• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multimedia Network

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Priority based Image Transmission Technique with DPCM in Wireless Multimedia (무선 멀티미디어 센서 네트워크에서 예측부호화를 통한 우선순위 기반 이미지 전송 기법)

  • Lee, Joa-Hyoung;Jung, In-Bum
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1023-1031
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    • 2010
  • With recent advances in hardware and wireless communication techniques, wireless multimedia sensor network which collects multimedia data through wireless sensor network has started to receive a lot of attentions from many researchers. Wireless multimedia sensor network requires a research of efficient compression and transmission to process the multimedia data which has large size, in the wireless sensor network that has very low network bandwidth. In this paper, we propose PIT protocol for the transmission based on the priority that classified by the DPCM compression. The PIT protocol sets different priority to the each subbands which are divided by the wavelet transform. The PIT protocol transmits the data with higher priority to guarantee the high image quality. The PIT protocol uses the characteristic of wavelet transform that the transformed image is very insensible to the data loss. In PIT protocol, each subbands of wavelet transformed image has fair weight in the compressed image to utilize the prioriy based transmission. The experiment results show that the PIT protocol improves the quality of image in spite of data loss.

A Study on an Improvement of Network Monitoring Performance by Adding Time Variables in SNMP PDU (SNMP PDU의 시간변수 추가를 통한 네트워크 모니터링 성능 향상에 관한 연구)

  • 윤천균;정일용
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.1266-1276
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    • 2003
  • Multimedia information containing voice and image is transmitted on Internet, which is ten times or hundred times larger than ordinary information. Analysis types for network management in this environment consist of a real time analysis, a basic analysis and an intensive analysis. The intensive analysis is useful for gathering the trend information of specific objects periodically for certain period in order to monitor network status. When SNMP is applied to collect the trend information of intensive analysis, it brings on the increase of network load, the delay of response time and the decrease of data collection accuracy since an agent responds to manager's every polling. In this paper, an efficient SNMP is proposed and implemented to add time variables in the existing SNMP PDU. It minimizes unnecessary traffic in the intensive analysis between manager and agent, and collects trend information more accurately. The results of experiments show that it has compatibility with the existing SNMP, decreases the amount of network traffic greatly and increases the accuracy of data collection.

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QoS Model for Supporting high Quality Multimedia Services (고품질의 멀티미디어 서비스 제공을 위한 QoS 모델)

  • Song, Myung-Won;Lim, In-Seub;Jung, Soon-Key
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.33 no.9B
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    • pp.802-812
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes QoS Model which has tested and analyzed the capabilities of provisioning multimedia service in high speed Internet environment. We have tested quality measurement test for VoIP/MoIP, VoD, IPTV services and analyzed the level of QoS and QoS degradation by constructing test laboratory consisted of 46 subscribers which provided by 3 telecom operators. Besides, We propose QoS Model to apply for BcN application based on analysis result and prove proposed model by constructing test lab in KOREN environment. It is expected that telecom will use this results as a valuable information to construct All-IP network based on NGN(NGN:Next Generation Network).This paper proposes QoS Model which has tested and analyzed the capabilities of provisioning multimedia service in high speed Internet environment. It is expected that telecom will use this results as a valuable information to construct All-IP network based on NGN.

The Implementation of a PC GUI for a Multimedia Tele-Medical System based on ATM / B-ISDN (ATM/B-ISDN 통신망 기반의 멀티미디어 원격의료 정보시스템을 위한 PC용 GUI 구현)

  • 정연기;김영탁
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 1998
  • In the tele-medical system, the broadband network for multimedia telecommunication and the multimedia terminal equipment for the remote access of the tele-medical information are essential. Especially, the tele-medical terminal equipment should provide the multimedia GUI environment in order to support the similar medical process by the tele-medical system. In this paper, we present a multimedia GUI (Graphic User Interface) for a Multimedia Tele-Medical System (TeleMedi_GUI) based on ATM/B-ISDN. In the tele-medical system, one workstation is used for the multimedia data server that is supporting multiple client terminals that are connected by the ATM network. The client terminals are based on Multimedia Personal Computers, and provide the remote access environment of the tele-medical database. We also developed the remote access protocols among the clients and the server to access multimedia medical information of the multimedia server. With using the TeleMedi_GUI, the doctors can examine and treat patients efficiently, using image data like X-ray/CT and voice data such as the S-ray diagnosis. The result of this paper can be applied to the following areas: 1) the implementation of the advanced medical service system interconnecting the small-scale health center and general hospitals, 2) the development of a fully computerized medical information system within the hospital.

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A Design & Implementation of Remote Access Function for A Multimedia Database of The Tele-medical System Based on ATM/B-ISDN (ATM/B-ISDN 기반의 원격 의료정보 시스템을 위한 멀티미디어 데이터베이스 원격 접속기능 설계 및 구현)

  • 김호철;김영탁
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.98-108
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    • 1998
  • In the multimedia tele-medical system the medical informations are stored and managed in multimedia database. Also, multimedia DBMS is essential in order to manage large scale medical informations, and the remote access function is necessary for the distributed processing at all around the hospital. For the multimedia tele-medical information that is composed of image/picture, data, video, and audio, a high-speed telecommunication network is necessary that can provide separated connections for each medical information type with different QoS. The commercial DBMSs are based on the TCP/IP socket API(Application Programming Interface) that does not provide multiple QoS. Also, each commercial DBMS has its own API that is incompatible with other DBMS. In this paper, we propose a multimedia DBMS agent for the remote access of the multimedia database in the tele-medical system. The proposed multimedia DBMS agent is based on the ATM API that can provide high-speed data transfer capability and multiple QoS connections. Also, the proposed multimedia DBMS agent is independent of the commercial DBMS. We explain the functional architecture of the multimedia DBMS agent, implementation technology on the ATM network environment, and the result of performance analysis.

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A Study on MOT Protocol for multimedia Service on Digital Audio Broadcasting Network (DAB망에서 멀티미디어 서비스를 위한 MOT 프로토콜 성능 최적화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 고예윤;조규섭
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2003
  • Nowadays, as digital technologies are rapidly developed and requirements for the various types of broadband multimedia services increases, the radio broadcasting is moving to digitalization. DAB(Digital Audio Broadcasting), as an alternation of existing analog radio broadcasting, is a new type of multimedia broadcasting system. DAB supports not only high-quality audio broadcasting but also various types of multimedia data services. In this paper, we investigate the performance optimization method of MOT Protocol, as the standard for additional services, to support the multimedia services in the DAB network. Because the performance of the MOT protocol is dependent on various parameters such as segment size, segment repetition and so on, we find those by simulation for performance optimization. According to simulation results, the suitable segment size is about 2Kbyte and segment repetition is 4 times for performance optimization.

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A Performance Evaluation of Multimedia Data Downstream with PDA over Wireless LAN (무선 랜 환경에서 PDA의 멀티미디어 데이터 다운스트림 성능 평가)

  • Hur Hye Sun;Hong Youn Sik;Woo Yo Seop
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2005
  • When a PDA is used as a mobile terminal in an infrastructure network based on 802.11b standard wireless LAN, we measured and evaluated the performance of multimedia data transmission. In general, PDAs are mainly used tot receiving bulk data like multimedia data. However, while a PDA as a mobile host transfers multimedia data to a desktop PC as a fixed host in such a network, the time taken to receive data from the PC to the PDA is always longer than the time taken to send data from the PDA to the PC by at least 53%. Thus, we consider some critical factors that affect the time taken to receive Our experimental results show that with the PDA the time taken to access a file for writing is longer than the time taken to access a file for reading of to 4.11 times. In addition, a dramatic change of the site of the receiver window, from 686 bytes to 32,383 bytes, prolongs the time taken to receive. To transfer data without any inter-packet interval for the PDA and to increase the size of the TCP receive buffer will be effective in improving the delay to receive data.

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An Information Security Scheme Based on Video Watermarking and Encryption for H.264 Scalable Extension (H.264 Scalable Extension을 위한 비디오 워터마킹 및 암호화 기반의 정보보호 기법)

  • Kim, Won-Jei;Seung, Teak-Young;Lee, Suk-Hwan;Kwon, Ki-Ryong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.299-311
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    • 2012
  • Recently, H.264 SE(scalable extension) has become a standard of next generation multimedia service which is one source, multi-user service in the telecommunication environment of different kinds of networks and terminal equipments. But existing DRM schemes for multimedia service are not fit for H.264 SE system. Because the amount of transmitted multimedia data is changed considering network environment and terminal equipments' performance by the system, but in the existing DRM schemes, the amount of handled multimedia data are not variable according to network environment and terminal equipments' performance. In this paper, an information security scheme combined video watermarking and encryption is presented for H.264 SE. Amount of watermarks and embedding positions are calculated by the frame number of enhancement layers which are created according to the state of networks and terminal equipments. In order to minimize delayed time by video watermarking and encryption, the video data are watermarked and encrypted in the H.264 SE compression process. In the experimental results, we confirmed that proposed scheme is robust against video compression, general signal processing and geometric processing.

Improving the Professional Competence of a Specialist in Poland by Implementing Multimedia Technologies

  • Kravchenko, Tetiana;Varga, Lesia;Lypchanko-Kovachyk, Oksana;Chinchoy, Alexander;Yevtushenko, Nataliia;Syladii, Ivan;Kuchai, Oleksandr
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2022
  • The article emphasizes the features of the modern education system in Poland, reveals the peculiarities of improving the professional competence of a specialist in Poland through the implementation of multimedia technologies. Various forms of innovations implemented in improving the professional competence of a specialist are listed: improvement (rationalization), modernization, innovation. The forms of professional improvement through the introduction of computer technologies in general and multimedia technologies, in particular, primarily include various professional courses, qualification, preparatory, methodological conferences, seminars, postgraduate studies, foreign and state internships. At the same time, the main direction is self-education. The subject of professional improvement in the application of computer technologies by specialists is the updating of existing knowledge, exchange of professional experience, planning, as well as discussion of innovative works in which specialists participate. Professional growth of specialists can occur both during work and in higher education institutions during their studies. Modernization of computer technologies, especially multimedia ones, is a necessary condition for the functioning of specialists in modern society, since specialists are at the center of the educational process, during the improvement of professional competence. The main functions of the educational process necessary for improving the professional competence of specialists through the implementation of multimedia technologies are revealed. These functions not only contribute to the professional improvement of specialists, but also affect their solutions and optimize the maintenance of contacts between specialists. The importance of creating conditions that are consistent with the modern needs of innovative education is emphasized.

Multimedia Technologies for Teaching Musical Art under Present-day Conditions

  • Svitlana Huralna;Nataliia Demianko;Nataliia Sulaieva;Viktoriia Irkliienko;Tetiana Horokhivska
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2024
  • The processes of society's informatization and digitalization necessitate the widespread use of new pedagogical technologies. Through these technologies, comprehensive disclosure of didactic functions of new methods of educational activity and the realization of the potential and creative potential. The use of information and computer multimedia technologies in teaching music art is especially relevant in the intensification of the development of interactive technologies, the transition to mixed forms of learning, and a period of socio-economic and sociopolitical upheavals. The study aims to substantiate the theoretical and applied principles of the analysis of multimedia technology learning musical art in modern conditions and assess the status and trends in their use in conducting educational activities. The study uses general scientific and unique methods of economic analysis, in particular, analysis and synthesis, analogy and comparison, generalization and systematization, and graphic ways. Regarding the results of the study of multimedia technologies for teaching musical art in current conditions, it was found that they contribute to the development of the seeker's creative, creative, and cognitive activity, have a positive impact on learning material, and diversify the educational process. Multimedia technologies such as presentations, programs for watching a video, listening to audio, music and singing karaoke, electronic encyclopedias, and Internet resources are proven to be the most used in music education. They have several qualitative and quantitative advantages, manifested in the possibilities of audio-visual presentation of educational material and significantly higher information density. It is suggested to strengthen the use of such computer programs as Microsoft Word, Ahead Nero, Finale, Adobe Audition, Sound Forge, and Microsoft PowerPoint for musical art classes.