• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mountain Terrain

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Analysis of Topographical Factors in Woomyun Mountain Debris Flow Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 우면산 토석류 지형인자 분석)

  • Lee, Hanna;Kim, Gihong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.809-815
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    • 2020
  • A number of investigations and studies have been conducted in various fields regarding the sediment disasters of Mt. Woomyeon that occurred in July 2011. We collected and compared the topographic information of the general points where debris flows did not occur and the collapse points where the debris flow occurred in order to find out the characteristics of the collapse points in Woomyeon mountain. The collected topographic information is altitude, curvature, slope, aspect and TPI(topographic position index). As a result of comparison, there were relatively many collapse points at an altitude of 210m to 250m, and at a slope of 30° to 40°. In addition, the risk of collapse was low in a cell where the curvature was close to 0, and the risk was higher in concave terrain than in convex terrain. In the case of TPI, there was no statistical difference between the general points and the collapse points when the analysis radius was larger than 200m, and there was a correlation with the curvature when the analysis radius was smaller than 50m. In the case of debris flows that are affected by artificial structures or facilities, there is a possibility of disturbing the topographic analysis results. Therefore, if a research on debris flow is conducted on a mountain area that is heavily exposed to human activities, such as Woomyeon mountain, diversified factors must be considered to account for this impact.

Development of Digital Terrain Analysis for an Identification of Wetland Area at Mountainous Watershed (산지습지의 수문지형분석 방법론의 개발)

  • Jang, Eun-Se;Lee, Eun-Hyung;Kim, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.1473-1483
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    • 2015
  • In this study, a digital terrain analysis had been performed for a mountainous watershed having wetlands. In order to consider the impact for wetland in the flow determination algorithm, the Laplace equation is implemented into the upslope accounting algorithm of wetness computation scheme. The computational algorithm of wetland to spatial contribution of downslope area and wetness was also developed to evaluate spatially distributed runoff due to the presence of wetland. Developed schemes were applied to Wangpichun watershed located Chuncuk mountain at Ulzingun, South Korea. Both spatial distribution of wetness and its histogram indicate that the developed scheme provides feasible consideration of wetland impact in spatial hydrologic analysis. The impact of wetland to downslope propagation pattern is also useful to evaluate spatially distributed runoff distribution.

Evolution of Wind Storm over Coastal Complex Terrain (연안복합지형에서 바람폭풍의 진화)

  • Choi, Hyo;Seo, Jang-Won;Nam, Jae-Cheol
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.865-880
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    • 2002
  • As prevailing synoptic scale westerly wind blowing over high steep Mt. Taegulyang in the west of Kangnung coastal city toward the Sea of Japan became downslope wind and easterly upslope wind combined with both valley wind and sea breeze(valley-sea breeze) also blew from the sea toward the top of the mountain, two different kinds of wind regimes confronted each other in the mid of eastern slope of the mountain and further downward motion of downlsope wind along the eastern slope of the mountain should be prohibited by the upslope wind. Then, the upslope wind away from the eastern slope of the mountain went up to 1700m height over the ground, becoming an easterly return flow in the upper level of the sea. Two kinds of circulations were detected with a small one in the coastal sea and a large one from the coast toward the open sea. Convective boundary layer was developed with a thickness of about 1km over the ground in the upwind side of the mountain in the west, while a thickness of thermal internal boundary layer(TIBL) form the coast along the eastern slope of the mountain was only confined to less than 200m. After sunset, under no prohibition of upslope wind, westerly downslope wind blew from the top of the mountain toward the coastal basin and the downslope wind should be intensified by both mountain wind and land breeze(mountain-land breeze) induced by nighttime radiative cooling of the ground surfaces, resulting in the formation of downslope wind storm. The wind storm caused the development of internal gravity waves with hydraulic jump motion bounding up toward the upper level of the sea in the coastal plain and relatively moderate wind on the sea.

Running safety of metro train over a high-pier bridge subjected to fluctuating crosswind in mountain city

  • Zhang, Yunfei;Li, Jun;Chen, Zhaowei;Xu, Xiangyang
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.76 no.2
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    • pp.207-222
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    • 2020
  • Due to the rugged terrain, metro lines in mountain city across numerous wide rivers and deep valleys, resulting in instability of high-pier bridge and insecurity of metro train subjected to fluctuating crosswind. To ensure the safe operation in metro lines in mountain cities, running safety of the metro train over the high-pier bridge under crosswind is analyzed in this paper. Firstly, the dynamic model of the wind-train-bridge (WTB) system is built, in which the speed-up effect of crosswind is fully considered. On the basis of time domain analysis, the basic characteristics of the WTB system with high-pier are analyzed. Afterwards, the dynamic responses varies with train speed and wind speed are calculated, and the safety zone of metro train over a high-pier bridge subjected to fluctuating crosswind in mountain city is determined. The results indicate that, fluctuating crosswind triggers drastic vibration to the metro train and high-pier bridges, which in turn causes running instability of the train. For this reason, the corresponding safety zone for metro train running on the high-pier is proposed, and the metro traffic on the high-pier bridge should be closed as the mean wind speed of standard height reaches 9 m/s (15.6 m/s for the train).

Random Walk Simulation of Atmospheric Dispersion on Surface Urbanization over Complex Terrain (복잡지형에서 도시화에 따른 대기오염 확산에 관한 시뮬레이션)

  • 이순환;이화운;김유근
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.67-83
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    • 2002
  • The coupled model (SMART) of dynamic meteorology model and particle dispersion model was developed. The numerical experiment on the relationship between change of land use and diffusion behavior in complex terrain was carried out using this model. It tried to investigate the change of particle diffusion behavior and local weather under the condition in which land-land breeze and sea breeze and mountain breeze intermingled. The numerical experiment results are as follows; 1) The more complicated local circulation field of the interaction of sea breeze, mountain breeze and Land -land breeze is formed. Then, the region circulation in which the urbanization is specific by location of the region is strengthened and is weakened. 2) Though in the region with dominant sea breeze, Land-land breeze does not appear directly, the progress of the sea wind to the inland is affected. 3) In the prediction of the air diffusion, emission high quality and accurate information of the emission site are important. That is to say, the dispersion predicting result which emission high quality and small error of the site perfectly vary for Land - land breeze in the effect may be brought about.

Airflow modelling studies over the Isle of Arran, Scotland

  • Thielen, J.;Gadian, A.;Vosper, S.;Mobbs, S.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.5 no.2_3_4
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2002
  • A mesoscale meteorological model is applied to simulate turbulent airflow and eddy shedding over the Isle of Arran, SW Scotland, UK. Under conditions of NW flow, the mountain ridge of Kintyre, located upwind of Arran, induces gravity waves that also affect the airflow over the island. The possibility to nest domains allows description of the airflow over Arran with a very high resolution grid, while also including the effects of the surrounding mainland of Scotland, in particular of the mountain ridge of Kintyre. Initialised with a stably stratified NW flow, the mesoscale model simulates quasi-stationary gravity waves over the island induced by Kintyre. Embedded in the larger scale wave trains there is continuous development of small-scale transient eddies, created at the Arran hill tops, that move downstream through the stationary wave field. Although the transient eddies are more frequently simulated on the northern island where the terrain is more pronounced, they are also produced over Tighvein, a hill of 458 m on the southern island where measurements of surface pressure and 2 m meteorological variables have been recorded at intermittent intervals between 1996 and 2000. Comparison between early observations and simulations so far show qualitatively good agreement. Overall the computations demonstrate that turbulent flow can be modelled with a horizontal resolution of 70 m, and describe turbulent eddy structure on wavelength of only a few hundred metres.

Numerical Simulations of Local Wind Field at the Naro Space Center by MUKLIMO with Terrain and Surface Effects (지형과 지표효과를 고려한 나로 우주센터의 국지규모 바람장 수치모의)

  • Yoon, Ji-Won;Min, Kyung-Duk
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.784-798
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    • 2004
  • Microscale wind fields were simulated by MUKLIMO at the Naro Space Center, where complicated mountainous terrain and trees exist. In order to test the model's sensitivity with the effects of terrain and trees, experimental simulations were conducted under the various initial conditions. The experiments showed that the effects of trees were more significant on flat surfaces than on mountain cliffs. Based on the results, an actual 10 m level microscale wind field was simulated at the Naro Space Center, which has complicated mountainous terrain. Simulations of wind fields before and after the construction of the launching site were also conducted. It was found that MUKLIMO was of the mesoscale wind fields at the Naro Space Center.

A Study on the Construction of a Drone Safety Flight Map and The Flight Path Search Algorithm (드론 안전비행맵 구축 및 비행경로 탐색 알고리즘 연구)

  • Hong, Ki Ho;Won, Jin Hee;Park, Sang Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.1538-1551
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    • 2021
  • The current drone flight plan creation creates a flight path point of two-dimensional coordinates on the map and sets an arbitrary altitude value considering the altitude of the terrain and the possible flight altitude. If the created flight path is a simple terrain such as a mountain or field, or if the user is familiar with the terrain, setting the flight altitude will not be difficult. However, for drone flight in a city where buildings are dense, a safer and more precise flight path generation method is needed. In this study, using high-precision spatial information, we construct a drone safety flight map with a 3D grid map structure and propose a flight path search algorithm based on it. The safety of the flight path is checked through the virtual drone flight simulation extracted by searching for the flight path based on the 3D grid map created by setting weights on the properties of obstacles and terrain such as buildings.

A Study on the Development of Topographical Variables and Algorithm for Mountain Classification (산지 경계 추출을 위한 지형학적 변수 선정과 알고리즘 개발)

  • Choi, Jungsun;Jang, Hyo Jin;Shim, Woo Jin;An, Yoosoon;Shin, Hyeshop;Lee, Seung-Jin;Park, Soo Jin
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2018
  • In Korea, 64% of the land is known as mountain area, but the definition and classification standard of mountain are not clear. Demand for utilization and development of mountain area is increasing. In this situation, the unclear definition and scope of the mountain area can lead to the destruction of the mountain and the increase of disasters due to indiscreet permission of forestland use conversion. Therefore, this study analyzed the variables and criteria that can extract the mountain boundaries through the questionnaire survey and the terrain analysis. We developed a mountain boundary extraction algorithm that can classify topographic mountain by using selected variables. As a result, 72.1% of the total land was analyzed as mountain area. For the three catchment areas with different mountain area ratio, we compared the results with the existing data such as forestland map and cadastral map. We confirmed the differences in boundary and distribution of mountain. In a catchment area with predominantly mountainous area, the algorithmbased mountain classification results were judged to be wider than the mountain or forest of the two maps. On the other hand, in the basin where the non-mountainous region predominated, algorithm-based results yielded a lower mountain area ratio than the other two maps. In the two maps, we was able to confirm the distribution of fragmented mountains. However, these areas were classified as non-mountain areas in algorithm-based results. We concluded that this result occurred because of the algorithm, so it is necessary to refine and elaborate the algorithm afterward. Nevertheless, this algorithm can analyze the topographic variables and the optimal value by watershed that can distinguish the mountain area. The results of this study are significant in that the mountain boundaries were extracted considering the characteristics of different mountain topography by region. This study will help establish policies for stable mountain management.

Buffeting response of a free-standing bridge pylon in a trumpet-shaped mountain pass

  • Li, Jiawu;Shen, Zhengfeng;Xing, Song;Gao, Guangzhong
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2020
  • The accurate estimation of the buffeting response of a bridge pylon is related to the quality of the bridge construction. To evaluate the influence of wind field characteristics on the buffeting response of a pylon in a trumpet-shaped mountain pass, this paper deduced a multimodal coupled buffeting frequency domain calculation method for a variable-section bridge tower under the twisted wind profile condition based on quasi-steady theory. Through the long-term measurement of the wind field of the trumpet-shaped mountain pass, the wind characteristics were studied systematically. The effects of the wind characteristics, wind yaw angles, mean wind speeds, and wind profiles on the buffeting response were discussed. The results show that the mean wind characteristics are affected by the terrain and that the wind profile is severely twisted. The optimal fit distribution of the monthly and annual maximum wind speeds is the log-logistic distribution, and the generalized extreme value I distribution may underestimate the return wind speed. The design wind characteristics will overestimate the buffeting response of the pylon. The buffeting response of the pylon is obviously affected by the wind yaw angle and mean wind speed. To accurately estimate the buffeting response of the pylon in an actual construction, it is necessary to consider the twisted effect of the wind profile.