• 제목/요약/키워드: Medical skin care

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The Effects of Job Demand in Medical Estheticians on Expertise and Job Satisfaction: A Focus on the Manipulating Role of Job Resources (의료미용 종사자의 직무요구가 전문성 및 직무만족에 미치는 영향: 직무자원의 조절적 역할을 중심으로)

  • Shin, Hyang-Ran;Mo, Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.453-461
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    • 2018
  • As modern people's needs to be healthy and beautiful are increasing, medical skin care industry is growing both in quantity and quality. Therefore, this study investigated job demand and the moderating effect of job resource in employees who provided medical skin care services and the effects of job demand and job specialty on job satisfaction. The subjects of the study were medical estheticians in Gwangju City and Jeonnam Province and were interviewed with the use of a questionnaire. The data was analysed using SPSS 21.0 and a frequency analysis, a factor analysis, a reliability analysis, a correlation analysis were conducted and the results are presented as follows: The results are presented as follows: First, as for job demand, only cooperation had the moderating effect of job resource. Second, when the effect of job resources on medical skin care specialty was inspected, it was discovered that cooperation and equipment application had a positive effect on the specialty. Third, when the effect of job demand and specialty on job satisfaction was inspected, it was discovered that job tension had a negative effect on satisfaction and workload and specialty had a positive effect on satisfaction.

Cryptotanshinone for Treating Acne Vulgaris

  • Kang, Nae-Gyu;Park, Ji-Eun;Song, Young-Sook;Kim, Jung-Ah;Park, Mun-Eok;Lee, Yong-Hwa;Cho, Wan-Goo;Kang, Seh-Hoon
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.99-115
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    • 2002
  • Tests of stability and toxicity, and clinical evaluation of anti-acne activity suggest that cryptotanshinone, a constituent of the roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, is an effective active ingredient for acne vulgaris treatments. Acne vulgaris, called acne or pimples, is the most common disease of the pilosebaceous follicle unit of the skin. It affects nearly 80% of people between the ages of 11 and 30. Approximately 30% of teenagers have acne of sufficient severity to require medical treatment. Acne is a follicular disorder of the skin. It occurs in specialized pilosebaceous units on the face and body. Acne develops when these specialized follicles undergo pathologic alterations that result in the formation of non-inflammatory lesions (comedones) and inflammatory lesions (papules, pustules and nodules). An abnormality of keratinizing epithelium of these follicles, thought to be due to the action of sebum synthesized and secreted by the androgen-sensitive sebaceous glands, leads to inflammation induced by the follicular bacterium Propionibacterium acnes. Therapy involves treatments that modify these pathogenic factors and includes drugs with antikeratinizing, antibacterial and antiseborrheic actions. Acne vulgaris is a very frequent disease, seen primarily in adolescents, involving the sebaceous follicles. Acne vulgaris is characterized by a great variety of clinical inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions: comedones, papules, pustules, nodules, cysts and scars. Acne vulgaris is a multi-factorial disease. Although its pathogenicity is unclear, extensive studies have shown that hyperseborrhea, superinfection by P. acnes and endocrinologic androgenic changes play a role in the development of acne vulgaris.

Adaptation of the Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Guideline: Prevention and Management of Moisture Associated Skin Damage (근거 기반 간호 실무지침 수용개작: 습기 관련 피부 손상의 예방과 관리)

  • Baek, Kyu Won;Park, Joo Hee;Kim, Min Kyung;Kim, Kyung Sun;Jeon, Kyoung Ok;Park, Su Hyun;Yang, Weon Ji;Hwang, Ji Won
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.263-272
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study was done to develop an evidence-based nursing clinical practice guideline for Moisture associated skin damage (MASD) prevention and management for patients in Korea. Methods: The guideline adaptation process was used and conducted according to the guideline adaptation manual developed by the Korean Hospital Nurses Association. It consists of three main phases and 9 modules including a total of 24 steps. Results: The adapted MASD clinical practice guideline consisted of 4 sections, 8 domains and 28 recommendations. The number of recommendations in each section was: 7 on MASD assessment, 14 on MASD prevention and management, 4 on education, and 3 on organizational policy. Of the recommendations, 3.6% were marked as A grade, 28.6% as B grade, and 67.8% as C grade. Conclusion: This MASD clinical practice guideline is the first to be developed in Korea. The developed guideline will contribute to standardized and consistent MASD prevention and management. The guideline can be recommended for dissemination and utilization by nurses nationwide to improve the quality of MASD prevention and management. Regular revision is recommended.

A Study Concerning Health Needs in Rural Korea (농촌(農村) 주민(住民)들의 의료필요도(醫療必要度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Sung-Kwan;Kim, Doo-Hie;Jung, Jong-Hak;Chunge, Keuk-Soo;Park, Sang-Bin;Choy, Chung-Hun;Heng, Sun-Ho;Rah, Jin-Hoon
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.29-94
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    • 1974
  • Today most developed countries provide modern medical care for most of the population. The rural area is the more neglected area in the medical and health field. In public health, the philosophy is that medical care for in maintenance of health is a basic right of man; it should not be discriminated against racial, environmental or financial situations. The deficiency of the medical care system, cultural bias, economic development, and ignorance of the residents about health care brought about the shortage of medical personnel and facilities on the rural areas. Moreover, medical students and physicians have been taught less about rural health care than about urban health care. Medical care, therefore, is insufficient in terms of health care personnel/and facilities in rural areas. Under such a situation, there is growing concern about the health problems among the rural population. The findings presented in this report are useful measures of the major health problems and even more important, as a guide to planning for improved medical care systems. It is hoped that findings from this study will be useful to those responsible for improving the delivery of health service for the rural population. Objectives: -to determine the health status of the residents in the rural areas. -to assess the rural population's needs in terms of health and medical care. -to make recommendations concerning improvement in the delivery of health and medical care for the rural population. Procedures: For the sampling design, the ideal would be to sample according to the proportion of the composition age-groups. As the health problems would be different by group, the sample was divided into 10 different age-groups. If the sample were allocated by proportion of composition of each age group, some age groups would be too small to estimate the health problem. The sample size of each age-group population was 100 people/age-groups. Personal interviews were conducted by specially trained medical students. The interviews dealt at length with current health status, medical care problems, utilization of medical services, medical cost paid for medical care and attitudes toward health. In addition, more information was gained from the public health field, including environmental sanitation, maternal and child health, family planning, tuberculosis control, and dental health. The sample Sample size was one fourth of total population: 1,438 The aged 10-14 years showed the largest number of 254 and the aged under one year was the smallest number of 81. Participation in examination Examination sessions usually were held in the morning every Tuesday, Wenesday, and Thursday for 3 hours at each session at the Namchun Health station. In general, the rate of participation in medical examination was low especially in ages between 10-19 years old. The highest rate of participation among are groups was the under one year age-group by 100 percent. The lowest use rate as low as 3% of those in the age-groups 10-19 years who are attending junior and senior high school in Taegu city so the time was not convenient for them to recieve examinations. Among the over 20 years old group, the rate of participation of female was higher than that of males. The results are as follows: A. Publie health problems Population: The number of pre-school age group who required child health was 724, among them infants numbered 96. Number of eligible women aged 15-44 years was 1,279, and women with husband who need maternal health numbered 700. The age-group of 65 years or older was 201 needed more health care and 65 of them had disabilities. (Table 2). Environmental sanitation: Seventy-nine percent of the residents relied upon well water as a primary source of dringking water. Ninety-three percent of the drinking water supply was rated as unfited quality for drinking. More than 90% of latrines were unhygienic, in structure design and sanitation (Table 15). Maternal and child health: Maternal health Average number of pregnancies of eligible women was 4 times. There was almost no pre- and post-natal care. Pregnancy wastage Still births was 33 per 1,000 live births. Spontaneous abortion was 156 per 1,000 live births. Induced abortion was 137 per 1,000 live births. Delivery condition More than 90 percent of deliveries were conducted at home. Attendants at last delivery were laymen by 76% and delivery without attendants was 14%. The rate of non-sterilized scissors as an instrument used to cut the umbilical cord was as high as 54% and of sickles was 14%. The rate of difficult delivery counted for 3%. Maternal death rate estimates about 35 per 10,000 live births. Child health Consultation rate for child health was almost non existant. In general, vaccination rate of children was low; vaccination rates for children aged 0-5 years with BCG and small pox were 34 and 28 percent respectively. The rate of vaccination with DPT and Polio were 23 and 25% respectively but the rate of the complete three injections were as low as 5 and 3% respectively. The number of dead children was 280 per 1,000 living children. Infants death rate was 45 per 1,000 live births (Table 16), Family planning: Approval rate of married women for family planning was as high as 86%. The rate of experiences of contraception in the past was 51%. The current rate of contraception was 37%. Willingness to use contraception in the future was as high as 86% (Table 17). Tuberculosis control: Number of registration patients at the health center currently was 25. The number indicates one eighth of estimate number of tuberculosis in the area. Number of discharged cases in the past accounted for 79 which showed 50% of active cases when discharged time. Rate of complete treatment among reasons of discharge in the past as low as 28%. There needs to be a follow up observation of the discharged cases (Table 18). Dental problems: More than 50% of the total population have at least one or more dental problems. (Table 19) B. Medical care problems Incidence rate: 1. In one month Incidence rate of medical care problems during one month was 19.6 percent. Among these health problems which required rest at home were 11.8 percent. The estimated number of patients in the total population is 1,206. The health problems reported most frequently in interviews during one month are: GI trouble, respiratory disease, neuralgia, skin disease, and communicable disease-in that order, The rate of health problems by age groups was highest in the 1-4 age group and in the 60 years or over age group, the lowest rate was the 10-14 year age group. In general, 0-29 year age group except the 1-4 year age group was low incidence rate. After 30 years old the rate of health problems increases gradually with aging. Eighty-three percent of health problems that occured during one month were solved by primary medical care procedures. Seventeen percent of health problems needed secondary care. Days rested at home because of illness during one month were 0.7 days per interviewee and 8days per patient and it accounts for 2,161 days for the total productive population in the area. (Table 20) 2. In a year The incidence rate of medical care problems during a year was 74.8%, among them health problems which required rest at home was 37 percent. Estimated number of patients in the total population during a year was 4,600. The health problems that occured most frequently among the interviewees during a year were: Cold (30%), GI trouble (18), respiratory disease (11), anemia (10), diarrhea (10), neuralgia (10), parasite disease (9), ENT (7), skin (7), headache (7), trauma (4), communicable disease (3), and circulatory disease (3) -in that order. The rate of health problems by age groups was highest in the infants group, thereafter the rate decreased gradually until the age 15-19 year age group which showed the lowest, and then the rate increased gradually with aging. Eighty-seven percent of health problems during a year were solved by primary medical care. Thirteen percent of them needed secondary medical care procedures. Days rested at home because of illness during a year were 16 days per interviewee and 44 days per patient and it accounted for 57,335 days lost among productive age group in the area (Table 21). Among those given medical examination, the conditions observed most frequently were respiratory disease, GI trouble, parasite disease, neuralgia, skin disease, trauma, tuberculosis, anemia, chronic obstructive lung disease, eye disorders-in that order (Table 22). The main health problems required secondary medical care are as fellows: (previous page). Utilization of medical care (treatment) The rate of treatment by various medical facilities for all health problems during one month was 73 percent. The rate of receiving of medical care of those who have health problems which required rest at home was 52% while the rate of those who have health problems which did not required rest was 61 percent (Table 23). The rate of receiving of medical care for all health problems during a year was 67 percent. The rate of receiving of medical care of those who have health problems which required rest at home was 82 percent while the rate of those who have health problems which did not required rest was as low as 53 percent (Table 24). Types of medical facilitied used were as follows: Hospital and clinics: 32-35% Herb clinics: 9-10% Drugstore: 53-58% Hospitalization Rate of hospitalization was 1.7% and the estimate number of hospitalizations among the total population during a year will be 107 persons (Table 25). Medical cost: Average medical cost per person during one month and a year were 171 and 2,800 won respectively. Average medical cost per patient during one month and a year were 1,109 and 3,740 won respectively. Average cost per household during a year was 15,800 won (Table 26, 27). Solution measures for health and medical care problems in rural area: A. Health problems which could be solved by paramedical workers such as nurses, midwives and aid nurses etc. are as follows: 1. Improvement of environmental sanitation 2. MCH except medical care problems 3. Family planning except surgical intervention 4. Tuberculosis control except diagnosis and prescription 5. Dental care except operational intervention 6. Health education for residents for improvement of utilization of medical facilities and early diagnosis etc. B. Medical care problems 1. Eighty-five percent of health problems could be solved by primary care procedures by general practitioners. 2. Fifteen percent of health problems need secondary medical procedures by a specialist. C. Medical cost Concidering the economic situation in rural area the amount of 2,062 won per residents during a year will be burdensome, so financial assistance is needed gorvernment to solve health and medical care problems for rural people.

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Antioxidant and Cytotoxicity in Skin Cell of the Trichosanthis Cucumeroidis Radix Extract (쥐참외뿌리 추출물의 항산화 및 피부 세포에서의 세포 독성 연구)

  • You, Seon-Hee;Moon, Ji-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.417-422
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    • 2022
  • We tried to check the antioxidant activity and toxicity of trichosanthis cucumeroidis radix extracts in skin cells, and check the possibility of their use as a functional material that can be effectively used on the skin. Total polyphenol and total flavonoid content, which are indicators of antioxidant activity of trichosanthis cucumeroidis radix extracts, were confirmed, and cytotoxicity was confirmed using Neutral red assay in the skin. As a result of the study, the content of total polyphenols and total flavonoids increased concentration-dependent. High survival rates in fibroblast HDF cells were identified, and cell survival rates were significantly lowered from 5 ㎍/mL in melanocytes B16F10 melanoma cells and inflammation-related macrophages RAW 264.7 cells. He results of this study are believed to be available as basic data for antioxidant activity of trichosanthis cucumeroidis radix extracts and skin cells.

A Case Report of Pruritic Dermatoses (피부(皮膚) 소양증(搔痒症) 환자 1례에 대한 증례보고)

  • Na, Gun-Ho;Lee, Dong-Hyun;Ryu, Chung-Ryul;Chae, Wu-Suk;Yoon, Yeo-Choong;Cho, Myung-Rae;Shin, Jeong-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2005
  • Objective : The main purpose of this report is to investigate the effect of Korean traditional medical care about Pruritic Dermatosis Methods : The patient was treated with Acupuncture, herb medicine, Herbal-acupuncture. we evaluated the change of symptom through Visual Analogue Scale(VAS) and photos of the skin Results : After 10 times of treatment, There was remarkable improvement in symptoms of the patient. Conclusion : We confirmed the superiority of Korean traditional medical care about Pruritic Dermatoses. We think that we must research effective remedy through many more case reports.

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Prevalence of Latent Tuberculosis Infection among Medical Students in South Korea

  • Jung, Da Ho;Jo, Kyung-Wook;Shim, Tae Sun
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.73 no.4
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    • pp.219-223
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    • 2012
  • Background: We investigated the prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) among medical students in South Korea. Methods: Students from one medical school, who were in second- or third-year classes before clerkship course, were enrolled for three consecutive years in the study. A standard questionnaire was given to each participant, and tuberculin skin test (TST), QuantiFERON-TB GOLD In-Tube (QFT-GIT) assay, and chest radiography were performed. Results: A total of 153 participants were enrolled in the study. The mean age of the subjects was $21.9{\pm}0.9$ years, 105 (68.6%) were male, and 132 (86.3%) had been vaccinated with Bacille Calmette-Gu$\acute{e}$rin (BCG). Four students (2.6%) had a history of contact with tuberculosis (TB) patients during medical practice. No abnormal chest radiograph findings were found for any of the subjects. Of the 153 subjects, 23 (15.0%) tested positive for the TST, and 8 (5.2%) tested positive for the QFT-GIT. The agreement between the two tests was determined to be 0.34 using kappa coefficients. Of the four students who had a history of contact with TB patients, only one subject tested positive for both tests, and the other three students tested negative for both tests. Conclusion: A low prevalence of LTBI was found among medical students before clerkship course in South Korea.

Soft Tissue Reconstruction Using Perforator Flap in Patients with Infected Knee Prosthesis

  • Lee, Jin Won;Kim, Sung Hoon;Yoo, Jun Ho;Roh, Si Gyun;Lee, Nae Ho;Yang, Kyoung Moo
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: Soft-tissue reconstruction in the knee area requires thin, pliable, and tough skin. The range of motion of the knee also acts as a limitation in using only local flaps for coverage. The author has successfully used various perforator flaps for soft tissue reconstruction around the knee while preserving its functional and cosmetic characteristics. Materials and Methods: Out of the twenty patients assessed from April 2009 to March 2011, seven received anterolateral thigh perforator flaps, four received medial sural perforator island flaps, four received lateral supragenicular perforaor perforator flaps, and five received medial genicular artery flaps. The age of the patients ranged from 44 to 79 and the size of the defects ranged from $4{\times}5cm$ to $17{\times}11cm$. Fifteen of the twenty patients had histories of total knee replacement (TKR) surgery. Results: There were no flap losses in any of the twenty patients assessed. Two patients showed partial losses in the distal area of the flap, but were treated through careful wound care. One patient presented with pedicle adhesion at the drainage site from a past TKR, but it did not hinder the flap survival. Primary closure at the donor site was possible in nine patients, while split skin graft was necessary for the other 13. Conclusion: In soft tissue reconstruction of the knee, various perforator flaps can be used depending on the condition of the preoperation scar, wound site, and size. It also proved to provide better functional and cosmetic results than in primary wound closure or skin grafts.

An Analysis of Referrals, Nursing Diagnosis, and Nursing Interventions in Home Care - Wonju Christian Hospital Community Health Nursing Service - (가정간호 기록지 분석 - 원주기독병원 가정간호 보건활동을 중심으로 -)

  • Suh, Mi-Hae;Huh, Hae-Kyung
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.3
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 1996
  • Home Health Care is one part of the total health care system. It includes health care services that link the hospital to the community. While it is important for early discharge patients, home care is also important for people with chronic illnesses or handicapping conditions. In 1989 the Korean government passed a law that opened the way for formal development of home health care services beginning with education programs to certify nurses for home care, and then demonstration home care services. Part of the mandate of the demonstration projects was evaluation of home care services. This study was done in order to provide basic data that would contribute to the development of records that could be used for evaluation through a retrospective audit and to examine the care that had been given in Home Care at Wonju Christian Hospital over a twenty year period from 1974 to 1994. The purposes of the study were : to identify to characteristics of the clients who had received home care, to identify the reasons for client referrals, to identify the nursing problems of these clients, to identify the nursing care provided to these clients, and to identify differences in these areas over the twenty year period. The study was a descriptive study involving a retrospective audit of the client records. Demographic data on all clients were included : 4,171 clients from 2,564 families. Data on referrals, nursing diagnosis and nursing interventions were from even numbered records which had a patient problem list included in the record, 2,801 clients, Frequencies and ANOVA were used in the analysis. The results of the study showed that the majority of the clients were from Wonju city /county. There were more women than men related to the high number of postpartum clients(1,300). The high number of postparttum clients and newborns was also evident in the age distribution. An the number of maternal-child clients decreased over the 20 years, the mean age of the clients increased significantly. Other factors also contributed to this change ; as increasing number of clients with brain injuries or with cancer, and fewer children with burns, osteomyelitis and tuberculosis. There was a decrease in the mean number of visits and mean length of coverage, reflecting a movement towards a short term acute care model. The number of new clents dropped sharply after 1985. The reasons for this are : the development of other treatment alternatives for clients, the establishment of an active wellbaby clinic, many more options plus a decreasing number of new cases of Hansen's Disase, and insurance that allows people with burns to be kept in hospital until skin grafts are healed. Socioeconomic changes have resulted in an increase in the number of cases of cancer, stroke, head injuries following car accidents, and of diabetes. Of the 2,801 client records, 2,541(60.9%) contained a written referral but for 1,802 it contained only the medical diagnosis. The number of records with a referral requesting specific nursing care was 739(29.1%). Many family members who were identified as in need of nursing care had no written referral. Analysis of the patient problem list showed that 41.9% of the enteries were nursing diagnoses. Others incuded medical diagnosis, symptoms, and plans. The most frequently used diagnoses were alteration in nutrition, less than body requirements(115 entries), alteration in skin integrity(114), knowledge deficit(111), pain(78), self-care deficit(66), and alteration in pattern of urinary elimination(50). These are reflected in the NANDA categories for which the highest number of diagnosis was in the Exchanging pattern(446), followed by Moving(178), Feeling(136) and Knowing (115). Analysis of the frequency of interventions showed that exercise and teaching about exercise was the most frequent intervention, followed by teaching concering the need for follow-up care, checking vital signs, managing nutritional problems, managing catheters, giving emotional support, changing dressings, teaching about medication, teaching (subject not specified), teaching about diet, IM and IV medications or fluid, and skin care, in that order. Recommendations included: development of a record that would allow for efficient recording of frequently used nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions: expansion of the catchment area for Home Care at Wonju Christian Hospital ; expansion of the service to provide complication prevention, rehabilitation services, and support to increase the health maintenance /health promotion of the people being served as well as providing client dentered care ; and development of a clinical record that will allow efficient data collection from records, even though the recording is done by a variety of health care providers.

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A Study on Self-care among the Lymphedema Patients (림프부종 환자의 자가관리에 관한 실태 조사)

  • Cho, Myoung-Ok;Jung, Hyang-Mi;Jun, Jum-Yee;Sohn, Sue-Kyung;Yoo, Young-Ja;No, Mi-Young;Park, Soon-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.383-392
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The purpose of this descriptive study was to gain basic data to develop a self-care protocol for the lymphedema patients. Method: The subjects of this study consisted of 115 patients with lymphedema from 8 hospitals and two community health and welfare centers in Busan and Seoul. The data was collected with questionnaire by self reporting of patients between March 2001 and December 2001. Data was analyzed by mean and percentage. Result: For self-care activities in daily life, compliance of 'use skin care preparations', 'use heat and cold', 'protect from local compression on affected limbs', 'protect from insect biting', 'use aids to protect affected limbs', 'take diuretics and take protein diet' did not reach to 50%. For self-care activities related to complex physical therapy, 28.7% of subjects complied with compression garment, 14.8% with manual lymph drainage, and 13.0% with exercise. 20.0% of subjects tried to treat with acupuncture and 13.9% with heat therapy. Conclusion: From this study, it is suggested that patients need to get a self-care education with correct information about self care activities and health care professionals need to develop more convenience self-care techniques of massage and exercise.

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