• Title/Summary/Keyword: Manufacturing Training

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A Study on Systematic Model Development of Skill Improvement for Industrial Engineers (PLC Based Control) (기업체 현장엔지니어 향상 프로그램의 체계적인 모형개발에 대한 연구(PLC 기반 제어를 중심으로))

  • Kim, Jin-Woo;Lee, Woo-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2009
  • It is necessary that the industry has to develop various automated control technology for efficient creation of manufacture automation system according to rapid market situation. One of the technologies is the fused complex control based on PLC-based controlled system. According to rapid growth and distribution of various automated control technologies using PLC, the engineers in automation, Production and manufacturing technologies fields have difficulties in systematic studying on the technologies by choosing an optimal route due to various industry-applied examples and ranges, in spite that the technology is essential. Therefore, the researchers indicate applied outputs and effects extracted by systematically developing systematic company-specified training program by analyzing education procedure drawbacks for S-company engineers.

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Document Flow for the Research Reactor Project in ANSIM Document Control System (ANSIM 문서관리시스템에서 연구로사업 문서흐름)

  • Park, Kook-Nam;Kim, Kwon-Ho;Kim, Jun-Yeon;Wu, Sang-Ik;Oh, Soo-Youl
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 2013
  • A document control system (DCS), ANSIM (KAERI Advanced Nuclear Safety Information Management) was designed for the purpose of documents preparation, review, and approvement for JRTR (Jordan Research and Training Reactor) project. The ANSIM system consists of a document management, document container, project management, organization management, and EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) document folder. The document container folder run after specific contents, a revision history of the design documents and drawings are issued in KAERI. The EPC document work-scope is a registry for incoming documents in ANSIM, the assignment of a manager or charger, document review, preparing and outgoing PM memorandum as attached the reviewed paper. On the other hand, KAERI is aiming another extra network server for the NRR (New Research Reactor) by the end of this year. In conclusion, it is the first, computation system of DCS that provides document form, document number, and approval line. Second, ANSIM increases the productivity of performance that can be recognized the document work-flow of oneself and all participants. Finally, a plenty of experience and knowledge of nuclear technology can be transmitted to next generation for the design, manufacturing, testing, installation, and commissioning. Though this, ANSIM is expected to allow the export of a knowledge and information system as well as a research reactor.

A Study for Improving the Managerial and Technological Consultancy for Korean Medium Industries. (한국 중소기업을 위한 경영.기술 지도사업의 효율화 방안)

  • 장영기
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.31-47
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    • 1980
  • Since medium and small manufacturing enterprises have , played a very important role not only in national economy but also in political and social relationships all of the countries in the world have paid favorable policies and programmes for protecting and promoting this sector. In Korea main ingredients of promoting policy for this sector consist of (1) encouragement to modernize facilities and rationalize operation (2) special priority in bank loan (3) promotion of industrial cooperatives (4) prevention of infringement by large industries. However, substantial investigation for problems incurred in medium industries has revealed that unless medium industries improve and raise their technological and managerial skillfulness for themselves all other measures are useless to solve the problems. This realization has induced all of the countries to render extension services on both of technology and management to assist and support their own effort for rationalization. Also in Korea during past 20 years many technical and managerial research institutes have rendered free consultancy services to medium industries by the support of government subsidy. Among them the joint extension services project performed by the Medium Industry Bank and UNDP during 1967 and 1975 might he listed as model case because of its broad and integrated activities and participation of foreign experts. We think many precepts should be :learned from the study of this project. Korean economy is expected to develop rapidly throughout coming'80 in spite of many obstacles, tut there is an apprehension that gap in of every facet between medium and large enterprises might he deepened and enlarged. To prevent the actualization of so-called dual structure of national economy and to promote stabilized medium industries with high added value productivity which are shown in well developed countries, consultancy assistance ana extension services should be strengthened much more than ever. Fortunately in 1978 legislation of "Medium and small industry promotion act" has paved the way for the systematic achivement of consultancy and extension services which shall be integrated by the government overall program. Under new framework thoughtfull accomplishment should be undertaken considering precious precepts obtained from past experience and failure. Special attention should be given to the technical liaison officer scheme, exclusive participation of only professional institutes, strict qualification and training for consultants for the future succsseful implementation.

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A Study for the Development of the Aerobic Exercise Equipment through Cooperation between Design and Engineering Fields - Focusing on the Development of Elliptical Cross Trainer

  • Chung Kyung-Ryul;Yoon Se-Kyun;Song Bok-Hee;Park Il-Woo
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.3 s.65
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    • pp.183-194
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    • 2006
  • It is expected that the typical lifestyle of the future will be transformed into an opulent and comfortable existence as the quality of life improves due to the increase in household income and reduction in working hours. In the meantime, as the standard of living becomes increasingly more comfortable and plentiful, the toll on physical health becomes magnified as a result of obesity and insufficient exercise caused by super nutrition and change in labor conditions. This has instigated a deep awareness in fitness on the part of many people, forcing them to recognize the significance of daily exercise and physical activity. The Elliptical Cross Trainer(ECT), which has drawn wide attention recently, is a non-impact athletic apparatus that not only promotes exercise of the upper body parts in such sports as skiing but also the exercise of lower parts of the body on a treadmill. It is a type of cross training athletic gear that has been developed for aerobic exercise throughout the entire body. It has already formed a market as big as that of the treadmill in Europe, America, etc. Recently, its demand is growing sharply in the Korean markets as well as those in Northeast Asian countries. Despite such demand increase and expansion, since most of the expensive ECTs are exclusively supplied by suppliers in only a few advanced countries, localization of the ECT is urgently required in order to enhance competitiveness of Korean manufacturers and to expand the market. The ECT development project has been in full swing for approximately two year since 2004 in order to secure independent design, as well as engineering and manufacturing processes in efforts to develop a commercially viable ECT.

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Evaluation of Good Clinical Practice(GCP) Implementability at the Designated Clinical Trial Hospitals (임상시험 지정병원의 "의약품 임상시험 관리기준(KGCP)" 수행 가능성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Sun-Mee;Lee, Eui-Kyung;Park, Byung-Joo;Huh, Soon-Im
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.86-109
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    • 1995
  • Clinical trials of drugs on humans is the final and most important stage in evaluating the safety and efficacy of the drugs. Good Clinical Practice(GCP) standards were announced in 1987 to protect testees' rights as well as to ensure validity of the clinical trial results, but its implementation has been delayed until now. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the preparedness of the designated institutions to abide by GCP standards during clinical trials, and thereby to determine GCP implementability at the institutions. Survey on the status of clinical trials was conducted for the designated 83 clinical trial hospitals. Response rate was 95.2%. Donabedian's quality assessment model was applied as the basic framework for the study. And the relative - weights for the evaluation items were determined by expert's evaluation. Among the designated 83 hospitals, 39 conducted clinical trials to obtain drug manufacturing approval from 1990 to 1994. Only 19 institutions are found to be able to meet the requirements of KGCP. Structure variables - manpower, organization, and facility -, which are the basic elements for GCP, are evaluated as unsatisfied in many hospitals. Institutions which established IRB accounted for 41 or 51.9%, but those who have a protocol evaluation guideline, or Adverse Drug Reaction(ADR) reporting system were only 12 and 21 institutions, respectively. Also, the institutions providing educational programs on conducting clinical trials are few - 20. The study results indicates that the level of conducting KGCP is unsatisfactory. However, more institutions are expected to be able to meet the standards soon because GCP standards does not require so much regulation on facilities, but stress importance on research methodology and human right. At present as the institutions for clinical trials are primarily training hospitals with residency programs, such efforts as education will accelerate the implementability of GCP in Korea. Institutions must build the appropriate infrastructure and government must prepare to strongly enforce KGCP before it can successfully take place.

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The Global Distribution Direction of Defense Industry in Eastern Europe under the New Cooperation Strengthened (신 협력 강화에 따른 동유럽 방위산업의 국제유통방향)

  • Seo, Dae-Sung;Coo, Byung-Mo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - After the transition, the development of defense industry in Eastern Europe has been regressed. Recently, they have internationally recognized that new products have been exported and contributed to the Innovation-Based Manufacturing of national economy such as unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, water purification technology, and mobile chemical laboratory, etc. The military forces in Eastern Europe are re-armed by the localization of self-produced munitions in their own defense industry, and then emphasize fostering their own defense industry. Thus, if they make a collaboration with other nations as a industrial cluster, it will gain a competitive edge on the defense industry. Research design, data, and methodology - The study was designed with the data of each national defense department. The research of the subject was reviewed before and after the transition. Thousands of workers have worked in defense industries before the transition, however, the defense industry and experts left after the transition. The Hungarian defense spending on GDP also dropped sharply from 1.72% in 2000 to 0.85% in 2013. But, due to the crisis in Ukraine and the crisis of Syrian refugees, the Viségrad Group (V4) member countries have also increased their interest in a defense and industries as well as the confidence in the EU and NATO. Results - On the whole, the joint of military training and purchase of defense materials were found in order to form the EU cooperative combat troops in CEE. There are the implementation of a joint manual plan for strengthening V4 security policy and the joint military exercises for V4 every year, and the others are electronic warfare and innovation of V4 national forces. Through such a performance analysis methodology, we found that the defense industry is developed through the national cluster cooperation among CEEs and spreading global distribution. Conclusions - Eastern Europe and Balkan countries have been looking forward to cooperating with the non-EU countries such as Korea and other defense industries. There are a lot of potential development into a new civilian cooperation defense industry for global-distribution. Thus, Korea should develop electronic commercial applications, not just as a weapon exporting region.

Processing and Quality of a Retort Pouched Soup Made from Brown-backed Toadfish Lagocephalus gloveri (흑밀복(Lagocephalus gloveri)을 이용한 레토르트파우치 복국의 제조 및 품질특성)

  • Hwang, Seok-Min;Kim, Gun-Cheol;Hwang, Young-Sook;Jeon, Eun-Bi;Lee, Hyun-Jin;Oh, Kwang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.308-315
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    • 2020
  • To obtain a value-added product from the non-toxic brown-backed toadfish Lagocephalus gloveri (pufferfish), we developed a retort pouched pufferfish soup (RPS) and characterized its processing conditions and quality metrics. We found that the most appropriate manufacturing process for the RPS consisted of detoxifying and cold-water dipping the pufferfish flesh, blanching it, and adding it to the retort pouch along with other ingredients (hot-water extract of pufferfish head and carcass, radish, bean sprouts, and garlic), after which the pouch was sealed, sterilized (120℃, F0 value 7.5-10 min.), cooled, and inspected. The moisture, crude protein, and total volatile basic nitrogen contents of the RPS were 97.2%, 1.3% and 7.7 mg/100 g, respectively. The total free amino acid content was 903.2 mg/100 g, and the main free amino acids were glutamic acid, taurine, lysine, glycine, threonine, alanine, arginine, proline, and hydroxyproline. Sterilizing the RPS for up to F0 value 10 min. did not cause any major problems in terms of chemical or sensory qualities. This RPS has good storage stability and organoleptic qualities compared with similar commercial pufferfish soups and is suitable for commercialization as a value-added instant seafood soup.

The Effects of Bakery Worker's Occupational Asthma and Rhinitis on Job Performance and Turnover Intention (베이커리 종사자의 직업성 천식 및 비염이 직무 성과와 이직 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Il;Lee, Eun-Jun;Choi, Seong-Gi
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.233-246
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates the effects of occupational asthma and rhinitis on job performance in order to maintain the health of bakery workers and to increase manufacturing productivity. Hotel bakery workers, small bakery businesses, bakery franchises and bakeries in large discount stores, located in Seoul, Kyungki and Incheon were sampled for the study over the period of December 1 to 15, 2008. A total of 245 samples were used for the final analysis. To verify the hypothesis established for the study, we conducted frequency analysis, factorial analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis using SPSS 12.0, a statistical package, to derive a conclusion. As a result of this study, it turned out that occupational asthma and rhinitis in bakery workers does affect job performance as well as motivating the intention to quit job. It is recommended that in order to increase the job performance of bakery workers and reduce their desire to quit job, their work environment should be improved and that training about occupational asthma and rhinitis should be provided for the prevention and reduction of disease.

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Case Analysis of Industry-Oriented Collegiate Curriculum Development and Implementation in the IT Sector: A Supply Chain Management Approach (현장수요 지향적 대학IT 교과과정 개발 및 운영 사례연구 : 공급사슬관리적 접근)

  • Om, Ki-Yong;Lee, Jae-Won;Yoon, Suk-Cheon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2010
  • Confronted with serious problems in nurturing IT engineers such as a mismatch in supply and demand of IT workers, shortage of globally competitive IT professionals, and insufficient education and training of university graduates, the Ministry of Information and Communication has decided to adopt a new approach in national IT engineering education, based on supply chain management (SCM) in manufacturing. SCM weighs improving competitiveness of the supply chain as a whole via a long-term commitment to supply chain relationships and a cooperative, integrated approach to business processes. These benefits of SCM are believed to provide useful insight into a more effective IT education and industry orientation. On the basis of the SCM literature, a framework for industry-oriented practical IT higher education is designed, and then applied in the field of computer-software engineering in Korea.

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A Study on Awareness and Responses of Korean Textile Firms against Korea-US FTA (한·미 FTA에 대한 한국섬유업체의 인식 및 대응방안에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Ju-Young;Lee, Hyun-Ok;Ku, Yang-Suk
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.978-987
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    • 2015
  • This study investigates the awareness levels of Korean textile companies and develops appropriate response plans for the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement. The study also explores practical and realistic directions that the Korean textile industry must initiate. A qualitative study was conducted on 10 individuals for a more in-depth and demonstrative understanding that provide a better awareness on the responses of the textile industry towards the Korea-US FTA. The results of this study are as follows. First, the effect of the Korea-US FTA on the textile industry was insignificant. Second, industry members determined that fabric sectors and specialized fabrics (such as industrial materials and finished clothing products) could realize benefits through the Korea-US FTA. Third, industry members emphasize that the current focus is on FTAs by countries that have solidified their positions as manufacturing and sewing bases for the US and Europe (such as Southeast Asia) and not the Korea-US FTA. Based on results acquired through this study, the response measures to enter the U.S. market are as follows. First, the industry must develop high-performance and high value-adding direct export products suited to the needs of the US market in order to realize the benefits of the Korea-US FTA. Second, the industry and government must cooperate to actively host and participate in overseas trade shows that can actively open sales channels within the US. Third, the self-sustainability of textile companies must be cultivated through continuous and focused government training.