• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mapper

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A Comparison of Classification Techniques in Hyperspectral Image (하이퍼스펙트럴 영상의 분류 기법 비교)

  • 가칠오;김대성;변영기;김용일
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 2004
  • The image classification is one of the most important studies in the remote sensing. In general, the MLC(Maximum Likelihood Classification) classification that in consideration of distribution of training information is the most effective way but it produces a bad result when we apply it to actual hyperspectral image with the same classification technique. The purpose of this research is to reveal that which one is the most effective and suitable way of the classification algorithms iii the hyperspectral image classification. To confirm this matter, we apply the MLC classification algorithm which has distribution information and SAM(Spectral Angle Mapper), SFF(Spectral Feature Fitting) algorithm which use average information of the training class to both multispectral image and hyperspectral image. I conclude this result through quantitative and visual analysis using confusion matrix could confirm that SAM and SFF algorithm using of spectral pattern in vector domain is more effective way in the hyperspectral image classification than MLC which considered distribution.

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Design of 3-Dimensional Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (3차원 직교 주파수분할다중화의 설계)

  • Kang, Seog-Geun
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.677-680
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, a new orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with 3-dimensional (3-D) signal mapper is proposed. Here, the signal mapper consists of signals on the surface of Poincare sphere. If the signal points are uniformly distributed and normalized to have the same average power, the minimum Euclidean distance of a 3-D constellation is much larger than that of a 2-D constellation. Computer simulation shows that the proposed OFDM has much improved error performance as compared with the conventional system.

Business Function Modeling Using Mind-map and IDEF0 (IDEF0와 마인드 맵을 이용한 비즈니스 기능 모델링 방법)

  • 김철한;우훈식;김중인
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 1999.07a
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    • pp.207-213
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    • 1999
  • When function modeling with IDEF0 which is called as a standard methodology for CALS (FIPS 183), the initial work is to determine the purpose and viewpoint, and the next work is to generate a data list and an activity list. This work requires participant's discussion and agreements. The main problems for these working are a communication between participants and efficient discussion processing. Brainstorming is the most useful method for this work. The paper is for development for the modeling assistant tool to promote the business modeling. In this paper, we will introduce the tool which name is 'MindMapper' and 'Dyna-IDEF'. Mind-mapper is software for mind-map method that is used for creative thinking. Using this tool, we refine the result of the brainstorming about activity list and translate the result into the functional model of IDEF0 using Dyna-IDEF. The translated functional model is prototype model without ICOM arrows.

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  • Kim, Seonghun;Jeong, Jaeheon
    • Korean Journal of Mathematics
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.649-664
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    • 2021
  • There have been numerous efforts to provide legal information to the general public easily. Most of the existing legal information services are based on keyword-oriented legal ontology. However, this keyword-oriented ontology construction has a sense of disparity from the relationship between the laws used together in actual cases. To solve this problem, it is necessary to study which laws are actually used together in various judicial precedents. However, this is difficult to implement with the existing methods used in computer science or law. In our study, we analyzed this by using topological data analysis, which has recently attracted attention very promisingly in the field of data analysis. In this paper, we applied the the Mapper algorithm, which is one of the topological data analysis techniques, to visualize the relationships that laws form organically in actual precedents.

SkyMapper Optical Follow-up of Gravitational Wave Triggers: Overview of Alert Science Data Pipeline (AlertSDP)

  • Chang, Seo-Won
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.61.2-61.2
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    • 2021
  • SkyMapper is the largest-aperture optical wide-field telescope in Australia and can be used for transient detection in the Southern sky. Reference images from its Southern Survey cover the sky at δ <+10 deg to a depth of I ~ 20 mag. It has been used for surveys of extragalactic transients such as supernovae, optical counterparts to gravitational-wave (GW) and fast radio bursts. We adopt an ensemble-based machine learning technique and further filtering scheme that provides high completeness ~98% and purity ~91% across a wide magnitude range. Here we present an important use-case of our robotic transient search, which is the follow-up of GW event triggers from LIGO/Virgo. We discuss the facility's performance in the case of the second binary neutron star merger GW190425. In time for the LIGO/Virgo O4 run, we will have deeper reference images for galaxies within out to ~200 Mpc distance, allowing rapid transient detection to i ~ 21 mag.

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Estimating Sea Surface Temperature Change after Tide Embankment Construction using Landsat Data (방조제 건설에 의한 해수면 온도 변화 추정)

  • Shin, Dong-Hoon;Lee, Kyoo-Seock
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.224-232
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    • 2006
  • This study investigates to detect Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and land cover change after tide embankment construction using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) Thermal Infrared (TIR) band data at Shihwa Lake and surrounding area. SST measurement is important for studies of both the structure of the ocean and as the thermal boundary between the ocean and the atmosphere. Since 1970s, the derivation of SST by satellite remote sensing (RS) has been applied to earth surface using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and Landsat TM. However, AVHRR has restriction in deriving SST in the area whose shoreline is complicated like western coast in South Korea because of coarse spatial resolution. The TIR band of TM images can be used to detect SST change whose shoreline is complicated and narrow like the study site. Thus, multi-temporal TM images were used for SST change detection in this study.

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Identification of Anti-Cancer Targets of Eco-Friendly Waste Punica granatum Peel by Dual Reverse Virtual Screening and Binding Analysis

  • Usha, Talambedu;Goyal, Arvind Kumar;Lubna, Syed;Prashanth, H.P.;Mohan, T. Madhan;Pande, Veena;Middha, Sushil Kumar
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.23
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    • pp.10345-10350
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    • 2015
  • Background: Punica granatum (family: Lythraceae) is mainly found in Iran, which is considered to be its primary centre of origin. Studies on pomegranate peel have revealed antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenesis activities, with prevention of premature aging and reducing inflammation. In addition to this it is also useful in treating various diseases like diabetes, maintaining blood pressure and treatment of neoplasms such as prostate and breast cancer. Objectives: In this study we identified anti-cancer targets of active compounds like corilagin (tannins), quercetin (flavonoids) and pseudopelletierine (alkaloids) present in pomegranate peel by employing dual reverse screening and binding analysis. Materials and Methods: The potent targets of the pomegranate peel were annotated by the PharmMapper and ReverseScreen 3D, then compared with targets identified from different Bioassay databases (NPACT and HIT's). Docking was then further employed using AutoDock pyrx and validated through discovery studio for studying molecular interactions. Results: A number of potent anti-cancerous targets were attained from the PharmMapper server according to their fit score and from ReverseScreen 3D server according to decreasing 3D scores. Conclusion: The identified targets now need to be further validated through in vitro and in vivo studies.

Atmospheric Correction Effectiveness Analysis and Land Cover Classification Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery (항공 하이퍼스펙트럴 영상의 대기보정 효과 분석 및 토지피복 분류)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;Bhang, Kon-Joon;Joo, Young-Don
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2016
  • Atmospheric correction as a preprocessing work should be performed to conduct accurately landcover/landuse classification using hyperspectral imagery. Atmospheric correction on airborne hyperspectral images was conducted and then the effect of atmospheric correction by comparing spectral reflectance characteristics before and after atmospheric correction for a few landuse classes was analyzed. In addition, land cover classification was first conducted respectively by the maximum likelihood method and the spectral angle mapper method after atmospheric correction and then the results were compared. Applying the spectral angle mapper method, the sea water area were able to be classified with the minimum of noise at the threshold angle of 4 arc degree. It is considered that object-based classification method, which take into account of scale, spectral information, shape, texture and so forth comprehensively, is more advantageous than pixel-based classification methods in conducting landcover classification of the coastal area with hyperspectral images in which even the same object represents various spectral characteristics.

Comparison of Open Source based Algorithms and Filtering Methods for UAS Image Processing (오픈소스 기반 UAS 영상 재현 알고리즘 및 필터링 기법 비교)

  • Kim, Tae Hee;Lee, Yong Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.155-168
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    • 2020
  • Open source is a key growth engine of the 4th industrial revolution, and the continuous development and use of various algorithms for image processing is expected. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of the UAS image processing open source based algorithm by comparing and analyzing the water reproduction and moving object filtering function and the time required for data processing in 3D reproduction. Five matching algorithms were compared based on recall and processing speed through the 'ANN-Benchmarks' program, and HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World) matching algorithm was judged to be the best. Based on this, 108 algorithms for image processing were constructed by combining each methods of triangulation, point cloud data densification, and surface generation. In addition, the 3D reproduction and data processing time of 108 algorithms for image processing were studied for UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) images of a park adjacent to the sea, and compared and analyzed with the commercial image processing software 'Pix4D Mapper'. As a result of the study, the algorithms that are good in terms of reproducing water and filtering functions of moving objects during 3D reproduction were specified, respectively, and the algorithm with the lowest required time was selected, and the effectiveness of the algorithm was verified by comparing it with the result of 'Pix4D Mapper'.