• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map Flow analysis

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Injection Molding Analysis of Map Pocket with a Speaker Grill Using Shell Element (박막 요소를 이용한 스피커 그릴 일체형 맵 포켓의 사출 성형 해석)

  • Kim, Hong-Seok;Jo, Myeong-Sang;Son, Jung-Sik;Seo, Tae-Su;Kim, Tae-Ung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.1294-1301
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    • 2001
  • In order to reduce the time and cost for assembly, automobile speaker grills have been injection molded with door trims or map pockets in one piece recently. However, several defects such as short shots or air traps can easily occur due to the decreased fluidity of the melting polymer according to the excessive heat transfer to the mold. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the resin feed system and predict possible defects by CAE analysis. However it is not possible to obtain exact analysis results for the speaker grill by using general shell elements since the heat transfer in the thickness direction which is the dominant factor of the filling stage can not be considered. Therefore, there have been several efforts to simulate the injection molding nature of the speaker grill by using shell elements with an effective thickness which is smaller than the actual thickness of the part. Two empirical values have been recommended for the effective thickness in real practice. One is 50∼70% of the thickness of the speaker grill and another is the gap distance between the adjacent holes. In this paper, CAE analyses of a map pocket with a speaker grill were conducted using shell elements with both of these recommended effective thicknesses, and the predicted flow fronts were compared with the findings from injection molding experiments. The commercial code MOLDFLOW was used for injection molding analysis and an 850 ton injection molding machine was used for experiments.

Application of Geostatistical Methods to Groundwater Flow Analysis in a Heterogeneous Anisotropic Aquifer (불균질.이방성 대수층의 지하수 유동분석에 지구통계기법의 응용)

  • 정상용;유인걸;윤명재;권해우;허선희
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.147-159
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    • 1999
  • Geostatistical methods were used for the groundwater flow analysis in a heterogeneous anisotropic aquifer. This study area is located at Sonbul-myeon in Hampyong-gun of Cheonnam Province which is a hydrogeological project area of KORES(Korea Resources Cooperation). Linear regression analysis shows that the topographic elevation and groundwater level of this area have very high correlation. Groundwater-level contour maps produced by ordinary kriging and cokringing have large differences in mountain areas, but small differences in hill and plain areas near the West Sea. Comparing two maps on the basis of an elevation contour map, a groundwater-level contour map using cokriging is more accurate. Analyzing the groundwater flow on two groundwater-level contour maps, the groundwater of study area flows from the high mountain areas to the plain areas near the West Sea. To verify the enffectiveness of geostatistical methods for the groundwater flow analysis in a heterogeneous anisotropic aquifer, the flow directions of groundwater were measured at two groundwater boreholes by a groundwater flowmeter system(model 200 $GeoFlo^{R}$). The measured flow directions of groundwater almost accord with those estimated on two groundwater-level contour maps produced by geostatistical methods.

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Identification of Two-Phase Flow Patterns Based on Statistical Characteristics of Differential Pressure Fluctuations (차압교란치의 통계적 특성에 의한 2상유동양식의 판별)

  • 이상천;이정표;김중엽
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.1290-1299
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    • 1990
  • Characteristics of flow patterns in horizontal gas-liquid two-phase flow for two different sizes of pipe were investigated based upon a statistical analysis of differential pressure fluctuations at an orifice. The probability density function and the power spectral density function of the traces indicate peculiar shapes depending upon the two-phase flow regime. Mixed and separated flows also could be identified by the autocorrelation function. The transition region from separated flow to mixed flow also could be identified by these statistical properties. The experimental data determined by this method were compared with the flow pattern maps suggested by other investigators. The result indicates that the statistical characteristics of differential pressure fluctuations at orifices may be a useful tool for identifying flow patterns of horizontal gas-liquid two-phase flow.

Application of kriging approach for estimation of water table elevation (Kriging 기법을 이용한 지하수위 분포 추정)

  • Park, Jun-Kyung;Park, Young-Jin;Wye, Yong-Gon;Lee, Sang-Ho;Hong, Chang-Soo;Choo, Suk-Yeon
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.217-227
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    • 2002
  • Geostatistical methods were used for the groundwater flow analysis on the ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$ tunnel area. Linear regression analysis shows that the topographic elevation and ground water level of this area have very high correlation. Groundwater-level contour maps produced by ordinary kriging and cokriging have little differences in mountain areas. But, comparing two maps on the basis of an elevation contour map, a groundwater-level contour map using cokring is more accurate. Analyzing the groundwater flow on two groundwater-level contour maps, the groundwater of study area flows from the north-west mountain areas to near valleys, and from the peak of the mountain to outside areas. In the design steps, the groundwater-level distribution is reasonably considered in the tunnel construction area by cokriging approach. And, geostatistics will provide quantitative information in the unknown groundwatrer-level area.

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An upgrade of Landslide Hazard Map with Analysis of Debris Flow using High-Quality Geospatial Information (고품질 공간정보를 이용한 토석류 분석을 통한 산사태위험지도의 갱신방안 - 춘천지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, In Tae;Yu, Young Geol;Park, Kheun;Park, Jae Kook
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2015
  • This study utilized high quality three-dimensional geospatial information produced by high-resolution Digital Aerial Photograph and Airborne LiDAR data in order to analyse landslides and debris flows induced by the heavy rainfall in Chuncheon area. Also, this study analysed correlation between the established landslide hazard map and the landslide factor effect and reviewed the analysis result of debris flows on the area where landslides with debris flows occurred frequently. Finally;the study proposed ways to renew the established landslide hazard map effectively and utilize the high quality three-dimensional Geospatial information on the landslide risk area.

Sensitivity analysis of numerical schemes in natural cooling flows for low power research reactors

  • Karami, Imaneh;Aghaie, Mahdi
    • Advances in Energy Research
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.255-275
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    • 2017
  • The advantages of using natural circulation (NC) as a cooling system, has prompted the worldwide development to investigate this phenomenon more than before. The interesting application of the NC in low power experimental facilities and research reactors, highlights the obligation of study in these laminar flows. The inherent oscillations of NC between hot source and cold sink in low Grashof numbers necessitates stability analysis of cooling flow with experimental or numerical schemes. For this type of analysis, numerical methods could be implemented to desired mass, momentum and energy equations as an efficient instrument for predicting the behavior of the flow field. In this work, using the explicit, implicit and Crank-Nicolson methods, the fluid flow parameters in a natural circulation experimental test loop are obtained and the sensitivity of solving approaches are discussed. In this way, at first, the steady state and transient results from explicit are obtained and compared with experimental data. The implicit and crank-Nicolson scheme is investigated in next steps and in subsequent this research is focused on the numerical aspects of instability prediction for these schemes. In the following, the assessment of the flow behavior with coarse and fine mesh sizes and time-steps has been reported and the numerical schemes convergence are compared. For more detail research, the natural circulation of fluid was modeled by ANSYS-CFX software and results for the experimental loop are shown. Finally, the stability map for rectangular closed loop was obtained with employing the Nyquist criterion.

A Study of the Analysis of Characteristics of Nonlinear Dynamic System on Blood-Flow of Peripheral Blood-Vessel between Diabetic Patients and Control Subjects (당뇨병환자와 정상인의 말초혈관혈류의 비선형적 운동계 분석에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, D.H.;Choi, J.Y.;Yi, S.H.;Go, H.W.;Nam, S.H.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1996 no.11
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    • pp.363-367
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    • 1996
  • In general, the physiological systems have shown nonlinear complex phenomena. This study analyzes nonlinear characteristics of the flow of peripheral blood vessel dynamics in physiological systems using chaos theory. We performed this study by means of several quantity methods and power spectrum. The quantity methods are a phase space reconstruction and a poincare's map. And the power spectrum method is a conventional linear analysis. Experimental data have been acquired from examining 10 diabetic patients, and 10 control subjects in initial stable state. In acquisition experminetal data, we anlysized the differences of nonlinear characteristics between diabetic group and control group. The results of quality analysis methods showed the flow of peripheral blood vessel had the nonlinear and chaotic characteristics, screening a strange attractor on reconstructed phase space. In conclusion, the flow dynamics of peripheral blood vessel had a chaotic behavior of nonlinear dynamic systems, dynamic system, and differences of characteristic of nonlinear dynamic system.

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Pre-processing for the Design of Micro-fluid Flow Sensing Elements

  • Kim Jin-Taek;Pak Bock-Choon;Lee Cheul-Ro;Baek B.J.
    • KSTLE International Journal
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.22-26
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    • 2006
  • A simple finite element analysis is performed to simulate the thermal characteristics of a micro sensor package with thin film heater embedded in the glass wall of a micro-channel. In this paper, Electric characteristics of ITO sputtered heater were presented in this study, which can be used as a map of heater design in the range of available system temperature. The effects of thermo-physical properties of materials, geometrical structure and boundary condition on the thermal performance are also investigated. Finally, the design of micro-flow induced thermal sensor that is capable of measuring fluid flow with a lower flow detection limit of approximately 24pL/s is presented.

The Study on Analyzing Overflow in River (MIKE FLOOD를 이용한 하천 범람 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Gye-Woon;Byeon, Seong-June;Chung, Youn-Joong;Kim, Young-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1236-1240
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    • 2006
  • Flooding is an inevitable problem for many cities. The study has depended on a combined approach of physically based modeling and GIS. The stream network is structured by MIKE11 for basis of a network and extended by MIKE21 to make like 2D analysis. This method is called alternative 2D analysis. In this study, one of area in Korea is used to analyze overflow of stream. Flood risk of the area looks like not so big because an elevation of this area is very high and slope is steep, but it is very dangerous area due to the typhoons. The tools to make flood risk map are MIKE11 and MIKE21 include GIS program. And map is expressed 3-D animation with MIKE Animator. As a result of this work, the flood risk map is made. And everyone who is not an expert can check dangerous area for flooding. At present, the method which is viable and easily confirmable must be promote because one of matters of common interest, which is of the general public, is the flood disaster.

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Prediction of Landslide around Stone Relics of Jinjeon-saji Area (진전사지 석조문화재 주변의 산사태예측)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Su;Lee, Choon-Oh;Song, Young-Suk;Cho, Yong-Chan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.1378-1385
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    • 2008
  • The probability of landslide hazards was predicted to natural terrain around the stone relics of Jinjeon-saji area, which is located in Yangyang, Kangwon Province. As the analysis results of field investigation, laboratory test and geology and geomorphology data, the effect factors of landslides occurrence were evaluated, and then the landslides prediction map was made up by use of prediction model considering the effect factors. The susceptibility of stone relics induced by landslides was investigated as the grading classification of occurrence probability using the landslides prediction map. In the landslides prediction map, the high probability area of landslides over 70% of occurrence probability was 3,489m3, which was 10.1% of total prediction area. If landslides are occurred at the high elevation area, the three stories stone pagoda of Jinjeon-saji (National treasure No.122) and the stone lantern of Jinjeon-saji (Treasure No.439) will be collapsed by debris flow.

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