• Title/Summary/Keyword: Meteorite

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Study on Survey Activities for Geology and Mineral Resources in the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty Based on the Records of Ancient Literatures (고문헌 기록에 나타난 고려시대와 조선시대의 지질자원 조사활동 연구)

  • Won, Byeongho;Lee, Sung-rock;Kim, Seong-Yong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 2017
  • In this research, we have extracted historical records regarding the geotechnology from the Goryeosa and the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty which are rated as ancient books that have objective views in the Goryeo Dynasty and the Joseon Dynasty in order to understand the national awareness and the social situation of the past events. We used the Korean history database system of National Institute of Korean History (NIKH) and collected related records by searching specific keywords such as volcano, mining, hot spring, and meteorite. According to the historical records, geological events such as the volcano and meteorite were regarded as important issues which were enough to be recorded in annals and surveyed by the dispatched government officials to the fields of events. In case of the hot springs, government officials conducted explorations of hot springs at king's orders and developed the potential areas of hot springs. Among the historical records on mining, the contents of geotechnology including the contents about discovered minerals and its locations can be easily found from those ancient books. Especially, it is possible to understand the history of geotechnology such as an establishment of modern organizations and a capitalistic flow for development through the history of the mining in the late Joseon Dynasty.

3D Modeling of Lacus Mortis Pit Crater with Presumed Interior Tube Structure

  • Hong, Ik-Seon;Yi, Yu;Yu, Jaehyung;Haruyama, Junichi
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2015
  • When humans explore the Moon, lunar caves will be an ideal base to provide a shelter from the hazards of radiation, meteorite impact, and extreme diurnal temperature differences. In order to ascertain the existence of caves on the Moon, it is best to visit the Moon in person. The Google Lunar X Prize(GLXP) competition started recently to attempt lunar exploration missions. Ones of those groups competing, plan to land on a pit of Lacus Mortis and determine the existence of a cave inside this pit. In this pit, there is a ramp from the entrance down to the inside of the pit, which enables a rover to approach the inner region of the pit. In this study, under the assumption of the existence of a cave in this pit, a 3D model was developed based on the optical image data. Since this model simulates the actual terrain, the rendering of the model agrees well with the image data. Furthermore, the 3D printing of this model will enable more rigorous investigations and also could be used to publicize lunar exploration missions with ease.

Impact deformation of Feldspar in Achondrite: NWA 2727, NWA 3117, NWA 856 Meteorite

  • LEE, Jaeyong;FAGAN, Timothy J.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.73.1-73.1
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    • 2018
  • We investigated shock history of three achondrite meteorites: NWA 3117, a howardite from asteroid Vesta, NWA 2727, a breccia from the Moon, and NWA 856, a shergottite from Mars. Shock histories were evaluated from deformation of plagioclase feldspars. Feldspar grains were classified based on observations in cross-polarized light as undulatory, mosaic, mosaic-recrystallized or maskelynite. This sequence represents increasing deformation of original feldspar crystals. Undulatory crystals have wavy extinction, mosaic crystals have patchy extinction, and mosaic-recrystallized grains appear as if they were originally coarse-grained and have recrystallized to mosaics of small equant crystals. Maskelynite grains are isotropic, indicating transformation to glass. Based on feldspar deformation, the degrees of impact processing are NWA 856 > NWA 3117 > NWA 2727. The high deformation of NWA 856 is expected because this sample is from Mars, which is a large parent body and requires a powerful impact to accelerate a rock to escape velocity. In contrast, the parent body of NWA 3117 (Vesta) is smaller than that of NWA 2727 (the Moon), yet NWA 3117 appears more highly deformed than NWA 2727. One possible explanation is that NWA 2727 is from a relatively young part of the Moon, which has not been exposed to impacts as long as the surface of Vesta.

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Elemental analysis by neutron induced nuclear reaction - Nuclear track method for the analysis of fissile materials

  • Ha, Yeong-Keong;Pyo, Hyung Yeol;Park, Yong Joon;Jee, Kwang Yong;Kim, Won Ho
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.263-270
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    • 2005
  • Nuclear track is an useful tool for elemental analysis of radionuclides, such as uranium, plutonium and thorium, etc., and for elements undergoing nuclear reactions with thermal neutrons such as lithium and boron. This method has various application fields such as detecting fissionable radionuelides, measuring the fission rate in nuclear technology, analyzing cosmic radiation from meteorite, calculating the age of minerals as well as their history, etc. Track registration method has been applied to the microscopic analysis of boron and fissionable element such as uranium in KAERI. This report reviews the theoretical background of the nuclear track formation, practical procedures to obtain etched tracks and a perspective of the future.


    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.65-67
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    • 2015
  • The surfaces of most atmosphereless solar system objects are referred to as regolith, layers of loosely connected fragmentary debris, produced by meteorite impacts. Measurements of light scattered from such surfaces provides information about the composition and structure of the surface. A suitable way to characterize the scattering properties is to consider how the intensity and polarization of scattered light depends on the particle size, composition, porosity, roughness, wavelength of incident light and the geometry of observation. In the present work, the effect of porosity on bidirectional reflectance as a function of phase angle is studied for alumina powder with grain size of $0.3{\mu}m$ and olivine powder with grain size of $49{\mu}m$ at 543.5 nm. The optical constants of the alumina sample for each porosity were calculated with Maxwell Garnett effective medium theory. On using each of the optical constants of alumina sample in Mie theory with the Hapke model the variation of bidirectional reflectance is obtained as a function of phase angle with porosity as a parameter. Experimental reflectance data are in good agreement the model. For the olivine sample the effect of porosity is studied using Hapke (2008).

Numerical Analyses on the Formation, Propagation, and Deformation of Landslide Tsunami Using LS-DYNA and NWT

  • Seo, Minjang;Yeom, Gyeong-Seon;Lee, Changmin;Lee, Woo-Dong
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2022
  • Generally, tsunamis are generated by the rapid crustal movements of the ocean floor. Other factors of tsunami generation include landslides on coastal and ocean floor slopes, glacier collapses, and meteorite collisions. In this study, two numerical analyses were conducted to examine the formation, propagation, and deformation properties of landslide tsunamis. First, LS-DYNA was adopted to simulate the formation and propagation processes of tsunamis generated by dropping rigid bodies. The generated tsunamis had smaller wave heights and wider waveforms during their propagation, and their waveforms and flow velocities resembled those of theoretical solitary waves after a certain distance. Second, after the formation of the landslide tsunami, a tsunami based on the solitary wave approximation theory was generated in a numerical wave tank (NWT) with a computational domain that considered the stability/steady phase. The comparison of two numerical analysis results over a certain distance indicated that the waveform and flow velocity were approximately equal, and the maximum wave pressures acting on the upright wall also exhibited similar distributions. Therefore, an effective numerical model such as LS-DYNA was necessary to analyze the formation and initial deformations of the landslide tsunami, while an NWT with the wave generation method based on the solitary wave approximation theory was sufficient above a certain distance.

Astronomical Records in the Goguri Annal of the Three Kingdoms Period

  • Ki-Won Lee;Byeong-Hee Mihn
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 2024
  • It is known that Chang-Hwa Park (1889-1962) transcribed a chronicle of the Goguryeo kingdom (BC 37-AD 668) of Korea (hereafter Goguri annal) from literature of the time that is no longer available. However, the authenticity of his transcription remains disputed. This study attempts to verify whether the Goguri annal is a pseudograph by analyzing the astronomical records in the annal. Although the Goguryeo kingdom fell in the year 668, the Goguri annal contains records up to the year 536. In this study, we have classified the astronomical records into eight categories and clustered them into two groups: a calendrical data group of reign-name and calendar date categories, and a celestial phenomena group of solar eclipse, trespass, comet, daylight appearance of Venus, meteor/meteorite, and other categories. The records of each category have been compared with those of the Samguksagi (History of the Three Kingdoms), Chinese chronicles, and with the results of modern computations wherever possible. From this comparison, we have not found any critical record that would indicate that the Goguri annal is a pseudograph, although the same astronomical records, with the exception of a few, are also found in the Samguksagi and Chinese chronicles.

Magnetic Mineral Identification in Meteorites (잔류자화비를 이용한 운석의 자성광물 판별)

  • Kim, In-Ho;Yu, Yong-Jae
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2011
  • Meteorites are extraterrestrial solid rock fragments that fell from the outer space. Investigating mineral magnetic properties of the Meteorites is essential in understanding the evolution of planets and asteroids in the Solar System. In particular, magnetic characterization of magnetic mineral can provide constraints on the progress of differentiation in ancient planetary bodies. In the present study, ratio of thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) over saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) was applied to diagnose the magnetic minerals in meteorites and igneous rocks. Distinctive classification of TRM/SIRM suggests that kamacite, tetrataenite, magnetite, and (Cr,Ti)-rich iron oxide are responsible for the magnetization of H5 Richardton, LL6 St. Severin, ALH84001, and DaG476, respectively. The TRM/SIRM ratio could be an efficient tool in identifying magnetic minerals especially when rocks or meteorites contain unstable material under heating.

Geomorphic development of the Jeogchung·Chogye Basin and inner alluvial fan, Hapcheon, South Korea (합천 적중·초계분지와 분지 내 선상지 지형발달)

  • Hwang, Sangill;Yoon, Soon-Ock
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.225-239
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    • 2016
  • The Jeogchung Chogye Basin shows perfect basin formation surrounded with divides, excluding outlet where Sannae River combining various small rivers escapes the basin. High mountains distribute at southwestern, southern and southeastern divides of the basin consisting of hornfels, while hilly mountains are found at northern divide consisting of sedimentary rock. Alluvial fans and flood plains occupy bottom of the basin. While extensive alluvial fans are found at the front of southern divide where rivers with large drainage areas rise, alluvial fans toward eastern and western divides become small due to low elevation of divides. Flood deposits by Hwang River are attributed to development for most of flood plains at northern part of the basin. The basin seems to be developed not by differential erosion or meteorite impact, but by bedrock weathering along lineament or fault lines by ground motion.

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Construction of the image database of Earth's lava caves useful in identifying the lunar caves

  • Hong, Ik-Seon;Jeong, Jongil;Sohn, Jongdae;Oh, Suyeon;Yi, Yu
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.138.2-138.2
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    • 2012
  • Cave on the Moon is considered as the most appropriate place for human to live during the frontier lunar exploration. While the lava flows, the outer crust gets cooled and solidified. Then, the empty space is remained inside after lava flow stops. Such empty space is called the lava caves. Those lava tubes on the Earth are formed mostly by volcanic activity. However, the lava tubes on satellite like Moon and planet like Mars without volcanic activity are mostly formed by the lava flow inside of the crater made by large meteorite impact. Some part of lava tube with collapsed ceiling appears as the entrance of the cave. Such area looks like a deep crater so called a pit crater. Four large pit craters with diameter of > 60 m and depth of > 40 m are found without difficulty from Kaguya and LRO mission image archives. However, those are too deep to use as easily accessible human frontier base. Therefore, now we are going to identify some smaller lunar caves with accessible entrances using LRO camera images of 0.5 m/pixel resolution. Earth's lava caves and their entrances are well photographed by surface and aerial camera in immense volume. Thus, if the image data are sorted and archived well, those images can be used in comparison with the less distinct lunar cave and entrance images due to its smaller size. Then, we can identify the regions on the Moon where there exist caves with accessible entrances. The database will be also useful in modeling geomorphology for lunar and Martian caves for future artificial intelligence investigation of the caves in any size.

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