• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mountain Terrain

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Walking path design considering with Slope for Mountain Terrain Open space

  • Seul-ki Kang;Ju-won Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.10
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2023
  • Mountains area, especially walking in open space is important for special active field which is based on mountain terrain. Recent research on pedestrian-path includes elements about pedestrian and various environment by analyzing network, but it is mainly focusing on limited space except for data-poor terrain like a mountain terrain. This paper proposes an architecture to generate walking path considering the slope for mountain terrain open space through virtual network made of mesh. This architecture shows that it reflects real terrain more effective when measuring distance using slope and is possible to generate mountain walking path using open space unlike other existing services, and is verified through the test. The proposed architecture is expected to utilize for pedestrian-path generation way considering mountain terrain open space in case of distress, mountain rescue and tactical training and so on.

The Analysis of Terrain Height Variance Spectra over the Korean Mountain Region and Its Impact on Mesoscale Model Simulation (한반도 산악 지역의 지형분산 스펙트럼과 중규모 수치모의에서의 효과 분석)

  • An, Gwang-Deuk;Lee, Yong-Hui;Jang, Dong-Eon;Jo, Cheon-Ho
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.359-370
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    • 2006
  • Terrain height variance spectra for the Korean mountain region are calculated in order to determine an adequate grid size required to resolve terrain forcing on mesoscale model simulation. One-dimensional spectral analysis is applied to specifically the central-eastern part of the Korean mountain region, where topographical-scale forcing has an important effect on mesoscale atmospheric flow. It is found that the terrain height variance spectra in this mountain region has a wavelength dependence with the power law exponents of 1.5 at the wavelength near 30 km, but this dependence is steeply changed to 2.5 at the wavelength less than 30 km. For the adequate horizontal grid size selection on mesoscale simulation two-dimensional terrain height spectral analysis is also performed. There is no directionality within 50% of spectral energy region, so one-dimensional spectral analysis can be reasonably applied to the Korea Peninsula. According to the spectral analysis of terrain height variance, the finer grid size which is higher than 6 km is required to resolve a 90% of terrain variance in this region. Numerical simulation using WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model) was performed to evaluate the effect of different terrain resolution in accordance with the result of spectral analysis. The simulated results were quantitatively compared to observations and there was a significant improvement in the wind prediction across the mountain region as the grid space decreased from 18 km to 2 km. The results will provide useful guidance of grid size selection on mesoscale topographical simulation over the Korean mountain region.

The appropriate shape of the boundary transition section for a mountain-gorge terrain model in a wind tunnel test

  • Hu, Peng;Li, Yongle;Huang, Guoqing;Kang, Rui;Liao, Haili
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.15-36
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    • 2015
  • Characterization of wind flows over a complex terrain, especially mountain-gorge terrain (referred to as the very complex terrain with rolling mountains and deep narrow gorges), is an important issue for design and operation of long-span bridges constructed in this area. In both wind tunnel testing and numerical simulation, a transition section is often used to connect the wind tunnel floor or computational domain bottom and the boundary top of the terrain model in order to generate a smooth flow transition over the edge of the terrain model. Although the transition section plays an important role in simulation of wind field over complex terrain, an appropriate shape needs investigation. In this study, two principles for selecting an appropriate shape of boundary transition section were proposed, and a theoretical curve serving for the mountain-gorge terrain model was derived based on potential flow theory around a circular cylinder. Then a two-dimensional (2-D) simulation was used to compare the flow transition performance between the proposed curved transition section and the traditional ramp transition section in a wind tunnel. Furthermore, the wind velocity field induced by the curved transition section with an equivalent slope of $30^{\circ}$ was investigated in detail, and a parameter called the 'velocity stability factor' was defined; an analytical model for predicting the velocity stability factor was also proposed. The results show that the proposed curved transition section has a better flow transition performance compared with the traditional ramp transition section. The proposed analytical model can also adequately predict the velocity stability factor of the wind field.

Measuring the characteristic of aerial spray by rotary wing (회전익 항공기 공중살포 특성 측정)

  • Lim, Se-Hoon;Song, Byung-Heum
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.46-51
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents results from field studies carried out to monitor off-target droplet movement of endosulfan insecticide applied to the Korea chestnut tree area. As a results, mean airborne drift values were recorded 25m as average from downwind of a single flight line(sample line) in mountain terrain and mean effective swath width was recorded 19.5m as average in a plain. In terms of characteristics of geography of Korea aerial application is mainly carried out in mountain terrain. The equipment, weather conditions, and appropriate aerial spray technic are required for effective aerial application. In particular, the pilot can get effective results when he only sprays with consideration of environment factors since there is much turbulence in mountain terrain. Eventually, the most effective factor of droplets drift is to estimate the local weather conditions exactly.

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Reconstruction of wind speed fields in mountainous areas using a full convolutional neural network

  • Ruifang Shen;Bo Li;Ke Li;Bowen Yan;Yuanzhao Zhang
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.231-244
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    • 2024
  • As wind farms expand into low wind speed areas, an increasing number are being established in mountainous regions. To fully utilize wind energy resources, it is essential to understand the details of mountain flow fields. Reconstructing the wind speed field in complex terrain is crucial for planning, designing, operation of wind farms, which impacts the wind farm's profits throughout its life cycle. Currently, wind speed reconstruction is primarily achieved through physical and machine learning methods. However, physical methods often require significant computational costs. Therefore, we propose a Full Convolutional Neural Network (FCNN)-based reconstruction method for mountain wind velocity fields to evaluate wind resources more accurately and efficiently. This method establishes the mapping relation between terrain, wind angle, height, and corresponding velocity fields of three velocity components within a specific terrain range. Guided by this mapping relation, wind velocity fields of three components at different terrains, wind angles, and heights can be generated. The effectiveness of this method was demonstrated by reconstructing the wind speed field of complex terrain in Beijing.

Wind characteristics in the high-altitude difference at bridge site by wind tunnel tests

  • Zhang, Mingjin;Zhang, Jinxiang;Li, Yongle;Yu, Jisheng;Zhang, Jingyu;Wu, Lianhuo
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.547-558
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    • 2020
  • With the development of economy and construction technology, more and more bridges are built in complex mountainous areas. Accurate assessment of wind parameters is important in bridge construction at complex terrain. In order to investigate the wind characteristics in the high-altitude difference area, a complex mountain terrain model with the scale of 1:2000 was built. By using the method of wind tunnel tests, the study of wind characteristics including mean wind characteristics and turbulence characteristics was carried out. The results show: The wind direction is affected significant by the topography, the dominant wind direction is usually parallel to the river. Due to the sheltering effect of the mountain near the bridge, the wind speed and wind attack angle along the bridge are both uneven which is different from that at flat terrain. In addition, different from flat terrain, the wind attack angle is mostly negative. The wind profiles obey exponential law and logarithmic law. And the fitting coefficient is consistent with the code which means that it is feasible to use the method of wind tunnel test to simulate complex terrain. As for turbulence characteristics, the turbulence intensity is also related to the topography. Increases sheltering effect of mountain increases the degree of breaking up the large-scale vortices, thereby increasing the turbulence intensity. Also, the value of turbulence intensity ratio is different from the recommended values in the code. The conclusions of this study can provide basis for further wind resistance design of the bridge.

Terrain Analysis of Odaesan National Park using Digital Elevation Model (수치고도모델을 이용한 오대산 국립공원지역의 지형분석)

  • 김철민;이준우;권태호
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 1995
  • Digital elevation model for analysing terrain of Odaesan National Park was constructed by 1:50.000 topographical map. The fifty five percent of total area is located in higher than 900m in elevation, while ninty percent of the conservation area in Pirobong is above 1,100m. In other word, seventy percent of Odaesan National Park area has the slope of more than 20$^{\circ}$and is steep mountain. The aspect of the mountain mainly turned out to be eastward and westward.

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  • Jung, Jae-Hyuk;Hur, Nahm-Keon
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.493-495
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    • 2010
  • A three-dimensional flow simulation is performed to investigate the flow field in the ski resort on complex terrain. The present paper aims to study the wind effects of mountainous terrain on the gondola safety. Strong wind happens in the ski resort on the mountain by complex terrain and it causes the dangerous accident of gondola. A digital map around the ski resort area is used to model the actual complex terrain for a 3-D analysis domain. Wind direction and speed to be used as a boundary condition are taken from local meteorological reports. The numerical results show details of the velocity distribution around a ski resort. From the results, we can suggest the modification of the installation of gondola for the safety due to strong wind.

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A Numerical Experiments on the Atmospheric Circulation over a Complex Terrain around Coastal Area. Part II : (연안부근 복잡지형의 대기유동장 수치실험 II -부산광역지역에 대한 국지순환모형의 적용-)

  • 김유근
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 2000
  • Since Pusan metropolitanarea where is composed complex terrain is connected to sea the sea-land breeze circulation and the mountain-valley circulation are apt to form A regional scale circulation system is formed at a region which has complex terrain because of curves of its and affect to the dispersion and advection of air pollutants. LCM Local Circulation Model which a propriety was verified described that sea breeze and valley wind at the daytime and land breeze and mountain wind at the nighttime were well devellped over the Pusan metropolital area. Next for the investigation of accuracy of simulated results an observed value at Kae-Kum and Su-Young on the pusan metropolitan area were compared with it at those points. From the comparison of the temperature and horizontal velocity between the results of LCM and an observed values they have a similar trend of a diurnal variation. For the prediction of dispersion and transportation of air pollutants the wind field should be calculated with high accuracy. A numerical simulation using LCM can provide more accuracy results around Pusan metropolitan area.

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Field measurements of wind characteristics over hilly terrain within surface layer

  • He, Y.C.;Chan, P.W.;Li, Q.S.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.541-563
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    • 2014
  • This paper investigates the topographic effects on wind characteristics over hilly terrain, based on wind data recorded at a number of meteorological stations in or near complex terrain. The multiply data sources allow a more detailed investigation of the flow field than is normally possible. Vertical profiles of mean and turbulent wind components from a Sodar profiler were presented and then modeled as functions of height and wind speed. The correlations between longitudinal and vertical wind components were discussed. The phenomena of flow separation and generation of vortices were observed. The distance-dependence of the topographic effects on gust factors was revealed subsequently. Furthermore, the canyon effect was identified and discussed based on the observations of wind at a saddle point between two mountain peaks. This study aims to further understanding of the characteristics of surface wind over rugged terrain. The presented results are expected to be useful for structural design, prevention of pollutant dispersion, and validation of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) models or techniques over complex terrains.