• 제목/요약/키워드: Mental health nurse

검색결과 140건 처리시간 0.037초

The Educational Needs and Perception of the Mothers of High Risk Infant and Normal Neonate (정상 신생아 어머니와 고위험 신생아 어머니의 신생아에 대한 지각 및 교육요구도 비교)

  • Lee Mee-Ja;Suh Hyun-Sun;Hong Yoo-Hee;Kim So-Yeon;Yoo Eun-Joo;Park Song-Ja
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.18-27
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to compare the educational needs and perception of mothers of normal neonates and high risk infants. This research was designed as a descriptive study. Data were collected for two months from April 2002 to March 2002. Subjects were 41 mothers of high risk infants and 60 mothers of normal neonates in one general hospital in Seoul participated in the study. Measurement tools used in this study were the educational needs scale developed by Cho Kyoul Ja et al and the neonatal perceptive inventories scale developed by Broussard. They ask mothers to rate each item on a four point Likert type scale. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 8.0 program. The variables were listed as frequency, mean, standard deviation, X2 test, t-test, ANOVA. The results were as follows: The educational needs of the mothers of primi pregnancy was higher than the mothers of multi pregnancy. The educational needs on management of diseases such as prevention of infection, symptoms of disease, mental development, attachment promotion, congenital metabolism test, management of convulsion, care of vomiting and fever were higher than general care of infants such as immunization, measurement of temperature, hiccough care, follow up care. The informations must be included in nursing intervention program to reduce the mothers' stress level. In conclusion, in order to promote positive mother infant relationship, nurse need to give information and educate the mothers of high risk infant and normal neonate.

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Socio-Medical Approach to the Welfare of Rural Residents Through the Education of Community Health Personnel (농촌지역사회 보건요원의 교육을 통한 주민의 보건복지향상에 관한 사회의학적 연구)

  • Yum, Yong-Tae;Lee, Myung-Sook;Cho, Byung-Hee
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 1992
  • In this county, the gap between the urban 'haves' and the rural 'have-nots' continues to be an increasing problem. WHO and UNICEF see primary health care(PHC) as the key to achieving an acceptable level of health throughout the world as a community development. PHC is essential health care made accessible to individuals and families in the community by means acceptable to them. It is the first level of contact of individual, the family, and community with the national health system. It includes at least education on health system. It includes at least education on health problems, promotion of food supply, MCH including family planning, immunization against infectious diseases, control of endemic diseases, treatment of common diseases and injuries, promotion of mental health, and provision of essential drugs. However, of the aboves, education concerning of mental health problems and the methods to identify, prevent, and control them is the principal step of establishment. In Korea, the category of PHC worker includes the physician as public doctor and nurse as primary health care practitioner and community health leader as village health worker. PHC workers of the aboves will thus function best if they are appropriately trained to respond to the health needs of the community. However in this country, since the national PHC service project launched in 1980, the government has not developed and performed appropriate and enough education and training activities. In light of above reasons, several categories of health education activities had been planned and performed being aimed at above specific target groups and the main focus was on the village health workers for about one year from July 1991 to July 1992 in Yeoju Kun of Kyonki Province. At the end of the period, evaluation of education input was carried out to measure the improvement of healthful life of people in terms of awareness, attitude, and practice. At the end of the period, evaluation of education input was carried out to measure the improvement of healthful life of people in terms of awareness, attitude, and practice. The totals of 80 village health workers, 13 public health practitioners and 9 public docters took in the course of health education for a few hours at every month and the evaluation works of educational effect were taken. The results the study were as follows. 1) Number of persons who realized the maxim "health care of the people is a duty of the government" increased after the education course, On the other hand, the rate of satisfaction on the effort of government for health promotion of the people decreased. 2) Public doctors and primary health care practitioners(nurses) liked and enjoyed the education schedule as a meeting of peer group. It provided chances of communication with staffs of Korea University Hospital. It was said that lectures covered great deal of knowledge and technic they urgently needed in the field. 3) After finishing the education course, more of village health workers(VHW) thought they adapted themselves to their roles and functions showing increased number of home visit and contact with primary health care practitioners by month. 4) In case of patient refer, VHW preferred primary health care practitioners to public doctors. 5) Capability of VHWs in most of their functions increased dramatically after when the education course finished except tuberculosis control.

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Study on Effective Utilization Strategies of the Home Health Care Program in the Community Care Service of Welfare Policy (재가 복지 봉사 사업의 가정 간호 사업연계 필요 조사)

  • Kim, Sung-Sil
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.183-202
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    • 1996
  • This study was designed out to develop a home health care service for nurses working in community care services. This study investigates actual conditions at welfare institutions related to health needs the demands of clients, and the state of home health care services we hope that this study will improve upon the current service system. In Korea home health care services are still developing and only new becoming a part of the health care supply system. The data was collected by recording the client home nursing assessments modified to the situation of UTMB home health agency. In this study 107 clients were selected for home care who needed care for physical and mental deficits. The study lasted from March to November of 1995 at one of the welfare service institutions in Chunchon city. The results show that those who most frequently needed care services were over 50 years old with a health deficit of 80.3%, followed by sex as women who needed care at 59.8%. 50.5% of the clients had very little education. 99.1% of the clients live with their family, and a medical diagnostic analysis reveals that 73.9% of the 5 year period of illnesses were the following : 38.8% - muscular -skeleton system disorder, 24.4% - hypertension and stroke, 25.7% sole disease of arthritis. For behavioral conditions 43.3% of the patients were without care services, 56.6% of the patients were taking treatment that 73.5% of those were taking medication. The most main complaint of patients were 22.4% of pain in the extremities, next were 16.8% of a limitation of body activities, 15.0% was lumbo-sacralgia. According to the investigator who was a senior student nurse, the following suggestions were made: 32.7% for curative medical services, 29.9% for physical exercise, 19.6% for emotional support. Consultation nursing services consisted of 67.2% for physical therapy, 11.2% for the maintaining healing, 9.4% for counseling. The patients at home, required assistance most frequently for muscular-skeleton problems under the category of physical systems (33.3%). But, on the other hand, 49.5% of the patients required care givers at home, 28.2% had a knowledge deficit, 21.0% had malnutrition, 18.4% had bad impaired communication. The character of health problems were devided into chronic disease(67.0%), accidents(I3.1%), and general disease(15.9%). 86% of the disabled client had an impairment of the physical system. Eating (86.9%) , Toileting(77.6%), and personal care showed much the same of ADL condition, the level and range of achievement of mobility, the most frequently self performed was 81.3% only in a room size area, and 40.2% were completely dependent when going out. Although there were a large number of home care services in th community at these welfare institutions, many clients needed a variety of curative services. As policy changes have gathered momentum, responsibility for the development of a more suitable program was demanded by the clients from the community.

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Development of the Tentative Educational Objectives for the Nursing College (대학간호교육목표의 시안개발)

  • Lee Haw-Ja
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.32-45
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    • 1995
  • This thesis is a study to develop the tentative objectives and present the professional and courses for the nursing college. The conclusions conducted by the purpose of this study are as follows. First, on the basis of the concepts of the nursing and the view-points of nursing education, the tentative goals for the nursing education are set up as follows. 1. To understand human being's life, dignity and their physical, mental, and social aspects. 2. To understand the basic concepts and the principles of human sciences, social sciences, natural sciences, and medical sciences. To apply their knowledges to nursing practices. 3. To diagnose and assess the problems of individual, family and community in terms of nursing practice. To develop the ability of planning, negotiation, management, and evaluation for the nursing education. 4. To develop appropriate knowlege, attitudes, and skills to promote the clients' health and treat their illness. 5. To accomplish all tasks effectively as a trained and qualified professional nurse through the endless studies. Second, the nursing areas and courses for the nursing college in terms of validity, Importance, continuity, relationship, utility and appropriateness are listed as follows. 1. Fundamental courses of the nursing. (1) General courses communication human development, behavior science, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology (2) Medical courses physiology, anatomy, pathology 2. Basic courses in nursing (1) General nursing fundamental nursing, introduction of nursing, nursing history, nursing process, health education, health assessment, philosophy of nursing, nursing psychology (2) Maternal-Child nursing child-health nursing, child-disease nursing, adolescent nursing, obstetric nursing, post-partum nursing, gyneco-pathy nursing (3) Adult nursing adult health nursing, adult disease nursing I(fluid & electrotonic, shock, anoxia disorder), adult disease nursing II(nutrition-excretion disorder, sexual dysfunction), adult disease nursing III(sense-, control-, activity-, sleep disorder), adult disease nursing IV(operation, rehabilitation, emergency), gerontological nursing (4) Psychiatric nursing child-adolescent psychiatric nursing, adult psychiatric nursing, gerontological psychiatric nursing, spiritual nursing (5) Community health nursing community nursing, school nursing, industrial nursing, family nursing, nursing epidemiology 3. Nursing management and research skills (1) Nursing management nursing administration, nursing ethics, laws related to nursing (2) Research skills nursing statistics, nursing research methodology Finally, the principles of the statement of the specific objectives are the followings : 1. To state the specific objectives on the basis of the syllabus of each courses. 2. To match a content with a verb or gerund as the basic form of objectives. 3. To control the level of the objectives according to the rule 'the higher the level of a content, the lower the level of a verb or a gerund'. This rule applies in the reverse, as well. 4. To decide the number of the objectives in each course on the basis of the numbers of the syllabus and the level of its comprehensiveness, 5. To correct, supplement or eliminate the stated objectives by a professional or professional groups in that area.

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A Study on Knowledge and Disease Management of Tuberculosis by Themselves of Tuberculosis Patients Among the Middle and High School Students in Seoul. (서울시내 중고등학교 결핵이환학생에 대한 결핵관리실태 및 지식에 관한 조사연구)

  • Do Sung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.32-44
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    • 1987
  • The purpose of this survey was to find out the knowledge and the disease management of the Tuberculosis patients by themselves among the first grade middle and high school students in Seoul city during the period of June 15-July 19, 1986. Questionaires were used to collect the data and were analysed from answers of 188 students at the 113 schools. The results were as follows: 1. The ages of the students were distributed as follows: in middle school, 13 years old was $70.0\%$. 14 years old, $20.0\%$, and 15 years old, $6.7\%$. In high school, 16 years old was $66.5\%$, 17 years old, $18.4\%$, and 15 years old, $10.1\%$. 2. In X-ray mass examination by school, the rate of execution was $50.4\%$ in middle school and $96.7\%$ in high school, and in X-ray mass examination by student, it was $50.1\%$ in middle school and $97.3\%$ in high school. 3. The prevalence of Tuberculosis among the middle school students was $00.3\%$and high school students, $0.15\%$. 4. Of the total, $77.1\%$ of the respondents did not realized Tuberculosis bdore X-ray mass examination 5. The perfect cure rate of the respondents was $52.7\%$. 6. General characteristics of the respondents: a. The educational background was varied as follows: of the total $47.9\%$ of the fathers had the level of high school education and $37.2\%$ of the mothers had the level of middle school education. The educational background of the parents had no statistical significant to the medical cure rate of Tuberculosis. (P>0.05). b. The average monthly income of the family was as follows : above five hundred thousand won was $21.8\%$, three or four hundred thousand won was $22.9\%$, and below two hundred thousand won was $10.6\%$. The most frequent family size was 5-6 persons. $(59.6)\%$. 7. The actual situation of Tuberculosis control and the variables related to the treatment: a. $69.1\%$ of the respondents wanted mental support from their surroundings. $48.7\%$ of the respondents answered that their parents or the other family helped treatment as mental supporter, b. As a medical service, $53.2\%$ of the respondents were treated at Health Center, $38.8\%$ were treated at a hospital. A medical service was statistically significant to the medical cure (P<0.01). c. Family members of $61.7\%$ of the respondents had checked chest X-ray. A X-ray examination of family was statistically significant to the medical cure (P<0.005). d. $73.9\%$ of the respondents had taken the Anti-Tuberculosis-drugs regularly. Regular taking of Anti-Tuberculosis drugs was statistically significant to the medical cure (P<0.005). e. $89.4\%$ of the respondents had received a regular examination during the treatment. A regular examination was statistically significant to the medical cure (P<0.05). f. The period of perfect cure was that $50.0\%$ of the respondents took from half a year to one year, $25.2\%$ took below half a year and $16.2\%$ took from one year to one year and a half. g. The rate of the respondents who abhored to let anyone know their disease was $93.1\%$. 8. Knowledge related with Tuberculosis: a .$63.3\%$ of the respondents answered that Tuberculosis is a communiable disease. b. $89.9\%$ of the respondents answered that there is a preventive method of Tuberculosis. Among them, $28.4\%$ answered that it is B.C.G. vacination. c. $96.8\%$ of the respondents belived they can be cured perfectly. d. $42.4\%$ of the perfect curer answered that they had have permanent immunity of Tuberculosis. According to the results of above study, it is desired to be practiced X-ray mass examination to the total middle school students. Nurse teachers and the responsible persons who participated to the helping of disease management to the Tuberculosis patients must make an offer knowledge of Tuberculosis to the Tuberculosis patients. And also, it will be very helpful to the cure of Tuberculosis patients if they do their best and to have a mental supporter.

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Nursing Research Trends Analysis Using 2011 East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) Abstract (2011 동아시아 간호포럼(EAFONS) 초록분석을 통한 아시아 간호연구의 동향 분석)

  • Choe, Myoung-Ae;Bang, Kyung-Sook;Kim, Nam-Cho;Kim, Shin-Jeong;Kim, Yong-Soon;Kim, Hwa-Soon;Ryu, Eun-Jung;Park, Young-Im;So, Hyang-Sook;Shin, Sung-Rae;Oh, Kyong-Ok;Lee, Kyung-Sook;Lee, Sun-Ock;Lee, Eun-Ja;Jeong, Jae-Sim;Cho, Mi-Kyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.332-344
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the current status of Asian research and suggest a direction for the future development of nursing research in Asian countries Methods: To examine the current status of Asian nursing research, 539 abstracts presented at the 2011 East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars in Seoul were analyzed according to the structured analysis format. Results: The results showed that most of the studies (77.6%) were quantitative design, but qualitative design was also conducted. Most of quantitative studies were quasi experimental designs and questionnaires are most frequently used for data collection. Only 8.5% of the studies used physiological measures. Key words were categorized into four nursing metaparadigms: clients, environment, health and nursing. The most frequently mentioned domain was health. Main themes of research were elderly, chronic disease, health promotion, and nurse/nursing management. Most frequently used key words were elderly, social support, depression, and stress. Conclusion: Major trends were similar in Asian countries, and mostly conducted with quantitative designs. Research topics were varied and major interests in nursing research topics were elderly, health promotion, and mental health in all countries. We need to develop nursing science based on closer communication and cooperation among Asian countries.


  • Wang, Mae-Ryeon
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.51-69
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    • 1992
  • Grief that is not acknowledged and worked through may manifest itself in some emotional, mental or physical problem. In recent years much has been learned about coping with grief which the hospice program can utilize to help family members cope with their grief. This study was carried out to determine the helpfulness of the bereavement care of Severance Hospice and to learm more about the grief response of the bereaved. The tools used to collect data were an assessment form used in the bereavement program and the Grief Experience Inventory developed by Sanders and revised and translated 'by the researcher. Data was obtained from bereaved family members(54 for the final grief assessment and 39 for the grief response assessment) receiving bereavement follow-up, from July 1989 to March 1991. Results of the study were as follows: 1. Final Grief Assessment Regarding the resolution of their grief the majority of the bereaved accepted the reality of the death of their family member, while slightly more than three-quarters were able to express their feelings toward their loss. A large majority had returned to activities of daily living well or fairly well and had reinvested their energy in a person other than the deceased. In addition, the physical condition of the majority was good or fairly good. A majority of the bereaved considered the bereavement care to be helpful and almost three-quarters were not considered to be in need of more follow-up. 2. Grief Response Assessment Age was found to have a modoerately positive correlation to appetite disturbance(r=.41, P<.Ol) and loss of vigor(r=.37, P<.Ol) A moderately positive correlation was found between the number of contacts and sleep disturbance(r=2.38, P<.01) Significant differences were found between men and women in regard to guilt(t=2.38, P<.05), social isolation(t=2.44, P<.05) and depersonalization(t=2.07, P<.05) with men having the more intense grief. Significant differences were found in the grief responses of somatization(F=5.82, P<.001), physical symptoms(F=5.87, P<.OOl), appetite disturbance(F=4.40, P<.Ol), despair(3.79, P<,Ol), anger(Fp2.83, P<.05), social isolation(F=3.61, P<.05), guilt(F=3.62, P<.05) and depersonalization (F = 2.58, P <.05). In the first six of these grief responses mothers scored highest, followed by husbands and then wives, In the grief response of guilt, daughters scored highest and on the grief response of depersonalization sons scored highest. Only one grief response, that of sleep disturbance(t= -2.19, P<.05) was found to be statistically significant, with those family members who died at home having the higher scores. Based on the results of this study several suggestions are presented as follows: 1. Since unresolived grief can have a detrimental effect on the bereaved person's mental and phys. ical health it would be good for the nurse, to include questions related to death of family members and the bereaved person's response to the grief, in her nursing assessment. And in the case of unresolved grief the nurse should encourage the person to talk with a trusted friend or counselor and express their fellings of grief. 2. A study to determine the degree of resolution of the grief of those in the bereavement program could be carried out by use of the Grief Experience Inventory early in their bereavement and again 13 months after the death of their family member. 3. A comparison of the grief response of the bereaved in the bereavement program and bereaved not in the program could be carried out using the Grief Experience Inventory. 4. After bereavement programs have been started in other hospice programs it would be good to carry out a joint study of bereavement outcomes of those in the bereavement programs.

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An Experimental Study on the Excellences of Nurses′ Communication Method upon Psychiatric Patient′s Response. (간호원의 의사소통방법이 정신병환자 반응에 미치는 영향에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • 이평숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.78-92
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    • 1974
  • It is the purpose of this study to make clear the way in which people can lead a more desirable human life, that is, to ascertain the method of achieving therapeutic change through transaction between nurses and psychiatric patients. The various problems proposed by th9 above-stated aims of study can be shown, such as: What kind of influences does the method of a nurse′s communication have upon the response of psychiatric patients? 1) What are the general methods of communication used by the nurses? 2) Are there any differences between the control group and experimental group in the patients′ "Child" response? 3) Are there any differences between the control group and experimental group in the Patients "Adult" response? 4) What is the most desirable method of communication for therapeutic change in the patients? In an effort to solve the above questions this study attempted and managed to draw a random sampling of 200 patients being accommodated in the National Mental Hospital by dividing them into two groups, experimental groups and control groups, and recording the transactions between nurses and patients. In the course of carrying,: out this study, the experimental group was interviewed by the nurses specially trained In the P.A.C theory. and the control group interviewed at random by the nurses with no special training in communication. Further, the communication between nurses and patients in a free, relaxed atmosphere was allowed only for 15 minutes, whereupon the nurses were requested to make process-recording according to her memory of nurse patient transaction. The process-recording which recorded a series ol transactions between the nurses and the patients was analyzed according to Berne and Harris′transactional Analysis Standard. Through this standard, the writer of this study examined the significance of difference to compare the transactions brought forth between the experimental group and the control group. The following is a summary of the study which the writer of this thesis undertook. Hypothesis to The method of communication which the nurses usually apply to the patients will be higher in "Parent" than in "Adult". The communication which the nurses carried out in the control group turned out to be not significant between "Adult" and "Parent" Accordingly hypothesis 1. carne to be rejected. Hypothesis 2. The patients "Adult" response will be higher in the experimental group than in the control group. According to the result of a CR examination, as the communication showed a significant difference on P〈.01 level′ hypothesis 2 became affirmative. Hypothesis 3. The patients′"Child" response will be higher in the control group than in the experimental group. Hypothesis 3 proved affirmative since it showed an significant degree on P〈.01 level according to the result of a CR examination. Hypothesis 4 "Adult" response of the patient will be higher in frequency by nurses′"Adult" stimulus than nurse′s "Parent" stimulus Chi-square examination revealed significant difference on P〈.05 level. Hypo. 4 is affirmed. The following conclusions are drawn out based on the result of this study. 1) The generally used method of communication stimulus used by nurses for patients proved to be "Adult" and "Parent" in similar proportion. 2) The group in which the nurses could increase the patients "Adult" response proved to be higher in the experimental group than in the control group. Therefore, the communication (or stimulus) which has been applied in the experimental group can be said to be possible method of achieving therapeutic change. 3) Since the patients′"Child" response were higher in the control group than in the experimental group the communication method used In the control group was suggested as the less agreeable method of achieving therapeutic change than that used in the experimental Group. 4) "Adult" response of patient was elicited in significantly greater percentage when the "Adult" stimulus was used by the nurse. Therefore the most desirable method of-communication to give therapeutic change definitely was shown to be the "Adult" stimulus. Recommendations for further studies are as follows: 1) Studies on nurses′role perception in nurse-patient relationships. 2) Studies on patients′response to the method of communication used by nurses according to variables such as sex, social status, educational background, state of health. 3) Application of T.A, method to various groups of patients. 4) Study of various methods to improve student skill in use of process recording.

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The Present Situation and Future Strategies of 4-Year Nursing Baccalaureate Program (한국 4년제 대학 간호교육의 현황과 발전방안)

  • Park Jeong-Sook
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 1995
  • One of the biggest problems of Nursing Education in Korea is the division among nursing education programs of the last 3 and 4 years. To solve this problem, Nursing community must do variable trials to achieve the unity of a 4-year educational program. With this, we need to observe the phenomena and reality of the present 4-year nursing educational program that we have. The object of this study is to analyse and discuss that we have. The object of this study is to analyse and discuss the problems and future strategies of 4-year Nursing Baccalaureate program. 1. Problems as nursing department in Medical School. 1) Many 4-year nursing baccalaureate programs are operating under the medical school as nursing department. So the academic development in nursing department is unprogressive and is not approved as unique discipline. 2) The operating system between nursing and medical department are different even though they are in the same school. 3) Inequality between nursing and medical department : In many case, the nursing professor can not attend administraion committees to discuss the medical school's operation because of many differences between nursing and medical organization. 4) Weakness of the leadership and the student activities in nursing student : The nursing student involvement is usually passive because of the difference of curriculum, less number than medical students and the difference between 4-year and 6-year education program. 5) There is the obscurity of the relationship between department of nursing and other departments in whole university. 2. Problems in nursing itself 1) We need to reconstruct nursing discipline. We must change from the disease centered model to health centered model and life cycle centered model so that we can be distinguished from medicine. We also must change from hospital centered nursing to all population centered nursing, 2) The improvement of curriculum ; When the independent framework of nursing discipline become established, we need to improve the curriculum. 3) The education of clinical practice ; Most nursing school programs are divided into professors who are lecturing the theory and clinical teachers who are teaching the nursing technique in the clinic. So, what is needed in nursing discipline is that the professors have a dual position. In America, The professor is required to be a clinical specialist and to have his or her clinic so that the professor become a good role model, teach the clinical practice effectively, and give the student the practice field. 4) To extend fields of nursing : At first, the school nurse must become the school health educator, a real teacher. The nurse must establish and operate a childern's wellbeing center or nursery school, a disabled people's house or senile's wellbeing center, a mental health center, and a health promotion clinic for healthy people. 5) The name 'nursing department' need to be considered. When the focus is to be changed from the disease model to health improvement model, we take into consideration change 'nursing college', 'nursing department' and 'nursing profession' to 'health science college' or 'health wellbeing college'. 6) We must have highly qualified academic students. Each Nursing educational faculties must have the high qualified students through the development of nursing educational program and the increment of scholarship. The Korean Nurses Association and The Korean Clinical Nurses Association need to make an endeavor for the improvement of work condition and payment of clinical nurses of hospitals who consist of 70% of all nursing manpower. 3. Improvement Strategy 1) All nursing educational program must be changed 4-year program gradually. 2) Nursing department need to try to become nursing college. 3) We need to study many researches for improvement of the problem in nursing discipline and nursing education. We need more interdisciplinary researches, and we need to be granted for that research. 4) We need to have many seminars and workshops thoughout the whole country to expand a sense of nursing education. 5) Drawing up a policies plan for the nursing educational improvement : The Korean Nurses Association, The Korean Academic Nursing Association, Korea Nursing College and department President's Committee, and Korea Academic Society of Nursing Education must try for the development of nursing educational improvement and ask for government frame the policy to develop nursing education.

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Developing an Instrument to Measure Climacteric Symptoms among Korean and Japanese Women

  • Song Ae-Ri;Oishi Kazuyo;Suh Euy-Hoon;Miyahara Harumi;Nakajima Hisayoshi;Nakao Yuko;Araki Miyuki;Yamasaki Makiko
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.637-644
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    • 2006
  • Purpose. The purpose of this study was to construct a measurement instrument for climacteric symptoms among Korean and Japanese women. Methods. From Dec. $1^{st}$ of 2003 to March $30^{th}$ of 2004, in-depth interviews were made with 26 women (15 in Jinju, Korea and 11 in Nagasaki, Japan) aged from 45 to 59 years who had not taken hormone replacement therapy to relieve the climacteric symptoms. A draft questionnaire with 45 items was constructed on the basis of the interview data and literature review. Three obstetricians, three PhDs in nursing science, and a chief nurse who was exclusively in charge of the climacteric management, examined the draft questionnaire to evaluate content validity. After deletions 39 items remained for a preliminary questionnaire. A survey was conducted by using a convenient sampling method in Jinju of Korea and Nagasaki of Japan during the period from April $1^{st}$, 2004 to July $10^{th}$, 2005. Results. Factor analysis identified 4 factors, which were 'mental and psychological symptoms', 'physical symptoms', 'loss of autonomic nervous system symptoms', 'sexual symptoms'. These four factors explained 46.9% of total variance. Conclusions. The results demonstrated that climacteric symptom scale was multidimensional, and the reliability and validity of the scale was supported.