• Title/Summary/Keyword: Narcissistic Desire

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The Relation between Narcissistic and Cosmetics Shopping Orientation of Consumers (소비자의 자기애(自己愛) 성향과 화장품 쇼핑성향과의 관계)

  • Hwang, Yeon-Soon
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.326-336
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    • 2009
  • The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between narcissistic and cosmetics shopping orientation of female consumers. The data were collected in Busan, Daegu and Ulsan, and 301 data were used for analysis. The aforementioned were analyzed utilizing frequency, factor and multiple regression analysis using SPSS Win 12.0. The results showed as follows. First, the factors related to narcissistic orientation were entitlement, leadership/superiority, self-reliance, self-intoxication, achievable desire and self-absorption. Second, the factors related to cosmetics shopping orientation were impulsive, economic, self-confidence, exploratory, brand/store loyal, shopping convenience, traffic convenience, prudence, pleasure, famous brand inclination and independent. Third, narcissistic orientation and cosmetics shopping orientation were significantly differences impulsive, economic, self-confidence, exploratory, shopping convenience, pleasure and famous brand inclination orientation.

Consumers' Narcissistic Orientation and Apparel Products Benefits Sought (소비자의 나르시시즘성향과 의류제품추구혜택)

  • Hwang, Yeon-Soon;Ku, Yang-Suk
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.338-346
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    • 2010
  • The primary purpose of this study was to investigate consumers' narcissistic orientation group and apparel products benefits sought. The data were collected from 272 female consumers in Pusan, Daegu and Ulsan. The aforementioned were analyzed utilizing frequency, factor analysis, cluster analysis, MANOVA using SPSS Win 12.0. The results were as follows. First, cluster analysis on narcissism orientation identified four groups such as non-narcissism group, high narcissism group, privilege conscious group and achievable desire conscious group. Second, the groups related to their apparel products benefits sought were high narcissism group and privilege conscious group. There were significantly differences between the groups and apparel products benefits sought such as social prestige, impressive improvement and personality.

Counterproductive Work Behaviors and Narcissism (반생산적인 업무행동에 대한 자기애적 성격특성의 이해)

  • Joo Weon-Sig;Cha Ta-Soon
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.10
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    • pp.33-66
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    • 2002
  • Counterproductive work behaviors are behaviors by employees intended to harm their organization or organization members. Human is the being has a desire and behaviors. To understand behaviors of an individual, it is important to understand the personality which determines a difference between individuals. Narcissists has psychological traits to be likely to experience negative emotions, such as frustration, hostility or anger, and this psychological traits of narcissists are more likely to induce an aggression. In this view, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between counterproductive work behaviors and narcissistic personality characteristics and to explore psychological dynamics about how narcissistic personality characteristics had an effect on counterproductive work behaviors. As a result, facts known were as follows. First, narcissists has strong desires to maintain a sense of superiority over others and defend their egos against unpleasant evaluation information, even if the information is factual and accurate. Second, narcissists are hyper-sensitive to negative information and are more likely to encounter information or situations that challenge their positive self-appraisals by this view. Third, in response to these challenges, or ego threats, these individuals are more likely to experience negative emotions, such as anger, frustration, or hostility. Forth, this negative emotions lead to aggression and as a result, this is more likely to induce counterproductive work behaviors such as theft, sabotage, interpersonal aggression, work slowdowns, wasting time and materials, and spreading rumors. Thus, narcissism is another individual difference variable that may be an important factor in determining counterproductive work behaviors, particularly under conditions perceived to be difficult or stressful.

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Psychology of Young Adulthood (청년기심리 (靑年期心理))

  • Cho, Doo-Young
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.223-236
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    • 1997
  • One faces four major developmental tasks to achieve in young adulthood, ages between 20 and 40 : intimacy, vocation, marriage and child-rearing. Intimacy is the capacity to commit oneself to concrete affiliations and partnerships and to develop the ethical strength to abide by such commitments, even though they call for significant sacrifices and compromises. Through vocation and marriage young adults become united to networks of persons, find tasks that demand involvement, and gain roles into which they fit and are fitted and which help define their identities. An occupation represents much more than a set of skills and functions : it means a way of life. The extent of vocational choice increases with educational level, and the unconscious factors are frequency the decisive element. The vocational choice stare with fantasy choices in childhood, passes through tentative choices in adolescence, realistic choices in college days, and crystallized choices in post-college days, and finally ends up to the choice of specification. Along with the hazards and the need for realignment of personality functioning, the marriage brings with it new opportunities for self-fulfillment and completion. Motives other than a romantic love gain more importance in the decision to marry and in the choice of a partner. The impulsions to marry are sexual gratification, the desire to propagate, narcissistic gratification, and a need of interdependence. Many factors such as oedipal wishes, sexuality and sexual attractions, socio-economic classes, and geography involve in selection of marriage partner. There are also various motivations to marry a romantic love, the desire for a home of one's own, sexual attractions, the wish for security and a shelter, and the wish for children. The hostile marriage, the marriage on the rebound, the marriage rooted in rescue fantasies, and sado-masochistic marriage are the examples of pathological marriages. A successful marriage will usually both Lead to and require a marked reorganization of the personality structure of each partner that will influence the lurker personality development of each. Many marital problems are largely dependent upon the personality characteristics of one partner which might well create difficulties no manor who was the spouse.

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Study on the Fashion Trend of Contemporary Men's Wear Since 1990 (1990년대 이후 현대 남성복에 나타난 패션 경향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Jeong
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.78-92
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    • 2010
  • The culture phenomenon, which the desire of self expression is noticeable and the diversity of gender identity is widely accepted, simply makes a difference in the lifestyle of one human being rather than the dichotomous classification of male and female. Now, the delicate and aesthetic sensitivity classified as the feminine characteristics is no longer the exclusive property of female and this refers to substituting it as a social gender from the concept of biological sex. This phenomenon has influenced on the male culture and is creating various codes according to the cultural gender extended from the gender as a social role. Also, the transition into the western lifestyle has extended the aesthetic emotion to accommodate new codes from the diversification and globalization of lifestyle. The mansumer power, which does not care too much about the money for the emotionally attached items, has enabled various fashion styles. After analyzing the diversified clothing behavior conducted by these people in connection with the social phenomenon, First, this shows the phenomenon of emotional value pursuit that finds pleasure over the clothing as the item of augmented reality is added to the concept of play, in which the real space referred to as garment and virtual space of playing the rock, paper and scissors game meet together within the augmented reality. Second, the convergence concept has enabled the coordination of new style by obscuring the area of design concept and this refers to the changes in design from the development of new items and transformation into double-style details. Third, the divergence that intensively provides specific use/convenience and specialized value shows a change in the fashion market from the phenomenon that admits various gene rations of culture and specifically, takes differently about the recognition of middle-aged males. Fourth, the variety seeking tendency receives attention as the value of future design together with the phenomenon of discriminative value pursuit. In the male fashion, it is linked to the collaboration with the design area and this tells that the fashion with the narcissistic cross-dressing and motto of neutral gender without being sided to male/female is rising.

Constructions of Totalitarian Subjectivity in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness (죠셉 콘래드의 『어둠의 속』에 나타난 전체주의적 주체성의 형성)

  • Koo, Seung-pon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.45
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    • pp.479-496
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this essay was to investigate Marlow's desire for constructing enlightenment subject of knowledge and power sustained by the collusion of imperialism and patriarchy in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Marlow's narrative, based on his journey up the river in Africa to retrieve Kurtz, attempts to conceptualize himself as the subject of the enlightenment reason and rationality. In the novella, collusive network of ideologies of empire and gender contributes to the making of a Western Enlightenment subject. Marlow eulogizes himself for realizing the harsh realities of imperialism, political domination and economic exploitation of the natives in Africa. However, Marlow is a colonial subject who has been ruled by the hierarchical system of thought in the Western logocentrism. He is not aware that his narrative has already been infiltrated by the ideological discourse of the totalitarian enlightenment. His narrative in effect is not a self-congratulatory testimony to truth and realities but a narcissistic and self-defeating document. Marlow unconsciously employs the totalitarian ideologies of empire and gender in order to relegate the African natives to the inhuman existence and to consign women to the sphere of illusion.

A Understanding of Shame and Humanity - by focusing on Nussbaum's and Mencius' Concept of Shame (수치심과 인간다움의 이해 - 누스바움과 맹자의 수치심 개념을 중심으로)

  • 신은화
    • Studies in Philosophy East-West
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    • no.88
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    • pp.317-335
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    • 2018
  • Shame is an emotion of sorrow for our own shortcomings, but it may be also an emotion that awakens ourselves to reflect on our mistakes. This article considers the contradictory aspects of shame to be an interesting theme and refers to Nussbaum's and Mencius' concept of shame. According to Nussbaum, shame is an emotion that is used to brand a certain group of people in a society to overcome anxiety about human imperfection. This kind of stigma is based on a dichotomy that arbitrarily determines normal and abnormal. Therefore, Nussbaum thinks that shame is very irrational and difficult to trust. She explains that shame reflects a human desire to become perfect like God without accepting imperfectness. Mencius, on the other hand, regards shame as an emotion that is one of four clues to four virtues. According to Mencius's concept, shame is helpful for us to reflect on ourselves and to develop personality in harmony with human nature. For this reason, it is possible in Mencius that shame is considered as an important driving force in the growth of humanity. Although Nussbaum and Mencius have very different opinions about shame, this article considers that Nussbaum's concept of 'productive shame' is not much different from Mencius's concept of shame, and at this point there may be found a compatibility between them. Nussbaum emphasizes a necessity for overcoming narcissistic tendencies by orienting moral values and an attitude of humbly acknowledging human imperfection so that productive shame could be positively realized. We may agree that Mencius's concept of shame is not in an opposition to these conditions of Nussbaum, and this may be regarded as a common point of two different views. In this article, we will deal with Nussbaum's and Mencius' concept of shame, and subsequently compare them and clarify the differences between them. Then, we will discuss the possibility of combining their views by analyzing what the two philosophers have in common. In conclusion, we may see that the understanding of shame can broaden the understanding of human beings and be helpful for our inner growth toward humanity.