• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medical dosimetry

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Dosimetry and Medical Internal Radiation Dose of Re-188-DTPA for Endovascular Balloon Brachytherapy Against Restenosis after Coronary Angioplasty (혈관성형술 후 재협착 방지 치료에 사용하기 위한 원통형 풍선 Re-188-DTPA의 선량 분포와 내부피폭 선량)

  • Lee, Jin;Lee, Dong-Soo;Shin, Seung-Ae;Jeong, Jae-Min;Chung, June-Key;Lee, Myung-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 1999
  • Purpose: Liquid beta emitter filled in angioplasty balloon could be used to perform endovascular balloon brachytherapy to prevent coronary artery restenosis. We investigated the dosimetry for Re-188-DTPA liquid-filled balloon and medical internal radiation dosimetry in case of balloon leakage. Materials and Methods: We estimated radiation dose from an angioplasty balloon (20 mm length, 3 mm diameter cylinder) to the adjacent vessel wall using Monte Carlo EGS4 code. We obtained time-activity curves of kidneys in normal dog and calculated $T_{max},\;T_{1/2}$. Using MIRDOSE3 program, we estimated absorbed doses to the major organs (kidneys, bladder) and the whole body when we assumed that balloon leaked all the isotope contained. Results: The radiation dose was 17.5 Gy at the balloon surface when we applied 3,700 MBq/ml of Re-188 for 100 seconds, Fifty percent of the energy deposited within 1 mm from the balloon surface. The estimated internal dose to the whole body was 0.005 mGy/MBq and 18.5 mGy for the spillage of 3,700 MBq of Re-188. Conclusion: We suggest that Re-188-DTPA can be used for endovascular balloon brachytherapy to inhibit coronary artery restenosis after angioplasty with tolerable whole body radiation dose in case of balloon rupture.

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Research on the use of Therapeutic Linear accelerator Quality Control using EPR/alanine Dosimeter (EPR/알라닌 선량계를 이용한 치료용 선형가속기 정도관리 활용 연구)

  • Yoon-Ha Kim;Hyo-Jin Kim;Yeong-Rok Kang;Dong-Yeon Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.239-248
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    • 2024
  • Radiation therapy uses high energy, which can have side effects on the human body. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the appropriate dose is set for irradiation and to have confidence in the radiation produced by the generator. The EPR/Alanine dosimetry system is characterized by water equivalence, dose response linearity, and low fading, which makes it useful for quality control of radiation therapy equipment. In this study, we compared the signal and dose response curves of EPR/Alanine dosimetry by mass of alanine using 6 MV energy of a LINAC. An alanine dosimeter and EPR spectrometer from Burker, and a LINAC from Elekta, were used. A dose response curve and a 1st order regression equation were constructed from the irradiated dose and the EPR signal from the alanine dosimeter. We compared the signal magnitude and dose response curve with mass and checked the confidence through the measurement uncertainty of the dose response curve. As a result, it was found that the magnitude of the EPR signal increased by about 1.3 times at 64.5 mg, and the sensitivity of the dose response curve increased as the mass increased. The measurement uncertainty was evaluated to be between 5.84 % and 8.93 %. Through this study, it is expected that the EPR/alanine dosimetry system can be applied to the quality assurance and quality control of a LINAC.

Discrepancies between Calculated and Delivered Dose Distributions of Respiratory Gated IMRT Fields according to the Target Motion Ranges for Lung and Liver Cancer Patients (호흡연동방사선치료시 폐암과 간암환자의 병소 움직임 크기에 따른 선량분포 차이 분석)

  • Kim, Youngkuk;Lim, Sangwook;Choi, Ji Hoon;Ma, Sun Young;Jeung, Tae Sig;Ro, Tae Ik
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.242-247
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    • 2014
  • To see the discrepancies between the calculated and the delivered dose distribution of IMRT fields for respiratory-induced moving target according to the motion ranges. Four IMRT plans in which there are five fields, for lung and liver patients were selected. The gantry angles were set to $0^{\circ}$ for every field and recalculated using TPS (Eclipse Ver 8.1, Varian Medical Systems, Inc., USA). The ion-chamber array detector (MatriXX, IBA Dosimetry, Germany) was placed on the respiratory simulating platform and made it to move with ranges of 1, 2, and 3 cm, respectively. The IMRT fields were delivered to the detector with 30~70% gating windows. The comparison was performed by gamma index with tolerance of 3 mm and 3%. The average pass rate was 98.63% when there's no motion. When 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 cm motion ranges were simulated, the average pass rate were 98.59%, 97.82%, and 95.84%, respectively. Therefore, ITV margin should be increased or gating windows should be decreased for targets with large motion ranges.

Development of Indirect Dosimetry by Calculation Method in the Diagnostic X-ray Equipment (진단용엑스선촬영장치의 간접 선량 계산법 개발)

  • Kim, Jung-Su;Kim, Sung-Hwan;Jeon, Min-Cheol;Ju, Won-Ha;Jeong, Min-Gyu;Kim, Mi-Jeong;Lee, Seung-Youl;Lee, Tae-Hee;Seoung, Youl-Hun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.587-594
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the indirect dosimetry by calculation (IDC) method for diagnostic X-ray equipment. The experiments were performed with inverter type X-ray tubes: Toshiba (E7252X, Japan) and Varian (RAD-14, USA). For the development method, we first applied the standard quality of X-ray beam shown in the TRS457 document, and second, to produce the constants of trendline for the IDC, the total filtration on X-ray beam was subdivided. Third, in order to increase the precision, the energy region was divided into the high energy region and the low energy region and developed by the IDC. In order to verify the IDC, mean dose (mR) values were measured for three Toshiba X-ray tubes and three Varian X-ray tubes at clinical medical institutions and then compared with the IDC on the 2013. As a result, compared with the previous study, the accuracy of the IDC of this study were improved by 2.71% and 9.91% in Toshiba and Varian X-ray tubes, respectively.

Analytical Consideration of Surface Dose and Kerma for Megavoltage Photon Beams in Clinical Radiation Therapy

  • Birgani, Mohammad Javad Tahmasebi;Behrooz, Mohammad Ali;Razmjoo, Sasan;Zabihzadeh, Mansour;Fatahiasl, Jafar;Maskni, Reza;Abdalvand, Neda;Asgarian, Zeynab;Shamsi, Azin
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.153-157
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    • 2016
  • Background: In radiation therapy, estimation of surface doses is clinically important. This study aimed to obtain an analytical relationship to determine the skin surface dose, kerma and the depth of maximum dose, with energies of 6 and 18 megavoltage (MV). Materials and Methods: To obtain the dose on the surface of skin, using the relationship between dose and kerma and solving differential equations governing the two quantities, a general relationship of dose changes relative to the depth was obtained. By dosimetry all the standard square fields of $5cm{\times}5cm$ to $40cm{\times}40cm$, an equation similar to response to differential equations of the dose and kerma were fitted on the measurements for any field size and energy. Applying two conditions: a) equality of the area under dose distribution and kerma changes in versus depth in 6 and 18 MV, b) equality of the kerma and dose at $x=d_{max}$ and using these results, coefficients of the obtained analytical relationship were determined. By putting the depth of zero in the relation, amount of PDD and kerma on the surface of the skin, could be obtained. Results: Using the MATLAB software, an exponential binomial function with R-Square >0.9953 was determined for any field size and depth in two energy modes 6 and 18MV, the surface PDD and kerma was obtained and both of them increase due to the increase of the field, but they reduce due to increased energy and from the obtained relation, depth of maximum dose can be determined. Conclusions: Using this analytical formula, one can find the skin surface dose, kerma and thickness of the buildup region.

An Experimental Dosimetry of Irregularly-Shaped-Field Using Therapeutic Planning Computer (치료계획용 콤퓨터를 이용한 부정형 조사면의 선량분포에 관한 실험)

  • Park, Joo-Sun;Lee, Gui-Won;Han, Yong-Moon;Kwon, Hyoung-Cheol;Yoon, Sei-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 1987
  • The authors have intended to measure intrinsic dose distribution by Farmer dosimeter in irregularly shaped fields such as L, M, T,-shape model in order to determine dose inhomogeneity in those models. We made 2 off-axis points in each model and measured the depth dose at 1.5,5, and 9cm below surface. The results showed $1-3\%$ dose discrepancy between 2 points. We also measured the depth dose by geometric approximation and computer calculation in those models, and came to the conclusion that computer calculation using Clarkson's principle is simpler and the measurements are to the ideal data obtained by the experiment in those three models of irregularly shaped fields than those of geometric approximation method.

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Evaluation of dose delivery accuracy due to variation in pitch and roll (세기변조방사선치료에서 Pitch와 Roll 변화에 따른 선량전달 정확성 평가)

  • Jeong, Chang Young;Bae, Sun Myung;Lee, Dong Hyung;Min, Soon Ki;Kang, Tae Young;Baek, Geum Mun
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.239-245
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study is to verify the accuracy of dose delivery according to the pitch and roll rotational setup error with 6D robotic couch in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for pelvic region in patients. Materials and Methods : Trilogy(Varian, USA) and 6D robotic couch(ProturaTM 1.4, CIVCO, USA) were used to measure and analyze the rotational setup error of 14 patients (157 setup cases) for pelvic region. The total 157 Images(CBCT 78, Radiography 79) were used to calculate the mean value and the incidence of pitch and roll rotational setup error with Microsoft Office Excel 2007. The measured data (3 mm, 3%) at the reference angle ($0^{\circ}$) without couch rotation of pitch and roll direction was compared to the others at different pitch and roll angles ($1^{\circ}$, $1.5^{\circ}$, $2^{\circ}$, $2.5^{\circ}$) to verify the accuracy of dose delivery by using 2D array ionization chamber (I'mRT Matrixx, IBA Dosimetry, Germany) and MultiCube Phantom(IBA Dosimetry, Germany). Result from the data, gamma index was evaluated. Results : The mean values of pitch and roll rotational setup error were $0.9^{\circ}{\pm}0.7$, $0.5^{\circ}{\pm}0.6$. The maximum values of them were $2.8^{\circ}$, $2.0^{\circ}$. All of the minimum values were zero. The mean values of gamma pass rate at four different pitch angles ($1^{\circ}$, $1.5^{\circ}$, $2^{\circ}$, $2.5^{\circ}$) were 97.75%, 96.65%, 94.38% and 90.91%. The mean values of gamma pass rate at four different roll angles ($1^{\circ}$, $1.5^{\circ}$, $2^{\circ}$, $2.5^{\circ}$) were 93.68%, 93.05%, 87.77% and 84.96%. when the same angles ($1^{\circ}$, $1.5^{\circ}$, $2^{\circ}$) of pitch and roll were applied simultaneously, The mean values of each angle were 94.90%, 92.37% and 87.88%, respectively. Conclusion : As a result of this study, it was able to recognize that the accuracy of dose delivered is lowered gradually as pitch and roll increases. In order to increase the accuracy of delivered dose, therefore, it is recommended to perform IGRT or correct patient's position in the pitch and roll direction, to improve the quality of treatment.

Development of Preliminary Quality Assurance Software for $GafChromic^{(R)}$ EBT2 Film Dosimetry ($GafChromic^{(R)}$ EBT2 Film Dosimetry를 위한 품질 관리용 초기 프로그램 개발)

  • Park, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Jeong-Woo;Choi, Kyoung-Sik;Hong, Semie;Park, Byung-Moon;Bae, Yong-Ki;Jung, Won-Gyun;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 2010
  • Software for GafChromic EBT2 film dosimetry was developed in this study. The software provides film calibration functions based on color channels, which are categorized depending on the colors red, green, blue, and gray. Evaluations of the correction effects for light scattering of a flat-bed scanner and thickness differences of the active layer are available. Dosimetric results from EBT2 films can be compared with those from the treatment planning system ECLIPSE or the two-dimensional ionization chamber array MatriXX. Dose verification using EBT2 films is implemented by carrying out the following procedures: file import, noise filtering, background correction and active layer correction, dose calculation, and evaluation. The relative and absolute background corrections are selectively applied. The calibration results and fitting equation for the sensitometric curve are exported to files. After two different types of dose matrixes are aligned through the interpolation of spatial pixel spacing, interactive translation, and rotation, profiles and isodose curves are compared. In addition, the gamma index and gamma histogram are analyzed according to the determined criteria of distance-to-agreement and dose difference. The performance evaluations were achieved by dose verification in the $60^{\circ}$-enhanced dynamic wedged field and intensity-modulated (IM) beams for prostate cancer. All pass ratios for the two types of tests showed more than 99% in the evaluation, and a gamma histogram with 3 mm and 3% criteria was used. The software was developed for use in routine periodic quality assurance and complex IM beam verification. It can also be used as a dedicated radiochromic film software tool for analyzing dose distribution.

Thermoluminescence response of carbon ion beam irradiated LiCaAlF6: Tb phosphor

  • Pooja Seth;Aayushi Jain;Shruti Aggarwal
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.4531-4539
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    • 2024
  • Accurate measurement of the dose delivered to patients is crucial in any radiation therapy, including C ion beam radiotherapy, to ensure effective treatment and minimize the risk of damage to healthy tissues. The accessibility of thermoluminescence (TL) - based materials for carbon ion beam dosimetry continues to be constrained. With the aim of this, an investigation has been done to study the TL properties of the Terbium (Tb) doped LiCaAlF6 phosphor following irradiation with C ion beam. The LiCaAlF6: Tb phosphor has been synthesized using melting method in argon gas atmosphere. TL glow curves has been analyzed on exposure to carbon ion beams at energies of 85 MeV and 50 MeV within the fluence range of 109 - 1012 ions/cm2. The TRIM code, relying on Monte Carlo simulation, has been employed to compute parameters such as absorbed dose, ion range, and energy loss. The Tb-doped LiCaAlF6 phosphor exhibits a glow curve structure with distinctly resolved peaks at 130 ℃ and 325 ℃. Notably, the TL intensity has been significantly increased by 105 times than that of undoped LiCaAlF6. This enhancement is attributed to the generation of a high density of Tb-associated defects within the energy band gap. The TL enhancement has been elucidated based on charge compensation mechanism. Further, TL glow curve shape and structure remain consistent across different energies, i.e., 85 and 50 MeV C ion beams, indicating an energy-independent behavior of this phosphor. Nevertheless, the TL intensity at 85 MeV is higher compared to that at 50 MeV. Detailed dosimetry properties have been investigated for 85 MeV C ion beams within the fluence range 2×109-5×1012 ions/cm2. The phosphor exhibits a sublinear dependence against dose for the studied fluence range with no discernible shift in peak position. The favorable outcomes include low fading during the initial days of storage time and batch homogeneity. TL glow curve analysis indicate the formation of trapping level in the range of 0.90-1.72eV within the band gap of the phosphor which are responsible for TL process. The phosphor's simple glow curve structure, minimal fading, consistent batch homogeneity and high stability of the glow curve suggest that the material can be explored for C ion beam dosimetry application.

The Activity Check of Brachytherapy Isotope (근접치료동위원소의 Activity Check)

  • Kim, Gun-Oh;Lee, Byung-Koo;Kwon, Young-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2004
  • An isotope Ir-192, which is used in brachytherapy depends on import in whole quantities. There are a few ways for its activity. measurement using Welltype chamber or the way to rely on authentic decay table of manufacturer. In-air dosimetry using Farmer Chamber, etc. In this paper, let me introduce the way using Farmer chamber which is easier and simple. With the Farmer chamber and source calibration jig, take a measurement the activity of an isotope Ir-192 and compare the value with the value from decay table of manufacturer and check the activity of source. The result of measurement, compared the value from decay table, by ${\pm}2.1\%$. (which belongs to recommendable value for AAPM ${\pm}5\%$ as difference of error range) It is possible to use on clinical medicine. With the increase in use of brachytherapy, the increase of import is essential. And an accurate activity check of source is compulsory. For the activity check of source, it was possible to use Farmer chamber and source calibration jig without additional purchase of Well type chamber.

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