• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mast Structure

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Modified Similitude Law for Pseudodynamic Test on Small-scale Steel Models (철골 축소모헝의 유사동적실험을 위한 수정된 상사법칙)

  • Kim, Nam-Sik;Kwak, Young-Hak;Chang, Sung-Pil
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2003
  • Although there are several experimental techniques to evaluate the seismic behavior and performance of civil structures, small-scale models in mast of physical tests, instead of prototypes or large-scale models, would be used due to a limitation on capacities of testing equipments. However, the inelastic seismic response prediction of small-scale models has some discrepancies inherently because the similitude law is generally derived in the elastic range. Thus, a special attention is required to regard the seismic behavior of small-scale models as one of prototypes. In this paper, differences between prototypes and small-scale models pseudodynamically tested on steel column specimens are investigated and an alternative to minimize them is suggested. In general, small-scale models could have the distorted stiffness induced from some experimental errors on test setup, steel fabrication and so on. Therefore, a modified similitude law considering both a scale factor for length and a stiffness ratio of small-scale model to prototype is proposed. Using the modified similitude law to compensate experimental errors, the pseudodynamic test results from modified small-scale model are much improved as compared with the results of prototype. According to the pseudodynamic test results of small-scale steel models, it can be concluded that the modified similitude law proposed could be effective in simulating the seismic response of prototype structures.

Morphological Changes of Uterine and Vaginal Epithelium in Postpartum Korean Native Goats (韓國 在來山羊에 있어서 分娩後 子宮 및 膣上皮細胞의 形態學的 變化)

  • Ham, Tae-Su;Byeon, Myeong-Dae
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 1991
  • This present study was designed to investigate by light microscope the morphologic changes in the uterine and vaginal epithelium of postpartum Korean native goats. Tissues were obtained for study on days 1, 3, 10 and 21 postpartum. The results obtained in this study were as followed; 1. Light microscopically, the height of the uterine epithelium was gradually decreased with the intervals and secretory profiles of apocrine were observed at between 1 and 10 days postpartum. The frequency of the light and dark cells with Masson's trichrom stain was high at 1 day postpartum an low at 21 days. A few of PAS positive cells were generally observed at 1 day postpartum, while PAS positive cells were not seen at 21 days. Numerous globule leucocytes were found between the epithelium and in the subepithelium at 1 day and thereafter moderate globule leucocytes were also found in the other periods. The intraepithelial vacuoles with crystalline structure appeared at 10 days postpartum. 2. The height of the vaginal mucosa was gradually decreased with the intervals but the highest layer was found at 3 days postpartum. The frequency of the mast cells was increased with times. At 3 and 10 days postpartum the shape of the surface-epithelium was cuboidal and the vacuolation of the epithelium was observed at 10 and 21 days.

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The Increase of Apoptotic Neutrophils and Phagocytic Macrophage by Germanium in Acute Lung Injury Induced by Lipopolysaccharide (LPS에 의한 급성 폐손상에서 게르마늄에 의한 호중구 세포사와 큰포식세포의 포식능 증가)

  • Lee, Yoon-Jeong;Cho, Hyun-Gug;Jeune, Kyung-Hee
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.293-306
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    • 2008
  • The essential factor of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), an acute lung injury accompanied commonly by sepsis syndrome is accumulation of neutrophils in lung tissue. The study attempted to confirm whether a lung injury would be decreased with the anti-inflammatory effect of germanium by the treated germanium prior to the development of ARDS and whether nitric oxide influence in suppressing a lung injury. Test groups were divided in the following structure for experiment; CON that has been administered with sodium chloride to airway, LPS administered with endotoxin for 5 hours in the same amount and 5 hours of endotoxin administered Ge+LPS following 1 hours of pre-treated germanium. The result of a test using experimental animals, infilteration of neutrophils (p<0.001) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was significantly decreased, the structure of lung tissue was preserved relatively well, and much neutrophils with distinct positive were observed on tunel staining which showed increase of apoptotic neutrophils in the pre-treated germanium group compare to the endotoxin administrated group. In observation of ultrastructural changes of cell in BALF, phagocytic alveolar macrophage was increased in alveolar space, the nucleus of most engulfed neutrophils were condensed, and some apoptosis neutrophils appears to be DNA fragmentation and effacement of cellular organelles were found in intercellular matrix in the pre-treated germanium group. However, the nitric oxide showed increase in all the groups excluding CON, and the nitric oxide effect such as degranulation diminishing of mast cells and apoptosis increase of neutrophils in the pre-treated group only. The situation appears that there was change in internal environment of the experimental animal by the pre-treated germanium before the nitric oxide is produced and the anti-inflammatory effect activated the pre-processed germanium by nitric oxide which activated following the change. Therefore, the nitric oxide created from macrophage in accordance with the pre-treated germanium appears to influence in alleviating a lung injury. Accordingly, acute lung injury is alleviated by the anti-inflammatory effect of germanium such as inhibition of neutrophils migration, induction of neutrophil apoptosis and increase of phagocytic function of phagocyte, and the nitric oxide produced from activated macrophage by germanium would influence in suppressing a lung injury.