• 제목/요약/키워드: Microwave reaction

검색결과 251건 처리시간 0.021초

Improvement of Histopathological Sample Preparation by Employing Microwave Heating Method on Frozen Section Specimens

  • 안승주
    • 대한의생명과학회지
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.361-368
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    • 2007
  • Biological samples can be fixed either by chemical method by using chemical solution or physical methods by using heat treatment. The problem in traditional heat fixation is unsatisfactory quality due to uneven heat conduction in specimen and loss of inner cell contents. Chemical fixation method also bears several intrinsic problems like the limit in specimen size, time consumption in fixative impregnation, and loss of low molecular weight cell components. These factors deteriorate the quality of fixed specimen, thus limit the magnification and contrast of tissue pictures. Microwave heat has been reported to be a good alternative to current chemical methods to overcome these problem. In this study, we tried to introduce the microwave energy method to routine fixation work in hospital. We replaced chemical fixative with saline to provide moderate reaction condition, and used frozen section to reduce time for sample preparation. Temperature was measured at each experiment. The fixation of rat kidney tissue with 2.45 GHz electromagnetic wave and saline showed similar result to the control group fixed with traditional chemical method. Human tumor tissue fixed with 2.45 GHz electromagnetic in frozen section was improved in terms of histochemistry of PAS and immunohistochemistry of tumor marker like cytokeratin. Total turnaround time was reduced from $24\sim38$ h to to $2\sim4$ h. In conclusion, the quality of samples prepared by microwave heating method was at least as good as that of traditional method. If the condition for the fixation of different specimens is standardized, this new method could be applied to routine work in hospital, and could save working time as well.

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마이크로웨이브를 이용한 폐수 내 고농도 암모니아성질소 제거 (Ammonia Nitrogen Removal in Wastewater Using Microwave Irradiation)

  • 신소연;구본흥;김태현;이유학;안종화
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제30권5호
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    • pp.486-490
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    • 2014
  • Industrial use of microwave heating as an alternative to conventional heating is becoming popular mainly due to dramatic reductions in reaction time. Therefore, this work experimentally determined the effect of microwave irradiation on ammonia nitrogen removal in wastewater. The effects of air flow rate (0.3~0.9 L/min), treatment temperature ($70{\sim}100^{\circ}C$), and initial pH (9~11) were characterized. As the air flow rate increased from 0.3 to 0.9 L/min, the ammonia removal rate constant (k) increased from -0.6642 to $-1.0755min^{-1}$. As the temperature increased from 70 to $100^{\circ}C$, k increased -0.0338 to $-1.0755min^{-1}$. As the pH increased from 9 to 11, k increased -0.2443 to $-1.0755min^{-1}$. Ammonia removal was strongly dependent on temperature and pH rather than air flow rate. The results show that microwave irradiation is effective in ammonia nitrogen removal in wastewater due to advantages of fast and effective processing.

Efficient Cleavage of Alkyl Aryl Ethers Using an Ionic Liquid under Microwave Irradiation

  • Park, Se Kyung;Battsengel, Oyunsaikhan;Chae, Junghyun
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.174-178
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    • 2013
  • A highly reliable dealkylation protocol of alkyl aryl ethers, whose alkyl groups are longer than methyl group, has been developed. We report that various ethyl, n-propyl, and benzyl aryl ethers are successfully cleaved using an ionic liquid, 1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide, [bmim][Br], under microwave irradiation. Despite many characteristics such as lower cost and less toxicity of the alkylating agents, and greater hydrophobicity of the products, longer alkyl ethers have been significantly less exploited than methyl ethers, probably due to more difficulty in the deprotection step. Since it has the same advantages as the demethylation method developed by this group including mild conditions, short reaction time, and small use of the ionic liquids, the dealkylation protocol can greatly encourage the broader use of longer alkyl groups in the protection of phenolic groups. As with our previous study of demethylation using [bmim][Br], the microwave irradiation is crucial for the deprotection of longer alkyl aryl ethers. Unlike the conventional heating, which causes either low conversion or decomposition, the microwave irradiation seems to more effectively provide energy to cleave the ether bonds and therefore suppresses the undesired reactions.

마이크로웨이브가 부가된 광촉매에 의한 메틸렌블루의 분해 (Microwave-assisted Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue)

  • 김유봉;조아라;라덕관;박재현;김선재;정상철
    • 대한환경공학회지
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    • 제30권8호
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    • pp.817-822
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    • 2008
  • Microwave와 자외선을 동시에 조사하여 광촉매분말이 분산된 메틸렌블루수용액의 분해실험을 하였다. 광촉매반응에 microwave와 자외선을 같이 사용하기 위하여 microwave에 의해 방전되는 무전극자외선램프를 제작하였다. 실험결과 microwave의 강도, 반응수용액의 순환유속, TiO$_2$ 분말의 첨가량 그리고 산화보조제의 첨가량이 증가할수록 광촉매분해속도가 증가하였다. 특히 과산화수소를 첨가한 광촉매반응에 microwave를 부가한 실험의 반응속도상수는 0.0250 min$^{-1}$이고 광촉매반응에 과산화수소만을 첨가한 경우의 속도상수는 0.0075 min$^{-1}$로 약 3배 정도 높은 값을 나타내었다. 본 연구의 결과로부터 광촉매반응에 microwave가 미치는 영향을 정량적으로 평가하기는 어렵지만, 과산화수소가 첨가되는 광촉매반응에 microwave의 조사가 매우 중요한 인자인 것을 알 수 있었다.

마이크로파가 인가된 화염에서의 주파수 특성과 오염물질 생성 (Flickering Frequency and Pollutants Formation in Microwave Induced Diffusion Flames)

  • 전영훈;이의주
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.22-27
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    • 2016
  • The use of electromagnetic wave has been interested in various energy industry because it enhances a flame stability and provides higher safety environments. However it might increase the pollutant emissions such as NOx and soot, and have harmful influence on human and environments. Therefore, it is very important to understand interaction mechanism between flame and electromagnetic wave from environmental point of view. In this study, an experiment was performed with jet diffusion flames induced by electromagnetic wave. Microwave was used as representative electromagnetic wave and a flickering flame was introduced to simulate the more similar combustion condition to industry. The results show that the induced microwave enhances the flame stability and blowout limit. The unstable lifted flickering flames under low fuel/oxidizer velocity is changed to stable attached flames or lift-off flames when microwave applied to the flames, which results from the abundance of radical pool. However, NOx emission was increased monotonically with increasing the microwave power as microwave power increased up to 1.0 kW. The effects might be attributed to the heating of combustion field and thermal NOx mechanism will be prevailed. Soot particle was examined at the post flame region by TEM grid. The morphology of soot particle sampled in the microwave induced flames was similar to the incipient soot that is not agglomerated and contain a lots of liquid phase hydrocarbon such as PAH, which soot particle formed near reaction zone is oxidized on the extended yellow flame region and hence only unburned young particles are emitted on the post flame region.

은 카바메이트 복합체를 이용한 라디칼 중합에 의한 은/폴리스티렌 나노복합체의 제조 (Preparation of Silver/Polystyrene Nanocomposites by Radical Polymerization Using Silver Carbamate Complex)

  • 박헌수;박형석;공명선
    • 폴리머
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.144-149
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    • 2010
  • Ag/polystyrene(PS) 나노복합체를 110 $^{\circ}C$의 가열법에 의하여 silver 2-ethylhexylcarbamate(Ag-CB) 복합체의 환원과 동시에 라디칼 중합을 진행하여 제조하였다. 또한, 이러한 전통적인 가열법과는 대조적으로 마이크로파를 조사하여 스티렌 단량체의 중합이 진행됨이 없이 은 나노입자가 잘 분산된 콜로이드 스티렌 용액을 제조할 수 있었다. 이렇게 단지 마이크로파를 조사하여 은 나노입자를 제조하는 방법은 반응기 내의 전체 용액 속에서 균일하고 빠르게 진행되어 매우 입자가 작고 균일한 은 나노콜로이드 용액을 제조할 수 있었다. 또한, 연속적으로 얻어진 은 나노입자를 포함하는 단량체 용액을 라디칼 중합시킴으로써 PS 고분자 매트릭스에 은 나노입자가 잘 분산된 Ag/PS 나노복합체를 얻을 수 있었다. Ag/PS(0.1/100) 나노복합체는 Ag/PS(4.0/100)를 마스터배치로 사용하여 용융-혼합 방법에 의하여 성공적으로 제조할 수 있었으며 그러한 나노복합체를 UV-VIS spectroscopy, TEM, 그리고 XRD를 이용하여 확인하였다.

마이크로웨이브 플라즈마와 촉매를 이용한 메탄으로부터 수소 밀 C2+ 화학원료 제조에 환한 연구 (Manufacture of Hydrogen and C2+ Chemicals from Methane using Microwave Plasma and Catalyst)

  • 조원일;백영순;김영채
    • 한국가스학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2001
  • 저온 마이크로웨이브 플라즈마와 촉매반응에 의한 메탄올 활성화하여 C2+ 화합물과 수소로 전환하는 반응을 고찰하였다. 금속 촉매인 Fe, Ni과 귀금속 촉매인 Pt, Pd 계열의 촉매로 본 실험을 수행하였다 메탄의 유속이 $20ml\;min^{-1}$일때 플라즈마의 출력이 증가할수록 C2+ 생성물은 29에서 $42\%$로 증가하였으며 동시에 메탄의 커플링 반응에서 발생하는 수소는 0.6에서 0.65 몰분율을 나타내었다. 촉매는 플라즈마 영역 후단에 위치하였을 때, C2+ 생성물이 일정한 수율을 나타내는 반면 에틸렌과 아세틸렌의 선택도는 향상되었다. 플라즈마 반응후 ECR 전기장과 Pd-Ni 이원촉매를 위치했을 때 최고의 C2+ 수율은 $64\%$로 관찰되었다.

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무 용매 조건에서 potassium dihydrogen phosphate를 촉매로 사용하는 쿠마린의 마이크로파-유도 단일 용기 내 합성 (Microwave-induced one-pot Synthesis of Coumarins Using Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate as a Catalyst Under Solvent-free Condition)

  • Niralwad, Kirti S.;Shingate, Bapurao B.;Shingare, Murlidhar S.
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.486-489
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    • 2011
  • Potassium dihydrogen phosphate는 마이크로파 조사조건에서 용매 없이 페놀과 아세토아세트산 에틸의 Pechmann 축합반응에 의하여 쿠마린을 합성하는 효과적인 촉매로 밝혀졌다. 이 방법은 쿠마린 합성에 있어서 소량의 촉매를 필요로 하며 수율이 높고, 반응이 깨끗할 뿐만 아니라 반응 시간이 짧은 장점들을 가지고 있다.

Microwave Assisted One-pot Synthesis of Novel α-Aminophosphonates and heir Biological Activity

  • Rao, Alahari Janardhan;Rao, Pasupuleti Visweswara;Rao, Valsani Koteswara;Mohan, Challamchalla;Raju, Chamarthi Naga;Reddy, Cirandur Suresh
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제31권7호
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    • pp.1863-1868
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    • 2010
  • A simple and efficient synthesis of various $\alpha$-aminophosphonates (3a-l) by the reaction of substituted aromatic/heterocyclic aldehydes, 2-amino-6-methoxy-benzothiazole and dibutyl/diphenyl phosphites under microwave irradiation without catalyst was accomplished. The phosphonates were characterized by elemental analysis, IR, $^1H$, $^{13}C$- and $^{31}PNMR$ spectra. They showed promising antimicrobial, anti-oxidant activities depending on the nature of bioactive groups at the $\alpha$-carbon.

황산-실리카에 의해 촉진된 Ketone의 효율적인 One-Pot 베크만 자리옮김 반응 (One-Pot Efficient Beckmann Rearrangement of Ketones Catalyzed by Silica Sulfuric Acid)

  • Eshghi, H.;Hassankhani, A.
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제51권4호
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    • pp.361-364
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    • 2007
  • Microwave irradiation하에서 황산 실리카를 사용한 케톤에서 아미드의 합성을 관한 one-pot Beckmann자리옮김 반응에 대한 보고이다. 산과 케톤의 몰비율이 1:2인 이 방법의 장점은 간단한 조작과 짧은 반응시간으로 높은 수율을 가진 위치선택적 반응이고, 최근에 사용되었던 방법보다 더 친환경적이다.