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Effects of vitamin C on the formation of aflatoxin B1-DNA adduct in rat livers treated with radiation and aflatoxin B1 (Vitamin C가 방사선과 Aflatoxin B1을 처리한 흰쥐의 간세포에서 Aflatoxin B1-DNA Adduct 형성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Soyoung;Kim, Hansoo;Kang, Jin-Soon
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.747-756
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study was to examine the effects of vitamin C on the formation of aflatoxin $B_1$ ($AFB_1$)-DNA adduct and $AFB_1$-induing cellular oxidative damage in rat livers treated with radiation and $AFB_1$. Six-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into five groups: the control group, the $AFB_1$-treated group, the group treated with $AFB_1$ and vitamin C, the group treated with X-ray and $AFB_1$, and the group treated with X-ray and $AFB_1$ with vitamin C. On the first day of the experiment, only one dose of X-rays was exposed to the entire liver at 1,500 cGy. Next, vitamin C was injected at 10 mg/kg body weight via intraperitoneal injection, followed an hour later by the administration of 0.4 mg/kg of $AFB_1$ via intraperitoneal injection. These treatments were administered every three days for 15 days. On the 16th day, the animals were sacrificed. The $AFB_1$ contents of the rat sera were determined via indirect competitive ELISA. In the quantitative analysis of $AFB_1$ in the rat sera via ELISA, $5.17{\pm}0.34ng/mL$ of $AFB_1$ was detected in the $AFB_1$-treated groups, but the amount decreased more significantly to $3.23{\pm}0.76ng/mL$ in the groups treated with $AFB_1$ and vitamin C (p<0.01) than in the $AFB_1$-treated groups. The effect of vitamin C on $AFB_1$-DNA adduct formation was determined via ELISA. The values of $AFB_1$-DNA adduct formation were $9.38{\pm}0.41ng/mL$ in the $AFB_1$-treated groups, but the amount decreased more significantly to $5.28{\pm}0.32ng/mL$ in the groups treated with $AFB_1$ and vitamin C (p<0.01) than in the $AFB_1$-treated groups. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the accumulation of the $AFB_1$ was not observed in the normal liver tissue (G1). The $AFB_1$-positive materials were observed in the central vein and the portal vein of the liver tissue from the $AFB_1$(G2) treatment or the X-ray and $AFB_1$(G4) co-treatment, but the $AFB_1$-positive materials were observed weakly in the group treated with vitamin C (G3 and G5). These results indicate that vitamin C had ameliorating effects on the $AFB_1$ accumulation of liver tissue.

A Study on Dental Hygienists' Health Management and Their Use of Medical Care Services (치과위생사의 건강관리 및 의료 이용 행태에 관한 조사 연구)

  • Yoon, Mi-Sook;Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to examine how dental hygienists health management and to what extent they used medical care services due to occupational diseases. It's ultimately attempted to improve the health care of dental hygienists and promote their health. After relevant literature and data were reviewed, a survey was conducted for five months from June through October, 2003. The subjects in this study were 160 dental hygienists who worked at dental hospital and clinics across the nation. And the collected data were analyzed. The findings of this study were as follows: (1) Concerning job-related health education experience, 83.1 percent, the greatest rate, had no experience to receive education, and the type of service made a significance difference to that(p<0.05). (2) As to in-house medical examination, 98.6 percent felt the need for medical examination, and 56.3 percent had ever their bodies examined. Their health examination experience was significantly different according to age(p<0.01), marital status(p<0.01), type of service(p<0.01), career(p<0.01) and yearly income(p<0.01). (3) Concerning how much they used hospitals after working as dental hygienists, 85.6 percent, the biggest group, had no experience to be hospitalized, and that was significantly different according to age(p<0.05), type of service(p<0.05), career(p<0.01) and yearly income(p<0.05). 51.9 percent had no experience to receive treatment as outpatients, and their career(p<0.01) made a significant difference to that. (4) As for how to cope with casual diseases, 34.4 percent, the largest group, visited pharmacies, and 32.5 percent, the next largest group, saw the doctors. In regard to herb restorative, 68.1 percent had no experience to take herb restorative, and that experience varied significantly with age(p<0.01), career(p<0.05) and annual income(p<0.01).

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A Survey on Dietary Habits in Gyeongnam and the Development of the Nutrition Education Curriculum with Teacher's Guide for Obese Elementary School Children (경남지역 일부 초등학교 비만아동의 식습관 분석 및 영양교육을 위한 교수학습과정안 개발)

  • Jo, Min-A;Lee, Kyung-Hea;Her, Eun-Sil;Kim, Jung-A
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.97-112
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a nutrition education curriculum with teacher's guide which includes discretionary activities for obese children. A survey was carried out to investigate the recognition of body image and food behaviors according to the obesity index (mild, moderate, severe) in school children (4~6th grade, 158 boys and 60 girls) who were selected based on a physical examination in May, 2006 in the Gyeongnam province. Next, a nutrition education curriculum with teacher's guide was developed on the basis of the findings from the survey and from preceding researches. The results are summarized as follow. The results of this study showed the existence of some nutritional problems such as overeating, prejudice, skipping meals, snacking patterns, etc, which indicate the need for nutritional management for obese children. Most overweight children (80.3%) showed the most interest in the nutrition education program, particularly with regards to dieting for weight control (64.7%). The developed nutrition education curriculum consisted of 8 main subjects and 13 subtitles. The curriculum was prepared for 13 lessons and included songs and singing, making-up lyrics, games about nutrition, discussions of the experience of eating (satiety, thirst, hunger), debates on dietary habits, writing and others to promote the interest for learning. We aimed to develop this program in an attempt to improve the dietary habits of obese school children. This is very important because once a dietary habit is formed in adults, it is difficult to change and the best adjustable stage is during childhood. Therefore, early nutrition education during elementary school can change and build-up the awareness of health in young elementary school children.

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Evaluation of Tumor Registry Validity in Samsung Medical Center Radiation Oncology Department (삼성서울병원 방사선종양학과 종양등록 정보의 타당도 평가)

  • Park Won;Huh Seung Jae;Kim Dae Yong;Shin Seong Soo;Ahn Yong Chan;Lim Do Hoon;Kim Seonwoo
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : A tumor registry system for the patients treated by radiotherapy at Samsung Medical Center since the opening of a hospital at 1994 was employed. In this study, the tumor registry system was introduced and the validity of the tumor registration was analyzed. Materials and Methods: The tumor registry system was composed of three parts: patient demographic, diagnostic, and treatment Information. All data were input in a screen using a mouse only. Among the 10,000 registered cases in the tumor registry system until Aug, 2002, 199 were randomly selected and their registration data were compared with the patients' medical records. Results : Total input errors were detected on 15 cases (7.5%). There were 8 error items In the part relating to diagnostic Information: tumor site 3, pathology 2, AJCC staging 2 and performance status 1. In the part relating to treatment information there were 9 mistaken items: combination treatment 4, the date of initial treatment 3 and radiation completeness 2. According to the assignment doctor, the error ratio was consequently variable. The doctors who 010 no double-checks showed higher errors than those that 010 (15.6%:3.7%). Conclusion: Our tumor registry had errors within 2% for each Item. Although the overall data qualify was high, further improvement might be achieved through promoting sincerity, continuing training, periodic validity tests and keeping double-checks. Also, some items associated with the hospital Information system will be input automatically In the next step.

The Efficacy of Needle-Acupuncture and Moxibustion at BL18 on Hepatic Injury in Dogs (간유(肝兪)(BL18)에 대한 자침 및 뜸 요법의 개 간 손상 회복에 미치는 효과)

  • Jun, Hyung-Kyou;Lee, Chang-Seok;Lee, Jung-Yeon;Lee, Sang-Eun;Song, Kun-Ho;Park, Bae-Gun;Cho, Sung-Whan;Kim, Duck-Hwan
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.10-14
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    • 2007
  • The present study was performed to elucidate the recovery effect of needle-acupuncture (needle-AP) and moxibustion treatments at Gan Shu (BL18) on $CCl_4$ induced hepatic injury in dogs, Total 9 clinically healthy experimental dogs (1 to 2 years old, 2.3-5.3kg body weight) were divided into control (3 dogs), needle-AP (3 dogs) and moxibustion (3 dogs) groups, respectively. Hepatic iniw was induced by intraperitoneal injection with $CCl_4$ (olive oil : $CCl_4=1:1,\;1ml/kg$, once/day). As far the treatments in each group, control group was not treated at all after induction of the hepatic injury till the end of experiment. Needle-Af group was treated by AP at BL18 (once/day, 20 minutes) from the next day of induction of the hepatic injury for 11 days. Moxibustion group was also treated with commercial moxa at BL18 (once/day, 20minutes) for 11days. The changes of the serum alanine transaminase(ALT), aspartate transaminase(AST) and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) activities were investigated on pre, 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11 days after hepatic injury, respectively. Histopathological changes were also investigated in the liver tissues on day 11 in experimental and control groups. The results obtained in the present study were as follows. In needle-AP group, they showed significant lower values on the 1st (p<0.05) and $3^{rd} day (p <0.05)$ in serum ALT activities, and the $11^{th}$ day in serum GGT activities, compared with those of control group, respectively. However, the significances were not detected in serum AST activities of needle-AP group by comparison with those of control group. In moxibustion group, they showed significant low values on the $1^{st}(p<0.05)$, 3rd day (p<0.05) and $5^{th}$ day (p<0.05) in serum ALT activities, compared with those of control group, respectively. However, significances were not detected in serum GGT and AST activities of moxibustion group by comparison with those of control group. Among the experimental groups, the significant low values were found on $1^{st}\;and\;3^{rd}$ day in serum ALT activities (p<0.05), and $3^{rd}\;and\;5^{th}$ day in serum GGT activities (p<0.05) in needle-AP group, compared by those of moxibustion group, respectively. In addition, the marked recovery findings of histopathological changes in experimental groups were found, compared by those of control group: mild vacuolar degeneration and necrosis findings in needle-AP group, and moderate vacuolar degeneration and necrotic findings in moxibustion group were found, in contrast to severe changes such as accumulation of bile juice, vacuolar degeneration and necrotic findings observed in control group. In conclusion, needle-AP and moxibustion treatments at BL-18 were effective for the recovery for $CCl_4$ induced hepatic injury and needle-AP was more effective than that of moxibustion in dogs.

Antioxidant activity of Bamboo powder and its immunoreactivity in the pig (대나무 분말의 항산화력과 돼지의 면역 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Yuno;Chu, Gyo-Moon;Jang, Sun-Hee;Goo, Ae-Jin;Ko, Yeoung-Gyu;Ha, Ji Hee;Lee, Jae-Young;Kang, Suk-Nam;Song, Young-Min;Cho, Jae-Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2014
  • The present study was designed to explore the antioxidant effect of Bamboo powder and its immunoreactivity in pigs. We investigated the functional properties of Bamboo extracts by means of measuring the contents of total polyphenols and flavonoid as well as determining ABST, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity and anticancer activity. The total phenolic compound and flavonoids contents of Bamboo extracts were 171.25 mg/g and 127.5 mg/g, respectively. The DPPH radical, hydroxyl radical, ABST radical scavenging activity of Bamboo extracts were 17.3%, 12.5% and 21.5%, respectively. Evidenced by MTT and cell cycle assay, Bamboo dose-dependently inhibited the cell proliferation and induced G0/G1-phase arrest in CHO cells at concentrations of 100, 250, and 500 ${\mu}g/ml$ Bamboo extracts. More than 80% of apoptotic cells were observed by staining with annexin V in 500 ${\mu}g/ml$ Bamboo-treated CHO cells, indicating that Bamboo had potent anticancer activities. Next, to investigate the effect of Bamboo on cytokine, immunoglobulin concentration, and blood compositions, flatting pigs were fed with Bamboo powder for 38 days. Flatting pigs were divided into 4 groups; basal diet (control), basal diet supplemented with 1% Bamboo powder (T1), 2% Bamboo powder (T2), and 3% Bamboo powder (T3). The level of hemoglobin increased in the all Bamboo-fed groups compared with the normal control group. In particular, platelet levels in the all Bamboo-treated groups increased by approximately 90% compared with the levels from pig on a normal control. Serum levels of immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA) in the pigs fed Bamboo powder were modestly increased, and the interferon-${\gamma}$ level also was strongly increased in 2% or 3% Bamboo-fed groups compared with the levels in control groups. Together, these results demonstrated that Bamboo extracts had an effective capacity of scavenging for ABTS, DPPH, and hydroxyl radicals and showed correlation with potent phenol and flavonoid contents, thus suggesting its antioxidant potential. Moreover, administration of Bamboo in 2~3% improved blood parameters and platelets, and especially immunity-related ones such as IgG, IgA, and interferon-${\gamma}$, leading to be potential feed additives in flatting pigs.

Studies on the Relative Durability of Useful Woods Grown in Korea to the Parasitic Wood Destroying Fungi (목재부후균의(木材腐朽菌)의 기생(寄生)에 의한 한국산(韓國産) 유용목재(有用木材)의 비교내후성(比較耐朽性) 연구(硏究))

  • Chung, Dae-Kyo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1987
  • This experiment was undertaken for the purpose of investigation of relative durability about thirty sorts of the korean native wood and nine sorts of the wood destroying fungi Polystictus versicolor, Irpex consors. Poria vaporaria, Merulius lacrymans, Schizophyllum commune, Trametes pini, Lenzites betulina, Paxillus panuoides by means of a laboratory methods. The results obtained are; (from the table 2 to 10) 1. By measuring the percentage of loss in weight with regard to Polystictus versicolor, the sap wood contained in Junipeus chinesis was calculated at 18.2%, therefore it is much higher durability than any others and the sap wood contained in Pinus densiflora was measured at 44.10%, therefore it is much lower durability than any others. 2. By measuring the percentage of loss in weight with regard to Irpex consors, the heart wood contained in Butula schmidtii was calculated at 1.23%, therefore durability is very high and the heart wood contained in Quercus dentata was calculated at 26.79%, therefore durability is very low. 3. By measuring the percentage of lass in weight with regard to Lenzites betulina, the heart wood contained in Betula schmidtii was calculated at 5.33%, therefore it is much higher durability than any others and the sap wood with regard to Abies holophylla was measured at 45.48%, therefore durability is very low. 4. By measuring the percentage of loss in weight with regard to Poria vaporaria, the sap wood contained in Fraxinus rhynchophylla was calculated at 5.57%, therefore durability is very high and the sap wood contained in Paulownia coreana was calculated at 35.6%, therefore it is much lower durability than any others. 5. By measuring the percentage of loss in weight with regard to Merulius lacrymans, the heart wood contained in Castanea crenata was measured at 0.09% and in the next place, the heart wood contained in Abies holophylla calculated at 0.15% did not decay almost and the sap wood contained in Cornus controversa was measured at 32.88%, therefore it is lower durability than any others. 6. By measuring the percentage of loss in weight with regard to Schizophyllum commune, the sap wood cantained in Junipensis chinensis was calculated at 1.09%, therefore durability is very high and the sap wood contained in Populus deltoides was calculated at 36.87%, it is much lower durability than any others. 7. By measuring the percentage of loss ill weight with regard to Trametes pini, the sap wood contained in Robinia pseudo-acacia was calculated at 1.33%, therefore durability is very high and the sap wood contained in Comus controversa was calculated at 33.19%, it is much lower durability than any others. 8. By measuring the percentage of loss ill weight with regard to Paxillus panuoides. the heart wood contained in Zelkova serrata was calculated at 1.73%, therefore durability is very high and the sap wood contained in Populus deltoides was calculated at 42.30%, therefore durability in very low. 9. By measuring the percentage of loss in weight with regard to Dardalea quercina, the heart wood contained in Castanea crenata was calculated at 0.92%, therefore durability is very high and the sap wood contained in Cornus controversa was calculated at 32.00% therefore durability is very low. The above results are summarized as follows 1. Durability between the heart wood and the soft wood find that it is nonsignificant, while durability is higher heart wood than sap wood. 2. Special sorts including in the element like Castanea cenata, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Juniperus chinensis and heart wood like Betula schmiditii and Styrax obasia are highly durable and soft wood like Cornus controversa, Populus davidiana, Salix koreensis, Celtis jessensis are lowly durable in general. 3. Among the wood destroying fungi Paxillus panuoides is highly durable and as follows. Poria vaporaria, Lenzites betulina and the Daedalea quercina is less in general and Irpex consors, Mersulius lacrymans are a middle degree.

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Conservative Surgery and Primary Radiotherapy for Early Bresst Cancer: Yonsei Cancer Center Experience (조기 유방암에서 보존적 수술후 방사선치료: 연세암센터 경험)

  • Suh Chang Ok;Lee Hy De;Lee Kyung Sik;Jung Woo Hee;Oh Ki Keun;Kim Gwi Eon
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.337-347
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    • 1994
  • Breast conserving surgery and irradiation is now accepted as preferable treatment method for the patients with stage I and II breast cancer. Our institution activated team approach for breast conservation in 1991 and treated one hundred and fourty patients during the next three years. Purpose : To present our early experience with eligibility criteria, treatment techniques, and the morbidities of primary radiotherapy. Materials and Methods: Sixty four patients with early stage breast cancer who received breast conserving treatment between January 1991 and December 1992 were evaluated. All patients received partial mastectomy(wide excision to quadrantectomy) and axillary node dissection followed by radiotherapy. Total dose of 4500-5040 cGy in 5-5 1/2 weeks was given to entire involved breast and boost dose of 1000-2000 cGy in 1-2 weeks was given to the primary tumor site. Linac 4 MV X-ray was used for breast irradiation and electron beam was used for boost. Thirty five Patients received chemotherapy before or after radiotherapy. Patients characteristics, treatment techniques, and treatment related morbidities were analyzed. Results : Age distribution was ranged from 23 to 59 year old with median age of 40. Twenty-seven patients had T1 lesions and 34 patients had T2 lesions. In three patients, pathologic diagnosis was ductal carcinoma in situ. Thirty-seven Patients were N0 and 27 patients were Nl. There were three recurrences, one in the breast and two distant metastases during follow-up period(6-30 months, median 14 months). Only one breast recurrence occured at undetected separate lesion with microcalcifications on initial mammogram. There was no serious side reaction which interrupted treatment courses or severe late complication. Only one symptomatic radiation pneumonitis and one asymptomatic radiation pneumonitis were noted. Conclusions: Conservative surgery and primary radiotherapy for early breast cancer is Proven to be safe and comfortable treatment method without any major complication. Long-term follow up is needed to evaluate our treatment results in terms of loco-regional control rate, survival rate, and cosmetic effect.

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Study on the Conduction Heat Transfer Characteristics According to the Heating Temperature of Lightweight Panel Wall material (경량칸막이 벽체재료의 수열온도에 따른 전도 열전달 특성 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Min;Lee, Ho-Sung;Choi, Su-Gil;Kim, Si-Kuk
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 2018
  • The paper relates to a study on the conduction heat transfer characteristics according to the heating temperature of lightweight panel wall material. Plywoods, marbles, heat resistant glasses, as well as general gypsum board and fire-proof gypsum board, which have been widely used for lightweight panel wall material, were selected as experiment samples, and heating temperatures were set as $100^{\circ}C$, $200^{\circ}C$, $300^{\circ}C$, $400^{\circ}C$, $500^{\circ}C$ and $600^{\circ}C$. Next, each of the heating temperatures were introduced on the bottom part of the wall material for 30 minutes, and analyses were made on the heat transfer characteristics to the backside part on the top part through conduction. As results of the experiment, the maximum backside temperatures were measured up to $190^{\circ}C$ for a general gypsum board, $198^{\circ}C$ for a fire-proof gypsum board, $189^{\circ}C$ for a plywood, $321^{\circ}C$ for a marble, and $418^{\circ}C$ for a heat resistant glass as heating temperatures were introduced maximum of $600^{\circ}C$. In addition, the maximum change rate of conduction heat transfer were measured up to 85 W for a general gypsum board, 95 W for a fire-proof gypsum board, 67 W for a plywood, 1686 W for a marble, and 3196 W for a heat resistant glass as the maximum heating temperatures were introduced up to $600^{\circ}C$. Also, carbonization characteristics of the wallpapers were measured to visually check the danger of conduction heat transfer, and the results showed that smokes were first generated on the attached wallpapers for the heating temperature $600^{\circ}C$, which were 1021 s for a general gypsum board, 978 s for a fire-proof gypsum board, 1395 s for a plywood, 167 s for a marble, and 20 s for a heat resistant glass, and that the first generation of carbonization were 1115 s for a general gypsum board, 1089 s for a fire-proof gypsum board, 1489 s for a plywood, 192 s for a marble, and 36 s for a heat resistant glass.

A study on the behavior of adolescence's music listening (청소년의 음악 감상 행동에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Seung Mi
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2005
  • This research was to study the behavior of listening music, music preference, meaning and role of music. The interviewees were 158 male/female students of high school in second level. This research had a interview which is composed with 7 multiple choice-questions and 1 short answer-question. In result, in the question of 'The average time of listening music', the most students(64, 41.8%) answered '1~2hours', the secondary, '2~3hours' which was 32.(20.9%) In the next question, 'The preference of music genre', 87students(56.8%) answered 'Korean pop and rock', 'American pop' was 11.1% each. Regarding 'The favorite mood of music', 50.3% of students answered 'Mellow songs, 24.8% of students answered 'Jaunty songs'. Regarding 'The social factor of listening music', more than half students(56.7%) agreed that friends or something like that may affect their music preference. Likewise, 51.6% agreed that their temper or character may affect their music preference. They answered that they enjoy the music usually when they take a rest(30.1%), when in moving(24.3%). Lastly, it said 'The meaning of music' is mostly 'Getting rid of stress and Refresh'(25.1%). And 'Calmness', 'Comfort' was 21.8%. The music especially to students means 'Emotional exit'. The music which can enable them to express their feelings is related with feeling and emotion deeply. And emotional factors like stress, depression, anxiety becomes the main reason of accepting the music meaningfully. In conclusion, This research says that they experience positive feelings and express emotions through music which enables them to understand fully their feelings and emotions.

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