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Effect of Bark and Drying Waste Liquor of Larix kaempferi Used as An Additive on The Fuel Characteristics of Wood Pellet Fabricated with Rigida Pine and Quercus mongolica Sawdust (첨가제로서 낙엽송의 수피 및 건조폐액이 리기다소나무 및 신갈나무 펠릿의 연료적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, In;Chae, Hyun-Gyu;Han, Gyu-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.258-267
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    • 2017
  • In this study, pitch pine (Pinus rigida, PIR) and Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica, QUM) pellets were fabricated with bark or/and drying waste liquor (DWL) of larch (Larix kaempferi, LAK) as an additive. Based on the results of fuel characteristics of the pellets, optimal conditions for producing the high-quality pellets were provided. In the analysis of chemical composition, bark contained holocelluose and lignin of 90% and over. DWL had 0.1% solid assumed to sugars which are generated from the oven-drying of LAK logs. QUM showed high ash content (2.2%) by containing of bark in the sawdust. Bark and DWL of LAK had high ash content of 4% and over. Calorific values of all specimens and additives were higher than that of the $1^{st}$-grade standard of wood pellets designated by NIFOS (18.0 MJ/kg). PIR and QUM pellets were fabricated with additive of 2 wt% based on the solid weight of oven-dried sawdust using a piston-type flat-die pelletizer, and thus ash content and calorific value of the pellets did not affect by the use of additive. Durability of the pellets increased with the use of additive. Durabilties of pellets, which were fabricated with bark as an additive and DWL as a controller of moisture content for sawdust, did not differ from those of pellets without additives and were lower than those of pellets either with bark or DWL. However, use of both bark and DWL for the production of wood pellets might be favorable because it can make a profit from the collection process of DWL. Based on the results of fuel characteristics of the pellets, QUM and PIR pellets were produced by a flat-die pelletizer. Moisture content (MC), bulk density and durability of the pellets improved with the use of additive. Particularly, sawdust MC of 10% and the addition of bark or DWL for PIR as well as sawdust MC of 12% and the addition of bark for QUM might be optimal conditions for the production of high-quality pellets. Except for the ash content of QUM pellets, other properties of PIR and QUM pellets exceeded the $1^{st}$-grade wood pellets standards of NIFOS.

Application of the QUAL2E Model and Risk Assessment for Water Quality Management in Namyang Stream in Hwaong Polder (화옹유역 남양천의 수질관리를 위한 QUAL2E적용과 위해성 평가)

  • Jang, Jae-Ho;Jung, Kwang-Wook;Kim, Hyung-Chul;Yoon, Chun-Gyeong
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.39 no.1 s.115
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    • pp.110-118
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    • 2006
  • The Namyang Stream in Hwaong polder was planned for several water uses including recreation, where people can contact the water and consume some amount during the recreational activity. A human health risk was assessed from exposure to E. coli in the Namyang Stream, which receives partially treated wastewater from watershed. The QUAL2E model was applied to simulate stream water quality, and this model was calibrated and verified with field monitoring data. The calibration result showed a high correlation coefficient of greater than 0.9. The mean concentration of E. coli in the Namyang Stream from the QUAL2E output was in the range of 5,000 ${\sim}$ 8,000 MPN 100 mL^{-1}$, which exceeded national and international guidelines. The Beta-Poisson was used to estimate the microbial risk of pathogens ingestion and the Monte-Carlo analysis (10,000 trials) was used to estimate the risk characterization of uncertainty. The Microbial risk assessment showed that the risk ranged from 7.9 ${\times}\;10^{-6}\;to\;9.4\;{\times}10^{-6}$. Based on USEPA guidelines, the range of $10^{-6}\;to\;10^{-8}$ was considered reasonable levels of risk for communicable disease transmission from environmental exposure, and the risk above $10^{-4}$ was considered to be in the danger of infection. Therefore, water quality of the Namyang Stream might not be in the danger of infection although it exceeded national and international guidelines. However, it was in the range of communicable disease transmission, and thorough wastewater collection and treatment at the source is recommended to secure safe recreation water quality.

A Study on Accounting for Nursing Cost by Korean Diagnosis Related Groups (K - DRGs) (종합병원(綜合病院)의 간호행위양상(看護行爲樣相)에 따른 간호원가(看護原價) 산정(算定)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Hyo-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.5-46
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    • 1989
  • The current medical payment Insurance Rates in Korea stipulate charges for medical treatment by the doctor, pharmaceutist, medical technician and maternity nurse. But unfortunately didn't specify those charges for nursing done by the professional nurse. Only basic nursing fee is accounted insufficiently in current medical insurance fee schedule. therefore, Being face with covering entire people by medical insurance by 1991, It seems that the problems pertaining to operating the hospital and medical insurance system would be incessantly expanded in that no mention is made of medical charges rendered by major medical producer service in the current system, For that reason, this study made an attempt to clarify the importance the professional nursing puts of the current medical payment. The purpose of this study was to accounting nursing fee which diveded into the current medical fee schedule. (Method) 1. Data collection; Importance and difficulties in nursing activities was conducted in 'S' National University Hospital. Total nursing activities were selected 72 items which included direct care and indirect care. This study was conducted to evaluating the degree of importance and difficulties according to nursing activities through questionnaire to 204 RN. and so relative difficulties (acuity) were computered because the nursing cost level of each nursing service was differently established by the equivalent coefficient according to degree of relative difficulty and time required. 2. Calculation of cost according to nursing activities; After 47 nursing activities were selected in General surgery nursing units, calculation of nursing cost was as follows Cost of Nursing activity = (relative difficulty X Average hourly wage and benefits of nurse) + material cost of nursing -t- Average nursing administration cost So, Calculated cost by nursing activities was compared to current non-insured and insurance rate. 3. Calculation of nursing cost by K - DRG ; Total of 578 patients who were hospitalized in General Surgery units from January to March 1988 ware classified by K - DRG After estimation of total nursing cost based on the K-DRG, verified the appropriateness of basic nursing fee in medical insurance rate (Results) 1. Analysis of degree of importance and difficulties were 4.16 and 3.67 based on 5 point scale. This score were judged that it is worthy specifying the nursing fee 2. The nursing cost of 47 nursing service items in general surgery patients showed that the average cost of nursing activity was \1374.5 and The lowest cost was \217 of 'oral administration nursing' item, The highest cost was \11,025 of 'saline enematill clear' item 3. The result of comparison between the calculated cost by nursing activities against the current non-insured and insurance rate showed that 13 items(27.7%) involved to payment of insurance rate, 9 items(19.1%) involved to non-insured rate, remainder 25 items (53.2%) were not charged anywhere of total 47 nursing activities 4. When calculated cost by nursing activities was 100. current insurance rate was 62.3, non-insured rate was 176.6. Therefore this showed that most of non-insured rate were higher than calculated nursing cost. The insurance rate, however, were lower than it. Reim-bursement was imputed to non-insured patients. So the current rate system became estrainged from cost system. When Remainder 25 items of nursing activities compared' to \1390 of daily basic nursing fee per patient belonged to payment as a insurance fee schedule, basic nursing fee schedule was 1-2% of calculated cost of nursing activities. Therefore it showed that nursing fee was not counted adequately in it. 5. Nursing cost by K-DRG estimated in chart review based on counting number of nursing activities and length of stay The result showed that average amount of total nursing cost was \183828.1 Comparison of nursing cost calculated by K- DRG and basic nursing fee schedule showed that only 12.3% of nursing cost was charged (Conclusion) From the above research result, It is fact that nursing prime cost should be estimated more accurately and included adequately in current medical payment system. The payment system of nursing activities should be introduced not only nursing activities of drug administration and injection fee belonged to insurance fee schedule but also most nursing activities belonged not to mekical fee schedule. Even if introducing payment system of nursing activities, It should be estimated scientific method of Accounting nursing cost So nurses could offer nursing care of good quality, thereby they could make a great contribution not merely to the convalescence of the patient but to the promotion of the people's health.

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Recognition, purchase, and consumption of edible insects in Korean adults (한국 일부 성인의 식용곤충에 대한 인식, 구매 및 섭취 실태)

  • Park, Eun-Sun;Choi, Mi-Kyeong
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.190-202
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the recognition, purchase, and intake status of edible insects in adults, who are the main consumers of edible insects, and to provide the information necessary to expand the production and consumption of edible insects and related products in the future. Methods: A total of 453 adults (172 males and 281 females) aged 19 years and older were surveyed regarding their awareness of edible insects, purchase and consumption experience, and intention to purchase and consume, and the differences between them were analyzed according to gender and age groups. Data collection took place from December 2018 to January 2019. Results: Those who had knowledge of edible insects accounted for 87.0%, whereas those who had more than average knowledge were 75.9%, suggesting recognition was relatively high. Men had more experience than women in purchasing or consuming edible insects and related products (45.9% vs. 31.0%, p < 0.01). In terms of age, experience was 22.5% in 20-30s, 44.6% in 40-50s, and 63.1% in 60s and older, showing significant growth as age increased (p < 0.001). The satisfaction level of edible insects was highest in taste (3.4 points), and especially for shape and appearance, it decreased as age reduced (p < 0.001). The most common reason for not being willing to use edible insects was feeling repulsive (4.1 points), which was significantly more common in women than in men (4.3 vs. 3.9, p < 0.001), and lower with age (p < 0.001). The most needed information display for using edible insects was country of origin (63.8%), the main nutrient in edible insects was protein (93.6%), and the most preferred form of products was powder (39.5%). Conclusion: According to the above results, the recognition of edible insects was high, whereas experience of using edible insects and intention to use edible insects were low especially in women and younger groups. The reason for this is that consumers are dissatisfied with edible insects due to their appearance. This study is expected to be used as basic data for expanding the production and consumption of edible insects and related products in the future.

A Study on the Change of AIDS Knowledge and Sexual Behavior among Middle and High School Students through AIDS Prevention Education (중고등학생의 에이즈 예방교육(豫防敎育)을 통한 에이즈 지식(知識)과 성의식(性意識) 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kwon, Kwan-Woo;Lee, Kyoung-Mu;Kim, Joung-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.109-129
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    • 1999
  • AIDS is worldwide problem. It has threatens societies and is potentially a big problem among youth. UNAIDS has warned that collective global responses are necessary; with half of the newly infected being children and young people in 1998, educating youth below age 24 is essential. Because of both their unexpected, strong sexual activities and an easjer tendency to change their behavior than adults, UNAIDS emphasizes the importance of prevention education for youth. In Korea, 4 cases of HIV infection have officially been reported among high school students. Considering the potential seriousness of HIV infection among youth, the Korean AntiAIDS Federation (KAAF) began an education programme for Korean youth (middle & high school pupils) as one intervention method in 1993. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of the education programs performed and to develop a better programme. The intervention method used in this study was mainly a lecture in a big or small auditorium or through broadcasting systems using audio-visual teaching aids. The period of this survey was from Nov. 10 to Dec. 26. in 1998. The subjects surveyed were 792 pupils who were sampled from 12 different middle and high schools in Seoul by a two-stage cluster sampling. Self-recording the structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were analyzed by using a paired t-test to compare the knowledge difference before and after the interrention method. A chi-square test to compare the consciousness difference between pre-post-education results was used, and an ANOVA was ased to compare the knowledge difference among the selected groups. Major results of this study are summarized as follows: (1) AIDS knowledge significantly changed after AIDS prevention education. (2) The direct lecture in a big or small auditorium is more effective than an indirect lecture through a broadcasting system or through audio-visual teaching aids. (3) Those who had not seen obscene materials (e.g. pornography films, magazines etc.) acguired much more knowledge than others after AIDS prevention education. (4) Those who had no girlfriend/or boyfriend acquired much more knowledge than the others after AIDS prevention education. (5) As to the attitudes toward chastity, more girls than boys and students who had not seen obscene materials rather than those who already had were liable to support the state ment: "all should remain chase" and their consciousness on "being chaste" changed much more than that of others after intervention. (6) As to the individual evaluation of lectures, 23.1% shows "very good", 44.1% "good", 26.9% "normar" '-' thus, the positive evaluation was to 94.2%. The negative response was 5.8%. (7) As to the desire for AIDS education sponsored by KAAF in the future, more than 90.5% showed a positive reaction. (8) As to the educators in future education methods, pupils wanted lecturers from outside their schood. (9) Students from vocational high schools have seen obscene materials much more than other groups and the percentage of those who had a girlfriend/or boyfriend was higher than that of the others as wello. (10) 90% of those who watched obscene materials responded that they experienced these materials while at middle school and 100% before reaching the second grade of high school. (11) The number of boys who have experienced obscene materials is twice as many as that of girls. (12) The percentage of boys who have a girlfriend is much higher than the percentage of girls who have a boyfriend. (13) Among those who have friends of the opposite sex, 11.1% say that they hare had sexual contact and 20.8% hare experienced kissing and caressing.

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The Influence of Case-Based Learning using video In Emergency care of infant and toddlers (영유아 응급처치 교육에서의 동영상 활용 사례기반학습의 효과)

  • Cho, Hye-Young;Kang, Kyoung-Ah
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.292-300
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of case-based learning about infants and toddlers on healthcare department students, using a video in an emergency care environment. A total of 57 students from a healthcare department of D university in J city were enrolled. They were divided into two groups: The experimental group (n=29) and the control group (n=28). This study is pre-post designed with a non-equivalent control group. The experimental group received a 1-week education for a duration of 3 weeks (3 sessions in total) with 180 minutes per session. The control group received a traditional curriculum of lecture. Before and after the education, we measured the knowledge and skill confidence of emergency care toward infants and toddlers, the academic self-efficacy, and problem solving ability. Data collection and intervention were carried out from November to December of 2014. Data were analyzed with x2-test, paired t-test, unpaired t-test with SPSS version 20.0 Program. The experimental group showed a significantly higher improvement of skill confidence of emergency care toward infants and toddlers (P<001), as well as preferred task difficulty among sub-items of academic self-efficacy (p=.029), approach avoidance style (P=.001), and problem solving confidence (p=.040) among sub-items of problem solving ability on preference compared with the control group. In this study, a case-based learning was verified to be an effective teaching method to enhance professional competency of healthcare department students. The findings from this study suggest that a case-based learning using various educational contents should be developed, expanded, and carried out to promote better learning.

Species Occurrence and Food Chain of Fisheries Resources, Nekton, on the Coast of Pukchon, Cheju Island 1. Species composition and diversity (제주도 북촌연안 수산자원유영생물의 출현과 먹이연쇄에 관한 연구 1. 종조성과 다양도)

  • GO You-Bong;SHIN Heau-Sub
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 1988
  • Collection of organisms for the fisheries resources community were obtained with a set net during 8 months between May, 1985 and May, 1986 on the coast of Pukchon, Cheju Island, Korea. Most of organisms, representing 36 species, were less than 20cm $(93\%)$ in length, and 130g $(91\%)$ in weight. The four most abundant species were jack mackerel, Trachurus japonicus ; squid, Todarodes pacificus : damsel fish, Chromis notatus : and rabbit fish, Siganus fuscescens, which comprised about $83\% in number and about $73\%$ of the total catch. The diversity index of the number of species and information indices for individual and catch were the highest in October and the lowest in Septemer, indicating a close relationship with the change between the species number and catch at that time. A cluster analysis of 17 species was illustrated from the similarity matrix. All of the 17 species were grouped at the 0.2 similarity level. Three groups were present at 0.60 level, whereas species in other groups were sporadic in occurrence.

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Examining the Relationships among Attitude toward Luxury Brands, Customer Equity, and Customer Lifetime Value in a Korean Context (측시이한국위배경적사치품패태도(测试以韩国为背景的奢侈品牌态度), 고객자산화고객종신개치지간적관계(顾客资产和顾客终身价值之间的关系))

  • Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Park, Seong-Yeon;Lee, Seung-Hee;Knight, Dee K.;Xu, Bing;Jeon, Byung-Joo;Moon, Hak-Il
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2010
  • During the past 10 years, sales of luxury goods increased significantly to more than US$ 130 billion in 2007. In this industry, more than half of the revenue comes from Asia where the average income has risen significantly, and the demand for luxury products is forecast to grow rapidly. Purchasing luxury brands appears to be an intriguing social phenomenon that is profitable for companies in this region. As a newly developed country, Korea is one of the most attractive luxury markets in Asia. Currently, a total of 120 luxury fashion brands have entered the Korean market, primarily in luxury districts in Seoul where the competition is fierce. The purposes of this study are to: (1) identify antecedents of attitude toward luxury brands, (2) examine the effect of attitudes toward luxury brands on customer equity, (3) determine the impact of attitudes toward luxury brands on customer lifetime value, and (4) investigate the influence of customer equity on customer life time value. Previous studies have examined materialism, social need, experiential need, need for uniqueness, conformity, and fashion involvement as antecedents of attitude toward luxury brands. Richins and Dowson (1992) suggested that that materialism influences consumption behavior relative to quantity of goods purchased. Nueno and Quelch (1998) reported that the ownership of luxury brands conveys information related to the owner's social status, communicates an image of success and prestige, and is a determinant of purchase behavior. Experiential need is recognized as an important aspect of consumption, especially for new products developed to meet consumer demand. Since luxury goods, by definition are relatively scarce, ownership of these types of products may fulfill consumers' need for uniqueness. In this study, value equity, relationship equity, and brand equity are examined as drivers of customer equity. The sample (n = 114) was undergraduate and graduate students at two private women's universities in Seoul, Korea. Data collection was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire survey in March, 2009. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis using SPSS 15.0 software. Data analysis resulted in a number of conclusions. First, experiential need and fashion involvement positively influence participants' attitude toward luxury brands. Second, attitude toward luxury brands positively influences brand equity, followed by value equity and relationship equity. However, there is no significant relationship between attitude toward luxury brand and customer lifetime value. Finally, relationship equity positively influences customer lifetime value. In conclusion, young consumers are an important potential consumer group that tries different brands to discover the ones most suitable for them. Luxury marketers that use effective marketing strategies to attract and engender loyalty among this potentially lucrative consumer group may increase customer equity and lifetime value.

The Dietary Habits and Perception of Vegetable Intake of Elementary Students in Gwangju and Jeonnam (광주·전남 일부지역 초등학생의 채소류 섭취에 대한 인식)

  • Go, Young-Sook;Jeon, Eun-Raye;Jung, Lan-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.223-233
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the dietary habits and perception of vegetable intake of elementary students in Gwangju and Jeonnam Gokseong county. Data collection was conducted from 5th and 6th grade students of elementary schools in Gwangju and Jeonnam Gokseong county using a structured questionnaire survey. The SPSS program was used for statistics processing and data analysis. The chi-square test was also conducted. In terms of dietary intake habits, female students consumed their meals slower than male students. Information on dietary habits and nutrition was commonly obtained from family, including the mother or father who commonly prepared meals at home. Snacks were commonly consumed less than twice daily, with the Gwangju area having a higher frequency of snacks than the Jeonnam area. Elementary students indicated that vegetables were their least favorite food, with female students having a higher interest in vegetables than male students. The pattern and perception of vegetable intake came when the students (that did not eat vegetables) were lectured by their parents on the nutritive value of vegetables. Most students understood the important nutritional ingredients of vegetables. In the case of an interest in vegetables, the Gwangju area showed significantly more comprehension than the Jeonnam area on the definition and role of dietary fiber, the dental benefits of dietary fiber, and the identification of the environment-friendly certification mark.

Current status and prospects of molecular marker development for systematic breeding program in citrus (감귤 분자육종을 위한 분자표지 개발 현황 및 전망)

  • Kim, Ho Bang;Kim, Jae Joon;Oh, Chang Jae;Yun, Su-Hyun;Song, Kwan Jeong
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.261-271
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    • 2016
  • Citrus is an economically important fruit crop widely growing worldwide. However, citrus production largely depends on natural hybrid selection and bud sport mutation. Unique botanical features including long juvenility, polyembryony, and QTL that controls major agronomic traits can hinder the development of superior variety by conventional breeding. Diverse factors including drastic changes of citrus production environment due to global warming and changes in market trends require systematic molecular breeding program for early selection of elite candidates with target traits, sustainable production of high quality fruits, cultivar diversification, and cost-effective breeding. Since the construction of the first genetic linkage map using isozymes, citrus scientists have constructed linkage maps using various DNA-based markers and developed molecular markers related to biotic and abiotic stresses, polyembryony, fruit coloration, seedlessness, male sterility, acidless, morphology, fruit quality, seed number, yield, early fruit setting traits, and QTL mapping on genetic maps. Genes closely related to CTV resistance and flesh color have been cloned. SSR markers for identifying zygotic and nucellar individuals will contribute to cost-effective breeding. The two high quality citrus reference genomes recently released are being efficiently used for genomics-based molecular breeding such as construction of reference linkage/physical maps and comparative genome mapping. In the near future, the development of DNA molecular markers tightly linked to various agronomic traits and the cloning of useful and/or variant genes will be accelerated through comparative genome analysis using citrus core collection and genome-wide approaches such as genotyping-by-sequencing and genome wide association study.