• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multi-material structure

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Variation of Water Quality and Periphytic Algae in Multi-layer and Porous Structure for River-bed Protection using Bio-polymer materials: A Case Study of Daecheong-stream in Gimhae-Si (Bio-polymer 소재를 활용한 다층다공성 하상보호공 적용에 따른 수질 및 부착조류의 변화량: 김해시 대청천을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Ahn, Hong-Kyu;Che, Soo-Kwon
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 2019
  • This study monitored Daecheong 1-bo, Daecheong-stream, which carried out the project in 2014, from 2015 to 2016. The technology applied to the stream was evaluated using Periphytic Algae to check contamination indicators and ecological health of the area with an integral river-bed protection using non-toxic materials. The water quality of the monitoring section was confirmed to be above the river environment standard (II), and it was confirmed that the Saproxenic taxa of the river bed protection were higher than the upper and downstream sections. The TDI, which is an index of attachment algae, was shown in the average 51.03 and 52.15 for the pilot project sections in 2015 and 2016, confirming that the index is of the "normal" grade. This is the other sections in the upstream and downstream sections showed higher than "bad", which is thought to have a positive effect on the habitat of the river ecosystem components, especially the microbial population in river bed protection.

Suggestion of Modified Compression Index for secondary consolidation using by Nonlinear Elasto Viscoplastic Models (비선형 점탄소성 모델을 이용한 2차압밀이 포함된 수정압축지수개발)

  • Choi, Bu-Sung;Im, Jong-Chul;Kwon, Jung-Keun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.1115-1123
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    • 2008
  • When constructing projects such as road embankments, bridge approaches, dikes or buildings on soft, compressible soils, significant settlements may occur due to the consolidation of these soils under the superimposed loads. The compressibility of the soil skeleton of a soft clay is influenced by such factors as structure and fabric, stress path, temperature and loading rate. Although it is possible to determine appropriate relations and the corresponding material parameters in the laboratory, it is well known that sample disturbance due to stress release, temperature change and moisture content change can have a profound effect on the compressibility of a clay. The early research of Tezaghi and Casagrande has had a lasting influence on our interpretation of consolidation data. The 24 hour, incremental load, oedometer test has become, more or less, the standard procedure for determining the one-dimensional, stress-strain behavior of clays. An important notion relates to the interpretation of the data is the ore-consolidation pressure ${\sigma}_p$, which is located approximately at the break in the slope on the curve. From a practical point of view, this pressure is usually viewed as corresponding to the maximum past effective stress supported by the soil. Researchers have shown, however, that the value of ${\sigma}_p$ depends on the test procedure. furthermore, owing to sampling disturbance, the results of the laboratory consolidation test must be corrected to better capture the in-situ compressibility characteristics. The corrections apply, strictly speaking, to soils where the relation between strain and effective stress is time independent. An important assumption in Terzaghi's one-dimensional theory of consolidation is that the soil skeleton behaves elastically. On the other hand, Buisman recognized that creep deformations in settlement analysis can be important. this has led to extensions to Terzaghi's theory by various investigators, including the applicant and coworkers. The main object of this study is to suggestion the modified compression index value to predict settlements by back calculating the $C_c$ from different numerical models, which are giving best prediction settlements for multi layers including very thick soft clay.

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Development of Rotordynamics Program Based on the 2D Finite Element Method for Flywheel Energy Storage System (2차원 유한요소법을 적용한 플라이휠 에너지 저장 장치 동특성 해석 프로그램 개발)

  • Gu, Dong-Sik;Bae, Yong-Cae;Lee, Wook-Ryun;Kim, Jae-Gu;Kim, Hyo-Jung;Choi, Byeong-Keun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.34 no.11
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    • pp.1757-1763
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    • 2010
  • Flywheel energy storage system (FESS) is defined as a high speed rotating flywheel system that can save surplus electric power. The FESS is proposed as an efficient energy storage system because it can accumulate a large amount of energy when it is operated at a high rotating speed and no mechanical problems are encountered. The FESS consists of a shaft, flywheel, motor/generator, bearings, and case. It is difficult to simulate rotor dynamics using common structure simulation programs because these programs are based on the 3D model and complex input rotating conditions. Therefore, in this paper, a program for the FESS based on the 2D FEM was developed. The 2D FEM can model easier than 3D, and it can present the multi-layer rotor with different material each other. Stiffness changing of the shaft caused by shrink fitting of the hub can be inputted to get clear solving results. The results obtained using the program were compared with those obtained using the common programs to determine any errors.

Multiscale Virtual Testing Machines of Concrete and Other Composite Materials: A Review (콘크리트 및 복합재료용 멀티스케일 가상 시험기계에 관한 소고)

  • Haile, Bezawit F.;Park, S.M.;Yang, B.J.;Lee, H.K.
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2018
  • Recently composite materials have dominated most engineering fields, owing to their better performance, increased durability and flexibility to be customized and designed for a specific required property. This has given them unprecedented superiority over conventional materials. With the help of the ever increasing computational capabilities of computers, researchers have been trying to develop accurate material models for the complex and integrated properties of these composites. This has led to advances in virtual testing of composite materials as a supplement or a possible replacement of laboratory experiments to predict the properties and responses of composite materials and structures. This paper presents a review on the complex multi-scale modelling framework of the virtual testing machines, which involve computational mechanics at various length-scales starting with nano-mechanics and ending in structure level computational mechanics, with a homogenization technique used to link the different length scales. In addition, the paper presents the features of some of the biggest integrated virtual testing machines developed for study of concrete, including a multiscale modeling scheme for the simulation of the constitutive properties of nanocomposites. Finally, the current challenges and future development potentials for virtual test machines are discussed.

Detection of Buried Objects and Imaging of Subsurface Resistivity Structure using Loop-Loop EM Methods (소형루프 전자탐사법을 이용한 매설물 탐지 및 지하 전기비저항 영상화)

  • Seol Soon Jee;Song Yoonho;Cho Seong-Jun;Son Jeong-Sul;Chung Seung-Hwan
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.309-315
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    • 2002
  • Conventional electromagnetic (EM) method using small loops as a source and receiver has been used in detection of conductive buried objects like a metal detector or in qualitative estimation of the subsurface conductivity variation. Recently, however, since detection of buried objects and imaging of the subsurface conductivity distribution in a relatively conductive area are in a high demand for environmental and engineering purposes, the quantitative interpretation technique of EM data is actively studied. In this regard, we introduce a brief principle of EM survey and show an example of the detection of buried conductive material and imaging of the subsurface conductivity distribution based on data measured at a test survey area. Through this study, we show that multi-frequency EM surveys using small loops may be a good solution to give quick and detail information of subsurface in a conductive survey area.

Heat Performance of Rapid Hardening Nano-Cementitious Composite for Repairing of Concrete Structures (콘크리트 구조물 보수를 위한 초속경 나노-시멘트 복합체의 발열성능)

  • Cho, Sanghyeon;Lee, Heeyoung;Yu, Wonjun;Kim, Donghwi;Chung, Wonseok
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.421-428
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    • 2020
  • Recently, excellent thermal and electrical performance of cementitious composites by mixing nano materials are being studied. The purpose of this study is to research the heat generation and power consumption of rapid hardening nano-cementitious composites. The experiment was carried out after setting the rapid hardening cementitious material, curing day, and supply voltage as parameters. Rapid hardening nano-cementitious materials were classified into cement paste, mortar, and concrete The heat performance of all rapid hardening nano-cementitious composites in curing 1 day has increased over 10℃. The rapid hardening nano-cementitious composites can exhibit heat performance within 1 day. The heat performance of the rapid hardening nano-cementitious composites is maintained after 28 days.

The Effect of Platelet Derived Growth Factor - BB Loaded Chitosan/Calcium Metaphosphate on Bone Regeneration (혈소판유래성장인자를 함유한 Chitosan/Calcium Metaphosphate의 골조직재생효과에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Yeol;Seol, Yang-Jo;Lee, Yong-Moo;Lee, Ju-Yeon;Lee, Seung-Jin;Kim, Suk-Young;Ku, Young;Rhyu, In-Chul;Han, Soo-Boo;Choi, Sang-Mook;Chung, Chong-Pyoung
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2001
  • Chitosan is biodegradable natural polymer that has been demonstrated its ability to improve wound healing, and calcium metaphosphate(CMP) is a unique class of phosphate minerals having a polymeric structure. In this study, chitosan/CMP and platelet derived growth factor(PDGF-BB) loaded chitosan/CMP sponges were developed, and the effect of the sponges on bone regeneration and their possibility as scaffolds for bone formation by three-dimensional osteoblast culture were examined. PDGF-BB loaded chitosan/CMP sponges were prepared by freeze-drying of a mixture of chitosan solution and CMP powder, and soaking in a PDGF-BB solution. Fabricated sponge retained its 3-dimensional porous structure with $100-200\;{\mu}m$ pores. The release kinetics of PDGF-BB loaded onto the sponge were measured in vitro with $^{125}I-labeled$ PDGF-BB. In order to examine their possibility as scaffolds for bone formation, fetal rat calvarial osteoblastic cells were isolated, cultured, and seeded into the sponges. The cell-sponge constructs were cultured for 28 days. Cell proliferation, alkaline phosphatase activity were measured at 1, 7, 14 and 28 days, and histologic examination was performed. In order to examine the effect on the healing of bone defect, the sponges were implanted into rat calvarial defects. Rats were sacrificed 2 and 4 weeks after implantation and histologic and histomorphometrical examination were performed. An effective therapeutic concentration of PDGF-BB following a high initial burst release was maintained throughout the examination period. PDGF-BB loaded chitosan/CMP sponges supported the proliferation of seeded osteoblastic cells as well as their differentiation as indicated by high alkaline phosphatase activities. Histologic findings indicated that seeded osteoblastic cells well attached to sponge matrices and proliferated in a multi-layer fashion. In the experiments of implantation in rat calvarial defects, histologic and histomorphometric examination revealed that chitosan/CMP sponge promoted osseous healing as compared to controls. PDGF-BB loaded chitosan/CMP sponge further echanced bone regeneration. These results suggested that PDGF-BB loaded chitosan/CMP sponge was a feasable scaffolding material to grow osteoblast in a three-dimentional structure for transplantation into a site for bone regeneration.

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Experimental Study on the Performance Improvement of Velcro Reinforcement through Internal Filling (내부충진을 통한 벨크로 보강재의 성능향상에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Jeong, Yeong-Seok;Kwon, Minho;Kim, Jin-Sup;Nam, Gwang-Sik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.347-355
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    • 2021
  • During the earthquake, for multi-story structure, if the first floor is soft, the deformation will concentrate on that floor causing a serious damage to the column members which might leads to the collapse of the whole structure like Piloti structure during the Pohang earthquake in Korea. According to the 2016 National Disaster Management Research Institute's "Investigation of Seismic Reinforcement and Cost Analysis of Domestic Non-seismic Buildings", the rate of seismic resistance of private reinforced concrete buildings was 38.3 %. Among them, it was reported that the seismic-resistance ratio of the two to five-story structures was less than 50 %. Accordingly, the government is trying to improve the seismic rate through support projects, but the conventional seismic reinforcement methods are still expensive, and emergency construction is difficult. Therefore, in this study, the field applicability was evaluated by improving the reinforcement method using Velcro, which was developed through the research project of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs in 2014. In order to improve the performance of the Velcro reinforcement method, introducing the initial tension of Velcro using high foaming rigid urethane filling between the Velcro and concrete of the columns was applied. Additionally, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the ductility of Velcro specimen from the concrete confinement effect. As a result, the ductility of the Velcro specimen was improved compare to Normal specimen. However, the energy dissipation capacity of VELCRO2 is better than VELCRO1, yet the maximum ductility of those two specimens did not show a significant difference. Therefore, the improvement of the internal filler material is still needed to have a better maximum ductility.

A Study on History and Archetype Technology of Goli-su in Korea (한국 고리수의 역사와 원형기술의 복원 연구)

  • Kim, Young-ran
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.4-25
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    • 2013
  • Goli-su is the innovative special kind of the embroidery technique, which combines twining and interlacing skill with metal technology and makes the loops woven to each other with a strand. The loops floating on the space of the ground look like floating veins of sculpture and give people the feeling of the openwork. This kind of characteristic has some similarities with the lacework craft of Western Europe in texture and technique style, but it has its own features different from that of Western Europe. It mainly represents the splendid gloss with metallic materials in the Embroidered cloth, such as gold foil or wire. In the 10th century, early days of Goryo, we can see the basic Goli-su structure form of its initial period in the boy motif embroidery purse unearthed from the first level of Octagonal Nine-storied Pagoda of Woljeong-sa. In the Middle period of Joseon, there are several pieces of Goli-su embroidered relic called "Battle Flag of Goryo", which was taken by the Japanese in 1592 and is now in the Japanese temple. This piece is now converted into altar-table covers. In 18~19th century, two pairs of embroidered pillows in Joseon palace were kept intact, whose time and source are very accurate. The frame of the pillows was embroidered with Goli-su veins, and some gold foil papers were inserted into the inside. The triangle motif with silk was embroidered on the pillow. The stitch in the Needle-Looped embroidery is divided into three kinds according to comprehensive classification: 1. Goli-su ; 2. Goli-Kamgi-su ; 3. Goli-Saegim-su. From the 10th century newly establishing stage to the 13th century, Goli-su has appeared variational stitches and employed 2~3 dimensional color schemes gradually. According to the research of this thesis, we can still see this stitch in the embroidery pillow, which proves that Goli-suwas still kept in Korea in the 19th century. And in terms of the research achievement of this thesis, Archetype technology of Goli-su was restored. Han Sang-soo, Important Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 80 and Master of Embroidery already recreated the Korean relics of Goli-su in Joseon Dynasty. The Needle-Looped embriodery is the overall technological result of ancestral outstanding Metal craft, Twining and Interlacing craft, and Embroidery art. We should inherit, create, and seek the new direction in modern multi-dimensional and international industry societyon the basis of these research results. We can inherit the long history of embroidering, weaving, fiber processing, and expand the applications of other craft industries, and develop new advanced additional values of new dress material, fashion technology, ornament craft and artistic design. Thus, other crafts assist each other and broaden the expressive field to pursue more diversified formative beauty and beautify our life abundantly together.

Recent Progress in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research : A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2016 (설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향 : 2016년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰)

  • Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Sa Ryang;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Dong-Seon;Park, Jun-Seok;Ihm, Pyeong Chan
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.327-340
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    • 2017
  • This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during 2016. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. Conclusions are as follows. (1) The research works on the thermal and fluid engineering have been reviewed as groups of flow, heat and mass transfer, the reduction of pollutant exhaust gas, cooling and heating, the renewable energy system and the flow around buildings. CFD schemes were used more for all research areas. (2) Research works on heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics, pool boiling and condensing heat transfer and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included the results of the long-term performance variation of the plate-type enthalpy exchange element made of paper, design optimization of an extruded-type cooling structure for reducing the weight of LED street lights, and hot plate welding of thermoplastic elastomer packing. In the area of pool boiling and condensing, the heat transfer characteristics of a finned-tube heat exchanger in a PCM (phase change material) thermal energy storage system, influence of flow boiling heat transfer on fouling phenomenon in nanofluids, and PCM at the simultaneous charging and discharging condition were studied. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, one-dimensional flow network model and porous-media model, and R245fa in a plate-shell heat exchanger were studied. (3) Various studies were published in the categories of refrigeration cycle, alternative refrigeration/energy system, system control. In the refrigeration cycle category, subjects include mobile cold storage heat exchanger, compressor reliability, indirect refrigeration system with $CO_2$ as secondary fluid, heat pump for fuel-cell vehicle, heat recovery from hybrid drier and heat exchangers with two-port and flat tubes. In the alternative refrigeration/energy system category, subjects include membrane module for dehumidification refrigeration, desiccant-assisted low-temperature drying, regenerative evaporative cooler and ejector-assisted multi-stage evaporation. In the system control category, subjects include multi-refrigeration system control, emergency cooling of data center and variable-speed compressor control. (4) In building mechanical system research fields, fifteenth studies were reported for achieving effective design of the mechanical systems, and also for maximizing the energy efficiency of buildings. The topics of the studies included energy performance, HVAC system, ventilation, renewable energies, etc. Proposed designs, performance tests using numerical methods and experiments provide useful information and key data which could be help for improving the energy efficiency of the buildings. (5) The field of architectural environment was mostly focused on indoor environment and building energy. The main researches of indoor environment were related to the analyses of indoor thermal environments controlled by portable cooler, the effects of outdoor wind pressure in airflow at high-rise buildings, window air tightness related to the filling piece shapes, stack effect in core type's office building and the development of a movable drawer-type light shelf with adjustable depth of the reflector. The subjects of building energy were worked on the energy consumption analysis in office building, the prediction of exit air temperature of horizontal geothermal heat exchanger, LS-SVM based modeling of hot water supply load for district heating system, the energy saving effect of ERV system using night purge control method and the effect of strengthened insulation level to the building heating and cooling load.