• Title/Summary/Keyword: Moral Autonomy

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What do college students think about the autonomy of the abortion?

  • Kim, Jung-ae;Jung, Hae-ok
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2018
  • This study investigates how college students who are fertility women have a right to decide their own heritage. The participants of this study were 20-25 years old who were studying maternal nursing at a university in C province.Participants were 15 in total and conducted in-depth interviews three times until the meaning was no longer present.The data collection period was from November 15, 2017 to December 10.Interview data were processed using the phenomenological Giorgi method. As a result, 128 semantic units were derived, again divided into 9 sub-components, and then divided into 2 categories as final components. In conclusion, Participants agreed overall that abortion should not be increased. Participants agreed overall that abortion should not be increased. There are 5 sub-components in agree of abortion: 'ethical dilemmas', 'assuring women's autonomy', 'being a prepared parent', 'not wanting future misery', and 'women's health rights'. There are 4 sub-components to abortion: The preciousness of life', 'hasty decision', 'murder', 'moral responsibility'. If a sub-component is categorized into a phenomenological context, it can be concluded that there is "importance to life" and "difficulty of decision".

Health Care Communications with Diverse Ethnic Groups

  • Savitri, Singh-Carlson
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.419-423
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The concept of respect is rooted in the core value of human relations, and interpersonal relationships with others. The notion of respect in these relationships is entrenched in the broader context of the processes of relationships between professionals and clients in general, along with the philosophical and ethical foundations of respect. Although nursing principles and values, such as autonomy and dignity have built their foundation of care on the concept of respect, these concepts (ie. autonomy and dignity) are still different from respect. Respect within health professional-client relationships, indicates that respect is a fundamental concept within nursing, permeating a number of other concepts that provide purposeful nursing care within the process of nurse-client relationships and respect has been discussed as an ethical and moral concept of care that addresses the values of human dignity in the nursing discipline, however research examining the client s perspectives of respect as an ethical principle of care, especially within Canada s diverse population is non-existent. There is limited research from the client s perspective addressing challenges communicating the concept of respect in relationships between health professionals and clients, specifically research directed at immigrant or the vulnerable population.

Critical Analysis about Environmental Ethics and Moral Position of Landscape Architecture - Focusing on Eugen C. Hargrove's 'Weak Anthropocentrism' - (조경의 환경윤리에 대한 비판적 해석과 도덕적 위치 - 유진 하그로브의 '약한 인간중심주의'를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Chang-Song
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2015
  • The theory of landscape architecture applies environmental ethics in order to secure an ecological status. However, environmental ethics that focus on nature conservation excludes landscape architecture as artifacts. In the process, it is hard to identify what landscape architecture insists on as the middle position between humans and nature. Rather, landscape architecture pretends to be an 'agent of nature' and pushes the traditional moral values 'for people.' Therefore, the purpose of this study is to reestablish the anthropocentrism moral position of landscape architecture through critical analysis. Hargrove's weak anthropocentrism' of several environmental ethics branches accepts natural aesthetics(such as landscape architecture) as an ethical virtue. But environmental ethics makes landscape architecture a critical target. For that reason, this study looked into critical contents and objects that in a position to moral, aesthetic and landscape architecture. Critical details are as follows: First, nature is an absolute as an aesthetic and moral value, but landscape architecture is an imitation and takes a relaxed attitude about nature. Second, nature is full of aesthetic substance because it is self-creative, but landscape architecture is designed nature covered human flaws through imagination. Third, environmental management granting techniques in nature generate a moral nihilism. As an argument, environmental ethics overlooked the moral practices of landscape architecture beyond nature another moral aspect of creation and the imagination-and moral aspects of environmental management as 'care' because they rule out 'moral autonomy' and simplify what is considered 'good.' As a result, conservation cannot be the only virtue why the problem of nature in reality cannot be separated from human life. The moral position of landscape architecture based on a 'good life' is more appropriate under anthropocentrism than as a middle position.

A Political Economic Analysis of Decentralization: Fiscal Autonomy and Primary System (지방분권제도에 대한 정치경제학적 분석: 재정자치 및 국회의원경선제도)

  • Kim, Jaehoon
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.27-69
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    • 2009
  • This paper studies the logic of fiscal constraints and fiscal autonomy in a political agency model with both moral hazard and adverse selection. The electoral process not only disciplines incumbents who may act against the public interest but also opts in politicians who are most likely to act along voters' interests. We characterize perfect Bayesian equilibria under shared tax system and fiscal autonomy with fiscal constraints for local public good provision. It is shown that the local voters' expected welfare under fiscal autonomy is higher than under shared tax system if the same fiscal constraints are applied. In order to examine the effects of party's candidate selection processes on the behavior of local politician and national politician, we extend the model to an environment where local politician can compete for the candidacy of national assembly with incumbent national politician. If local politician wins majority of votes against incumbent national politician, then he can move on to serve as a national politician. Otherwise, his political career will end as a local politician. It is the gist of this primary system portrayed by this setup that local politician and national politician compete to garner more votes. Therefore, primary system as a candidate selection mechanism enhances local residents' welfare compared to top-down candidate selection processes.

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Three meanings implied by Thomas Aquinas' "intellectualism" (토마스 아퀴나스의 '지성주의(주지주의)'가 내포하는 3가지 의미 - 『진리론(이성, 양심과 의식)』을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Myung-gon
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.148
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    • pp.239-267
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    • 2018
  • In the matter of ethical and moral practice, Thomas Aquinas's thought is called "intellectualism". It does not mean only that intelligence is more important than will in moral practice, but that it has epistemological, metaphysical, and psycho-psychological implications significance. The first means affirming "the first principles of knowing" as the problem of certainty of knowing. In Thomism, there are surely above suspicion notions in the domain of practice as well as in the domain of reason, which are obviously self-evident, and because of that certainty, they become the basis of certainty of all other knowings that follow. The principle to know these knowings is the first principle of knowing, reason and Synderesis(conscience). Therefore, the "intellectualism" of Tomism is the basis for providing the ground of metaphysics. In the case of reason, it is classified into superior reason and inferior reason according to whether it is object. The object of higher reason is "metaphysical object" which human natural reason can not deal with. This affirmation of superior reason provides a basis for human "autonomy" in the moral and religious domain. This is because even in areas beyond the object of natural reason, it is possible to derive certain knowledge through self-reasoning, and thus to be able to carry out the act through their own choosing. Likewise, for Thomas Aquinas, "Synderesi" as the first principle of good and evil judgment can be applied to both the superior reason and the inferior reason, and thus, except for the truth by the direct divine revelation, precedes any authority of the world, scrupulous Act always guarantees truth and good. This means "subjectivity" that virtually in the act of moral practice, it can become the master of one's act. Furthermore, "consciousness(conscientia)", which means the ability to comprehend everything in a holistic and simultaneous manner, is based on conscience(synderesis). So, at least in principle, correct behavior or moral behavior in Tomism is given firstly in correct knowledge. Therefore, it can be said that true awareness (conscious awareness) in Thomas Aquinas's thought coincide with practical practice, or at least knowledge can be said to be a decisive 'driver' for practice. This will be the best explanation of the definition of "intellectualism" by Thomism.

The Practical Implications Manifested in Dasan and Jeungsan's Theory of Mutual Resonance (다산과 증산의 감응론(感應論)에 나타난 실천적 함의)

  • Choi Jeong-rak
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.50
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    • pp.139-176
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    • 2024
  • This article examines the theory of mutual resonance (感應論) of Dasan (茶山), Jeong Yak-yong (丁若鏞), and Jeungsan (甑山), Kang Il-sun (姜一淳), who lived during the transition to modernity in Joseon. By examining the philosophical thought of Dasan and Jeungsan, which centered on the problem of realizing morality through the resonance (感應) between human beings and Sangje, this article aims to reveal that their religious discussion of resonance, which is differentiated from the rational theory, ultimately strengthens the practice of morality. Dasan and Jeungsan argue that it is difficult to overcome human selfish desires through the mind alone, which aims for moral autonomy, so the recognition of a transcendent being, Sangje, becomes necessary. Since Sangje, the Supreme Being, is always watching over human life, one can examine one's deficiencies with reverence and correct them. In particular, Dasan and Jeungsan reveal that humans and Sangje do not exist independently, but are in touch with each other through the heart, so that moral practice can be actualized in reality. Dasan and Jeungsan do not position humans and the Supreme Being as independent entities, but rather allow them to organically resonate with each other through the mind, enabling individuals to engage in moments of contemplation and reflection at every juncture of choice, unbound by time and space. From this perspective, the resonance theory of Dasan and Jeungsan can be seen to have practical implications for integrating moral practice into everyday life. The thought systems of Dasan and Jeungsan should be understood as embodying the anguish and sincerity of two figures who sought to convey to future generations the path of moral practice that humans must walk, based on a reverent mindset towards the Supreme Being, amidst tumultuous domestic and international circumstances.

A Bioethical Study of the Informed Consent for Organ Donor (장기공여를 위한 사전동의의 생의윤리학적 고찰)

  • Um, Young-Rhan;Han, Sung-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.475-487
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    • 1998
  • This is a study to search for the ethical basis for valid informed consent of organ donors. It is an admirable action that a person give his own body part or organ as a gift to another person. The organ for transplantation can be removed only when the donor consents voluntarily to donation. It is recently proposed as the need for organ transplantation is increased that organs can be harvested although the consent of deceased cannot be obtained. This may raise many moral issues because human beings all have an unalienable right to control their own bodies. The principle of autonomy is usually regarded as an ethical basis for informed consent. However, some people criticize that the principle of autonomy requires a person and his decision to be autonomous (but there are many patients who aren't autonomous due to their confusion or unconscious condition in a clinical situation). or this principle can foster indifference to patients needing help: thus respect for principles of care and beneficence is necessary. When we consider the complexity of making a decision about organ donation. the principle of autonomy should be replaced by the principle of respect for individual autonomy. as expressed by Childress (1990). This principle requires the care givers to respect the client's individual decisions. The elements of informed consent are threshold elements: competence to understand and decide. voluntariness in deciding: information elements: disclosure of material information. recommendation of a plan. understanding of disclosure and recommendation: and consent elements: decision in favor of a plan. authorization of the chosen plan. In cases of living donors. the elements of competence and voluntariness are more important than the others. So only an adult can give a recipient his own body part. but it should be forbidden to harvest from minors or protected adults (i.e. developmentally disabled person However. when organs are removed from a cadaver donor. we ought to respect the donor's decision. So we ought to try to seek donor cards or any documents expressing the donor's opinion about organ transplant. All health care givers ought to disclose donor information about organ transplantation clearly enough for the donor to understand it and to be able to weigh the harms and benefits. We are going to propose 'the subjective standard' as the ethical standard of disclosure. This standard will assure that patients have enough information to be able to decide autonomously from their own position. Care givers have to consider the method of disclosure because donors can be influenced by it positively or negatively, Establishment of the Hospital Committee is recommended. because medical professionals will have a chance to discuss the procedure of decision and the validity of harvesting a organ from a person.

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Study on Bioethical Education of Oriental Medical Doctor, Based on Vocational Ethics of Medical Personnel (한의과 대학 직업윤리 교육 현황을 통해 바라본 의료인 윤리교육 방법론 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Hwan;Kim, Byung-Soo;Kang, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2011
  • The medical profession has the problem of lack of bioethics, due to the expansion of capitalism and mannerism after modernization. Therefore, the need of education of bioethics is increasing, however, the cramming system of education is insufficient for promoting personal morals. So the author studied ancient and present bioethics and searched for the cause of current bioethics absence and the method of overcoming it. Especially, studying the vocational features of oriental medical doctor as profession and the problems of education of bioethics in oriental medical college, the author searched for the directions of educations of bioethics. The conclusions are as follows. The current medical profession have ethical problems because of social moral hazard, evils of capitalism, change of doctor-patient relationship due to expansion of consumerism, limitation of autonomy due to commercialize of hospitals, decrease of knowledge monopolism of professionals, moral indifference and frailty, and a missdeed preference. The education of bioethics needs "Rest's 4 components" but the current education of bioethics in oriental medicine college lacks of time and is composed of the cramming system of education. So it needs various types of education system. Morals are subjective and discretionary personal character. Therefore, informational education is insufficient for enhancing morals and complex education for various personal attainments (various social indirect experience, philosophical speculation, mental serenity) is needed. It has to be done on the basis of educational method by experience not lecture, long term expectation, and basic understanding of bioethics.

An analysis on Television news frame on irregularities at private schools (사학비리에 대한 텔레비전 뉴스 프레임 분석)

  • Lee, Seohyoen;Choi, Jinbong
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.80
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    • pp.224-253
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we analyzed the television news frames related to private school irregularities. Television broadcasting stations have not dealt with underlying problems of private school irregularities, but their reporting have been focused more on stating the situations. While Public announcing frame, Interference and solutions frame, Moral hazard frame and Protests and strikes frame have been applied in reporting, Autonomy highlighted frame and Publicity highlighted frame which are fundamental to the existence of private schools hardly appeared. In particular, the adhesion between private schools and political power has been continuously pointed out to be a cause of raising problems, whereas articles with such perspectives were hard to find. As a result, television broadcasting stations are required to change the way in reporting of private school irregularities in order for a lively discussion about them as the social agenda.

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  • Park, Jong-Sam;Kim, Yeong-Rak
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.221-241
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    • 1998
  • Though the arbitration agreement is a means to resolve disputes autonomously in essence, the Principle of Parties Autonomy and the Principle of Free Contracting can not be applied infinitely without any limitations but subject to the Public Policy and the Compulsory Provisions as established by an interested country. Such principle of law is applied to international arbitration agreements as well, but their validity should be determined by different standards from those in domestic arbitration agreements, in consideration of their internationality. The essential effect of arbitration agreement is to exclude from the jurisdiction of State courts. Depending upon definition of the legal nature of arbitration agreement, the range and contents of the effect of such agreement will vary. Whether State courts can intervene in claims related to Compulsory Provisions is an issue at the level of legislation policy which can not be easily concluded. But, the applicability of Compulsory Provisions can not serve as an imperative ground to deny the eligibility of claims for arbitration, so far as such claims can be disposed of by the parties. On the other hand, it is reasonable to view the arbitration agreement as a substantive contract in its legal nature enabling the authority for dispute resolution to be delegated to arbitrator, so that the Principle of Parties Autonomy can be widely applied throughout the arbitration procedure as well as with other legal acts on private laws. With this, the parties can enjoy an arbitration award appropriate for characteristics of a specific arbitration agreement, thus resulting in facilitating the use of arbitration procedure for international trade activities. To conclude, the Public Policy and the Compulsory Provisions as limitations on arbitration agreement should be applied to such an extent that they can protect States basic moral faith and social order.

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