• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mesh resolution

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A Study on the Wavelets on Irregular Point Set (불규칙 점 집합에서의 웨이브렛에 관한 연구)

  • Inn-Ho Jee
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2023
  • In this paper we review techniques for building and analyzing wavelets on irregular point sets in one and two dimensions. In particular we focus on subdivision schemes and commutation. Subdivision means the skill that approximates the initial lines or mesh into a tender curve or a curved surface by continuous partitioning operation. The key to generalizing wavelet constructions to non-traditional settings is the use of generalized subdivision. The first generation setting is already connected with subdivision schemes, but they become even more important in the construction of second generation wavelets. Subdivision schemes provide fast algorithms, create a natural multi-resolution structure, and yield the underlying scaling functions and wavelets we seek.

Improving the quality of light-field data extracted from a hologram using deep learning

  • Dae-youl Park;Joongki Park
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2024
  • We propose a method to suppress the speckle noise and blur effects of the light field extracted from a hologram using a deep-learning technique. The light field can be extracted by bandpass filtering in the hologram's frequency domain. The extracted light field has reduced spatial resolution owing to the limited passband size of the bandpass filter and the blurring that occurs when the object is far from the hologram plane and also contains speckle noise caused by the random phase distribution of the three-dimensional object surface. These limitations degrade the reconstruction quality of the hologram resynthesized using the extracted light field. In the proposed method, a deep-learning model based on a generative adversarial network is designed to suppress speckle noise and blurring, resulting in improved quality of the light field extracted from the hologram. The model is trained using pairs of original two-dimensional images and their corresponding light-field data extracted from the complex field generated by the images. Validation of the proposed method is performed using light-field data extracted from holograms of objects with single and multiple depths and mesh-based computer-generated holograms.

Numerical solution of static and spatial kinetics self-adjoint angular flux neutron transport equation

  • Duoyu Jiang;Peng Xu;Tianliang Hu;Xinbiao Jiang;Lipeng Wang;Lu Cao;Da Li;Lixin Chen
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.4551-4562
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    • 2024
  • This paper elucidates a comprehensive derivation of the variational formulation pertaining to the static and spatial kinetics self-adjoint angular flux (SAAF) neutron transport equation. The methodology employed for discretization of the spatial variable is the finite element method, while the energy group discretization is executed via the group method, and the directional discretization is conducted using the discrete ordinates method. Analytic expressions for the discretization to variable separation under both vacuum and reflective boundary conditions are furnished. Constructed upon the MOOSE framework, a code designated as SAAFCGSN has been developed for the resolution of the SAAF neutron transport equation. The zero-order scattering matrix within this computational framework is managed through an innovative "decoupling" method, thereby enhancing the computational efficiency significantly. The functionality and robustness of the SAAFCGSN code are corroborated through meticulous evaluation involving seven distinct steady-state scenarios as well as two transient states. Empirical outcomes verify the compatibility of the SAAFCGSN code with both structured and unstructured mesh, inclusive of their amalgamations, thus facilitating maintenance and ensuring elevated computational accuracy. In addition, a performance analysis benchmarked against IAEA standards reveals that the adoption of the scattering matrix "decoupling" method propels a computational speed increase exceeding 30 %, signifying a notable advancement in calculation efficiency.

Rapid gravity and gravity gradiometry terrain corrections via an adaptive quadtree mesh discretization (최적 4 진트리 격자화를 이용한 중력 및 중력 변화율 탐사에서의 고속 지형보정)

  • Davis, Kristofer;Kass, M.Andy;Li, Yaoguo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2011
  • We present a method for modelling the terrain response of gravity gradiometry surveys utilising an adaptive quadtree mesh discretization. The data- and terrain-dependent method is tailored to provide rapid and accurate terrain corrections for draped and barometric airborne surveys. The surface used in the modelling of the terrain effect for each datum is discretized automatically to the largest cell size that will yield the desired accuracy, resulting in much faster modelling than full-resolution calculations. The largest cell sizes within the model occur in areas of minimal terrain variation and at large distances away from the datum location. We show synthetic and field examples for proof of concept. In the presented field example, the adaptive quadtree method reduces the computational cost by performing 351 times fewer calculations than the full model would require while retaining an accuracy of one E$\"{o}$tv$\"{o}$s for the gradient data. The method is also used for the terrain correction of the gravity field and performed 310 times faster compared with a calculation of the full digital elevation model.

Effect of bogie fairings on the snow reduction of a high-speed train bogie under crosswinds using a discrete phase method

  • Gao, Guangjun;Zhang, Yani;Zhang, Jie;Xie, Fei;Zhang, Yan;Wang, Jiabin
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.255-267
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    • 2018
  • This paper investigated the wind-snow flow around the bogie region of a high-speed train under crosswinds using a coupled numerical method of the unsteady Realizable $k-{\varepsilon}$ turbulence model and discrete phase model (DPM). The flow features around the bogie region were discussed and the influence of bogie fairing height on the snow accumulation on the bogie was also analyzed. Here the high-speed train was running at a speed of 200 km/h in a natural environment with the crosswind speed of 15 m/s. The mesh resolution and methodology for CFD analysis were validated against wind tunnel experiments. The results show that large negative pressure occurs locally on the bottom of wheels, electric motors, gear covers, while the positive pressure occurs locally on those windward surfaces. The airflow travels through the complex bogie and flows towards the rear bogie plate, causing a backflow in the upper space of the bogie region. The snow particles mainly accumulate on the wheels, electric motors, windward sides of gear covers, side fairings and back plate of the bogie. Longer side fairings increase the snow accumulation on the bogie, especially on the back plate, side fairings and brake clamps. However, the fairing height shows little impact on snow accumulation on the upper region of the bogie. Compared to short side fairings, a full length side fairing model contributes to more than two times of snow accumulation on the brake clamps, and more than 20% on the whole bogie.

Computation of Meteorologically-Induced Circulation on the East China Sea using a Fine Grid Three-dimensional Numerical Model (세격자삼차원 수치 모형에 의한 동중국해의 기상학적으로 유발된 해류순환의 산정)

  • Park, Byung-Ho;Suh, Kyung-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 1992
  • A three-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical model is used to compute the annual and seasonal meteorologically-induced residual circulation on the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea continental shelf. The model is formulated having irregular coastal boundaires and non-uniform depth distribution representative of nature. The previous three-dimensional model of the East China Sea (Choi. 19U) has been further refined to resolve the flow over the continental shelf in more detail. The mesh resolution of the present finite difference grid system used is 4 minutes latitude by 5 minutes longitude over the entire shelf. The circulation pattern showing depth and spatial distribution of currents over the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea is presented. Meteorologically-induced currents are subsequently used to compute turn-over times for the three depths (surface. mid-depth. bottom) and the total water column of various regions of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea.

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Clinical Evaluation for System Performance of Image Intensifiers (상강화기의 임상평가)

  • Kim, Chang-Seon;Charles R. Wilson
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 1998
  • The image intensifier is the key component which determines the imaging characteristics in a fluoroscopic imaging system. A system performance program for clinical evaluation of two image intensifiers, that is simple, non-invasive and time effective, was described. Tests were grouped into three headings: x-ray generator, image quality, and collimation. For the x-ray generator, the kVp accuracy and the automatic exposure control operation were compared. Low- and high-contrast resolution measurements, and mesh pattern study belong to the image quality tests and those tests were performed for the video monitor and photospot images. For the collimation, usable field diameter and image distortion of image intensifiers were measured and quantified. The procedures and the results are hoped to be used for the clinical evaluation of system performance and/or acceptance tests for image intensifiers.

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A Numerical Study on the Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer in the Hot Channel of Plate heat Exchanger with Chevron Shape (쉐브론 형상 판형 열교환기의 고온 채널에서의 압력손실 및 열전달 특성에 관한 해석 연구)

  • Sohn, Sangho;Shin, Jeong-Heon;Kim, Jungchul;Yoon, Seok Ho;Lee, Kong Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2018
  • This research investigates the internal flow and heat transfer in a plate heat exchanger with chevron shape by utilizing the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. The basic unit of the plate heat exchanger is generally composed of a hot channel, an intermediate chevron plate, and a cold channel. Several studies have reported experimental and numerical simulation of heat transfer and pressure drop. This study focused on the detailed numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer in the complicated chevron shape channel. The long chevron plate was designed to include 16 chevron patterns. For proper mesh resolution, the number of cells was determined after the grid sensitivity test. The working fluid is water, and its properties are defined as a function of temperature. The Reynolds number ranges from 900 to 9,000 in the simulation. A realizable $k-{\varepsilon}$ model and non-equilibrium wall function are properly considered for the turbulent flow. The friction factors and heat transfer coefficient are validated by comparing them with existing empirical correlations, and other patterned flow phenomena are also investigated.

An Efficient Real-time Rendering Method for Compressed Terrain Dataset with Wavelet Transform (웨이블릿 변환으로 압축된 지형 데이터의 효율적인 실시간 렌더링 기법)

  • Kim, Tae-Gwon;Lee, Eun-Seok;Shin, Byeong-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2014
  • We cannot load the entire data for high-resolution terrain model to the GPU memory since its size is too big. Out-of-core approaches are commonly used to solve the problem. However, due to limited bandwidth of the secondary storage, it is difficult to render the terrain in real-time. A method that compresses the DEM data with wavelet transform on GPU, and renders the decoded data is suggested. However, it is inefficient since it has to sample the values from textures, convert them to vertices, and generate a mesh periodically. We propose a method to store the approximation coefficients of wavelet compression as vertex attributes and render the terrain by decoding the data on geometric shader. It can reduce the amount of transferring terrain texture since approximation coefficients are given as an attribute of the vertex. Also, it generate meshes without additional upload of terrain texture.

MPEG-I RVS Software Speed-up for Real-time Application (실시간 렌더링을 위한 MPEG-I RVS 가속화 기법)

  • Ahn, Heejune;Lee, Myeong-jin
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.655-664
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    • 2020
  • Free viewpoint image synthesis technology is one of the important technologies in the MPEG-I (Immersive) standard. RVS (Reference View Synthesizer) developed by MPEG-I and in use in MPEG group is a DIBR (Depth Information-Based Rendering) program that generates an image at a virtual (intermediate) viewpoint from multiple viewpoints' inputs. RVS uses the mesh surface method based on computer graphics, and outperforms the pixel-based ones by 2.5dB or more compared to the previous pixel method. Even though its OpenGL version provides 10 times speed up over the non OpenGL based one, it still shows a non-real-time processing speed, i.e., 0.75 fps on the two 2k resolution input images. In this paper, we analyze the internal of RVS implementation and modify its structure, achieving 34 times speed up, therefore, real-time performance (22-26 fps), through the 3 key improvements: 1) the reuse of OpenGL buffers and texture objects 2) the parallelization of file I/O and OpenGL execution 3) the parallelization of GPU shader program and buffer transfer.