• Title/Summary/Keyword: National GIS Education Center

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GIS Education for Teachers in South Korea: Who Participates and Why? (GIS 교사 연수: 누가, 왜 참여하는가?)

  • Kim, Min-Sung;Bednarz, Robert;Lee, Sang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.382-395
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    • 2011
  • Considering that GIS (Geographic Information Systems) has not been widely adopted by teachers despite educators' considerable efforts to incorporate it into secondary education, if some teachers voluntarily participate in GIS in-service education without guaranteed benefits, those teachers deserve attention. This study investigates why teachers actively participated in a GIS staff-development program offered by Seoul National University in South Korea. Questionnaires were distributed to teachers and interviews were conducted. Results indicate that active participants are mostly young teachers who are expected to have had experiences with GIS during pre-service education. Teachers see the potential of GIS, but they also worry about several issues. Participating teachers' primary motivation was to learn enough about GIS to incorporate it into their teaching. Suggestions to facilitate the incorporation of GIS into education are provided.

GIS-Based Methods to Assess the Population Distribution Criteria for Undesirable Facilities: The Case of Nuclear Power Plants (비선호 시설의 인구분포 관련 입지기준 평가를 위한 GIS-기반 방법론 연구 -원자력 발전소의 경우-)

  • Lee, Sang-Il;Cho, Daeheon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.755-774
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    • 2012
  • The main objective of the study is to propose GIS-based methods to assess the population distribution criteria for undesirable facilities such as nuclear power plants. First of all, a review of the relevant criteria was conducted for the official documents compiled by such institutions as IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), U.S. NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission), and some national institutes including the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety. It is informed from the review that the fundamental principle underlying the various criteria is to maximize the distance between a plant and the nearest population center. It is realized that two interrelated GIS-based techniques need to be devised to put the principle into practice; sophisticated ways of representing population distribution and identifying population centers. A dasymetric areal interpolation is proposed for the former and cell-based and area-based critical density methods are introduced. Grid-based population distributions at various spatial resolutions are created by means of the dasymetric areal interpolation. By applying the critical density methods to the gridded population distribution, some population centers satisfying the population size and density criteria can be identified. These methods were applied to the case of the Gori-1 nuclear power plant and their strengths and limitations were discussed. It was revealed that the assessment results could vary depending upon which method was employed and what values were chosen for various parameters. This study is expected to contribute to foster the applications of methods and techniques developed in geospatial analysis and modeling to the site selection and evaluation.

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A GIS Developing Strategy for Chungnam Region (충청남도 지리정보체제 구축의 기본방향)

  • Kang, Kyoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1997
  • Geographic Information Systems(GIS) are very useful for spatial analysis and policy in local government administration. Recognizing the value of GIS, Chungnam province authorities put a spur on the introduction and development of it. But they have some difficulty in this process because of technical restraint, expertise shortage and budget limit. This study has surveyed current achievement and conditions for GIS development and presented general framework and subordinate tasks to build up GIS. First of all, there are a few prior conditions to guarantee the success of GIS: First, we should set up reasonable long-term plan and follow systematic procedures according to the plan. Second, it is essential to clarify what initiatively manage to whole business and so we should make up GIS-Board as an institutional center for this job. Third, we must research how to take advantage of already existing NGIS(National Geographic Information System), so that we may eliminate redundancy of investment. We can save a lot of finance and human resources through it. Fourth, we must focus on the importance of accurate mapping by utilizing new technology like GPS(Global Positioning System). Fifth, we should arrange efficient training program to constantly produce excellent human resources for GIS.

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The Necessity of Coordinate System Education in Secondary School Curriculum (중등학교 지리교육에서의 GIS 교육에 관한 연구 - 좌표계 교육을 중심으로 -)

  • Bae, Sun-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.178-189
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to look into the necessity of strengthening the knowledge base about longitudinal and latitudinal coordinate system in secondary educational curriculum. GPS based location service increases the use of longitude and latitude coordinate system. And many developed countries including USA and Japan have already included this contents in secondary education curriculum. But the secondary school Curriculum of Korea does not include the detailed contents regarding longitudinal and latitudinal coordinate system theory, and as a result the level of Korean students knowledge on this subject is low. The frequency of appearing of the information related to longitudinal and latitudinal coordinate systems in newspaper articles in Korea has been steadily increasing since after 2000. And a lot of articles appearing in newspapers provide the location information in the form of longitude and latitude coordinates, so the readers would be able to apply that. It was found out that the situation in schools is developed good enough for the use of spatial information system based upon the longitudinal and latitudinal coordinate system. The conclusion is that geography education in Korea needs systematical implementation of the knowledge base of longitudinal and latitudinal coordinate system.

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The Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Gifted Education Units in Seoul (서울시 영재교육기관의 공간적 분포특성 분석)

  • Kim, Sungyeun;Lee, Seon-Young
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.711-729
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study are to derive the regions in Seoul that lack gifted education units by analyzing the spatial distribution of the units and to investigate the factors related to the unit locations. The gifted education units are divided into the three following types: the first type is a gifted class at a school, the second type is a gifted education center at a provincial office of education, and the third type is a gifted education center at a university. The results of using a GIS-based spatial analysis were as follows. First, a buffering analysis showed that even though there were gifted educational blind spots in Jongno-gu and in parts of the outskirts of Seoul, the spatial distribution of gifted education units in Seoul seemed homogeneous because they were too small. Second, a special quotient analysis showed that there was a hub unit of gifted education in Guro-gu. Third, an analysis of local Moran's Index showed that Jung-gu was a cold spot and Songa-gu was a hot spot. Fourth, a correlation analysis investigated that the number of gifted education units had generally no statistically significant relationship with economic factors. These results will help to improve the efficiency and equity of the management of the gifted education units in Seoul that will be established or expanded in the future.

Quantitative Assessment of Input and Integrated Information in GIS-based Multi-source Spatial Data Integration: A Case Study for Mineral Potential Mapping

  • Kwon, Byung-Doo;Chi, Kwang-Hoon;Lee, Ki-Won;Park, No-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2004
  • Recently, spatial data integration for geoscientific application has been regarded as an important task of various geoscientific applications of GIS. Although much research has been reported in the literature, quantitative assessment of the spatial interrelationship between input data layers and an integrated layer has not been considered fully and is in the development stage. Regarding this matter, we propose here, methodologies that account for the spatial interrelationship and spatial patterns in the spatial integration task, namely a multi-buffer zone analysis and a statistical analysis based on a contingency table. The main part of our work, the multi-buffer zone analysis, was addressed and applied to reveal the spatial pattern around geological source primitives and statistical analysis was performed to extract information for the assessment of an integrated layer. Mineral potential mapping using multi-source geoscience data sets from Ogdong in Korea was applied to illustrate application of this methodology.

Evaluation of Soil Erosion in Small Mountainous Watersheds Using SWAT Model: A Case Study of the Woldong Catchment, Anseong (SWAT을 이용한 최상류 소유역 토양침식 평가: 안성 월동저수지 유역을 대상으로)

  • Lim, Young Shin;Byun, Jongmin;Kim, Jin Kwan
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.13-33
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    • 2021
  • Successful sediment management at the watershed scale requires an understanding of the erosion, transport and sedimentation processes at the specific site scale. However, studies on the sediment runoff characteristics in a small uppermost watershed, which serves as a sediment supply function, are very rare. Therefore, this study attempted to investigate the fluctuations in major sediment supply areas and sediment runoff in the uppermost mountain small watershed, and for this purpose, ArcSWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tools with GIS interface) was applied to the Woldong reservoir catchment located in Gosam-myeon, Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do. The model results were manually calibrated using the monitoring data of the Woldong reservoir sedimentation rate from 2005 to 2007. It was estimated that annual average of 34.4 tons/year of sediment was discharged from the Woldong reservoir basin. This estimate almost coincided with the monitoring data of the Woldong reservoir during the low flow period but tended to be somewhat underestimated during the high flow period. Although the SWAT model does not fully reflect the erosion process of gully and in-channel, this underestimation is probably due to the spatial connectivity of sediment transport and the storage and reactivation of the sediment being transported. Most of the forested hillslopes with a well-developed organic horizon were evaluated as having a low risk of erosion, while the places with the highest risk of erosion were predicted to be distributed in the logged area with some weeds or shrubs (classified as pasture) with relatively steeper slopes, and in the bare land. The results of this study are expected to be useful in developing strategies for sediment control and reservoir management.

A Location Model and Algorithm for Visiting Health-care Districting for the Rural Elderly (농촌지역 노년인구를 위한 방문 의료서비스 구역 설정 모델 및 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Kam-Young;Shin, Jung-Yeop;Lee, Gun-Hak;Cho, Dae-Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.813-832
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    • 2009
  • As accessibility to health-care service in less populated rural areas is geographically limited and demand for public health-care by the aging is increasing, a new approach for health-care service such as a home care service is becoming more popular. For a home care service, health-care personnels directly visit to location of health-care clients. Such changes in provision of health services require developing innovative and scientific approaches for efficient allocation of health resources and managing services by public health-care organizations. The purpose of this study is to formulate a location model for visiting health-care districting for the rural elderly and to develop an Automated Zoning Procedure (AZP) to solve this model. Mobility, workload balance and contiguity criteria are considered in the model. Three different objective functions are evaluated; 1) minimizing the sum of network distance between the unit areas in a district, 2) maximizing spatial interaction between the unit areas in a district, and 3) minimizing tour distance that visits each unit area exactly once in a district. The AZP for solving the model is developed and applied to a rural area. The application results demonstrate that the AZP can generate different districting systems for each objective functions.


  • YongGu Jang;HoYun, Kang
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1388-1395
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    • 2009
  • In March 2007, Korea's Ministry of Construction & Transportation (MOCT) established "Guidelines on the Computerization and Use of Geotechnical Investigation Results," which took effect as official instructions. The 2007 Geotechnical Information DB Construction Project is underway as a model project for a stable geotechnical information distribution system based on the MOCT guidelines, accompanied by user education on the geotechnical data distribution system. This study introduces a geotechnical data entry system characterized by the standardization of the geotechnical investigation form, the standardization of metadata for creating the geotechnical data to be distributed, and the creation of borehole space data based on the world geodetic system according to the changes in the national coordinate system, to define a unified DB structure and the items for the geotechnical data entry system and to computerize the field geotechnical investigation results using the MOCT guidelines. In addition, the present operating status of the geotechnical data entry system and entry data processing statistics are introduced through an analysis of the model project, and the problems of the project are analyzed to suggest improvements. Education on, and the implementation of, the model project for the geotechnical data entry system, which was developed via the standardization of the geotechnical investigation results form and the metadata for institutions showed that most users can use the system easily. There were problems, however, including those related to the complexity of metadata creation, partial errors in moving to the borehole data window, partial recognition errors in the installation program for different computer operating systems, etc. Especially, the individual standard form usage and the specificity of the person who enters the geotechnical information for the Korea National Housing Corporation, among the institutions under MOCT, required partial improvement of the geotechnical data entry system. The problems surfaced from this study will be promptly addressed in the operation and management of the geotechnical data DB center in 2008.

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Analysis of Future Demand and Utilization of the Urban Meteorological Data for the Smart City (스마트시티를 위한 도시기상자료의 미래수요 및 활용가치 분석)

  • Kim, Seong-Gon;Kim, Seung Hee;Lim, Chul-Hee;Na, Seong-Kyun;Park, Sang Seo;Kim, Jaemin;Lee, Yun Gon
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.241-249
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    • 2021
  • A smart city utilizes data collected from various sensors through the internet of things (IoT) and improves city operations across the urban area. Recently substantial research is underway to examine all aspects of data that requires for the smart city operation. Atmospheric data are an essential component for successful smart city implementation, including Urban Air Mobility (UAM), infrastructure planning, safety and convenience, and traffic management. Unfortunately, the current level of conventional atmospheric data does not meet the needs of the new city concept. New and innovative approaches to developing high spatiotemporal resolution of observational and modeling data, resolving the complex urban structure, are expected to support the future needs. The geographic information system (GIS) integrates the atmospheric data with the urban structure and offers information system enhancement. In this study we proposed the necessity and applicability of the high resolution urban meteorological dataset based on heavy fog cases in the smart city region (e.g., Sejong and Pusan) in Korea.