• 제목/요약/키워드: Low Dynamic Range Image

검색결과 85건 처리시간 0.028초

Study on Improvement of Convergence Rate of Acoustic Echo Canceller (음향 반향 제거기의 수렴속도 개선에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Hee Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.66-69
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    • 2009
  • An adaptive echo canceller is necessary for an application such as a speakerphone, 3G image telephony and VoIP service system. These echo cancellers need to have many taps for filtering echo signals. Many taps cause computation data to increase and convergence speed to be low. To overcome these problems, An adaptive echo canceller with the advanced convergence speed is proposed in this paper. To improve the speed, we divide an echo band into subbands and place a subband filter to be adaptive for each subband. Each subband filter recognizes the echo signal as subband echo signals. So, dynamic range of subband is small, the convergence speed is fast. Moreover, as the number of Tap and weight update are estimated in each subband, the implementation complex of a adaptive filter is low.

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Halftoning Method Using the Dispersed CMY Dithering and Blue Noise Mask (블루 노이즈 마스크와 분산 CMY 디더링을 이용한 하프토닝)

  • 김윤태;조양호;이철희;하영호
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • 제40권1호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose a new method dispersing spatially C(Cyan), M(Magenta), Y(Yellow) instead of K(black) in the bright region. The overlapping of black dots decreases brightness in the dark region, and black dots are very sensitive to human visual system in the bright region. Therefore, to avoid this problem, bright and dark gray region in the color image is considered in the proposed approach. A new method which uses CMY simultaneously in single mask is proposed, and CMY dots are used dispersing spatially for the bright region instead of black dot by this method. And tone curve connection is used to consider the gray level of dark region. In previous method, BNM (Blue Noise Mask) has high granularity and a narrow dynamic range. But the proposed method has the low granularity, wide dynamic range, and high contrast properties. Because the proposed method uses three times dots spatially in the different position than a conventional BNM, it can express more spatial information and a similar gray level compared with BNM.

A Novel Method of Determining Parameters for Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (대비제한 적응 히스토그램 평활화에서 매개변수 결정방법)

  • Min, Byong-Seok;Cho, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.1378-1387
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    • 2013
  • Histogram equalization, which stretches the dynamic range of intensity, is the most common method for enhancing the contrast of image. Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization(CLAHE), proposed by K. Zuierveld, has two key parameters: block size and clip limit. These parameters mainly control image quality, but have been heuristically determined by user. In this paper, we propose a novel method of determining two parameters of CLAHE using entropy of image. The key idea is based on the characteristics of entropy curves: clip limit vs entropy and block size vs entropy. Clip limit and block size are determined at the point with maximum curvature on entropy curve. Experimental results show that the proposed method improves images with very low contrast.

Development of the Measurement Method of Extremely Low Level Activity with Imaging Plate (Imaging Plate를 이용한 극저준위 방사능 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Ji-Yeon;Lee, K.B.;Lee, Jong-Man;Park, Tae-Soon;Oh, Pil-Jae;Lee, Min-Kie;Seo, Ji-Suk;Hwang, Han-Yull
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 2004
  • An imaging plate(IP) detector, a two-dimensional digital radiation detector that can acquire image of radioactivity distribution in a sample, has been applied in many fields; for industrial radiography, medical diagnosis, X-ray diffraction test, etc. In this study, the possibility of IP detector to be used lot measuring radioactivity of sample is explored using its high sensitivity, higher spatial resolution, wider dynamic range and screen uniformity for several kinds radiations. First, the IP detector is applied to measure the surface uniformity for area source. Surface uniformity is measured rapidly and nondestructively by measuring the radioactivity distribution of common standard area source$(^{241}Am)$. Next, the IP is employed to study the possibility of measuring an extremely low-level activity of environmental sample. For this study the screen uniformity, shield effect of background radiation, linear dynamic range and fading effect of the IP detector is investigated. The potato, banana, radish and carrot samples are chosen to measure ultra low-level activity of $^{40}K$ isotope. The efficiency calibration of IP detector is carried out using the standard source.

Verification of Long-distance Vision-based Displacement Measurement System (장거리 영상기반 변위계측 시스템 검증)

  • Kim, Hong-Jin;Heo, Suk-Jae;Shin, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Regional Association of Architectural Institute of Korea
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the long - range measurement performance for practical field application of VDMS. The reliability of the VDMS was verified by comparison with the existing monitoring sensor, GPS, Accelerometer and LDS. It showed the ability to accurately measure the dynamic displacement by tracking a motion of free vibration of target. And using the PSD function of measured data, the results in the frequency domain were also analyzed. We judged that VDMS is able to identify the higher system mode and has sufficient reliability. Based on the reliability verification, we conducted tests for long-distance applicability for actual application of VDMS. The distance from the stationary target model structure was increased by 50m interval, and the maximum distance was set to 400m. From the distance of 150m, the image obtained by the commercial camcorder has an error in the analysis, so the measured displacement comparison was performed between the LDS and the refractor telescope measurement results. In the measurement results of the displacement area of VDMS, the data validity was deteriorated due to the data shift by the external force and the quality degradation of the enlarged image. However, even under the condition that the effectiveness of the displacement measurement data of VDMS is low, the first mode characteristic included in the free vibration of the object is clearly measured. If the influence from the external environment is controlled and stable data is collected, It is judged that reliability of long-distance VDMS can be secured.

Integrated Analysis of Visual Story Telling and Original Sound Track of 'Alladin' Animation ('알라딘' 애니메이션에서 비주얼 스토리텔링과 오리지널 사운드 트랙 융합 분석)

  • Jang, So Eun;Lou, Liang;Kim, Jae Ho
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • 제24권
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    • pp.375-388
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    • 2016
  • Integrated analysis of OST and VST of animation Alladin is carried out in this study. The OST is classified into 4 stages (Introduction, Bridge Passage, Climax, and Ending) and their OST and VST characteristics are found for each step. Especially, high dynamic characteristics of OST elements (sound, tonality, tempo, major range, intensity, and instrumentation) and VST elements (image structure, camera shot, camera movement) are found in the Climax stage. Full Shot is highly used up to 47.9% and this helps to show that the two characters become one in the completion stage of love. This is common factor shown in the previous analysis of OST "Beauty and the Beast". It is also found that specific musical instruments are matched to specific characters in "Beauty and the Beast" and high/low position or up/down movement of the object in the screen are matched to specific musical instruments in 'Alladin'.

2D Image Numerical Correction Method for 2D Digital Image Correlation (2차원 DIC 기법 적용을 위한 2D 이미지 보정 수치 해석 기법)

  • Kim, Wonseop;Hong, Seokmoo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.391-397
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    • 2017
  • Recently, digital image correlation (DIC) techniques have been used to measure dynamic deformation during tensile testing. The standard tensile test method measures the average displacement of the relevant specimen to calculate the true stress-strain curve. Therefore, the validity of the true stress curve is restricted to the stress incurred within the uniform stretching interval, i.e., the maximum stress corresponds to the starting point of the necking deformation. Alternatively, if DIC is used, the effective range of the strain and strain rate can be extended to the breaking point of the tensile specimen, because of the feasibility of measuring the local strain over the entire area of interest. Because of these advantages, many optical 3D measurement systems have been introduced and used in research and industry. However, the conventional 3D measurement systems are exceedingly expensive and time consuming. In addition, these systems have the disadvantage of a very large equipment size which makes their transport difficult. In this study, a 2D image correction method employing a 2D DIC measurement method in conjunction with a numerical analysis method is developed using a smartphone. The results of the proposed modified 2D DIC method yielded higher accuracy than that obtained via the 3D measurement equipment. In conclusion, it was demonstrated that the proposed 2D DIC and calibration methods yield accurate measurement results with low time costs.

Image Quality Analysis According to the of a Linear Transducer (선형 탐촉자에서 관심 시각 영역 변화에 따른 화질 분석)

  • Ji-Na, Park;Jae-Bok, Han;Jong-Gil, Kwak;Jong-Nam, Song
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • 제16권7호
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    • pp.975-984
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    • 2022
  • Since a linear transducer has an area of interest equal to the length of the transducer, the area of interest can be expanded using the virtual convex function installed in the device.However, it was thought that the change in the direction of the ultrasonic sound velocity according to the change in the visual area of interest would affect the image quality, so this was objectively confirmed. For this study, image evaluation and SNR·CNR of the phantom for ultrasound quality control were measured. As a result, in the phantom image evaluation, both images were able to identify structures in functional resolution, grayscale, and dynamic range. However, it was confirmed that the standard image was excellent in the reproducibility of the size and shape of the structure. As a result of SNR·CNR evaluation, SNR·CNR of most trapezoidal images was low, except for structures at specific locations. In addition, through the statistical analysis graph, it was further confirmed that the SNR and CNR for each depth decreased as the size of the cystic structure decreased. Through this study, it was confirmed that the use of the function has the advantage of providing a wide visual area of interest, but it has an effect on the image quality. Therefore, when using the virtual convex function, it is judged that the examiner should use it in an appropriate situation and conduct various studies to acquire high-quality images and to improve the understanding and proficiency of the equipment.

Multi-Channel Data Acquisition System Design for Spiral CT Application

  • Yoo, Sun-Won;Kim, In-Su;Kim, Bong-Su;Yun Yi;Kwak, Sung-Woo;Cho, Kyu-Sung;Park, Jung-Byung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 한국의학물리학회 2002년도 Proceedings
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    • pp.468-470
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    • 2002
  • We have designed X-ray detection system and multi-channel data acquisition system for Spiral CT application. X-ray detection system consists of scintillator and photodiode. Scintillator converts X-ray into visible light. Photodiode converts visible light into electrical signal. The multi-channel data acquisition system consists of analog, digital, master and backplane board. Analog board detects electrical signal and amplifies signal by 140dB. Digital board consists of MUX(Multiplex) which routes multi-channel analog signal to preamplifier, and ADC(Analog to Digital Converter) which converts analog signal into digital signal. Master board supplies the synchronized clock and transmits the digital data to image reconstructor. Backplane provides electrical power, analog output and clock signal. The system converts the projected X-ray signal over the detector array with large gain, samples the data in each channel sequentially, and the sampled data are transmitted to host computer in a given time frame. To meet the timing limitation, this system is very flexible since it is implemented by FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array). This system must have a high-speed operation with low noise and high SNR(signal to noise ratio), wide dynamic range to get a high resolution image.

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Image Contrast and Sunlight Readability Enhancement for Small-sized Mobile Display (소형 모바일 디스플레이의 영상 컨트라스트 및 야외시인성 개선 기법)

  • Chung, Jin-Young;Hossen, Monir;Choi, Woo-Young;Kim, Ki-Doo
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.116-124
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    • 2009
  • Recently the CPU performance of modem chipsets or multimedia processors of mobile phone is as high as notebook PC. That is why mobile phone has been emerged as a leading ICON on the convergence of consumer electronics. The various applications of mobile phone such as DMB, digital camera, video telephony and internet full browsing are servicing to consumers. To meet all the demands the image quality has been increasingly important. Mobile phone is a portable device which is widely using in both the indoor and outside environments, so it is needed to be overcome to deteriorate image quality depending on environmental light source. Furthermore touch window is popular on the mobile display panel and it makes contrast loss because of low transmittance of ITO film. This paper presents the image enhancement algorithm to be embedded on image enhancement SoC. In contrast enhancement, we propose Clipped histogram stretching method to make it adaptive with the input images, while S-shape curve and gain/offset method for the static application And CIELCh color space is used to sunlight readability enhancement by controlling the lightness and chroma components which is depended on the sensing value of light sensor. Finally the performance of proposed algorithm is evaluated by using histogram, RGB pixel distribution, entropy and dynamic range of resultant images. We expect that the proposed algorithm is suitable for image enhancement of embedded SoC system which is applicable for the small-sized mobile display.

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