• Title/Summary/Keyword: M-out-of-N architecture

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Nutrient Uptake by Reeds Growing in Subsurface-flow Wetland Constructed to Purify Stream Water (하천수정화 여과습지에서 성장하는 갈대의 영양염류 흡수량)

  • Yang, Hongmo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2006
  • The growth and biomass of reeds(Phragmites australis) growing in a subsurface treatment wetland system were investigated from April 2003 to October 2003. Nitrogen(N) and phosphorous(P) concentrations in above-ground(AG) and below-ground(BG) tissues of reeds were examined and the removal rate of N and P by reeds were analyzed. The system, 29 m in length, 9 m in width and 0.65 m in depth, was constructed in June 2001 on a floodplain in the down reach of the Kwangju Stream in Korea in order to purify polluted water of the stream. A bottom layer of 45 cm in depth was filled with crushed granites(15~30 mm in diameter) and a middle layer of 10 cm in depth was filled with pea pebbles(10 mm in diameter). An upper layer of 5 cm contained course sand. Reeds were transplanted on the surface of the system, which were dug out of natural wetlands, and their shoots were trimmed 40 cm in height. The height and density of the shoots averaged 237.7 cm and 244.0 shoot/$m^2$, respectively, when the reeds grew fully. The maximum biomass of AG and BG tissues were 1,964 and 1,577 g/$m^2$, respectively, and the AG : BG ratio of biomass was 1.26. Mean AG and BG dry weights were recorded as 1,355 and 748 g/$m^2$, respectively. The AG and BG tissue concentrations of N averaged 12.37 and 10.01 mg/g, respectively, and those of P 2.37 and 2.03 mg/g, respectively. Inflow to the system averaged 40 $m^3$/day. The concentrations of total nitrogen(T-N) in influent and effluent were 8.4 mg/L and 3.2 mg/L, respectively, and those of total phosphorous(T-P) were 0.73 and 0.38 mg/L, respectively. The total removal of T-N and T-P by the system during the investigation period averaged 140.2 and 9.7 g/$m^2$, respectively, and the total uptake of N and P by the reeds were calculated as 24.39 and 4.73 g/$m^2$, respectively. Average removals of about 17% of N and about 49% of P by reeds were recorded. The N and P concentrations in AG tissues were significantly different among the three zones of the system:near to inflow(St1), in the middle of system(St2), and near to outflow(St3). The N and P concentrations in BG tissues were also significantly different among St1, St2 and St3. N and P concentrations in AG and BG tissues of reeds growing in St1 were higher than those in St2 and St3. The height and density of shoots of reeds in St1 were larger than those in St2 and St3. Significant amounts of N and P in the influent were taken up by reeds in St1.

Inner harbour wave agitation using boussinesq wave model

  • Panigrahi, Jitendra K.;Padhy, C.P.;Murty, A.S.N.
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.70-86
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    • 2015
  • Short crested waves play an important role for planning and design of harbours. In this context a numerical simulation is carried out to evaluate wave tranquility inside a real harbour located in east coast of India. The annual offshore wave climate proximity to harbour site is established using Wave Model (WAM) hindcast wave data. The deep water waves are transformed to harbour front using a Near Shore spectral Wave model (NSW). A directional analysis is carried out to determine the probable incident wave directions towards the harbour. Most critical threshold wave height and wave period is chosen for normal operating conditions using exceedence probability analysis. Irregular random waves from various directions are generated confirming to Pierson Moskowitz spectrum at 20m water depth. Wave incident into inner harbor through harbor entrance is performed using Boussinesq Wave model (BW). Wave disturbance experienced inside the harbour and at various berths are analysed. The paper discusses the progresses took place in short wave modeling and it demonstrates application of wave climate for the evaluation of harbor tranquility using various types of wave models.

Design of an Efficient Parallel High-Dimensional Index Structure (효율적인 병렬 고차원 색인구조 설계)

  • Park, Chun-Seo;Song, Seok-Il;Sin, Jae-Ryong;Yu, Jae-Su
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.58-71
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    • 2002
  • Generally, multi-dimensional data such as image and spatial data require large amount of storage space. There is a limit to store and manage those large amount of data in single workstation. If we manage the data on parallel computing environment which is being actively researched these days, we can get highly improved performance. In this paper, we propose a parallel high-dimensional index structure that exploits the parallelism of the parallel computing environment. The proposed index structure is nP(processor)-n$\times$mD(disk) architecture which is the hybrid type of nP-nD and lP-nD. Its node structure increases fan-out and reduces the height of a index tree. Also, A range search algorithm that maximizes I/O parallelism is devised, and it is applied to K-nearest neighbor queries. Through various experiments, it is shown that the proposed method outperforms other parallel index structures.

A CMOS Frequency Synthesizer Block for MB-OFDM UWB Systems

  • Kim, Chang-Wan;Choi, Sang-Sung;Lee, Sang-Gug
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.437-444
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    • 2007
  • A CMOS frequency synthesizer block for multi-band orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultra-wideband systems is proposed. The proposed frequency synthesizer adopts a double-conversion architecture for simplicity and to mitigate spur suppression requirements for out-of-band interferers in 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. Moreover, the frequency synthesizer can consist of the fewest nonlinear components, such as divide-by-Ns and a mixer with the proposed frequency plan, leading to the generation of less spurs. To evaluate the feasibility of the proposed idea, the frequency synthesizer block is implemented in 0.18-${\mu}m$ CMOS technology. The measured sideband suppression ratio is about 32 dBc, and the phase noise is -105 dBc/Hz at an offset of 1 MHz. The fabricated chip consumes 17.6 mA from a 1.8 V supply, and the die-area including pads is $0.9{\times}1.1\;mm^2$.

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Design of a Sub-micron Locking Time Integer-N PLL Using a Delay Locked-Loop (지연고정루프를 이용한 $1{\mu}s$ 아래의 위상고정시간을 가지는 Integer-N 방식의 위상고정루프 설계)

  • Choi, Hyek-Hwan;Kwon, Tae-Ha
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.2378-2384
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    • 2009
  • A novel phase-locked loop(PLL) architecture of sub-micron locking time has been proposed. Input frequency is multiplied by using a delay-locked loop(DLL). The input frequency of a PLL is multiplied while the PLL is out of lock. The multiplied input frequency makes the PLL having a wider loop bandwidth. It has been simulated with a $0.18{\mu}m$ 1.8V CMOS process. The simulated locking time is $0.9{\mu}s$ at 162.5MHz and 2.6GHz, input and output frequency, respectively.

A Design of the IP Lookup Architecture for High-Speed Internet Router (고속의 인터넷 라우터를 위한 IP 룩업구조 설계)

  • 서해준;안희일;조태원
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.7B
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    • pp.647-659
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    • 2003
  • LPM(Longest Prefix Matching)searching in If address lookup is a major bottleneck of IP packet processing in the high speed router. In the conventional lookup table for the LPM searching in CAM(Content Addressable Memory) the complexity of fast update take 0(1). In this paper, we designed pipeline architecture for fast update of 0(1) cycle of lookup table and high throughput and low area complexity on LPM searching. Lookup-table architecture was designed by CAM(Content Addressable Memory)away that uses 1bit RAM(Random Access Memory)cell. It has three pipeline stages. Its LPM searching rate is affected by both the number of key field blocks in stage 1 and stage 2, and distribution of matching Point. The RTL(Register Transistor Level) design is carried out using Verilog-HDL. The functional verification is thoroughly done at the gate level using 0.35${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ CMOS SEC standard cell library.

A multimodal adaptive evolution of the N1 method for assessment and design of r.c. framed structures

  • Lenza, Pietro;Ghersi, Aurelio;Marino, Edoardo M.;Pellecchia, Marcello
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.271-284
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents a multimodal adaptive nonlinear static method of analysis that, differently from the nonlinear static methods suggested in seismic codes, does not require the definition of the equivalent Single-Degree-Of-Freedom (SDOF) system to evaluate the seismic response of structures. First, the proposed method is formulated for the assessment of r.c. plane frames and then it is extended to 3D framed structures. Furthermore, the proposed nonlinear static approach is re-elaborated as a displacement-based design method that does not require the use of the behaviour factor and takes into account explicitly the plastic deformation capacity of the structure. Numerical applications to r.c. plane frames and to a 3D framed structure with inplan irregularity are carried out to illustrate the attractive features as well as the limitations of the proposed method. Furthermore, the numerical applications evidence the uncertainty about the suitability of the displacement demand prediction obtained by the nonlinear static methods commonly adopted.

Development of New fall Cultivars with Yellow Fall Leaf Color in Zelkova serrata Makino (황색(黃色) 단풍(丹楓) 느티나무(Zelkova serrata Makino) 신품종(新品種) 육성(育成))

  • Shim, Kyung-Ku;Park, Hyung-Soon;Byun, Kwang-Ok;Ha, Yoo-Mi
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.148-152
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to develop new cultivars of Z. serrata showing yellow fall leaf. Z. serrata which had yellow fall leaves were selected and then examined for contents of leaf anthocyanin and chlorophyll. In addition, for the progeny test, selected trees were grafted. Of 21 trees having yellow autumn leaves, three individuals, 'S-4', 'S-14', and 'J-32' were finally selected. They contained high level of anthocyanin with higher level in the leaves. Once developed, the yellow color remained till late autumn. Grafted plants of the selected strains showed high grafting efficiency and vigorous growth. Yellow foliage color were found to be maintained in the grafted trees. The tree 'S-4' was 7 m tall and 6 m in crown width, whereas 'S-14' and 'J-32' were 6 m tall and 4m in crown width. The soil pH of the survey sites ranged from 5.9 to 7.24. However, other soil characteristics did not show much difference among the sites with regard to inorganic nutrients including $N,\;P_2O_5,\,CEC,\,K^+,\,Ca^{2+}$, and $Mg.^{2+}$ 'S-4', 'S-14', and 'J-32' clonal lines developing yellow fall leaf were selected as new cultivars and propagated by grafting.

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Nitrogen Removal Rate of A Subsurface Flow Treatment Wetland System Constructed on Floodplain During Its Initial Operating Stage (하천고수부지 수질정화 여과습지의 초기운영단계 질소제거)

  • Yang, Hong-Mo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.278-283
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to examine the nitrogen removal rate of a subsurface-flow treatment wetland system which was constructed on floodplain of the Kwangju River from May to June 2001. Its dimensions were 29m in length, 9m in width and 0.65m in depth. A bottom layer of 45cm in depth was filled with crushed granite with about $15{\sim}30\;mm$ in diameter and a middle layer of 10cm in depth had pea pebbles with about 10 mm in diameter. An upper layer of 5 cm in depth contained course sand. Reeds (Phragmites australis) were transplanted on the surface of the system. They were dug out of natural wetlands and stems were cut at about 40 cm height from their bottom ends. Water of the Kwangju River flowed into it via a pipe by gravity flow and its effluent was funneled back into the river. The height of reed stems was 44.2 cm in July 2001 and 75.3cm in September 2001. The number of stems was increased from $80\;stems/m^2$ in July 2001 to $136\;stems/m^2$ in September 2001. Volume and water quality of inflow and outflow were analyzed from July 2001 through December 2001. Inflow and outflow averaged 40.0 and $39.2\;m^3/day$, respectively. Hydraulic detention time was about 1.5 days. Average nitrogen uptake by reeds was $69.31\;N\;mg/m^2/day$. Removal rate of $NO_3-N$, $NH_3-N$, T-N averaged 195.58, 53.65, and $628.44\;mg/m^2/day$, respectively. Changes of $NO_3-N$ and $NH_3-N$ abatement rates were closely related to those of wetland temperatures. The lower removal rate of nitrogen species compared with that of subsurface-flow wetlands operating in North America could be attributed to the initial stage of the system and inclusion of two cold months into the six-month monitoring period. Increase of standing density of reeds within a few years will develop both root zones suitable for the nitrification of ammonia and surface layer substrates beneficial to the denitrification of nitrates into nitrogen gases, which may lead to increment in the nitrogen retention rate.

3-year Change of Vegetation and Life Form at the Man-made Wetland in Sinpyeoncheon City (순천시 신평천 인공습지 조성 후 3년간 식생 및 생활형에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan;Choi, Young-Eun;Kim, Jong-Won;Myong, Hyun;Lee, Suk-I
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2011
  • A field survey was conducted from June 2005 to September 2007 to explore changes of the vegetation and life form in the man-made Wetland along the Sinpyeongcheon for 3 years after its creation. A total of 20 species including 14 families, 18 genera, 15 species and 5 varieties were planted in the Wetland which was completed in 2004. Divided by life form of the planted species, a prevalent 65% of them was composed of perennation while 4 species of woody plants i.e. Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Salix glandulosa, Camellia japonica and Nandina domestica were planted there, too. The 3-year study revealed that hydatophytes (HH) scored the biggest increase in number, followed by slight increase in the number of microphanerophytes (M), megaphanerophytes (MM), chamaephytes (Ch), nanophanerophytes (N), perennial plants (H), etc., featuring generally a similar tendency for the whole period of study. The change in vegetation area increases in the area of Typha angustata, Phragmites japonica, Phragmites communis, etc. but a sharp decrease in the area of communities for other planted species. In terms of change in the area for planted species by their life form, hydatophytes (HH), HH Th (Th(w)) reported gradual increase while microphanerophytes (M), geophyte (G), and nanophanerophytes (N) continued to record a decrease. In conclusion, selection of plants to be planted turns out to play a vital role in molding the destiny of a man-made Wetland. It seems therefore extremely important to investigate the flora, and life and growth forms of the plants planted in the man-made Wetland in an effort to choose the species that can adapt themselves to the environment from the early phase on, contributing by thus to stabilization and diversification of the damp ground in line with the progression of their succession.