• 제목/요약/키워드: Medical agency

검색결과 957건 처리시간 0.022초

A study on the Differences in the Accommodation Applications Selection Attributes by Lifestyles

  • Kim, Kyu-dong;Jeon, Se-hoon;Kim, Jeong-lae
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.212-219
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    • 2020
  • We conducted this study to identify the accommodation applications users' lifestyle types and the composition factors for consumers' accommodation applications selection attributes and to identify the difference in the selection attributes perception of accommodation applications between groups classified by user's lifestyle types. According to the study, 6 factors were derived as the accommodation applications users' lifestyle types and were named social/leisure-oriented type, fashion-seeking type, culture-seeking type, self-examining type, self-centered type, family-oriented type. Also 6 factors were derived as the accommodation applications selection attributes and were named convenience, interactivity, economic efficiency, transaction reliability, product reliability and informativeness. Valid clusters were divided into four groups and were named culture/tourism group, self-examining group, passive and cautious group and Social and practicality-seeking group. Most of the selection attributes perception of accommodation applications between groups had statistically significant differences(p<.05), except for some items of transaction reliability. Based on the results of this study, we should strive to establish effective marketing strategies that reflect differences in the selection attributes perception of the accommodation application between groups classified by users' lifestyle types.

Effectiveness of a Training Program Based on Stress Management on NEDSA Staff and Line Staff

  • Azad, Esfandiar;Hassanvand, Bagher;Eskandari, Mohsen
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.235-239
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    • 2022
  • Background: The purpose of present study was to determine the effectiveness of training program based on job stress management in NEDSA and line staff. Methods: The study method of this study was quantitative and quasi-experimental research Methods: From the statistical population (all employees of the NEDSA and line staff in 2020-2021), 30 of these people were selected by judgmental sampling method and considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The participants were first matched based on age and education and were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. First, pre-test was taken from both groups (Job Stress Questionnaire). The experimental group was presented with a job stress management training package and no protocol was presented in the control group. After the sessions, post-test was received from both groups (experimental and control). After two months, a follow-up test was performed. Results: The results were entered into SPSS-24 software and analyzed. The results of repeated measure showed high effectiveness of the job stress management package (researcher-made). The results showed that the job stress management training package showed 67.5% effectiveness and also the training effect of job stress management training was stable for two months (follow-up). Conclusion: Based on these results, Training program based on stress management can be effective in military staff.

Association Between Work Status and the Use of Healthcare Services Among Women in the Republic of Korea

  • Hyun, Min Kyung;Kan, Man-Yee
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2022
  • Introduction: Previous studies on occupational health focussed predominately on the occurrence of occupational diseases. Relatively few studies have measured how employment is associated with the use of healthcare services. This study investigates the association between employment and the extent and range of healthcare use, such as medical expenditures, of women in South Korea. Methods: We analyze data of the Korean Health Panel, an ongoing longitudinal national representative survey, from 2008 to 2017, to identify the status of economic activity of women by year and age group. We estimate the association between female employment status and medical expenditures by using random effect panel Tobit models. Furthermore, we investigate the association between employment status and the range of healthcare services in biomedicine and traditional Korean medicine (KM) by conducting conditional fixed-effects logistic regression analyses. Results: For women aged between 25 and 65 in 2017, the majority of them were employed or self-employed. (The proportion of employment of self-employment equals 64.80%). In addition, working women spent 11.6% less on healthcare than nonworking women, and self-employment lowered the healthcare expenditure by 13.1%. Neither work nor the type of work is related to the types and range of healthcare service use. Being employed or self-employed is negatively associated with women's expenditure on healthcare. Conclusions: The findings show that employment is associated with less spending on healthcare. They imply that employment has a positive impact on women's health.

Design of Multipurpose Phantom for External Audit on Radiotherapy

  • Lim, Sangwook
    • 한국의학물리학회지:의학물리
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.122-129
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study aimed to design a multipurpose dose verification phantom for external audits to secure safe and optimal radiation therapy. Methods: In this study, we used International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) LiF powder thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD), which is generally used in the therapeutic radiation dose assurance project. The newly designed multipurpose phantom (MPP) consists of a container filled with water, a TLD holder, and two water-pressing covers. The size of the phantom was designed to be sufficient (30×30×30 cm3). The water container was filled with water and pressed with the cover for normal incidence to be fixed. The surface of the MPP was devised to maintain the same distance from the source at all times, even in the case of oblique incidence regardless of the water level. The MPP was irradiated with 6, 10, and 15 MV photon beams from Varian Linear Accelerator and measured by a 1.25 cm3 ionization chamber to get the correction factors. Monte Carlo (MC) simulation was also used to compare the measurements. Results: The result obtained by MC had a relatively high uncertainty of 1% at the dosimetry point, but it showed a correction factor value of 1.3% at the 5 cm point. The energy dependence was large at 6 MV and small at 15 MV. Various dosimetric parameters for external audits can be performed within an hour. Conclusions: The results allow an objective comparison of the quality assurance (QA) of individual hospitals. Therefore, this can be employed for external audits or QA systems in radiation therapy institutions.

Analysis of International Research Trends on Metaverse

  • Mina, Shim
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.453-459
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    • 2022
  • This study attempted to explore the realization and research direction of a successful metaverse environment in the future by analyzing international research trends of the metaverse using topic modeling. A total of 208 papers among WoS and ScienceDirect papers using metaverse as keywords were selected, and quantitative frequency analysis and topic modeling were performed. As a result, it was confirmed that research has rapidly increased after 2022. The main keywords of the research topics were 'second', 'life', 'learning', 'reality', 'metaverse', 'virtual', 'blockchain', 'nft', 'medical', 'avatar', etc. The topic keywords 'Second life & Education' and 'Virtual Reality & Medical' accounted for a large proportion of 57%, followed by 'Blockchain & Cryptocurrency', 'Avatar & Interaction', and 'Sensing and Device'. As a result of semantic analysis, current metaverse research is focused on application and utilization, and research on underlying technologies and devices is also active. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the commonalities and differences between domestic and foreign studies, and to study the application method considering the domestic environment. In addition, new jurisprudence research is more necessary along with predicting new problems. It is expected that the results of study will provide the right research direction for domestic researchers in the era of digital transformation and contribute to the realization of a digital society.

Study on Image Processing Techniques Applying Artificial Intelligence-based Gray Scale and RGB scale

  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Hyun-Tae
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.252-259
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    • 2022
  • Artificial intelligence is used in fusion with image processing techniques using cameras. Image processing technology is a technology that processes objects in an image received from a camera in real time, and is used in various fields such as security monitoring and medical image analysis. If such image processing reduces the accuracy of recognition, providing incorrect information to medical image analysis, security monitoring, etc. may cause serious problems. Therefore, this paper uses a mixture of YOLOv4-tiny model and image processing algorithm and uses the COCO dataset for learning. The image processing algorithm performs five image processing methods such as normalization, Gaussian distribution, Otsu algorithm, equalization, and gradient operation. For RGB images, three image processing methods are performed: equalization, Gaussian blur, and gamma correction proceed. Among the nine algorithms applied in this paper, the Equalization and Gaussian Blur model showed the highest object detection accuracy of 96%, and the gamma correction (RGB environment) model showed the highest object detection rate of 89% outdoors (daytime). The image binarization model showed the highest object detection rate at 89% outdoors (night).

'첨단재생의료 및 첨단바이오의약품 안전 및 지원에 관한 법률' 개정에 따른 '기관생명윤리위원회(Institutional Review Board)' 역할 및 '임상시험 및 대상자보호프로그램(Human Research Protections Program)' 강화의 중요성 (The Importance of Strengthening the Role of the Institutional Review Board and the Human Research Protections Program following the Revision of the Act on the Safety and Support of Advanced Regenerative Medicine and Advanced Biopharmaceuticals)

  • 김병수
    • 대한기관윤리심의기구협의회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 2024
  • The strengthening of Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) for clinical research on advanced regenerative medicine reflecting the 3 Principles of the Belmont Report (Respect, Beneficence, Justice) is very important. The research institution IRB should naturally be in charge of managing the clinical research process. And it is crucial to reinforce HRPP for the protection of research subjects in institutions conducting advanced regeneration clinical research. So, it is needed to establish a Protection System for Advanced Regenerative Medical Research Subjects composed of clinical research management communication system for advanced regenerative medicine between KAIRB (Korean Association of IRB) of research institutes and National Management Agency for Advanced Regenerative Medical Research. In advanced regenerative medicine clinical research to verify safety and efficacy of the investigational drugs to the subjects with rare and incurable diseases rather than to treat the patients, it is hoped that a management system that guarantees the scientific characteristics of research and the rights of research subjects would be well organized and operated.

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Hematuria in children: causes and evaluation

  • Eujin Park;Sang Woon Kim;Su Jin Kim;Minki Baek;Yo Han Ahn;Myung Hyun Cho;Hyun Kyung Lee;Kyoung Hee Han;Yae Lim Kim;Miyoung Choi;Hee Gyung Kang;Jin-Soon Suh;Eun Mi Yang
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2024
  • Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine and is classified as either gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria. There are many causes of hematuria, and the differential diagnosis depends on the presence or absence of comorbidities and whether it is glomerular or non-glomerular. When hematuria in children is symptomatic or persistent, an evaluation of the cause is essential. The causes of hematuria and basic approaches to its diagnosis are discussed in this review.

119구급대의 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on Activation device of 119 Emergency Care)

  • 고재문;김경완;정용태
    • 한국응급구조학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2007
  • Even now, 119 rescue services have dissatisfactory aspects in operation, system and equipments as discussed above, It is the most urgent subject to systemize rescue services so that they can be suitable for our status, for we will make 21C welfare state come true before long. So, this author suggest that the followings have to be raised to activate 119 rescue service. 1) Bring up experts and offer high-quality rescue service 2) Prepare more up-to-date equipments 3) Operate transfer joint organizations 4) Promote the ability to meet with a press at the time of rescue service activities 5) Adjust regulations related to rescue services 6) Make up for a countermeasure to traffic accidents of ambulances 7) Adjust regulations making it mandatory to establish heliport at the target on hospitals more than a defined scale 8) Install more rescue service teams 9) Educate and train officials belonging to briefing rooms, where the officials with long experiences are arranged 10) Minimize the time for rescue team to reach fields 11) Establish legal protection system for rescue the team Nowadays, our country operates the department of fire fighting and rescue services without great difficulty, even though the circumstances are bad - insufficient members and the inferior circumstances. All of the fire fighting officials are given heavy duties in bad circumstances, and so are the team of rescue service. The rescue service team, taking charge of some emergency medical system, do a fire fighting inspection as a non-duty service, though they are scanty of sleep due to prevention and protection services of the fire fighting service team. But, they can not engage in rescue services completely and have to deal with miscellaneous duties. So they can not offer professional emergency medical services. But now, almost every fire fighting organization, belonging to National Emergency Management Agency, are separating rescue services, which shows a lot of good results. People recognize rescue services to get better and better gradually and the demands for this rescue services increase. So, this is the best time when rescue service teams should offer qualitative services rather than quantitative services. The people will recognize this rescue service team to be an organization sacrificing and serving for them. However well institutes and operation systems should be established, the rescue service team can not come true their aim without strong wills that they will serve and sacrifice themselves for people from their hearts. In addition, it is essential for the officials in charge of policies about emergency medical services to have a concernment on and practice the policy without failure.

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양송시기(兩宋時期)의 소아과학(小兒科學)에 관한 연구 (The Medical Study about the Development of Pediatrics for Song(宋) Dynasty)

  • 박현국;김기욱;이영석
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2008
  • The Song Dynasty(宋代) period gained the summit in the developmental phase of the history in pediatrics. In 1076, Taeuiguk(太醫局) was founded and Sobangmaek(小方脈) was the one of nine branch in Taeuiguk(太醫局). As a result, educational agency and system was arranged in the field of pediatrics. At the same time, pediatrics have furnished with foundation to develop independent field in medical science. Especially, Byeonjeungnonchi(辦證論治) system is established in pediatrics science according to the compilation of "Soayakjeungjikgyeol(小兒藥證直訣)" by Jeoneul(錢乙). Children's doctors, Jeoneul(錢乙), Jinmunjung(陳文中) and Donggeup(董汲) arranged clinically theories, so they made that age the peak of the pediatrics. Looking at the developmental part of theory in pediatrics of the Song Dynasty period, Jeoneul(錢乙), who was the representative children's doctor in Song Dynasty period, insisted that children had formed Ojang-yukbu(五臟六腑) in the physiological part but they were not perfect like adult's. Therefore they had to consider the poor part in children's body, and then they had to cure them. 'Byeonjeung(變蒸)' was considered to be normal physiological phenomenon. Also he insisted that Yukeum(六淫), 'Pung, Han, Seo, Seup, Jo, Hwa(風, 寒, 暑, 濕, 燥, 火)' and 'Gyeong, Pung, Gon, Cheon, Heo(驚, 風, 困, 喘, 虛)' are the main cause of the children's five vital organ's pathology Like this, his academic thought, which lay emphasized on children's spleen and stomach and Ojangbyeonjeung(五臟辦證) main principles, affected on doctors, Donggeup(董汲), Yeomhyochung(閣孝忠), Yubang(劉肪), Jang-wonso(張元素), Idong-won(李東垣), Manjeon(萬全). Bangje(方劑) fields of pediatrics had developed so fast and "Taepyeongsunghyebang(太平聖惠方)" contained about 2689 kinds of children's prescription. According to this, there are so many kinds of medicinal shape, for example 'Hwan, San, Go, Dan(丸, 散, 膏, 丹)', which cured children' s disease. Through this, we find that the shape of medicine about the children's diseases had developed to the more simple direction, taking account of the children's clinical trait.

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