• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mal-Cha(powdered green tea)

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Effect of Mal-Cha (Powdered Green Tea) on the Quality of Jeung-Pyun (말차(抹茶) 첨가에 따른 증편의 품질 특성)

  • Jung Su-Young;You Hyeon-Hee;Kim Kum-Suk;Shin Mee-Kyung
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.766-772
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the optimal mixing ratios of Mal-Cha for the preparation of Jeung-Pyun through sensory and mechanical tests. The proximate composition of Mal-Cha were $5.46\pm0.15\%$ of moisture, $4.43\pm0.11\%$ of total nitrogen, $7.52\pm0.21\%$ of crude lipid, $8.74\%$ of crude fiber, $8.51\pm0.09\%$ of ash. Overall quality of Jeung-Pyun with $1.5\%$ Mal-Cha was the worst compare with 0, 0.5 and $1.0\%$ ones(p<0.05). Especially, $1.0\%$ Mal-Cha Jeung-Pyun showed the best overall quality. But the sweetness, sourness, flavor, hardness, and moistnes were not significantly different among all the treatments. Acceptabilities of 0.5 and $1.0\%$ Mal-Cha Jeung-Pyuns were not significantly different from that of the control in their sensory and mechanical qualities. Total color difference increased with the amount of Mal-Cha significantly(p<0.001).

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