• Title/Summary/Keyword: MNIST 데이터셋

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Security Vulnerability Verification for Open Deep Learning Libraries (공개 딥러닝 라이브러리에 대한 보안 취약성 검증)

  • Jeong, JaeHan;Shon, Taeshik
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2019
  • Deep Learning, which is being used in various fields recently, is being threatened with Adversarial Attack. In this paper, we experimentally verify that the classification accuracy is lowered by adversarial samples generated by malicious attackers in image classification models. We used MNIST dataset and measured the detection accuracy by injecting adversarial samples into the Autoencoder classification model and the CNN (Convolution neural network) classification model, which are created using the Tensorflow library and the Pytorch library. Adversarial samples were generated by transforming MNIST test dataset with JSMA(Jacobian-based Saliency Map Attack) and FGSM(Fast Gradient Sign Method). When injected into the classification model, detection accuracy decreased by at least 21.82% up to 39.08%.

Analysis of deep learning-based deep clustering method (딥러닝 기반의 딥 클러스터링 방법에 대한 분석)

  • Hyun Kwon;Jun Lee
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2023
  • Clustering is an unsupervised learning method that involves grouping data based on features such as distance metrics, using data without known labels or ground truth values. This method has the advantage of being applicable to various types of data, including images, text, and audio, without the need for labeling. Traditional clustering techniques involve applying dimensionality reduction methods or extracting specific features to perform clustering. However, with the advancement of deep learning models, research on deep clustering techniques using techniques such as autoencoders and generative adversarial networks, which represent input data as latent vectors, has emerged. In this study, we propose a deep clustering technique based on deep learning. In this approach, we use an autoencoder to transform the input data into latent vectors, and then construct a vector space according to the cluster structure and perform k-means clustering. We conducted experiments using the MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets in the PyTorch machine learning library as the experimental environment. The model used is a convolutional neural network-based autoencoder model. The experimental results show an accuracy of 89.42% for MNIST and 56.64% for Fashion-MNIST when k is set to 10.

Layer-wise Model Inversion Attack (계층별 모델 역추론 공격)

  • Hyun-Ho Kwon;Han-Jun Kim
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2024.05a
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    • pp.69-72
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    • 2024
  • 모델 역추론 공격은 공격 대상 네트워크를 훈련하기 위해 사용되는 훈련 데이터셋 중 개인 데이터셋을 공개 데이터셋을 사용하여 개인 훈련 데이터셋을 복원하는 것이다. 모델 역추론 방법 중 적대적 생성 신경망을 사용하여 모델 역추론 공격을 하는 과거의 논문들은 딥러닝 모델 전체의 역추론에만 초점을 맞추기 때문에, 이를 통해 얻은 원본 이미지의 개인 데이터 정보는 제한적이다. 따라서, 본 연구는 대상 모델의 중간 출력을 사용하여 개인 데이터에 대한 더 품질 높은 정보를 얻는데 초점을 맞춘다. 본 논문에서는 적대적 생성 신경망 모델이 원본 이미지를 생성하기 위해 사용되는 계층별 역추론 공격 방법을 소개한다. MNIST 데이터셋으로 훈련된 적대적 생성 신경망 모델을 사용하여, 원본 이미지가 대상 모델의 계층을 통과하면서 얻은 중간 계층의 출력 데이터를 기반으로 원본 이미지를 재구성하고자 한다. GMI 의 공격 방식을 참고하여 공격 모델의 손실 함수를 구성한다. 손실 함수는 사전 손실 및 정체성 손실항을 포함하며, 역전파를 통해서 원본 이미지와 가장 유사하게 복원할 수 있는 표현 벡터 Z 를 찾는다. 원본 이미지와 공격 이미지 사이의 유사성을 분류 라벨의 정확도, SSIM, PSNR 값이라는 세 가지 지표를 사용하여 평가한다. 공격이 이루어지는 계층에서 복원한 이미지와 원본 이미지를 세 가지 지표를 가지고 평가한다. 실험 결과, 공격 이미지가 원본 이미지의 대상 분류 라벨을 정확하게 가지며 원본 이미지의 필체를 유사하게 복원하였음을 보여준다. 평가 지표 또한 원본 이미지와 유사하다는 것을 나타낸다.

Comparison of Spatial and Frequency Images for Character Recognition (문자인식을 위한 공간 및 주파수 도메인 영상의 비교)

  • Abdurakhmon, Abduraimjonov;Choi, Hyeon-yeong;Ko, Jaepil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.439-441
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    • 2019
  • Deep learning has become a powerful and robust algorithm in Artificial Intelligence. One of the most impressive forms of Deep learning tools is that of the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). CNN is a state-of-the-art solution for object recognition. For instance when we utilize CNN with MNIST handwritten digital dataset, mostly the result is well. Because, in MNIST dataset, all digits are centralized. Unfortunately, the real world is different from our imagination. If digits are shifted from the center, it becomes a big issue for CNN to recognize and provide result like before. To solve that issue, we have created frequency images from spatial images by a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).

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Extraction of Important Areas Using Feature Feedback Based on PCA (PCA 기반 특징 되먹임을 이용한 중요 영역 추출)

  • Lee, Seung-Hyeon;Kim, Do-Yun;Choi, Sang-Il;Jeong, Gu-Min
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.461-469
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a PCA-based feature feedback method for extracting important areas of handwritten numeric data sets and face data sets. A PCA-based feature feedback method is proposed by extending the previous LDA-based feature feedback method. In the proposed method, the data is reduced to important feature dimensions by applying the PCA technique, one of the dimension reduction machine learning algorithms. Through the weights derived during the dimensional reduction process, the important points of data in each reduced dimensional axis are identified. Each dimension axis has a different weight in the total data according to the size of the eigenvalue of the axis. Accordingly, a weight proportional to the size of the eigenvalues of each dimension axis is given, and an operation process is performed to add important points of data in each dimension axis. The critical area of the data is calculated by applying a threshold to the data obtained through the calculation process. After that, induces reverse mapping to the original data in the important area of the derived data, and selects the important area in the original data space. The results of the experiment on the MNIST dataset are checked, and the effectiveness and possibility of the pattern recognition method based on PCA-based feature feedback are verified by comparing the results with the existing LDA-based feature feedback method.

Design of weighted federated learning framework based on local model validation

  • Kim, Jung-Jun;Kang, Jeon Seong;Chung, Hyun-Joon;Park, Byung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.11
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we proposed VW-FedAVG(Validation based Weighted FedAVG) which updates the global model by weighting according to performance verification from the models of each device participating in the training. The first method is designed to validate each local client model through validation dataset before updating the global model with a server side validation structure. The second is a client-side validation structure, which is designed in such a way that the validation data set is evenly distributed to each client and the global model is after validation. MNIST, CIFAR-10 is used, and the IID, Non-IID distribution for image classification obtained higher accuracy than previous studies.

Fashion Clothing Image Classification Deep Learning (패션 의류 영상 분류 딥러닝)

  • Shin, Seong-Yoon;Wang, Guangxing;Shin, Kwang-Seong;Lee, Hyun-Chang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.676-677
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose a new method based on a deep learning model with an optimized dynamic decay learning rate and improved model structure to achieve fast and accurate classification of fashion clothing images. Experiments are performed using the model proposed in the Fashion-MNIST dataset and compared with methods of CNN, LeNet, LSTM and BiLSTM.

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Comparison of Number Recognition Rates According to Changes in Convolutional Neural Structure (합성곱 신경망 네트워크 구조 변화에 따른 숫자 인식률 비교)

  • Lee, Jong-Chan;Kim, Young-Hyun;Song, Teuk-Seob
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.397-399
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    • 2022
  • Digit recognition is one of the applications of deep learning, which appears in many fields. CNN network enables us to recognize handwritten digits. Also, It can process various types of data. As we stack more layers in CNN network, we expect more performance improvements. In this paper, we added a convolution layer. as a result, we achieved an accuracy improvement from 76.96% to 98.87%, which is a nearly 21.81% increase.

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Improving Test Accuracy on the MNIST Dataset using a Simple CNN with Batch Normalization

  • Seungbin Lee;Jungsoo Rhee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we proposes a Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) equipped with Batch Normalization(BN) for handwritten digit recognition training the MNIST dataset. Aiming to surpass the performance of LeNet-5 by LeCun et al., a 6-layer neural network was designed. The proposed model processes 28×28 pixel images through convolution, Max Pooling, and Fully connected layers, with the batch normalization to improve learning stability and performance. The experiment utilized 60,000 training images and 10,000 test images, applying the Momentum optimization algorithm. The model configuration used 30 filters with a 5×5 filter size, padding 0, stride 1, and ReLU as activation function. The training process was set with a mini-batch size of 100, 20 epochs in total, and a learning rate of 0.1. As a result, the proposed model achieved a test accuracy of 99.22%, surpassing LeNet-5's 99.05%, and recorded an F1-score of 0.9919, demonstrating the model's performance. Moreover, the 6-layer model proposed in this paper emphasizes model efficiency with a simpler structure compared to LeCun et al.'s LeNet-5 (7-layer model) and the model proposed by Ji, Chun and Kim (10-layer model). The results of this study show potential for application in real industrial applications such as AI vision inspection systems. It is expected to be effectively applied in smart factories, particularly in determining the defective status of parts.

Comparison of Image Classification Algorithms through Incorrect Answers (오답 분석을 통한 이미지 분류 알고리즘의 특징 비교)

  • Sol Kim;Jaehwan Lee
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2024.05a
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    • pp.801-802
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구에서는 MNIST 데이터셋을 활용하여 널리 사용되는 이미지 분류 알고리즘인ANN(Artificial Neural Network), CNN(Convolutional Neural Network), DNN(Deep Neural Network)의 성능을 분석한다. 주로 모델의 정확도에 초점을 맞추는 기존 연구와 달리, 본 연구에서는 각 모델이 잘못 분류한 오답을 중심으로 모델의 특징을 비교한다. 이를 통해 각 모델의 장단점을 파악하고 성능을 개선할 수 있을 것이라 기대한다.