• 제목/요약/키워드: Multiple Decision Method

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Linear Resource Sharing Method for Query Optimization of Sliding Window Aggregates in Multiple Continuous Queries (다중 연속질의에서 슬라이딩 윈도우 집계질의 최적화를 위한 선형 자원공유 기법)

  • Baek, Seong-Ha;You, Byeong-Seob;Cho, Sook-Kyoung;Bae, Hae-Young
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.563-577
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    • 2006
  • A stream processor uses resource sharing method for efficient of limited resource in multiple continuous queries. The previous methods process aggregate queries to consist the level structure. So insert operation needs to reconstruct cost of the level structure. Also a search operation needs to search cost of aggregation information in each size of sliding windows. Therefore this paper uses linear structure for optimization of sliding window aggregations. The method comprises of making decision, generation and deletion of panes in sequence. The decision phase determines optimum pane size for holding accurate aggregate information. The generation phase stores aggregate information of data per pane from stream buffer. At the deletion phase, panes are deleted that are no longer used. The proposed method uses resources less than the method where level structures were used as data structures as it uses linear data format. The input cost of aggregate information is saved by calculating only pane size of data though numerous stream data is arrived, and the search cost of aggregate information is also saved by linear searching though those sliding window size is different each other. In experiment, the proposed method has low usage of memory and the speed of query processing is increased.

Ammunition Allocation Model using an Interactive Multi-objective Optimization(MOO) Method (상호작용 다목적 최적화 방법론을 이용한 전시 탄약 할당 모형)

  • Jeong, Min-Seop;Park, Myeong-Seop
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.513-524
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    • 2006
  • The ammunition allocation problem is a Multi-objective optimization(MOO) problem, maximizing fill-rate of multiple user troops and minimizing transportation time. Recent studies attempted to solve this problem by the prior preference articulation approach such as goal programming. They require that all the preference information of decision makers(DM) should be extracted prior to solving the problem. However, the prior preference information is difficult to implement properly in a rapidly changing state of war. Moreover they have some limitations such as heavy cognitive effort required to DM. This paper proposes a new ammunition allocation model based on more reasonable assumptions and uses an interactive MOO method to the ammunition allocation problem to overcome the limitations mentioned above. In particular, this article uses the GDF procedure, one of the well-known interactive optimization methods in the MOO liter-ature, in solving the ammunition allocation problem.

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Practical Optimization Methods for Finding Best Recycling Pathways of Plastic Materials

  • Song, Hyun-Seob;Hyun, Jae Chun
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2001
  • Optimization methodologies have been proposed of find the best environment-friendly recycling pathways of plastic materials based on life-cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The main difficulty in conducting this optimization study is that multiple environmental burdens have to be considered simultaneously as the cost functions. Instead of generating conservative Pareto or noninferior solutions following multi-objective optimization approaches, we have proposed some practical criteria on how to combine the different environmental burdens into a single measure. The obtained single objective optimization problem can then be solved by conventional nonlinear programming techniques or, more effectively, by a tree search method based on decision flows. The latter method reduces multi-dimensional optimization problems to a set of one-dimensional problems in series. It is expected the suggested tree search approach can be applied to many LCA studies as a new promising optimization tool.

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An Economic Evaluation by a Scoring Model in the Nuclear Power Plants under Uncertainty (원전에서 점수산정모형에 의한 경제성 평가)

  • 강영식;함효준
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.22 no.52
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    • pp.311-322
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    • 1999
  • Major problems involved in an electrical utility expansion planning within a time horizon are how to efficiently deal with objectives considering multiple factors and uncertainty. But justification factors in study these days have considered only quantitative factors except qualitative factors. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to develop a new model for economic evaluation of nuclear power plants through the scoring model with the quantitative and qualitative factors under uncertainty. The quantitative factors use a levelized generation cost method considering time value of money. Especially, the environmental, risk, and safety factors in this paper have been also explained for the rational economic justification of the qualitative factors under uncertainty. This paper not only proposes a new approach method using the scoring model in evaluating economy of the nuclear power plant in the long term, but also provides the more efficient decision making criterion for nuclear power plants under uncertainty.

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A Study on Correlation Analysis of Risk Factors for Urban Regeneration Using ISM method (ISM기법을 이용한 도시재생사업 리스크 요인의 상관성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Beom-Suk;Jin, Run-Zhi;Han, Sangwon;Hyun, Chang-Taek
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2013.05a
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    • pp.192-193
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    • 2013
  • In recent years, risks associated with mixed used development in urban regeneration projects which have actively been implemented have been on the rise due to uncertainties and complexities of those projects. Thus, risk management is needed to effectively manage those risks that may occur during the process of a project. Many studies have contributed to deal with risk management of those projects. These studies, however, have focused main on identification stage and deriving the main risk factors and have limitations on presenting the relationship among those risk factors. Since many risks are interdependent and have multiple effects, the purpose of this study is to present a way(ISM method) to provide a hierarchical structural framework of risks in Urban Regeneration. The structural of risks can helps decision makers to trace the actual source of these risks.

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Strategies for the Automatic Decision of Railway Shunting Routes Based on the Heuristic Search Method (휴리스틱 탐색기법에 근거한 철도입환진로의 자동결정전략 설계)

  • Ko Yun-Seok
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.283-289
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes an expert system which can determine automatically the shunting routes corresponding to the given shunting works by considering totally the train operating environments in the station. The expert system proposes the multiple shunting routes with priority of selection based on heuristic search strategy. Accordingly, system operator can select a shunting route with the safety and efficiency among the those shunting routes. The expert system consists of a main inference engine and a sub inference engine. The main inference engine determines the shunting routes with selection priority using the segment routes obtained from the sub inference engine. The heuristic rules are extracted from operating knowledges of the veteran route operator and station topology. It is implemented in C computer language for the purpose of the implementation of the inference engine using the dynamic memory allocation technique. And, the validity of the builted expert system is proved by a test case for the model station.

A Study on Priority Decision for Roundabouts Implementation using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP기법을 이용한 회전교차로 도입의 우선순위 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, Yong-Han;Kim, Min-Seok
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2013
  • Roundabouts are recently paid a lot of attention, but in the process of implementation, there are insufficient logical grounds for clear criteria and priority of introduction. As a result, in determining priority of introduction of roundabouts, a local government often depends on a policy maker's subjective judgement. Therefore, this study was conducted to suggest methodology for priority decision of introduction of roundabouts. Assessment elements of six main elements including accident type at intersections and each one has three subelements. Survey was carried out targeting fifty-three public officials in charge and experts in order to analyze the significance of each assessment element. The theoretical background of analysis is based on AHP developed by Saaty, which is one of multiple criteria decision making methods. 'Expert Choice 2000' was used as a software program. Five intersections representing different situations were selected as examples of analysis. It was also paired with sensibility analysis to grasp how priority might be changed by different weight. Through this result, it can be inferred that priority might change by manipulating field situation from other areas.

A Study on Selection Method of COTS Component Based on the Software Quality Measurement (소프트웨어 품질측정에 의한 상용컴포넌트 선정방법에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Kie-Sung;Lee, Nam-Yong;Rhew, Sung-Yul
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.5
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    • pp.897-902
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    • 2002
  • Because of rapid evolution of software technique, numerous software professionals have been concerned with component based development methodologies. However, it is hard to find out a systematic technique for the selection of COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) component in consumer position. Up to date, the major of component quality evaluation is object-oriented metric based evaluation methodology. But this paper present four step process and evaluation criteria based on MCDM (Multiple Criteria Decision Making) technique for optimal COTS component selection in consumer position. We considered funtionality, efficiency, usability based on IS0/IEC 9126 for Quality measurement and executed practical analysis about commercial EJB component in internet. This paper show that the proposed selection technique is applicable to optimal COTS component selection.

Handover in LTE networks with proactive multiple preparation approach and adaptive parameters using fuzzy logic control

  • Hussein, Yaseein Soubhi;Ali, Borhanuddin M;Rasid, Mohd Fadlee A.;Sali, Aduwati
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.2389-2413
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    • 2015
  • High data rates in long-term evolution (LTE) networks can affect the mobility of networks and their performance. The speed and motion of user equipment (UE) can compromise seamless connectivity. However, a proper handover (HO) decision can maintain quality of service (QoS) and increase system throughput. While this may lead to an increase in complexity and operational costs, self-optimization can enhance network performance by improving resource utilization and user experience and by reducing operational and capital expenditure. In this study, we propose the self-optimization of HO parameters based on fuzzy logic control (FLC) and multiple preparation (MP), which we name FuzAMP. Fuzzy logic control can be used to control self-optimized HO parameters, such as the HO margin and time-to-trigger (TTT) based on multiple criteria, viz HO ping pong (HOPP), HO failure (HOF) and UE speeds. A MP approach is adopted to overcome the hard HO (HHO) drawbacks, such as the large delay and unreliable procedures caused by the break-before-make process. The results of this study show that the proposed method significantly reduces HOF, HOPP, and packet loss ratio (PLR) at various UE speeds compared to the HHO and the enhanced weighted performance HO parameter optimization (EWPHPO) algorithms.

A MOS Assignment Model to Enlisted Recruits Using AHP and Goal Programming (AHP기법과 목표계획법을 이용한 신병 군사특기 분류 모형)

  • 민계료;김해식
    • Journal of the military operations research society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.142-159
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    • 1999
  • To assign the soldiers in the adequate positions I military is almost as important as managing officers because they compose the main part of military structure and equipment operators. The current Military Occupational Specialty(MOS) assignment system lacks the capability to optimize the use of recruit's potential. We suggest an MOS assignment method for enlisted recruits using the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) method, this method systematically provides a method of calculation of composite relative weights of decision elements to be considered during MOS assignment and a method of quantification for personal quality of new recruits. The quantified value of personal quality, Mission Performance Capability(MPC), in this study means the mission performance capability when a personnel is assigned to a certain MOS. This paper develops a multiple objectives MOS assignment model for enlisted recruits. It uses MPC of personnels, calculated with AHP method and consensus method, as parameters. The goal constraints are assurance of filling requirement, minimization of the number of unassigned personnel to MOS, capability satisfaction of education facility and support facility, assurance of desired MPC value level for MOS assignment, and maximization of total MPC. The objective function is to terminalization of the negative or positive deviation for the above goal constraints.

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