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Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis: Characteristics and Treatment in Korean Patients (다발성 대칭성 지방종증: 한국인에서의 특징 및 치료)

  • Cheon, Young Woo;Roh, Tae Suk;Kim, Yong Oock;Kwon, Ji Eun;Tark, Kwan Chul;Yoo, Won Min
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.478-484
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Multiple symmetric lipomatosis (MSL) is a relatively rare disorder characterized by presence of multiple, symmetric, nonencapsulated fat masses in face, neck, shoulder and other areas. There has been only a few cases reported in Korea. The main purpose of this research is to examine the Korean patients to see what kinds of special characteristics occurred due to this disease and to decide the proper treatment.Methods: A total of 16 patients were evaluated retrospectively. 5 patients were treated at our hospital. The other patients were reviewed from literature. We analyzed the biological characters of patients, location of fat deposit, morphologic characters of patients, clinical evidence of neuropathy, associated metabolic disorders and treatment modality.Results: All cases were male patient. The mean age of onset was 47.43 years. All patients were moderate to heavy alcoholics. The most common location of fat deposition was posterior neck and abdomen. In neurologic exam of 9 patients, 5 patients showed muscle weakness, tremor, pain and autonomic nerve dysfunction. In metabolic studies of 9 patients, total cholesterol values were higher in 1 patient. A glucose tolerance test was abnormal in 1 patient. In treatment modality, 14 patients were treated with surgical resection, 1 patient was treated with liposuction and surgical excision, 1 patient was treated only with liposuction. Conclusion: To treat MSL patients successfully, we should concentrate not only on the removal of the fatty tissue but also on neurologic abnormities, metabolic disorders and associated diseases.

A Study on Preferred Morphologic Feature and Proportion of Facial Aesthetic Subunit by Korean General Public (일반인이 선호하는 얼굴의 미적 단위별 형태와 비율 연구)

  • Yoon, Yong-Il;Lee, Dong-Lark;Yoo, Jung-Seok;Rhee, Seung-Chul;Hur, Gi-Yeun;Kim, Ju-Yeon
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.351-360
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: As the influence of mass media increases, the general standard of attractiveness or beauty of a face also changes. The primary purpose of the study is to find out the factors of the attractive and beautiful face recognized by public. Methods: We picked out standard model photography and operated with Adobe(R) Photoshop(R) and Monariza(R) virtual plastic surgery program. The contour of face, eye, nose, forehead, zygoma, chin and proportion of upper, middle, lower face were changed. The interview survey was conducted through structured standard photo for 310 respondents. That was utilized in the final analysis. Multiple regression analysis was executed by SPSS 12.0. It was used to deal with statistical data and all the other necessary analysis. Results: According to general characteristics of the respondents, many differences were found in preferred face and facial aesthetic subunits. The younger generation preferred the lozenge and inverted triangle shape contour. The respondents over 40 of age preferred the egg shape contour. In chin and zygoma contour, the respondents at the age of 20 preferred distinctly small chin and relatively small lower face. On the other hand, the respondents over 40 of age preferred the wide zygoma relatively. In the proportion of upper, middle, lower face, 51.0% of respondents answered 1 : 1 : 1. If they want to have an aesthetic operation, they preferred protruding forehead. Also they preferred the small chin and V-shaped chin in frontal view. Conclusion: Many respondents preferred to have a plastic surgery for the better facial subunit. The statistical evidence from this study suggests that the harmony and balance of facial aesthetic subunits make attractive and beautiful face.

Effect of Fructose-1,6-diphosphate[FDP] on Red Blood Cells after Extracorporeal Circulation (체외순환후 fructose-1,6-diphosphatate[FDP]가 적혈구에 미치는 영향)

  • 이정렬
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.693-701
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    • 1992
  • Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary bypass[CPB] has been associated with a wide variety of hematologic derangements, including a transient deformation and hemolysis of red blood cells[RBCs], which is supposed to be due to mechanical trauma and/or metabolic alterations. Since membrane integrity is, in part, maintained by energy requiring process, inadequate function of erythrocyte glycolytic pathway, which is inevitalble during CPB, may cause depletion of high energy phosphate pool and result in hemolysis. The authors performed an investigation to assess whether administration of Fructose-l, 6-diphsphate [FDP], which has been known to enhance intracellular glycolytic activities, could counteract erythrocyte hemolytic events caused by CPB. Sixty pateints with cyanotic congenital heart diseases, who underwent open heart surgery under CPB longer than 60 minutes, were randomly divided into two groups depending on whether use of FDP[Group FDP] or not[Group Control]. The age, sex, CPB time, preoperative hemoglobin level, disease entities were all similar[Table 1], and membrane type oxygenators were used in all patients. In Group, FDP, a dose of 250mg/kg body weight of FDP was administered by intravenous dripping every 12 hours from the morning of the operation to postoperative 48 hours, To demonstrate the degree and pattern of hemolysis of erythrocyte, reticulocyte count, indirect /direct bilirubin, haptoglobin, plasma hemoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase were measured every 12 hours from the time of cessation of CPB to 48 hours and RBC morphologic study, osmotic fragility test were done every 24 hours. All parameters revealed less hemolytic in group FDP [Fig. 1~5], though the differences between two groups were not significant, except plasma hemoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase changes. A pattern of sequential changes of plasma hemoglobin, lactate deh-ydrogenase showed the highest level at the time of CPB stop and abrupt decrease in following 24 hours in both groups, and statistically significant differences were demonstrated in group FDP at least for the first 12 hours postoperatively[p<0.05]. The authors conclude that they can expect the benificial effect of FDP on the maintenance of membrane stability of RBC probably by energy enhancement during the shock status of CPB, but FDP could not completely prevent the damaging effect on RBC by cardiopulmonary bypass

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Development of a Geo-spatial Representation Tool of ADCP Velocity and Morphologic Measurements Along the River Reach (하도에 따른 ADCP 유속 및 하상자료의 공간분포 표출기술 개발)

  • Kim, Dong-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.613-613
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    • 2012
  • ADCP는 매우 상세한 유속 및 하상자료를 측정할 수 있어 하천의 수리학적 계측에 많은 가능성을 열어주고 있다. 하지만 현재까지 대부분 하천 단면에서의 유량 측정에 국한되어 운영되고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 ADCP가 제공하는 원자료인 3차원 유속과 하상자료를 유량 외의 평균유속장 및 하상 계측에 활용될 수 있도록 하는 후처리 소프트웨어 개발을 통해 ADCP가 하천의 흐름해석 및 2차원 및 3차원 수치모델의 검보정 등에 활용될 수 있는 가능성을 보이고자 한다. 따라서 계측 방식도 하천의 단면뿐만 아니라 하도에 따른 지그재그 방식의 자료를 포괄한다. ADCP 자료의 후처리는 제작사에서 제공하는 소프트웨어가 유량 제공에 초점을 맞춰 다른 분야에의 활용을 위해 별도의 후처리 소프트웨어의 제작이 필요하나 자료구조가 까다롭고 수십에서 수백 개의 파일을 동시에 처리할 수 있는 툴의 개발은 용이하지 않아 ADCP를 흐름분석 등에 활용하고자하는 연구자나 관계 기관종사자들에 한계로 작용하였다. 또한 제작사 (RDI, SonTek)에 따라 원자료의 구조가 완전히 달라 한꺼번에 처리하는 데 많은 문제가 있어왔다. 본 연구를 통해 개발된 툴은 두 제작사의 ADCP 원자료 포맷으로 구성된 다수의 관측 파일도 동시에 처리할 수 있다. 또한 GIS 기반에서 ADCP 자료의 위치를 표출할 수 있어 지형정보와 결부된 흐름장 해석이 가능하게 한다. ADCP 3차원 속도자료는 매우 정밀한 공간에서 측정되는 부분이 장점인 반면에 지나치게 정밀하고 또한 난류 등이 포함되어 원자료 만으로 흐름장을 분석하는 데 한계가 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 다양한 공간평균방법을 제공하여 2차원 및 3차원 공간에서의 공간보간된 평균유속장을 볼 수 있게 하였다. 이러한 방식은 2,3차원 수치모델의 격자에 ADCP 유속자료를 보간할 수 있어 모델 검보정에도 활용될 수 있다. ADCP 원자료 및 후처리된 결과는 GIS, Excel, Google Earth 파일 형태 등으로 제공될 수 있어 추후 활용가능성을 높였다.

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Effect of Several Species of the Family Rubiacea on Cytotoxicity and Apoptosis in HL-60 cells

  • Ju Sung-Min;Lee Jun;Choi Ho-Seung;Kim Sung-Hoon;Jeon Byung-Hun
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.187-192
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    • 2006
  • Herbal medicines have been utilized to treat a variety of diseases, including cancer. Several species of the family rubiaceae have been reported to have antitumor activity. In this study, we report the cytotoxicity and antitumor activity exhibited dy the methanol extracts prepared from Rubia radix (RRME), Uncaria gambir (UGME) and Oldenlandia diffusa (ODME) (family: Rubiaceae) against human promyleloid leukemia cell line, HL-60. The cytotoxicity of RRME (2~20 μg/ml), UGME (20~200 μg/ml) and ODME (20~200 μg/ml) were assessed dy the MTT reduction assay. IC50 values for RRME, UGME and ODME were 11.0, 99.5 and 106.1 μg/ml, respectively. When the HL-60 cells were treated with RRME (10 μg/ml), UGME (120 μg/ml) and ODME (140 μg/ml) for 24 h, several apoptotic characteristics such as DNA fragmentation and morphologic changes were observed. Furthermore, flow cytometric analysis was peformed to determine the percent of apoptotic cells. The poupulation of sub-G1 hypodiploid cells was increased 37.49% in RRME treatment, 12.49% in UGME treatment and 7.21% in ODME treatment compared with untreated control cells (2.64%). To further confirm apoptotic cell death, we assayed caspase-3, -8 and -9 activities in RRME, UGME and ODME-treated cells. After treatment of RRME, UGME and ODME for 12 h, caspase-3, -8 and -9 activities significantly increased.compared to untreated control cells. These results show that RRME, UGME and ODME induced apoptotic cell death in HL-60 cells and may have a possibility of potential antitumor activities.

Pathogenic free-living amoebae in Korea

  • Shin, Ho-Joon;Im, Kyung-Il
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.93-119
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    • 2004
  • Acanthamoeba and Naegleria are widely distributed in fresh water, soil and dust throughout the world, and cause meningoencephalitis or keratoconjunctivitis in humans and other mammals. Korean isolates, namely, Naegleria sp. YM-1 and Acanthamoeba sp. YM-2, YM-3, YM-4, YM-5, YM-6 and YM-7, were collected from sewage, water puddles, a storage reservoir, the gills of a fresh water fish, and by corneal washing. These isolates were categorized into three groups based on the mortalities of infected mice namely, highly virulent (YM-4), moderately virulent (YM-2, YM-5 and YM-7) and nonpathogenic (YM-3). In addition, a new species of Acanthamoeba was isolated from a freshwater fish in Korea and tentatively named Korean isolate YM-4. The morphologic characters of its cysts were similar to those of A. culbertsoni and A. royreba, which were previously designated as Acanthamoeba group III. Based on experimentally infected mouse mortality, Acanthamoeba YM-4 was highly virulent. The isoenzymes profile of Acanthamoeba YM-4 was similar to that of A. royreba. Moreover, an anti-Acanthamoeba YM-4 monoclonal anti-body reacted only with Acanthamoeba YM-4, and not with A. culbertsoni. Random amplified polymorphic DNA marker analysis and RFLP analysis of mitochondrial DNA and of a 188 small subunit ribosomal RNA, placed Acanthamoeba YM-4 in a separate cluster based on phylogenic distances. Thus Acanthamoeba YM-4 was identified as a new species, and assigned Acanthamoeba sohi. Up to the year 2002 in Korea, two clinical cases were found to be infected with Acanthamoeba spp. These patients died of meningoencephalitis. In addition, one case of Acanthamoeba pneumonia with an immunodeficient status was reported and Acanthamoeba was detected in several cases of chronic relapsing corneal ulcer, chronic conjunctivitis, and keratitis.

Keratitis by Acanthamoeba triangularis: Report of Cases and Characterization of Isolates

  • Xuan, Ying-Hua;Chung, Byung-Suk;Hong, Yeon-Chul;Kong, Hyun-Hee;Hahn, Tae-Won;Chung, Dong-Il
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2008
  • Three Acanthamoeba isolates (KA/E9, KA/E17, and KA/E23) from patients with keratitis were identified as Acanthamoeba triangularis by analysis of their molecular characteristics, a species not previously recognized to be a corneal pathogen. Epidemiologic significance of A. triangularis as a keratopathogen in Korea has been discussed. Morphologic features of Acanthamoeba cysts were examined under a microscope with differential interference contrast (DIC) optics. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the ocular isolates KA/E9, KA/E17, and KA/E23 were digested with restriction enzymes, and the restriction patterns were compared with those of reference strains. Complete nuclear 188 and mitochondrial (mt) 16S rDNA sequences were subjected to phylogenetic analysis and species identification. mtDNA RFLP of 3 isolates showed very similar patterns to those of SH621, the type strain of A. triangularis. 16S and 18S rDNA sequence analysis confirmed 3 isolates to be A. triangularis. 18S rDNA sequence differences of the isolates were 1.3% to 1.6% and those of 16S rDNA, 0.4% to 0.9% from A. triangularis SH621. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report, confirmed by 18S and 16S rDNA sequence analysis, of keratitis caused by A. triangularis of which the type strain was isolated from human feces. Six isolates of A. triangularis had been reported from contaminated contact lens cases in southeastern Korea.

A Novel Anti-Microbial Peptide from Pseudomonas, REDLK Induced Growth Inhibition of Leishmania tarentolae Promastigote in Vitro

  • Yu, Yanhui;Zhao, Panpan;Cao, Lili;Gong, Pengtao;Yuan, Shuxian;Yao, Xinhua;Guo, Yanbing;Dong, Hang;Jiang, Weina
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2020
  • Leishmaniasis is a prevalent cause of death and animal morbidity in underdeveloped countries of endemic area. However, there is few vaccine and effective drugs. Antimicrobial peptides are involved in the innate immune response in many organisms and are being developed as novel drugs against parasitic infections. In the present study, we synthesized a 5-amino acid peptide REDLK, which mutated the C-terminus of Pseudomonas exotoxin, to identify its effect on the Leishmania tarentolae. Promastigotes were incubated with different concentration of REDLK peptide, and the viability of parasite was assessed using MTT and Trypan blue dye. Morphologic damage of Leishmania was analyzed by light and electron microscopy. Cellular apoptosis was observed using the annexin V-FITC/PI apoptosis detection kit, mitochondrial membrane potential assay kit and flow cytometry. Our results showed that Leishmania tarentolae was susceptible to REDLK in a dose-dependent manner, disrupt the surface membrane integrity and caused parasite apoptosis. In our study, we demonstrated the leishmanicidal activity of an antimicrobial peptide REDLK from Pseudomonas aeruginosa against Leishmania tarentolae in vitro and present a foundation for further research of anti-leishmanial drugs.

Surgical Dilemma of Facial Nerve Invasion (안면신경 침범시의 수술적 처치)

  • Rho, Young-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2008
  • The most important concern to do parotidectomy is correct identification of the facial nerve and preservation of the nerve function. Many descriptions for the localization and branching types of the facial nerve trunk have existed. During the parotid surgery, it is necessary to have knowledges about the incidence and prognostic aspect of a invasion of the facial nerve by the parotid tumors. The method of the dissection and the surgical extent of the parotid gland would be decided not only by the anatomic variation of the facial nerve. but also the size and location of the tumor. Invasion of the facial nerve in parotid malignancies is the most significant factors affecting the prognosis, so radical parotidectomy which consists of the total extirpation of the parotid gland in conjunction with resection of the facial nerve is often required for proper management. Radical parotidectomy is advocated for the surgical treatment of high grade malignancies and in selective recurrent benign tumors intimately involving the facial nerve. Unfortunately, the morphologic and functional deficits created by sacrificing the facial nerve can be emotionally and physically traumatizing to the patient. Therefore, when the facial nerve is sacrificed, immediate reconstruction of the facial nerve should be necessary. Immediate nerve repair with direct anastomosis of the resected nerve ends or placement of a cable nerve graft provides the better cosmetic and functional results. Surgical resection remains the mainstay of treatment for cancer of the parotid gland, and there is general agreement that facial nerve should not be sacrificed unless the tumor is adherent to, or surrounds the nerve. The following statement is described general principles of troublesome management of the facial nerve during surgery for parotid tumor.


  • Cho, Young-Gon;Park, Sung-Taek;Park, Kwang-Soo
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.468-476
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to observe the morphologic change of dentinal surface, adhesion in interface between dentin and bonding agents, and penetration pattern of resin tags into dentinal tubles according to bonding procedure of ONE-STEP universal adhesive system. Ten extracted human molars were mounted in dental stone and sectioned to expose mid-coronal occlusal dentin and again sectioned tooth crown apically. Specimens were randomly assigned to three groups for dentin conditioning with 32% phoshoric acid, two coats of bonding agents after dentin conditioning, and bond of composite resin. The surfaces of dentin were treated with etch ant and applied bonding agent, and bonded composite resin according to the directions of manufacturer. Specimens which were boned composite were sectioned longitudinally for observing interfaces between resin and dentin. Two of specimens which were sectioned longitudinally were immersed in 6 N HCL for 30 seconds and 1% NaOCL for 12 hours to partially demineralize and deproteinize the dentin substrate. Each specimen was mounted on a brass stub, sputter-coated with gold and observed under SEM. The result were as follows : 1. On the dentinal surface which was conditioned with 32% phosphoric acid. the smear layer was completely removed. orifices of dentinal tubules were opened 3-5μm wide. and dentinal surface was irregular. 2. On the dentinal surface which was applied ONE-STEP. bonding agent. resin particles were observed on the orifices of dentinal tubules and intertubular dentin. 3. There were close adaptation between dentin and resin and were the pattern which composite invaded into dentin. 4. 1-3μm-wide hybrid layer was visible in the interface between dentin and resin. 5. Long and funnel shaped resin tags were observed in demineralized specimens. and the surfaces of tags were rough.

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