• Title/Summary/Keyword: National Biological Survey

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Comparison of plant species diversity and its relationship with physical environmental factors in Gotjawal Forest, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, using the modified Whittaker plot method

  • Ju-Seon Lee;Young-Han You;Ji-Won Park;Yeo-Bin Park;Yoon-Seo Kim;Jung-Min Lee;Hae-In Yu;Bo-Yeon Jeon;Kyeong-Mi Cho;Eui-Joo Kim
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.247-255
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    • 2024
  • Background: To effectively understand and evaluate plant diversity in a specific area and make meaningful comparisons between regions, standardized methods that measure diversity irrespective of survey plot size are crucial. This study proposes a model equation for comparing plant species diversity using the modified Whittaker plots. Plant species diversity was measured in two Gotjawal areas on Jeju Island, where the coexistence of northern and southern limit species significantly impacts diversity. By analyzing the relationship between plant species diversity and environmental factors, the study clarified the characteristics of plant and habitat diversity in the Gotjawal ecosystem. Results: The species richness of vascular plants, herbaceous plants, and woody plants increased with area and was higher in Jeoji Gotjawal than in Seonheul Gotjawal. Similarly, the species turnover rate (slope value) was higher in Jeoji Gotjawal (4.37) than in Seonheul Gotjawal (3.85). This indicates that the species richness in Jeoji Gotjawal increases more with the expansion of the survey area (1-1,000 m2), reflecting a faster species turnover rate. Additionally, in Gotjawal areas, species richness increased with greater leaf litter depth, elevation, slope, and rock ratio. These results indicate that differences in plant species diversity were attributed to soil environmental factors. Conclusions: The plant species diversity of Gotjawal, surveyed using standardized methods, was lower than that of forested areas in the central region of South Korea where the same method was applied. Most previous studies on species diversity likely compared diversity without considering a consistent survey area. Therefore, when comparing plant species diversity domestically and globally, it emphasizes the need for the use of standardized survey methods.

A Study on the Master Plan of Natural Environment Conservation compared with National Biological Survey in USA (환경부 전국자연환경조사사업의 문제점과 개선방안 - 미국의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Don
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2003
  • The Master Plan of Natural Environment Conservation in Korea by Ministry of Environment has been carried out since 1986. The 2nd 10-year survey started in 1997, and there are three major parts in the Master Plan : First, the basic natural environment survey, second, sites in special features of ecological characteristics such as uninhabitable islands, wetlands, etc, and third, biological species featuring status of habitat, and population dynamics. However the information in the Master Plan is very fragmented and collected data are not so abundant due to insufficient man-power and unsynchronized survey time/season. In this regard this paper examined the similar National Biological Survey in USA and compared the differences with the Master Plan in Korea. The Master Plan in Korea should separate the management zone based on hydrological characteristics, and in each zone we should set a management goal in the long term basis. Secondly the species list is not so meaningful that we must concentrate more on research activities. In each taxonomical group we set up hypotheses and research goals. Thirdly local residents and communities should be involved in research so that enhanced biological diversity should benefit people in areas. Lastly legislation and laws should be reexamined and rectified to provide information to the managers that deals with natural resources, expecially when conflicting with economic matters.

The vertebrate fauna along the Hantangang (river) of Korea

  • Jo, Yeong-Seok;Kim, Byung-Jik;Hur, Wee-Haeng;Won, Chang-Man
    • Journal of Species Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2012
  • Before the construction of Hantangang dam, we surveyed vertebrate fauna along the Hantangang River and collected samples. We collected 248 specimens (1,394 individuals) of 41 fish species from 10 families in four orders, including 17 endemic species and 5 endangered species. In our herpetofauna survey, we collected 47 amphibian samples of 10 species from 5 families in 2 orders, and 19 reptile samples of 5 species from 2 families in 1 order. We observed 25 species of bird (6 orders, 14 families) inclulding collection of 51 bird specimens (10 species from 5 families in 1 order). We collected 91 mammals of 6 species, and identified 7 species from field sign and direct observation from a total of 10 families in 5 orders. This collection and list comprise the final vertebrate faunal survey of the Hantangang region, and will provide basic scientific information for future research on conservation and restoration of the region.

Status and Development of National Ecosystem Survey in Korea (우리나라 전국자연환경조사 현황과 발전방안)

  • Kim, Chang-Hoe;Kang, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Myungjin
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.725-738
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    • 2013
  • The National Ecosystem Survey in Korea provides information to policy makers for preservation of natural environment and implementation of international agreement. The 1st and 2nd National Ecosystem Survey were carried out between 1986 and 1990, and between 1997 and 2005, respectively. The 3rd National Ecosystem Survey began in 2006 and ended in 2012. In 2013 the pilot survey for the 4th National Ecosystem Survey is ongoing. The 4th National Ecosystem Survey due to the revision of the Natural Environment Conservation Act which has been done every 10 years would change into every five years. It is planned to be conducted from 2014 to 2018. The survey method of the 4th National Ecosystem Survey has been modified to obtain more accurate data for many taxa. The survey for a nocturnal animals will be introduced. In addition, monitoring by setting the grid will get quantitative data seasonally. The vegetation survey will be conducted with a mobile device contained files of aerial image maps including classified vegetation map. National Ecosystem Survey will be improved as follows. First, each survey methods suitable for the purpose should be developed. Second, monitoring methods for obtaining quantitative data should be developed. Finally, the research using the data should be developed in the field of not only ecosystem and biological diversity but also habitat assessment.

Survey and Analysis on the Functional Materials of the Biological Resources (Natural Enemies, Entomophathogenic microorganism) against Agricultural Insects Pests. Chapter 1: Survey on Native Resources of Natural Enemies and Construction of Biological Data (환경 보전형 농업해충 관리를 위한 유용생물자원(천적 곤충, 유용 미생물) 탐색 및 유용생물 자원 유래 기능성 물질의 분석. 제1세부:국내 토착 천적자원 조사 및 생물학적 정보 구축)

  • Jung, Sung-Hoon;Shin, Seung-Kwan;Lee, Seung-Hwan
    • 한국약용작물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.499-500
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    • 2008
  • PDF

Public and Experts Perception about Nanotechnology Hazards in Korea (대한민국에서의 나노물질 위해성에 관한 일반인/전문가 인식 설문조사)

  • Lee, Jeong-Jin;Kim, Young-Hun;Bae, Eun-Joo;Lee, Su-Seung;Kwak, Byoung-Kyu;Choi, Kyung-Hee;Yi, Jong-Heop
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 2008
  • Public perceptions of nanotechnology and its potential risk can be an important measure for the sustainable advances of the technology. We conducted a survey for public (N =599) and experts (N = 165). They answered the same questions and results were analyzed. 74% of the public have not heard about the potential risk of nanotechnology and 77% expected that nanotechnology/materials are not harmful to the human and nature. 74% of experts realized the potential hazards by nanomaterials. The results represented that large perception gab between public and experts has existed in Korea. Interestingly, Korean public thought that nanotechnology is more profitable and less risky than that of American. We suggest that 'now is the best time to give appropriate information on the potential risk of nanotechnology to Korean public without preconception or exaggeration.'

Unrecorded Higher Fungi of the Songnisan Nation al Park

  • Lee, Jin-Sung;Kim, Chang-Mu;Park, Jae-Young;Ryoo, Kyung-Hwan;Kim, Kyung-Mo;Yoon, Yuh-Gang;Jung, Hack-Sung
    • Mycobiology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.68-73
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    • 2004
  • Fresh mushrooms were collected during survey field trips to the southern areas of Songnisan National Park for 24 days from April to November in 2002. Through this investigation, a total of 682 fungal collections were obtained and taxonomically amounted to 5 classes, 14 orders, 44 families and 202 species. Among them, six genera Diplomitoporus, Heterochaete, Hydnochaete, Loweporus, Scytinostroma and Tomentellina, and twelve species, Asterostroma cervicolor, Diplomitoporus crustulinus, Fomitopsts cajanderi, Heterochaete delicate, Hydnochaete tabacinoides, Hyphodontia sambuci, Hypoxylon deustum, Lopharia cinerascens, Loweporus roseoalbus, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Scytinostroma odoratum and Tomentellina fibrosa were confirmed as new to Korea and registered here with descriptions.

First Report of Albifimbria verrucaria and Deconica coprophila (Syn: Psylocybe coprophila) from Field Soil in Korea

  • Gurung, Sun Kumar;Adhikari, Mahesh;Kim, Sang Woo;Lee, Hyun Goo;Jun, Ju Han;Gwon, Byeong Heon;Lee, Hyang Burm;Lee, Youn Su
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2019
  • During a survey of fungal diversity in Korea, two fungal strains, KNU17-1 and KNU17-199, were isolated from paddy field soil in Yangpyeong and Sancheong, respectively, in Korea. These fungal isolates were analyzed based on their morphological characteristics and the molecular phylogenetic analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA sequences. On the basis of their morphology and phylogeny, KNU17-1 and KNU17-199 isolates were identified as Albifimbria verrucaria and Deconica coprophila, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, A. verrucaria and D. coprophila have not yet been reported in Korea. Thus, this is the first report of these species in Korea.

Two Unrecorded Macrofungal Species from Sohwangbyeongsan in Korea

  • Minkyeong Kim;Jin Sung Lee;Hyun Lee;Changmu Kim
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2024
  • Indigenous fungi from Mount Sohwangbyeongsan, Odaesan National Park, Pyeongchanggun, Gangwon-do, South Korea, were investigated between 2013 and 2016. Our survey identified a total of 137 macrofungi species. These species were systematically categorized into 2 phyla, 4 classes, 15 orders, 41 families, and 73 genera. We identified collected specimens to the species level based on their morphology and rDNA sequences. Two species-Lentinellus flabelliformis and Tricholoma stans were newly recorded as macromycota in Korea.

New Records of Aspergillus allahabadii and Penicillium sizovae from Crop Field Soil in Korea

  • Tagele, Setu Bazie;Adhikari, Mahesh;Gurung, Sun Kumar;Lee, Hyun Gu;Kim, Sang Woo;Kim, Hyun Seung;Ju, Han Jun;Gwon, Byeong Heon;Kosol, San;Lee, Hyang Burm;Lee, Youn Su
    • Mycobiology
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 2018
  • Two new records of Trichocomaceae, namely Aspergillus allahabadii and Penicillium sizovae, were isolated in 2016 during a survey of fungal diversity in different crop fields locations in Gyeongnam, Korea. These species were identified based on morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis using internal transcribed spacer region and ${\beta}-tubulin$-encoding gene sequence data. A. allahabadii and P. sizovae have not yet been reported in Korea. Thus, this is the first report of these species in Korea, and their descriptions as well as details of their morphological characters are presented.