• 제목/요약/키워드: Multi-emulsion

검색결과 49건 처리시간 0.029초

멀티 유화 기술 이용 수분산성의 항산화 효능을 함유한 커큐민의 개발 (Development of Curcumin with Anti-Oxidation Effect of Water Dispersibility using Multi-Emulsification Technology)

  • 이경행;이은현
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제34권6호
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    • pp.561-567
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    • 2021
  • Curcumin is not soluble in water. Therefore, curcumin emulsion that can dissolve well in water were prepared using multi-emulsification technology, and the antioxidant activities and physical properties of emulsion were measured. Although curcumin was not dissolved in water, it was confirmed to be well dispersed in water when prepared in an aqueous dispersion curcumin emulsion. After dissolving curcumin using water and ethanol as solvents, respectively, the DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging abilities of the filtrate and the curcumin emulsion were measured. Because it was not dissolved in water, activities were not shown. However, when curcumin was dissolved in ethanol, the activities increased as the concentration of curcumin increased. On the other hand, when the curcumin emulsion was dissolved in water, it was found to have abilities. The curcumin emulsion was nano-homogenized and the size and distribution of the emulsified spheres were measured. It was confirmed to be nano-sized as it appeared as 9.083 nm/100%. In the results of the DPPH radical and ABTS radical scavenging abilities of curcumin nano-emulsion, it was confirmed that there was no change in the antioxidant abilities. In conclusion, water-dispersible curcumin prepared using multi-emulsification technology, and it was confirmed to exhibit antioxidant activity and emulsion stability.

[ $W_{1}/O/W_{2}$ ] Multi-emulsion Capsules Containing Ascrobic Acid-2-Glucoside Prepared Using PCL-based Amphiphilic Di- and Tri-block Copolymers

  • Cho, Heui-Kyoung;Chang, Woo-Hyuck;Cheong, In-Woo
    • 한국고분자학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국고분자학회 2006년도 IUPAC International Symposium on Advanced Polymers for Emerging Technologies
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    • pp.262-262
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    • 2006
  • Biodegradable and amphiphilic di-block and tri-block copolymers, prepared with monomethoxy poly ethylene glycol (MPEG) and ${\varepsilon}-caprolactone\;({\varepsilon}-CL)$, were used for the application of W1/O/W2 multi- emulsion capsules. The effects of topology and the ratio of hydrophilic moiety of PCL-based polymers on the encapsulation efficiency of the $W_{1}/O/W_{2}$ multi-emulsion capsules containing Ascorbic Acid-2-Glucoside (AA-2-G) were investigated. The ratio of PEG and PCL was 1:0.5, 1:0.75, 1:1, and 1:1.25. PEG-PCL block copolymers were added to the first step of the preparation of $W_{1}/O$ emulsions. The dispersion stability, the particle size, the morphology of the $W_{1}/O/W_{2}$ multi-emulsion capsules were observed using an on-line turbidity meter, dynamic light scattering (DLS), a confocal microscopy (with FITC) and an optical microscopy. Biodegradable behavior of the PEG-PCL block copolymers and release behavior of AA-2-G were also observed by Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).

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다단계 유화중합을 이용한 마이크론 크기의 PMMA/PDVB 및 PS/PDVB 단분산 입자의 제조 (Preparation of Micron-size Monodispersed PMMA/PDVB and PS/PDVB Particles by Multi-staged Seeded Emulsion Polymerization)

  • 최봉철;엄기범;변자훈;박홍수;우종표;백운필
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.370-379
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    • 2004
  • Highly crosslinked micron-size monodispersed PMMA/PDVB and PS/PDVB particles were prepared using seeded multi-stage emulsion polymerization. PMMA and PS seed particles were synthesized by seeded multi-stage emulsion polymerization and soap-free emulsion polymerization. Then PMMA/PDVB and PS/PDVB particles were obtained using semi-batch type emulsion polymerized using divinyl benzene as a cross-linkable monomer in the presence of seed particles. PMMA particles with size of ca. 730 nm and polydispersity of 1.03 were successfully prepared in this experiment. PS particles with size of ca. 1.5 ${\mu}m$ and polydispersity of 1.01 were prepared in this experiment. Highly crosslinked PS/PDVB particles with size of ca. 1.3 ${\mu}m$ and polydispersity of 1.00 were obtained.

피부장벽에 대한 Bio-Mimic Liquid Crystal Emulsion (BLCE)의 긍정적 효과에 관한 연구 (Study on the beneficial effect of Bio-Mimic Liquid Crystal Emulsion (BLCE) on Skin Barrier Function)

  • 안영훈;배순민;정진교;황정근
    • 대한화장품학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.227-230
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    • 2007
  • 최근 기능성화장품과 피부관련 의약품 분야에서 multi-lamellar와 liquid crystal의 구조가 커다란 관심을 끌고 있다. 결합수와 고정된 유상을 함유하는 multi-lamellar 구조는 피부의 세포간지질의 lamellar 구조의 재건과 보습을 유지하는 작용으로써 보습기능이나 장벽기능의 복구에 우수하며, 이 지질들은 각질층에 침투하여 유지된다. 본 연구에서 고급 지방 알코올, 레시틴, 콜레스테롤을 사용하여 제조한 bio-mimic liquid crystal emulsion (BLCE)의 피부장벽 기능을 측정하였고 일반적인 계면활성제와 세포독성을 비교하였다.

유사 세라마이드(PC-9)를 함유한 다중 층상 유화물의 제조 (The Preparation of Multi-Lamellar Emulsion Which Containing Pseudoceramide(PC-9))

  • 박병덕;염종경;이명진;김윤
    • 대한화장품학회지
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 1999
  • 본 연구는 유사세라마이드(N-Ethanol-2-myristyl/palmityl-3-oxostearamide/arachidamide (PC-9))를 함유한 다중층상 유화물의 조제와 이의 효능 평가에 대한 연구이다. 다중층상 유화물의 제조를 위하여, 일차적으로 지질유사성분 혼합조성(유사세라마이드(PC-9), 지방산, 콜레스테롤)의 phase 연구를 통하여 액정형성이 용이한 조성비를 결정하고, 액정형성이 용이하다고 알려진 유화제인 Glyceryl monostearate와 polyoxyethylene glyceryl monostearate를 사용하여 유화물을 제조하였다. 유성성분으로서는 올리브 오일과 같은 천연오일이 다중층상 유화물이 잘 형성되는 경향을 보였으며, 전체적으로 유성성분의 양이 많아질수록 제조된 유화물의 편광하에서 광학 이방성을 나타내는 정도는 감소하였다. 지질유사성분과 유화제 성분의 양이 유성성분에 비해 높은 경우 건조과정에서도 높은 유화입자의 안정성을 보여주었으며, 유성성분을 증가하여 다중층상 유화물을 제조할 경우 건조시 액정상(liquid crystal)으로의 전이과정을 보여주었으며, 완만한 수분 건조속도와 실제 피부 적용시 뛰어난 경피수분상실 억제효과를 보여 주었다.

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Study on the safety and Efficacy of Amphiphilic Multi-Emulsion Sipstick

  • Kim, Tae-Weon;Lee, Ki-Yong
    • 대한화장품학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.128-133
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    • 1997
  • In manufacturing emulsion lipstick in the past, heat and emulsifyoil phase made with oil, wax and lipophilic emulsifier with water phase together; and then mold above-mentioned materials, so-called lipophilic emulsified lipstick production method has been used. However it is hard to manufacture products using the above said method and furthermore, weak in moisturizing effect, lip care and stability. In this paper, I will discuss about multi-emulsion lipstick complementing already existing emulsion lipstick in terms of stability, giving moisturing effect of lip, and outstanding protection effectiveness of skin by safely gelatinating the state between amphiphilic lipid and water in stable.

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외용겔 및 다중유제크림의 코지산 방출특성과 피부자극성 (Drug Release Characteristics and Skin Irritancies of Topical Gels and Multiple Emulsion Creams Containing Kojic Acid)

  • 유성운;박은우;최영욱
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 1998
  • Kojic acid (KA) is an antimelanogenic agent which has been widely used in cosmetics to whiten the skin color. However, it has the drawbacks of the skin irritancy and the instability against the pH, temperature, and light. In order to overcome these problems, various topical gels and multiple emulsion creams which can control the release of active ingredient, KA, were formulated employing cream bases of mineral oil with caprylic capric triglyceride and hydrophilic polymers such as chitosan, carbopol. and pluronics. Using Franz diffusion cells mounted with a synthetic cellulose membrane (MWCO 12,000), drug release characteristics of the formulations were evaluated by the HPLC assay of KA concentration in the receptor compartment of pH 7.4 phosphate buffered saline solution. Drug release from chitosan-based gels (ChitoGel) obeyed to the first order kinetics with a rapid release especially in the initial period. However, pluronic-based gels (PluGel) and carbopol-based gels (CarboGel) revealed controlled release of drug to some extent, followed by the square root-time kinetics. Moreover, the release of KA was further controlled with the W/O/W multiple emulsion creams (MultiCream), showing the apparent zero order release kinetics by virtue of dynamic ratecontrolling membrane of the oil layer. The flux $(J,\;{\mu}g/cm^2/hr)$ of ChitoGel. CarboGel. PluGel. and MultiCream in the initial period of 6hr were 73.30, 28.67. 24.04 and 7.72, respectively. On the other hand, the skin irritancy score of ChitoGel and MultiCream were observed as 2.5 and 2.3 respectively, in the rabbit skin irritation test. Although there were insignificant differences at p<0.05 between those formulations, it was possible to conclude that the W/O/W multiple emulsion creams containing KA might be a good candidate for an antimelanogenic drug delivery system due to the controlled release of acidic drug molecules.

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Preparation and Characterization of Tributyrin Sub-micron Emulsion as Carrier for Paclitaxel

  • Fei, Xiang;Xu, Wenting;Yue, Yuan;Lee, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • 제41권5호
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    • pp.295-300
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    • 2011
  • Paclitaxel is a well known anticancer agent and has been a pharmaceutical challenge because of its extremely poor water-solubility and susceptibility to the p-glycoprotein (p-gp)-mediated efflux in multi-drug resistant (MDR) cancer cells. Tributyrin (TB), a triglyceride with relatively short fatty acid chains, was chosen as solubilizing vehicle for paclitaxel based on the solubility study (26.6 mg/mL). Tributyrin (10%) o/w emulsion containing paclitaxel (5%), egg phosphatidylcholine (5%) and pegylated phospholipid (0.5%) was prepared by high pressure homogenization to obtain submicron-sized emulsion. The mean particle size of the resultant TB emulsion was 395.5 nm. Paclitaxel in TB emulsion showed higher anticancer activity against human breast cancer cell line, MCF-7, than free form delivered in DMSO solution. On the other hand, its anticancer activity was significantly reduced in MCF-7/ADR, a MDR variant cancer cell line of MCF-7, and recovered by the presence of verapamil, suggesting of the susceptibility to the p-gp mediated efflux even though paclitaxel was encapsulated into emulsion. The TB emulsion showed great potential as a promising vehicle for water-insoluble anticancer agent, paclitaxel.

Preparation and rheological behavior of polystyrene/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites by latex technology

  • Woo, Dong-Kyun;Kim, Byung-Chul;Lee, Seong-Jae
    • Korea-Australia Rheology Journal
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2009
  • Polystyrene/multi-walled carbon nanotube (PS/MWCNT) composites were prepared by the use of latex technology. The monodisperse PS latex was synthesized by an emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization from styrene/potassium persulfate/water system in the presence of ethanol. The MWCNTs were first treated with acid mixture to eliminate impurities, dispersed in deionized water driven by ultrasonicator, and then mixed with the PS latex. From these mixtures, PS/MWCNT composites were prepared by freeze-drying and subsequent compression molding. In the small-amplitude oscillatory shear experiments, both complex viscosity and storage modulus increased with increasing MWCNT content. A pronounced effect of MWCNT content was observed, resulting in larger storage modulus and stronger yield behavior at low frequencies when compared to unmodified PS. It showed a transition from viscous to elastic behavior with increasing MWCNT content. Over the MWCNT content of 3 wt%, the storage modulus was higher than the loss modulus across all frequencies.

고분자 혼합법과 다중 에멀젼법에 의해 제조된 생분해성 미립구로부터 펩타이드의 용출에 관한 연구 (Release Profile of Peptide from Biodegradable Microspheres: Comparison of Blending and Multiple Emulsion Method)

  • 정구영;김중권;박목순;명평근
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 2006
  • The novel microsphere blending and multiple emulsion method by single process was tried to prepare sustained release microspheres which release a physiologically active substance for long periods of time. A drug was separately dissolved in each of two or more oils containing biodegradable polymers to give the primary oil phases. The primary oil phases were dispersed in single aqueous phase in succession. From the drug-dispersed solution, the organic solvent was removed to produce microspheres. The accelerated drug release from the microsphere formulation prepared by single process through the multiple emulsion method was very similar to a physical blending of separately prepared microspheres using the same polymers. But long term release was not same. In this study, leuprorelin acetate loaded poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microsphere formulation for one-month delivery was developed by the multi-emulsion method followed by solvent extraction/evaporation method.