• Title/Summary/Keyword: Max C/I

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The Bioequivalence of Two Carbamazepine Controlled Release Formulations (카르바마제핀 서방형 제제간의 생물학적 동등성 비교)

  • Kim, Min J.;Lee, Hyun J.;Rheu, Yoon M.;Shin, Wan G.;Park, Sung H.
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.19-23
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    • 1996
  • Carbamazepine is an anticonvulsant drug that has been shown to be as effective as phenytoin or phenobarbital in treatment of grand mal and complex partial seizures and is also approved as the drug of choice for treatment of the pain associated with trigerminal neuralgia. And the therapeutic or toxic effects of carbamazepine are better related to plasma concentration than to dosage, which can be attributed to interindividual variability in the pharmacokinetics. A slow rate of carbamazepine dissolution in the gastrointestinal tract is believed to be the cause of its relatively slow and erratic rate of absorption. For these reasons pharmacokinetic evaluation of newly formulated carbamazepine is neccessary. In this study, the bioequivalence in carbamazepine between the $TegretoI^{TM}$ CR tablet (Geigy Co.) and $Carmazepine^{TM}$ CR tablet (Myung In Co.) was evaluated. 12 normal volunteers (age $21\~27$ years old) was divided into two groups, and a randomized cross-over study was employed. The pharmacokinetic parameters ($C_{max},\;T_{max}$ and AUC) obtained of oral administration of each formulatim of carbamazepine 400 mg were evaluated and ANOVA was utilized for the statistical analysis of parameters. $C_{max}\;is\;8.26{\pm}3.1{\mu}g/ml\;(C.V.\;37.3\%)\;in\;TegretoI^{TM}\;and\;9.39\{pm}2.9{\mu}g/ml\;(C.V.\;30.5\%)$ in $Carmazepine^{TM},\;T_{max}\;is\;28.0{\pm}5.9\;hrs(C.V.\;21.1\%)$ in $Tegretol^{TM}\;and\;24.0{\pm}7.2\;hrs(C.V.\;30.2\%)$ in $Carmazepine^{TM}$ and AUC is $786.4{\pm}360.5{\mu}g{\cdot}hr/ml\;(C.V.\;45.8\%)$ in $TegretoI^{TM}\;and\;792.8{\pm}228.6{\mu}g{\cdot}hr/ml\;(C.V.\;28.8\%)$ in $Carmazepine^{TM}$, respectively. As the result of the data, two formulations are bioequvalent, and the lower C.V. of $Carmazepine^{TM}$ in every individual can be merit.

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Pharmacokinetic Properties and Antiinflammatory Activity of Ketoprofen Lotion (케토프로펜 로오숀의 약물동력학적 특성과 항염증작용)

  • 단현광;배준호;박은석;지상철
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.45-49
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    • 1998
  • The pharmacokinetic properties and antiinflammatory activity of 3% ketoprofen lotion (ID-lotion), formulated with poloxamer 407, were evaluated using rats. For the pharmacokinetic study, the lotion, at the dose of 4.5 mg/kg, was applied on the dorsal skin of rats and the drug concentration in plasma was determined using an HPLC method. As references, ketoprofen suspended in saline was administered orally, and E-lotion, which is a 3% ketoprofen lotion in the Japanese market was applied transdermally. Following the transdermal application of ID-lotion and E-lotion, $C_{max}$ were 316 $\pm$22.3 ng/ml and 163 $\pm$ 12.2 ng/ml, respectively, at the same Tma of 2 hours postdose, while $C_{max}$ and $T_{max}$ after oral administration of the drug were 1,030$\pm$89.1 ng/ml and 0.25 hours, respectively. Relative bioavailabilities of ID-lotion and I-lotion were 69.3% and 34.2%, respectively. The antiinflammatory activity of the two 3% ketoprofen lotions was evaluated with carrageeneninduced edema method after 50 mg of the lotions was applied on the paw of rats. ID-lotion showed 67.6% inhibition of the edema formation, while I-lotion showed 34.\\\\`r%. The calculated ED5o after transdermal application of ID-lotion was 2.5 mg/kg, while that after oral administration was 7.0 mg/kg. Based on these results, the relative equiponderal availability of ID-lotion was 296% compared to the oral administration of ketoprofen.n.n.n.

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Photosynthesis-Irradiance Relationship and Primary Production of Phytoplankton in Lake Gocheonam

  • Jung, Min-Kyung;Lee, Ok-Hee;Cho, Kyung-Je
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.524-531
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    • 2004
  • Photosynthetic activities and primary production of phytoplankton were investigated in Lake Gocheonam from October 1999 to August 2000. As an estuary lake with a barrage in the Southwestern coast of the Korean peninsula, the lake has received more attention after it became known as the habitat of large population of rare and endangered bird- Baikal Teal. As the lake had high algal biomass ranging from $20\mu{g}\;chl-aL^{-1}\;to\;125\mu{g}\;chl-aL^{-1}$ in average values and rich eutrophication indicator species, the freshwaters were in a very productive or hypertrophic state. In the results obtained from the phytoplankton incubation in the laboratory, the maximum photosynthetic rate $(P_{max})$ varied according to seasons and sampling stations. Photo- synthetic activities were higher during the warm season than the cold seasons and the serial order of $P_{max}$ was August dominated with Microcystis, April with Chlamydomonas and Nitzschia, October with Chlamydomonas and January with Stephanodiscus. The water of the lake was persistently turbid throughout the year due to strong winds from the adjacent sea. Despite the water turbidity, the phytoplankton productions estimated from a mathematical model had very broad range from 18mg C $m^{-2}day^{-1}\;to\;10,300mg\;C\;m^{-2}day^{-1}$.

Simulation and analysis of DC characteristics in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on sapphire, SiC and Si substrates (Sapphire SiC, Si 기판에 따른 AlGaN/GaN HEMT의 DC 전기적 특성의 시뮬레이션과 분석)

  • Kim, Su-Jin;Kim, Dong-Ho;Kim, Jae-Moo;Choi, Hong-Goo;Hahn, Cheol-Koo;Kim, Tae-Geun
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.272-278
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we report on the 2D (two-dimensional) simulation result of the DC (direct current) electrical and thermal characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs (high electron mobility transistors) grown on Si substrate, in comparison with those grown on sapphire and SiC (silicon carbide) substrate, respectively. In general, the electrical properties of HEMT are affected by electron mobility and thermal conductivity, which depend on substrate material. For this reason, the substrates of GaN-based HEMT have been widely studied today. The simulation results are compared and studied by applying general Drift-Diffusion and thermal model altering temperature as 300, 400 and 500 K, respectively. With setting T=300 K and $V_{GS}$=1 V, the $I_{D,max}$ (drain saturation current) were 189 mA/mm for sapphire, 293 mA/mm for SiC, and 258 mA/mm for Si, respectively. In addition, $G_{m,max}$ (maximum transfer conductance) of sapphire, SiC, Si was 38, 50, 31 mS/mm, respectively, at T=500 K.

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X-선 회절분석을 이용한 일라이트-스멕타이트 기본입자의 적층성에 관한 연구

  • 강일모;문희수
    • Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.10-10
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    • 2003
  • 일라이트-스멕타이트 혼합층광물(I-S)은 열역학적으로 상호 대립적인 두 가지 모델로 이해되고 있다. 첫째, MacEwan 결정자 모델은 I-S를 5-20개의 스멕타이트와 일라이트 층으로 구성된 결정자로 해석한다. 이러한 모델은 분산과 재응집 과정을 기초로 하는 X-선 회절분석(XRD)에서 기인한 것으로 Reynolds의 XRD 모델과 동일하다. 둘째, 기본입자 모델은 I-S를 물리적으로 분리될 수 있는 최소 입자인 기본입자가 $c^{*-}$축 방향으로 응집된 응집체로 해석한다. 이러한 모델은 분산 과정을 기초로 하는 주사전자현미경(TEM) 관찰에서 기인한 모델이다. 강일모 등(2002)은 이 두 가지 모델을 비교함으로써 1< $N_{F}$<100/% $S_{XRD}$ ( $N_{F}$=평균 기본입자 층개수, %$S_{XRD}$=XRD 분석을 통하여 측정된 팽창성)을 도출하였다. 이 식은 기본입자모델과 Eberl & Srodon(1988)이 제시한 최대 팽창성(%$S_{MAX}$)을 동시에 해석할 수 있게 해준다. %$S_{MAX}$는 XRD 모델에서는 고려하지 않는 I-S 결정자 상$\cdot$하부에 존재하는 두 개의 0.5nm 규산염층을 하나의 스멕타이트 층으로 간주하여 얻어진 팽창성이다. Srodon et al.(1992)은 %$S_{MAX}$=100/ $N_{F}$을 제시하였으며, 강일모 등(2002)은 %$S_{MAX}$는 기하학적으로 기본입자가 무한적층을 하였을 때 관찰되는 %$S_{XRD}$와 동일함을 밝힌 바 있다. 만약, XRD 분석을 위한 시료 준비과정에서 I-S 결정자가 분산되었다가 재응집을 한다면, XRD에서 관찰되는 결과는 일차적으로 기본입자의 적층성에 영향을 받게 된다. 따라서, 기본 입자의 적층성은 XRD 분석을 이용하여 I-S 구조를 해석하는데 매우 중요한 요인이다. 본 연구는 기본입자의 적층성을 정량화하기 위해 %$S_{XRD}$=A/ $N_{F}$ (0$S_{MAX}$=100/ $N_{F}$로부터 얼마나 벗어나 있는가는 지시해 준다 금성산화산암복합체에서 산출되는 11개 I-S 시료와 14개의 Drits et al.(1998) 자료로부터 1nA=-0.14 $N_{F}$+4.7의 실험식을 도출할 수 있었으며, 기본입자의 적층성은 일차적으로 기본입자의 두께에 의해 영향을 받는 것으로 관찰되었다. Nadeau(1985)는 기본입자두께분포로부터 I-S 결정자의 팽창성을 측정하기 위하여 Ps=$\Sigma$p(N)/N을 제시하였다(Ps=스멕타이트 층 비율, N=기본 입자 층개수, p(N)=N의 확율). 그러나 위식은 실질적으로 %$S_{MAX}$를 제공해주기 때문에 %$S_{XRD}$를 유추하는데는 부적합하다. 본 연구는 이를 변형하여 Ps=$\Sigma$p(N)A(N)/N을 제시하였다(A(N)=N에 대한 A값). 위의 실험식을 사용하여 헝가리산 Zempleni 시료(15%$S_{XRD}$)의 기본입자분포로부터 %$S_{XRD}$를 계산한 결과, 16%$S_{XRD}$의 결과값을 얻을 수 있었다. 따라서, 본 연구에서 도출한 관계식들이 유효함을 확인할 수 있었다.계식들이 유효함을 확인할 수 있었다.

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A Fundamental Approach for Developing Deformation Strength Based on Rutting Characteristics of Asphalt Concrete (소성변형과의 상관성에 근거한 아스팔트 콘크리트의 변형강도 개발을 위한 기초연구)

  • Kim, Kwang-Woo;Lee, Moon-Sup;Kim, Jun-Eun;Choi, Sun-Ju
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.4 no.4 s.14
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 2002
  • This study dealt with developing a new approach for finding properties which might represent rut resistance characteristics of asphalt mixture under static loading. Two aggregates, a normal asphalt (pen 60-80) and 5 polymer-modified asphalts were used in preparation of 12 dense-graded mixtures. Marshall mix design was used in determination of OAC and each mixture at the OAC was prepared for a newly-developed Kim test on Marshall specimen (S=10cm) and gyratory specimen (S=15cm), and for wheel tracking test. Kim test used Marshall loading frame and specimens were conditioned for 30min at $60^{\circ}C$ before loading through Kim tester an apparatus consisting of a loading column and a specimen and column holder Diameter (D) of column was 3cm and 4cm with each column having different radius (r) of round cut at the bottom. The static load was applied at 50mm/min in axial direction of the specimen, not in diametral direction. The maximum load ($P_{max}$) and vertical deformation (y) at $P_{max}$ point were obtained from the test. A strength value was calculated based on the $P_{max}$ r, D and y by using the equation $K_D = 4P_{max}/{\pi}(D-2(r-\sqrt{2ry-y^2}))^2$ and is defined as the deformation strength ($kgf/cm^2$). The values of $P_{max}$/y and $K_I=K_D/y$ were also calculated. In general the leading column diameter and radius of round cut were significant factors affecting $K_D$ and $P_{max}$ values while specimen diameter was not. The statistical analyses showed the $K_D$ had the best correlation with rut depth and dynamic stability. The next best correlation was found from $P_{max}$ which was followed by $P_{max}$/y and $K_I$ in order.

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Effects of Irradiance on the Growth of the Toxic Dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense and Alexandrium catenella (유독와편모조류 Alexandrium tamarense와 Alexandrium catenella의 성장에 미치는 조도의 영향)

  • Kwon, Hyeong-Kyu;Park, Ji-A;Yang, Han-Soeb;Oh, Seok Jin
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.1571-1577
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    • 2013
  • The effects of irradiance on the growth of toxic dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense (Masan Bay strain) and Alexandrium catenella (Jinhae Bay strain) were investigated in the laboratory. At $15^{\circ}C$ and 30 psu for A. tamarense and $25^{\circ}C$ and 30 psu for A. catenella, the irradiance-growth curve showed the maximum growth rate (${\mu}_{max}$) of 0.31 $day^{-1}$ with half-saturation photon flux density (PFD) ($K_I$) of 44.53 ${\mu}molm^{-2}s^{-1}$, and a compensation PFD ($I_c$) was 20.67 ${\mu}molm^{-2}s^{-1}$ for A. tamarense, and ${\mu}_{max}$ of 0.38 $day^{-1}$ with $K_I$ of 59.53 ${\mu}molm^{-2}s^{-1}$, and $I_c$ was 40.80 ${\mu}molm^{-2}s^{-1}$ for A. catenella. The $I_c$ equated to a depth of 8~9 m from March to June for A. tamarense and 6~7 m from March to June for A. catenella. These responses suggested that irradiance at the depth near the middle layer in Masan Bay would provide favorable conditions for two species.

Magnetic Properties of NdFeB Powders Prepared by Mechanical Alloying (기계적합금법으로 제조한 NdFeB계 분말의 자기적 성질)

  • Kim, Taek-Soo;Hwang, Yeon;Lee, Hyo-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.210-215
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    • 1998
  • $Nd_{15}Fe_{77}B_8$ and $Nd_{16}Fe_{76}B_8$ powders were prepared by mechanical alloying in Ar atmosphere, and their phases and magnetic properties were investigated with as a function of the annealing temperature. It was found that the mechanical alloyed $Nd_{16}Fe_{76}B_8$ powder for 450 hours was amorphous phase with a part of $\alpha$-Fe crystallites. The obtained powders at 700 $^{\circ}C$ for 30 minute resulted in two phase of $Nd_2Fe_{14}B$ and $NdB_6$ by the solid-state reaction. The mechanical alloyed $Nd_{16}Fe_{76}B_8$ powder for 450 hour and annealed at 700 $^{\circ}C$ for 30 minute was showed $_iH_c\;of\;9.91\;kOe,\; B_{max}\;of\;12.93\;kG,\;Br\;of\;7.6\;kG\;and\;(BH)_{max}\;10.1\;MGOe$.

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Effects of ${Co_3}{O_4}$, and ${La_2}{O_3}$on the Magnetic Properties of Sr-Ferrite (${Co_3}{O_4}$${La_2}{O_3}$ 첨가가 Sr 페라이트의 자기적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Se-Dong;Kim, Chong-O;Kim, Jong-Hui
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.685-689
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    • 2001
  • We carried out these experiments to examine the effects of element substitution of Co and La-Co for Sr-ferrite. The calcined properties of Co and La-Co element substitution were examined, and also the sintered magnetic properties were measured with the stoichiometric condition. The magnetic properties of $(La-Co)_{0.3}-SrM$ composition are as follows; $(M_s)$: 71.08 emu/g, $iH_c$: 4.38 kOe and $B_r$ : 4.18 kG, $iH_ c$ :4.35 kOe, $BH_{max}$: 4.3 MGOe. The $BH_{max}$ value was increased up to 10 % compared with conventional values. Our results imply that the magnetic properties of Sr-ferrite can be improved by the substitution of those elements.

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Fabrication and characterization of the SiGe HBTs using an RPCVD (RPCVD를 이용한 실리콘 게르마늄 이종 접합 바이폴라 트랜지스터 제작 및 특성 분석)

  • 한태현;서광열
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.823-829
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, non-self-aligned SiGe HBTs with ${f}_\tau$ and${f}_max $above 50 GHz have been fabricated using an RPCVD(Reduced Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition) system for wireless applications. In the proposed structure, in-situ boron doped selective epitaxial growth(BDSEG) and TiSi$_2$ were used for the base electrode to reduce base resistance and in-situ phosphorus doped polysilicon was used for the emitter electrode to reduce emitter resistance. SiGe base profiles and collector design methodology to increase ${f}_\tau$ and${f}_max $ are discussed in detail. Two SiGe HBTs with the collector-emitter breakdown voltages ${BV}_CEO$ of 3 V and 6 V were fabricated using SIC(selective ion-implanted collector) implantation. Fabricated SiGe HBTs have a current gain of 265 ∼ 285 and Early voltage of 102 ∼ 120 V, respectively. For the $1\times{8}_\mu{m}^2$ emitter, a SiGe HBT with ${BV}_CEO$= 6 V shows a cut-off frequency, ${f}_\tau$of 24.3 GHz and a maximum oscillation frequency, ${f}_max $of 47.6 GHz at $I_c$of 3.7 mA and$V_CE$ of 4 V. A SiGe HBT with ${BV}_CEO$ = 3 V shows ${f}_\tau$of 50.8 GHz and ${f}_max $ of 52.2 GHz at $I_c$ of 14.7 mA and $V_CE$ of 2 V.