• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map Expansion

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What Scientific Model Should We Use to Teach Cosmic Expansion to Students? (우주 팽창 교수.학습을 위해 어떤 모형을 사용해야 할까?)

  • Hyunjung Lee;Dayeon Yoo;Byeongmin Kong;Junyeon Won;Hyunjin Shim
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2024
  • This study compares two analogical models employed in the instruction of cosmic expansion to assess their impact on the comprehension of middle and high school students. Among the most frequently used models, the balloon model, in which the surface of a balloon represents the Universe, and the bread model, in which the bread itself symbolizes the Universe, were chosen. Using the balloon model, students are required to conceptualize the 2-dimensional surface as representing a higher-dimensional space. Using the bread model, students need to visualize the Universe as the interior of the bread prior to slicing it. For middle school students who had not yet studied cosmic expansion, the balloon model proved more effective in conveying the fundamental scientific concept that the expanding Universe has no center. High school students, who were already familiar with the concept of expansion without a center from previous lessons, found it easier to map the analogy onto the target using the bread model. Based on these results, we conclude that employing multiple models is necessary to complement any single analogy, given its inherent limitations.

A Development of GIS-based Transformation Management System : : A Field-level Desktop GIS-T (GIS 기반의 교통관리체계 개발)

  • Choi, Kee-Choo;Park, In-Cheol;Shin, Hae-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.4 no.1 s.6
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 1996
  • As can be seen in US case with the introduction of ISTEA and CAAA, the expansion of the transportation decision-making role of local government is expected to be quite apparent in Korea, and the increased importance of decision-making in transportation issues requires increased attention to both justification and analysis of transportation initiatives. A GIS-based facility management system in a desktop computing environment has been constructed using MapInfo, ARC/INFO, and Microstation to allow such expanded role of local government's decision-making activities. In this paper, first, authors try to explain the procedures of system design; that is, the digital map production including vectorizing, data conversion, attribute data entry, and application programming development. Then, various management functions which are basically embedded in MapInfo environment, and application functions established by the use of MapBasic language has been explored Finally, the possible benefits of combining geographic information systems with traffic planning scheme has also been described with some discussion.

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A study on the Image Augmented Reality Card using Augmented Reality (증강현실을 이용한 이미지기반 AR카드 활용방안 연구)

  • Park, Ki-Deok;Chung, Jean-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.467-474
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    • 2014
  • Augmented reality in the smart environments is the interaction between the user and the media through the expansion of a variety of experiences is provided. How to use the location information, how to use markers, utilizing real-time marker-less interaction with the real world and the virtual world, such as the mapping method intermediary situated in real-time. Expansion of the elements of experience, and augmented reality as a tool of information being utilized. Educational Edutainment AR card to take advantage in terms of content was a real-time marker-less approach to create an image map image map was constructed urbanization. Stereoscopic 3D environment, taking advantage of the object produced by combining augmented reality and way of interaction, educational content. Help in terms of active and passive involvement pra realistic interest leads to a way of giving tangible.

A Content-based Audio Retrieval System Supporting Efficient Expansion of Audio Database (음원 데이터베이스의 효율적 확장을 지원하는 내용 기반 음원 검색 시스템)

  • Park, Ji Hun;Kang, Hyunchul
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.811-820
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    • 2017
  • For content-based audio retrieval which is one of main functions in audio service, the techniques for extracting fingerprints from the audio source, storing and indexing them in a database are widely used. However, if the fingerprints of new audio sources are continually inserted into the database, there is a problem that space efficiency as well as audio retrieval performance are gradually deteriorated. Therefore, there is a need for techniques to support efficient expansion of audio database without periodic reorganization of the database that would increase the system operation cost. In this paper, we design a content-based audio retrieval system that solves this problem by using MapReduce and NoSQL database in a cluster computing environment based on the Shazam's fingerprinting algorithm, and evaluate its performance through a detailed set of experiments using real world audio data.

Fast Scalar Multiplication Algorithm on Elliptic Curve over Optimal Extension Fields (최적확장체 위에서 정의되는 타원곡선에서의 고속 상수배 알고리즘)

  • Chung Byungchun;Lee Soojin;Hong Seong-Min;Yoon Hyunsoo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2005
  • Speeding up scalar multiplication of an elliptic curve point has been a prime approach to efficient implementation of elliptic curve schemes such as EC-DSA and EC-ElGamal. Koblitz introduced a $base-{\phi}$ expansion method using the Frobenius map. Kobayashi et al. extended the $base-{\phi}$ scalar multiplication method to suit Optimal Extension Fields(OEF) by introducing the table reference method. In this paper we propose an efficient scalar multiplication algorithm on elliptic curve over OEF. The proposed $base-{\phi}$ scalar multiplication method uses an optimized batch technique after rearranging the computation sequence of $base-{\phi}$ expansion usually called Horner's rule. The simulation results show that the new method accelerates the scalar multiplication about $20\%{\sim}40\%$ over the Kobayashi et al. method and is about three times as fast as some conventional scalar multiplication methods.

Estimating Spatial Scope of Local Government Ordinance for Onshore Wind Energy Generation Facilities (육상풍력 발전시설 지자체 규제 공간범위 산정 연구)

  • Sung Hee, Hong;So Ra, Kim;Eun Jung, Park;Hye Rim, Lee;Jin Young, Kim;Su Jin, Hwang;Jung Eun, Song
    • New & Renewable Energy
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.38-53
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    • 2022
  • T Recently, the government has been promoting the expansion and supply of renewable energy as an alternative for achieving carbon neutrality and the nationally determined contributions by 2030. In 2020, the Ministries of Industry and Environment and the Korea Forest Service collaborated to build a nationwide onshore wind energy siting atlas considering wind resources and forestry and environmental regulations focused on central regulations. In this study, the ordinances of the local governments were analyzed to examine the effects of regional location regulations on the expansion of onshore wind power energy generation facilities, in addition to those of central regulations. A development permit standard survey of 226 urban plan ordinances of the local governments nationwide showed that presently in 2022, 52 municipalities are applying regulations on wind energy generation facilities by ordinances. This is twice more than that in 2018, when renewable energy power generation facility development was difficult. Additionally, the location regulations applied by these ordinances were organized by items and regions, and regulatory characteristics, such as the number and scope, were analyzed by regions. To analyze the spatial distribution characteristics, JeollaNamdo was selected as the case area. A spatial DB was established for regulated areas based on the regional and central regulations, and the spatial distribution characteristics and the regulatory scope were compared and analyzed.

A Study on Flood Area Typology Using the Inundation Trace Map - A Case Study of Busan Metropolitan City - (침수흔적도를 활용한 침수지역 유형화에 관한 연구 -부산광역시를 사례로-)

  • Yoo, Chang;Hong, Soon Heon;Choi, Hyun;Nam, Kwang Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.393-400
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    • 2013
  • Recently, expected casuality or property damage, such as flood damage, environmental destruction, etc, is increased because of the local heavy rain or flood by climatic changes. Especially, there are lots of property damages caused by increase of flood frequency and expansion of flood area because impervious rate is increased by urban sprawling development. Therefore, this research intends to analyze reasons of flood damage by each form and suggest protective measures through the typology of flood area for Haeundae-gu, Suyoung-gu, Saha-gu in Busan Metropolitan City with Busan's inundation trace map which has made from 2009. To achieve them, flood area was divided into water flooding type, river flooding type and seawater flooding type. And, protective measures focusing on previous prevention gave the relationship by dividing into managing system aspect, infrastructure building aspect and system aspect, so it approached flooding problems more objectively and scientifically. And, this research intends to suggest vitalizing measures for the utilization of inundation trace map in the future.

Ontology-Based Process-Oriented Knowledge Map Enabling Referential Navigation between Knowledge (지식 간 상호참조적 네비게이션이 가능한 온톨로지 기반 프로세스 중심 지식지도)

  • Yoo, Kee-Dong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.61-83
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    • 2012
  • A knowledge map describes the network of related knowledge into the form of a diagram, and therefore underpins the structure of knowledge categorizing and archiving by defining the relationship of the referential navigation between knowledge. The referential navigation between knowledge means the relationship of cross-referencing exhibited when a piece of knowledge is utilized by a user. To understand the contents of the knowledge, a user usually requires additionally information or knowledge related with each other in the relation of cause and effect. This relation can be expanded as the effective connection between knowledge increases, and finally forms the network of knowledge. A network display of knowledge using nodes and links to arrange and to represent the relationship between concepts can provide a more complex knowledge structure than a hierarchical display. Moreover, it can facilitate a user to infer through the links shown on the network. For this reason, building a knowledge map based on the ontology technology has been emphasized to formally as well as objectively describe the knowledge and its relationships. As the necessity to build a knowledge map based on the structure of the ontology has been emphasized, not a few researches have been proposed to fulfill the needs. However, most of those researches to apply the ontology to build the knowledge map just focused on formally expressing knowledge and its relationships with other knowledge to promote the possibility of knowledge reuse. Although many types of knowledge maps based on the structure of the ontology were proposed, no researches have tried to design and implement the referential navigation-enabled knowledge map. This paper addresses a methodology to build the ontology-based knowledge map enabling the referential navigation between knowledge. The ontology-based knowledge map resulted from the proposed methodology can not only express the referential navigation between knowledge but also infer additional relationships among knowledge based on the referential relationships. The most highlighted benefits that can be delivered by applying the ontology technology to the knowledge map include; formal expression about knowledge and its relationships with others, automatic identification of the knowledge network based on the function of self-inference on the referential relationships, and automatic expansion of the knowledge-base designed to categorize and store knowledge according to the network between knowledge. To enable the referential navigation between knowledge included in the knowledge map, and therefore to form the knowledge map in the format of a network, the ontology must describe knowledge according to the relation with the process and task. A process is composed of component tasks, while a task is activated after any required knowledge is inputted. Since the relation of cause and effect between knowledge can be inherently determined by the sequence of tasks, the referential relationship between knowledge can be circuitously implemented if the knowledge is modeled to be one of input or output of each task. To describe the knowledge with respect to related process and task, the Protege-OWL, an editor that enables users to build ontologies for the Semantic Web, is used. An OWL ontology-based knowledge map includes descriptions of classes (process, task, and knowledge), properties (relationships between process and task, task and knowledge), and their instances. Given such an ontology, the OWL formal semantics specifies how to derive its logical consequences, i.e. facts not literally present in the ontology, but entailed by the semantics. Therefore a knowledge network can be automatically formulated based on the defined relationships, and the referential navigation between knowledge is enabled. To verify the validity of the proposed concepts, two real business process-oriented knowledge maps are exemplified: the knowledge map of the process of 'Business Trip Application' and 'Purchase Management'. By applying the 'DL-Query' provided by the Protege-OWL as a plug-in module, the performance of the implemented ontology-based knowledge map has been examined. Two kinds of queries to check whether the knowledge is networked with respect to the referential relations as well as the ontology-based knowledge network can infer further facts that are not literally described were tested. The test results show that not only the referential navigation between knowledge has been correctly realized, but also the additional inference has been accurately performed.

The Study of Pullout-Behavior Characteristics of The Ground Anchor Using Expanded Hole (확공을 이용한 지압형 앵커의 인발거동 특성 연구)

  • Min, Kyong-Nam;Jung, Chan-Mook;Jung, Dae-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.1502-1508
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    • 2011
  • Ground anchor expands the hollow wall of settled part and has the structure which resists the designed tensile load by the bearing pressure generated by the wedge of the anchor body pressing in the expanded part. Such ground anchor has been recognized for stability and economicality since 1960s in technologically advanced nations such as Japan and Europe, and in 1970s, the Japan Society of Soil Engineering has established and announced the anchor concept map. The ground anchor introduced in Korea, however, has the structural problem where the tensile strength is comes only from the ground frictional force due to expansion of the wedge body. In an interval where the ground strength is locally reduced due to fault, discontinuation or such, this is pointed out as a critical weakness where the anchor body of around 1.0m must resist the tensile load. Also, in the installation of concrete block, the concentrated stress of concrete block constructed on the uneven rock surface causes damage, and many such issues in the anchor head have been reported. Thus, in this study, by using the expanded bit for precise expansion of settled part, the ground anchor system was completed so that the bearing pressure of ground anchor can be expressed as much as possible, and the bearing plate was inserted into the ground to resolve the existing issues of concrete block. Through numerical analysis and pullout test executed for verification of site applicability, the pullout-behavior characteristics of anchor was analyzed.

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Estimating Optimal Potential Surface for Spatial Expansion of Built-up Area by Formulating WSM-AHP Method (WSM-AHP법의 정식화를 통한 주거지 확산 지역의 최적 잠재력 표면의 추정)

  • Kim, Dae-Sik
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 2008
  • This study developed the WSM (weighted scenario method)-AHP method that can optimize the weighting value for multi-criteria to make GIS grid-based potential surface. The potential surface has been used to simulate urban expansion using distributed cellular automata model and to generate land-use planning as basic data. This study formulated the WSM-AHP method in mathematically and applied to test region, Suwon city, which located on south area from Seoul. WSM-AHP method generates potential map for each pair of weighting value for all criteria, which one criterion is weighted with high weighting value and the others use low weighting value, considering that the summation for all criteria weighting values should be "1". The potential change rate to the step of weighted scenario for weighting value of criteria is standardized like AHP intensity matrix in this study. From the standard potential change rate, WSM-AHP intensity matrix is completed, and then the optimal weighting value is calculated from the maximum eigenvector of the WSM-AHP matrix, according to the new WSM-AHP method developed in this study. The applied results of new method showed that the optimal weighting value from WSM-AHP is more resonable than the general AHP specialists' evaluation for weighting value. The another new finding of this study is to suggest the deterministic approach to optimize the weighting value for the distributed CA model, which is used to find new city area and to generate rational land-use planning.