluation results. Among participated SSE, 5.9% have a planning department for improving work environment, and 46.2% actually carried out the program for improving work environment. The findings showed that the employers and employees of SSE had insufficient knowledge of the occupational health program that have been employed in their workplace. It is essential to lead more active participation of employers and employees in their occupational health programs so as that the programs are to improve their health status as well as work environment more effectively.

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지역 간 흡연율 격차 영향요인 분석 및 금연사업 상대적 효율성 평가: Clustering Analysis와 Data Envelopment Analysis를 활용하여 (Analysis of Factors Affecting the Smoking Rates Gap between Regions and Evaluation of Relative Efficiency of Smoking Cessation Projects)

  • 김희년;이다호;정지윤;구여정;정형선
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.199-210
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    • 2020
  • Background: Based on the importance of ceasing smoking programs to control the regional disparity of smoking behavior in Korea, this study aims to reveal the variation of smoke rate and determinants of it for 229 provinces. An evaluation of the relative efficiency of the cease smoking program under the consideration of regional characteristics was followed. Methods: The main sources of data are the Korean Statistical Information Service and a national survey on the expenditure of public health centers. Multivariate regression is performed to figure the determinants of regional variation of smoking rate. Based on the result of the regression model, clustering analysis was conducted to group 229 regions by their characteristics. Three clusters were generated. Using data envelopment analysis (DEA), relative efficiency scores are calculated. Results from the pooled model which put 229 provinces in one model to score relative efficiency were compared with the cluster-separated model of each cluster. Results: First, the maximum variation of the smoking rate was 16.9%p. Second, sex ration, the proportion of the elder, and high risk drinking alcohol behavior have a significant role in the regional variation of smoking. Third, the population and proportion of the elder are the main variables for clustering. Fourth, dissimilarity on the results of relative efficiency was found between the pooled model and cluster-separated model, especially for cluster 2. Conclusion: This study figured regional variation of smoking rate and its determinants on the regional level. Unconformity of the DEA results between different models implies the issues on regional features when the regional evaluation performed especially on the programs of public health centers.

당뇨환자의 구강건강행태가 치주질환 및 상실치 유무에 미치는 영향 (Impact of oral health behaviors on the presence or absence of periodontal diseases and missing tooth)

  • 주온주
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.511-522
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to provide some information on the development of oral health care programs geared toward diabetics and ways of promoting their oral health. Methods : The subjects in this study were 586 diabetics who were selected from the 2009 third-year raw data of the 4th(2007~2009) National Health & Nutrition Survey. The data were analyzed with the statistical package SPSS 12.0 to grasp the influence of their sociodemographic characteristics and oral health behaviors on the presence or absence of periodontal diseases and missing tooth. Results : 1. Periodontal diseases were twofold more prevalent among the men than the women(p<0.01). By age, those who were in their 60s had 1.11-fold more periodontal diseases than those who were in their 70s and up(p<0.05). 2. The men and women were similar to each other in the number of missing tooth. By age, the number of missing tooth got smaller in proportion to decrease in age. By income, the number of missing tooth was 1.48-fold larger among the patients who earned an income of one million won or less than those who earned an income of two million won or more(p<0.01). Conclusions : The above-mentioned findings suggest that prospective cohort studies should be implemented to present prediction models of periodontal diseases and diabetes instead of merely sticking to cross-sectional studies. And oral health programs should be developed based on the findings of cohort studies to encourage diabetics to care about their oral health, and in which way they should be helped to promote their oral health should carefully be considered.

한국과 일본의 건강증진정책 비교 (Comparative Study on the Health Promotion Policy in Korea and Japan)

  • 남은우;조은주;남정자
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 2004
  • The focus of this paper is to critically evaluate the contemporary health promotion policy of g Korea and Japan. The primary purpose of this comparative research project is to stimulate policy debate and to strengthen the design and implementation of evidence-based policies that improve population health and reduce health related disparities. For the purpose of the research object we adopted analysis of health promotion(HP) sources. The HP Source which is still under development in Europe, is a potentially valuable tool for global use. This European Commission funded project lead by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has brought together organisations from all of the European Union Member States, plus Norway, Iceland, Latvia, Switzerland and the Czech Republic to contribute their data. The findings of this research will be conclude by making recommendations for further comparative studies and in particular how EUHPID and the HP Source tool and database can be expanded for use at global level through the IUHPE. The result as follows: 1. The Health Promotion Act enacted 1995 in Korea and 2000 in Japan. The government has a national document on HP titled Health Plan 2010 and Healthy Korea 2010 in Korea and Healthy Japan 21 in Japan. 2. The Health Plan 2010 of Korea contains 14 goals, i.e. life expectancy, smoking, nutrition, mental health, dental health, reproductive health, hypertension, cerebrovascular diseases, arthritis, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. It should be emphasized that the Korean HP national document adds 3 goals of health expectancy, reproductive health, and arthritis to its Japanese counterpart. Health Plan 2010 of Korea specifies 37 objectives in 14 goals, and Healthy Japan 21 proposes 48 objectives and 80 targets in 9 goals. 3. Health Plan 2010 and Healthy Japan 21 have not been evaluated yet, and no regular systematic monitoring reporting of HP policies is available in Korea and Japan yet. 4. National Health Promotion Fund is a financial source of HP programs at the national level in Korea. Its annual amount is 736 billion Won(equivalent to approximately 640 million US$), otherwise no specific Health Promotion Fund in Japan.

보건교사와 초등학교 고학년 학생을 대상으로 한 정신건강교육 실태 및 보호요인 강화 교육 요구도 조사 (Survey Study of Current Status of and Need for Mental Health Education Enhancing Protective Factors in the Elementary Schools)

  • 이지현;박현애
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to survey the current status of mental health education and need for mental health education enhancing protective factors in the elementary schools. Methods: We surveyed 10 school health teachers and 328 fifth- and sixth-grade students using 19- and 20-item questionnaires, respectively. Results: All of the teachers and 65.2% of the students replied that they were either teaching or being taught mental health in school. Topics covered suicide, depression, school violence, and Internet addiction. All of the teachers and 84.1% of the students expressed the need for mental health education enhancing protective factors in school. Both groups replied that two sessions are enough. The teachers preferred role play and discussion as teaching methods, and audiovisual materials and computer as instructional media. The students preferred lecture and role play as teaching methods, and audiovisual materials and smartphone as instructional media. Both groups ranked self-esteem, parent-child relationship, peer relationship, and emotional regulation as the most important topics to be covered in the education. Conclusion: There is a high demand for mental health education enhancing protective factors. Therefore, it is recommended to develop educational programs enhancing protective factors by enabling formal and informal learning using smartphone.

중학생의 건강에 대한 부모 및 지역사회 안전도 효과 (The Effects of Parents and Community Safety on the Health of Middle School Students)

  • 차동혁;옥선화
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • 제52권5호
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    • pp.473-482
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    • 2014
  • Focusing on the holistic concept of health, which embraces both physical and mental health, we investigated the effects of parenting and community factors on the health of 1,248 first- and second-year middle school students, on the basis of the data of the Korean Survey on the Activities and Culture of Youth and Children in 2009. The latent class analysis revealed three types of holistic health groups from the data, named as follows: (1) the healthy group, (2) moderate group, and, (3) fragile group. Then, we analyzed the effects of parenting factors and community safety on these health types according to the students' year in school and their mother' s status of employment. The results showed that the first-year students had consistent parenting effects on their own type of health, while the safety of the community only partly contributed to the probability of affiliation to healthier types. However, in the case of the second-year students, a neglectful parenting style and community safety consistently had significant effects on the students' type of health, while parental concern about an adolescent's health did not contribute to the probability of affiliation to healthier types when only the mother was unemployed. The discussion considers how these results provide basic resources for formulating policies and creating intervention programs for addressing the health problems of adolescents.

중앙정부와 지방정부의 효과적인 건강증진 정책 추진을 위한 과제: 국민건강증진종합계획을 중심으로 (Policy Directions to Improve Collaboration of Central and Local Government for Effective Health Promotion Policy)

  • 오유미;조인성
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.142-150
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the long-term plans of the central and local governments in order to plan policy and implementing programs. Through this, the governments is find out to reduce administrative burden. Based on the national health plan, evidence and related laws were collected and analyzed. As a quantitative methodology analyzed the contents of related laws in the overall plan. The qualitative methodologies analyzed and categorized the planning status of cities and provinces in the plan and were collated. There are a total of 39 plans for long-term plans by laws. The role of the central and local governments in the public health sector, there are a total of four plans (10.3%) that need to establish long-term and annual plans for the central and local (cities, provinces) government. A total of seven plans (17.9%) were required to establish a plan by the only local government. In terms of the public health sector on the local governments, 20 plans (51.3%) by cities and 12 plans (30.8%) by provinces were established by law. And in the health sector should be established 9 plans (40.9%) by cities and 7 plans (31.8%) by provinces. The plan needs to be reformed and merged between plans so that governments can focus on the program through planning central government policies, reducing local government administration.

만성질환이 있는 일하는 노인의 건강행위 관련요인에 관한 탐색적 연구 (An Exploratory Study of Factors associated with the Health Behavior of Working Elderly with Chronic Diseases)

  • 김동옥;윤순녕
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.395-404
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study aimed to identify the health behaviors of working elderly Koreans aged 65 over and examined the socio-demographic and disease-related factors by health behaviors. Methods: This study used data obtained from the 2nd basic survey of the 2008 Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing. We selected 381 working elderly having one or more of the diseases hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or cerebrovascular disease. Results: 78.9% out of the subjects have hypertension, 31.2% have diabetes, 12.3% have heart disease, and 6.3% have cerebrovascular disease. Compared to the health behaviors of the general elderly, the rate of the practice of regular exercise among the subjects was lower, but the smoking and drinking rate were higher. The significant variables associated with health behavior practice rates were gender, type of work, subjective health status and chronic diseases. Conclusion: The type of work of the elderly with chronic diseases was significantly associated with health behaviors. Consequently, this study found that continuous care programs for the working elderly with chronic diseases should be developed and provided as an occupational health service when the jobs are offered to them.