• Title/Summary/Keyword: MEGA

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Development of mega drought status judgment procedure methodology (메가가뭄 상태 판단 절차 방법론 개발)

  • Lee, Sangmin;Shin, Yonghyeon;Yang, Dongmin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.352-352
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    • 2021
  • 가뭄은 강수량의 부족으로 인한 기상학적 가뭄과 지표수 및 지하수의 부족으로 인한 수문학적 가뭄, 토양의 건조 상태로 인한 농업적 가뭄, 용수 및 전력공급의 제한으로 인한 사회·경제적 가뭄으로 분류될 수 있으며, 일반적으로는 어느 지역의 인간생활 및 사회 경제 활동이나 동식물 생육에 피해를 가져올 정도로 강수량 부족이 장기화되는 비정상적인 현상으로 정의할 수 있다. 메가가뭄의 선제적인 대비를 위한 메가가뭄의 사전감지를 위해 본 연구에서는 매년 가뭄 발생 및 확산 여부 판단을 통해 메가가뭄 예방/대비 목적의 년 단위 가뭄 전주기 분석을 위한 메가가뭄상태 판단 절차 방법론을 제시하였다. 메가가뭄 상태 판단 절차 방법론은 메가가뭄 확산 유무에 따라 6단계의 절차로 진행된다. 1단계로 전년도의 가뭄상태(Carry over의 유무)와 가뭄피해 실적자료(통합가뭄위험도 활용 )를 분석하여 확산여부를 판단하며, 2단계로 당해연도에 가뭄이 발생할 것인지를 장기예보와 더불어 MODIS 위성자료를 이용한 평년대비 토양건조상태로 감지한다. 3단계로 1개월 및 10일 예보자료를 이용해 기상학적 가뭄의 발생 여부를 가뭄지수로 판단하고, 4단계로 기상학적 가뭄 하에서 농업 및 수문학적 가뭄의 진행여부를 저수율, 지하수위, 현장대응 정보의 신속한 수집을 통해 확산여부를 판단한다. 5단계는 가뭄 관련 인터넷 뉴스데이터기반의 농작물 피해, 식수제한, 녹조발생 등의 피해상황을 통해 가뭄 피해발생지역을 도출하여 확산여부를 판단하며, 6단계는 기상, 농업, 수문, 사회 경제적 가뭄을 평가함과 더불어 다음년도 가뭄확산에 대비하는 순으로 메가가뭄 상태 판단 절차 방법론이 진행된다.

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Development of evaluation indicators for each stage of mega drought spread (메가가뭄 확산단계별 평가지표 개발)

  • Lee, Sangmin;Shin, Yonghyeon;Yang, Dongmin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.353-353
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    • 2021
  • 메가가뭄으로 인한 적응전략 수립은 국민의 물 안보 및 수자원 재해에 대한 안전 증대에 매우 중요한 핵심기술임에도 불구하고 메가가뭄의 정량적인 평가지표는 개발 중인 상황이다. 본 연구에서는 국내/외 메가가뭄 분석 및 영향평가 관련 선행연구사례를 분석하여 메가가뭄 확산 단계별 평가지표를 도출하고자 하였다. 메가가뭄을 평가하기 위해 선행연구에서는 이상 강수량과 이상기온을 함께 고려하는 방법을 지속적으로 제안해 왔다. 이상 강수량은 기상학적 가뭄과 토양수분의 저하, 수문학적 가뭄, 사회경제적 영향에 이르기까지 가뭄을 평가할 수 있는 지표로써 활용할 수 있으며, 이상 기온은 폭염 등 기온 상승으로 인한 증발산량의 증가로 토양수분 저하와 저수량 감소 등의 영향을 평가할 수 있는 지표이다. 본 연구에서는 메가가뭄의 확산을 4단계로 구분하고 확산단계별 평가지표를 개발하였다. 또한 가뭄유형을 기상, 농업, 수문, 사회경제적 가뭄으로 구분하여 메가가뭄의 발생 단계와 그에 따른 가뭄의 확산 분야별 영향 분석을 수행하도록 제시하였다. 가뭄단계는 메가가뭄의 징후기, 진입기, 확산기, 지속적인 메가가뭄으로 인한 국가적 위기 4단계로 구분하였다. 메가가뭄은 1년 주기의 분석이 아닌 Carry over되는 연속적인 사상임에 따라 본 연구에서는 메가가뭄의 단계를 각각 2년, 3년, 4년 연속적으로 지속하였을 때로 구분하였으며, 이에 따른 기상, 농업, 수문, 사회경제적 평가지표를 제시하였다. 기상학적 메가가뭄 평가지표는 누적강수량을 이용한 강수량 부족으로 인한 가뭄, 이상기온(폭염)으로 인한 폭염으로 구분하였다. 농업적 메가가뭄 평가지표는 농업용수를 공급하는 농업용 저수지와 밭작물 생육에 영향을 미치는 토양수분에 관련한 평가항목을 이용하였으며, 수문학적 메가가뭄 평가지표는 다목적댐의 저수율과 하천 갈수량을 이용한 하천건천화 지수를 이용한 평가지표를 제시하였다. 사회경제적 메가가뭄 평가지표는 국민이 실제로 체감할 수 있는 지표로써 농작물 가격과 생·공용수의 제한급수 발생 현황을 이용한 평가가 가능하도록 제시하였다.

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Spatial Estimation of soil roughness and moisture from Sentinel-1 backscatter over Yanco sites: Artificial Neural Network, and Fractal

  • Lee, Ju Hyoung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.125-125
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    • 2020
  • European Space Agency's Sentinel-1 has an improved spatial and temporal resolution, as compared to previous satellite data such as Envisat Advanced SAR (ASAR) or Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT). Thus, the assumption used for low-resolution retrieval algorithms used by ENVISAT ASAR or ASCAT is not applicable to Sentinel-1, because a higher degree of land surface heterogeneity should be considered for retrieval. The assumption of homogeneity over land surface is not valid any more. In this study, considering that soil roughness is one of the key parameters sensitive to soil moisture retrievals, various approaches are discussed. First, soil roughness is spatially inverted from Sentinel-1 backscattering over Yanco sites in Australia. Based upon this, Artificial Neural Networks data (feedforward multiplayer perception, MLP, Levenberg-Marquadt algorithm) are compared with Fractal approach (brownian fractal, Hurst exponent of 0.5). When using ANNs, training data are achieved from theoretical forward scattering models, Integral Equation Model (IEM). and Sentinel-1 measurements. The network is trained by 20 neurons and one hidden layer, and one input layer. On the other hand, fractal surface roughness is generated by fitting 1D power spectrum model with roughness spectra. Fractal roughness profile is produced by a stochastic process describing probability between two points, and Hurst exponent, as well as rms heights (a standard deviation of surface height). Main interest of this study is to estimate a spatial variability of roughness without the need of local measurements. This non-local approach is significant, because we operationally have to be independent from local stations, due to its few spatial coverage at the global level. More fundamentally, SAR roughness is much different from local measurements, Remote sensing data are influenced by incidence angle, large scale topography, or a mixing regime of sensors, although probe deployed in the field indicate point data. Finally, demerit and merit of these approaches will be discussed.

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National Drought Response Framework and Emergency Action Plan for Mega-Drought (미국의 국가가뭄대응체계 및 비상대처계획의 시사점)

  • Nam, Won-Ho;Knutson, Cody L.;Hayes, Michael J.;Svoboda, Mark D.
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.405-405
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    • 2020
  • 최근 선제적인 가뭄대응을 위하여 관계부처가 상시 가뭄 관리체계를 지속하고, 범정부적 가뭄예방 대처를 위한 가뭄종합대책이 수립되었다. 가뭄종합대책에는 통합적 가뭄 위기대응체계를 마련해 단계별로 가뭄에 체계적으로 대응하고, 극한가뭄에 대비해 선제적 용수확보와 가뭄 전문가 지역 협의체 운영 등을 통해 대응 역량을 강화하는 계획이 포함되어있다. 또한 국가재난관리체계에 따라 지자체는 지역별 재난안전대책본부를 수립하고, 현장조치 행동메뉴얼에 따라 단계별 제한급수대책 수립, 재난대응 단계별 행동요령 (징후 감지, 초기 대응, 비상 대응) 등을 수행한다. 이처럼 가뭄은 발생 후 해갈까지 많은 시간과 지속적인 관리가 필요하며, 사회전반에 걸처 영향을 주는 대형복합재난으로 국가적 차원의 통합적 관리가 필요한 재난으로 국가가뭄대응체계 및 비상대처계획 (Emergency Action Plan, EAP) 수립이 필요하다. 미국은 1998년 국가가뭄정책법(National Drought Policy Act)을 제정해 가뭄관리에 대한 법제도적 기반을 마련하였으며, 2006년 국가통합가뭄정보시스템법 (National Integrated Drought Information System Act)을 제정해(Public Law 109-430) 현재의 국가통합가뭄정보시스템 (NIDIS)이 설립되었다. 이후 국가가뭄회복력파트너십 (National Drought Resilience Partnership, NDRP)을 발족하여 2016년 장기가뭄 회복력을 위한 국가재해대응정책을 수립하였다 (Federal Action Plan for Long-Term Drought Resilience). 미국의 경우 1982년 콜로라도 주, 사우스다코타 주, 뉴욕 주를 시작으로 2020년 현재 48개 주에서 연방정부단위의 가뭄대응계획을 수립하였다. 본 연구에서는 미국에서 실행되고 있는 가뭄 적응 대책 및 비상대처계획을 조사, 분석하고, 향후 메가 가뭄 발생시 국가단위의 가뭄 재난위기관리 매뉴얼, 정부 및 지자체의 가뭄 대응 체계 및 대응 방안을 보완할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 한다.

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Biomineralization of three calcium silicate-based cements after implantation in rat subcutaneous tissue

  • Ranjdar Mahmood Talabani;Balkees Taha Garib;Reza Masaeli;Kavosh Zandsalimi;Farinaz Ketabat
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.1.1-1.13
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the dystrophic mineralization deposits from 3 calcium silicate-based cements (Micro-Mega mineral trioxide aggregate [MM-MTA], Biodentine [BD], and EndoSequence Root Repair Material [ESRRM] putty) over time after subcutaneous implantation into rats. Materials and Methods: Forty-five silicon tubes containing the tested materials and 15 empty tubes (serving as a control group) were subcutaneously implanted into the backs of 15 Wistar rats. At 1, 4, and 8 weeks after implantation, the animals were euthanized (n = 5 animals/group), and the silicon tubes were removed with the surrounding tissues. Histopathological tissue sections were stained with von Kossa stain to assess mineralization. Scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX) were also used to assess the chemical components of the surface precipitates deposited on the implant and the pattern of calcium and phosphorus distribution at the material-tissue interface. The calcium-to-phosphorus ratios were compared using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test at a significance level of 5%. Results: The von Kossa staining showed that both BD and ESRRM putty induced mineralization starting at week 1; this mineralization increased further until the end of the study. In contrast, MM-MTA induced dystrophic calcification later, from 4 weeks onward. SEM/EDX showed no statistically significant differences in the calcium- and phosphorus-rich areas among the 3 materials at any time point (p > 0.05). Conclusions: After subcutaneous implantation, biomineralization of the 3-calcium silicate-based cements started early and increased over time, and all 3 tested cements generated calcium- and phosphorus-containing surface precipitates.

A Study on the Loading Capacity Standard of Bi-directional Pile Load Test (BD PLT) (양방향말뚝재하시험의 재하용량 기준에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Yongkyu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.6C
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2008
  • In the bi-directional pile load test (BD PLT) for pile load tests of Mega pile foundations, loading capacity standard is not specified exactly. Therefore there are so many confusions in performing the BD PLT and variations up to maximum 2 times in loading capacity are come out. In this study, standards of bi-directional pile load test (BD PLT) were considered. Based on cases of the bi-directional pile load test performed in domestic areas, maximum equivalent test load, test load increasing ratio, loading capacity increasing ratio and sufficiency ratio of design load were analyzed. It could be known that the loading capacity standard of bi-directional pile load test must be defined as 1-directional loading capacity and also must be established as more than 2 times of design load.

A Study on the Military Operation of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) (도심항공모빌리티(UAM)의 군사적 운용방안에 관한연구)

  • Kang-Il Seo;Sang-Hyuk Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.287-292
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    • 2023
  • The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration proposed a new concept of urban air mobility in the city's short-range air transport ecosystem in order to build a new low-altitude air, and the term uam is currently used worldwide. This paradigm is also being promoted by the Korean government with the goal of commercializing urban air transport services by 2025, and furthermore, the need to secure air maneuvers and transportation capacity is emerging due to the rapidly changing future operating environment and battlefield space. In other words, this study started to present the military necessity and military operation plan by introducing the 'Agility Prime' program of the US Air Force. 'Agility Prime' program was organized in order of background and concept of urban air mobility, development trend of Korean urban air mobility and analysis of the US Air Force's 'Agility Prime' program, and it is expected that this study will be followed by a follow-up study.

Nanosulfated Silica as a Potential Heterogeneous Catalyst for the Synthesis of Nitrobenzene

  • Khairul Amri;Aan Sabilladin;Remi Ayu Pratika;Ari Sudarmanto;Hilda Ismail;Budhijanto;Mega Fia Lestari;Won-Chun Oh;Karna Wijaya
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.265-272
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the synthesis of nitrobenzene was carried out using sulfated silica catalyst. The study delved into H2SO4/SiO2 as a solid acid catalyst and the effect of its weight variation, as well as the use of a microwave batch reactor in the synthesis of nitrobenzene. SiO2 was prepared using the sol-gel method from TEOS precursor. The formed gel was then refluxed with methanol and calcined at a temperature of 600 ℃. SiO2 with a 200-mesh size was impregnated with 98 % H2SO4 by mixing for 1 h. The resulting 33 % (w/w) H2SO4/SiO2 catalyst was separated by centrifugation, dried, and calcined at 600 ℃. The catalyst was then used as a solid acid catalyst in the synthesis of nitrobenzene. The weights of catalyst used were 0.5; 1; and 1.5 grams. The synthesis of nitrobenzene was carried out with a 1:3 ratio of benzene to nitric acid in a microwave batch reactor at 60 ℃ for 5 h. The resulting nitrobenzene liquid was analyzed using GC-MS to determine the selectivity of the catalyst. Likewise, the use of a microwave batch reactor was found to be appropriate and successful for the synthesis of nitrobenzene. The thermal energy produced by the microwave batch reactor was efficient enough to be used for the nitration reaction. Reactivity and selectivity tests demonstrated that 1 g of H2SO4/SiO2 could generate an average benzene conversion of 40.33 %.

Prospecting endophytic colonization in Waltheria indica for biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and its antimicrobial activity

  • Nirmala, C.;Sridevi, M.
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.325-339
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    • 2022
  • Endophytes ascertain a symbiotic relationship with plants as promoters of growth, defense mechanism etc. This study is a first report to screen the endophytic population in Waltheria indica, a tropical medicinal plant. 5 bacterial and 3 fungal strains in leaves, 3 bacterial and 1 yeast species in stems were differentiated morphologically and identified by biochemical and molecular methods. The phylogenetic tree of the isolated endophytes was constructed using MEGA X. Silver nanoparticles were biosynthesized from a rare endophytic bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans isolated from the leaf of W. indica. The formation of silver nanoparticles was confirmed by UV-Visible spectrophotometer that evidenced a strong absorption band at 408.5 nm of UV-Visible range with crystalline nature and average particle size of 16.4 nm by Particle size analyzer. The Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectrum displayed the presence of various functional groups that stabilized the nanoparticles. X-ray diffraction peaks were conferred to face centered cubic structure. Transmission Electron Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope revealed the spherical-shaped, polycrystalline nature with the presence of elemental silver analyzed by Energy Dispersive of X-Ray spectrum. Selected area electron diffraction also confirmed the orientation of AgNPs at 111, 200, 220, 311 planes similar to X-ray diffraction analysis. The synthesized nanoparticles are evaluated for antimicrobial activity against 7 bacterial and 3 fungal pathogens. A good zone of inhibition was observed against pathogenic bacteria than fungal pathogens. Thus the study could hold a key aspect in drug discovery research and other pharmacological conducts of human clinical conditions.

Marketing Feng Shui to Asia: A Case Study

  • Bela Florenthal;Noriko Yagi;Hongjiang Xu
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2009
  • Feng Shui practice is very popular in East Asia and has been rapidly adopted by the population of the West. As Feng Shui involves knowledge of object placement, it opens opportunities to market Feng Shui knowledge and products. This paper presents an analysis of a successful Feng Shui enterprise, World of Feng Shui (WOFS), that has been established by a well-known Feng Shui expert Lillian Too and her daughter Jennifer Too. The enterprise's marketing strategies and tactics are tied to the theoretical concept of social influence, widely researched in the consumer behavior literature. The three types of social influence (informational, utilitarian, and value-expressive) are examined in relation to WOFS' marketing strategies using secondary data material. The main results indicate that the strategies of WOFS enterprise address all three types of social influence. The articles generated on-and off-line can be mostly associated with the informational influence. The off- line activities such as events, courses/workshops, and TV shows are also informational in nature. The Q & A sections/postings can be considered as representative of the utilitarian influence. They give experts (e.g., Lillian Too) the opportunity to provide individuals with problem-specific recommendations. Mega-mall website provides the value-expressive influence as purchase and consumption of the Feng Shui products is most susceptible to this type of influence. In terms of implications, WOFS enterprise strategies are suitable not only for consumes but also for business executives in Asia and in the West as architects, designers, and homeowners across continents use Feng Shui practices for building placements and decoration of dwellings and workplaces. Feng Shui practice has some limitations such as conflicting opinions of experts and increased complexity when the dimension of time is taken into consideration. Still, Feng Shui as a practice is growing globally adjusting itself to regional and cultural challenges.

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