• Title/Summary/Keyword: Long-term care cost

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A study on dental professionals' recognition on a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly (노인장기요양보험제도에 관한 치과종사자의 인식도 연구)

  • Ahn, Kwon-Suk;Ji, Min-Gyeong;Min, Hee-Hong
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.169-180
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    • 2009
  • This study grasped recognition on a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly targeting dental professionals who are working at dental hospitals and clinics where are located in Daejeon Metropolitan City. It developed and utilized materials available for educating the care staff in a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly and the dental professionals who participate in the oral hygiene service. It carried out the effective duty performance for the elderly in a situation of long-term care protection. Thus, the purpose of this study was to contribute to the early settlement in a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly. The following conclusions were obtained as a result of having carried out self-administered questionnaire research targeting 238 people from August 1 to August 30 in 2008. 1. In the general characteristics of the research subject, the present working place was indicated to be 22.7% for dental hospital, 71.8% for dental clinic, and 5.5% for others. As for the main duty field, the medical treatment & cooperative duty was indicated to be the highest with 61.8%, and was statistically significant(p=0.000). 2. The necessity for a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly was indicated to be 77.7% for 'necessary' and 1.7% for 'unnecessary,' and was statistically significant(p=0.016). 3. In the item of dividing the service of long-term care insurance for the elderly, the dental hygienists showed higher recognition than non-dental hygienists, and indicated significant difference(p=0.010). 4. As for recognition on a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly in dental professionals who responded as saying of 'knowing name and contents' about a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly, the recognition level was high in recognition of subjects' age(p=0.000), division in services(p=0.012), contents in at-home care service(p=0.000), execution in oral-hygiene service(p=0.004), procedure of using the long-term care insurance for the elderly(p=0.016), item of judging grade of long-term care insurance for the elderly(p=0.013), medical charge by service according to judging grade of long-term care insurance for the elderly(p=0.015), burden of cost for a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly(p=0.011), qualification of care staff(p=0.002), and contents of oral-hygiene service(p=0.027), and showed significant difference. 5. The service of long-term care insurance for the elderly and the oral-hygiene service indicated the statistically significant correlation. Accordingly, all of dental professionals need to make a desperate effort to improve dental professionals' knowledge on a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly enough to be required a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly. The more systematic and standardized professional education and materials are thought to be needed to be developed aiming at the success in oral-hygiene service within a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly, by strengthening professionalism in dentists and dental hygienists.

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The Want, its Determinants and the Willingness to Pay of the Long Term Care Service (장기요양 서비스를 누가, 얼마나, 얼마에 원하고 있는가? - 장기요양 서비스의 욕구와 결정요인 및 지불의사금액 -)

  • Kim Hyun Cheol;Hong Narei;Yeon Byeong Kil;Park Tae-Kyu;Chung Woo Jin;Jeong Jin Ook
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.136-160
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    • 2005
  • Before introducing the national long-term care insurance in 2008, the want for long term care service has to be estimated and analysed. This study estimates the demand and analyses what determines the want of long term care service. This study investigated data of 3f6 elderlies, that was collected by age stratified random sampling. The elderies resided in Onyang 4 - dong (urban area) and Dogo-myun (rural area) In the city of Asan. The researchers visited the elderlies and their care giver, and assessed their demand for the long term care service and examined physical, mental, socio-economic status by the assessment tools for Korean Long-Term Care System. $64\%$ of the those who are entitled to be served refuse the long term care service. $26.7\%$ of them wants for home care service and $7.9\%$ want facility care service. It is estimated that the want of home care service are three or four times as much as that of facility care service. The demand for long term care service is 5.155 times higher for those who live in rural area (p=0.000), 3.040 times higher for those who do not have spouse(p=0.057), and 3.356 times higher for the people who is in medicaid than medical insurance(p=0.029). However, income(p=0.782), means(p=0.614), living alone(p=0.223), number of family to live with (p=0.341) and age of the elderly(p=0.420) are not related with the demand of long term care service. The assessment tools for Korean Long-Term Care System for need evaluation of the long term care service can reflect the demand well.(p=0.024) If medical care will cover $80\%$ of total cost, the willingness to pay of the out of pocket money of the people with medical insurance is 67,400 Korean Won(66.77 US$) for the home care service and 182,500 Korean Won(180.78 US$) for the facility care service. There is possibility that long term care demand is still small after Introducing the long term care Insurance due to the care given by family members. When developing service delivery system of long term care insurance, rural area has to be given more consideration than urban area because of the higher demand. The people who do not have spouse or are in medicaid have to be given special consideration as well.

Changes in National Health Insurance Medical Expenses and Long-Term Care Costs between the Long-Term Care Group and General Older Adults Group before and after Long-Term Care Use (노인장기요양급여 이용 전후 장기요양군과 일반노인군 간 국민건강보험 및 노인장기요양보험 비용 추이)

  • Seung-Jin Oh;Kang Ju Son
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.249-260
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    • 2024
  • Background: The Republic of Korea's aging population escalates medical and long-term care costs. While prior research has suggested that long-term care might reduce these costs, these studies had limitations in their subjects and duration, making it difficult to generalize the results. This study aims to evaluate cost changes between the long-term care group and the general older adults group after addressing these limitations. Methods: A cohort was derived from the 2015 national population using stratified sampling. Subsequently, 15,114 individuals (7,557 in each group) were identified through 1:1 propensity score matching. The study employed a difference-in-differences analysis to explore variances in medical costs and long-term care benefits post-utilization of long-term care services. Results: Compared to the general older adults group, the long-term care group experienced a reduction in monthly per capita total medical costs by 56,459 Korean won (KRW). Although costs at tertiary and general hospitals increased, those related to long-term care hospitals decreased by 90,687 KRW. Including long-term care benefits, overall expenditures increased by 948,038 KRW. Conclusion: The analysis reveals that the long-term care group faces higher medical costs in acute care than the general older adults group, emphasizing a greater need for medical services within this group. To meet the increasing medical demands of the long-term care group, a collaborative strategy linking community resources, healthcare, and long-term care facilities is imperative. Additionally, developing and implementing preventive health habit management strategies for middle-aged and older adults is essential to diminish the future requirement for long-term care.

The Relationship between Home-Visit Nursing Services and Health Care Utilization among Nursing Service Recommended Beneficiaries of the Public Long-Term Care Insurance (노인장기요양보험 방문간호 권고군의 방문간호 이용과 의료 이용의 관계)

  • Kang, Sae Bom;Kim, Hongsoo
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.283-290
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    • 2014
  • Background: This study aimed to examine the relationship between home-visit nursing services and health care utilization under the public long-term care insurance program in Korea. Methods: We analyzed the long-term care need assessment database and the long-term care and the health insurance claim databases of National Health Insurance Service between July 2011 and June 2012. The sample includes a total of 20,065 home-visit nursing recommended-older beneficiaries who use home-visit nursing and/or home-visit care, based on a standard benefit model developed by the Health Insurance Policy Institute of National Health Insurance Service. The beneficiaries were categorized into home-visit nursing use and non-use groups, and the home-visit nursing use group was again divided into high-use and low-use groups home-visit nursing, based on their total annual home-visit nursing expenditure. Two-part models and negative-binomial regression models were used for the statistical analysis. Results: The home-visit nursing use was negatively associated with the number of outpatient visit and cost, while adjusting for all covariates. The home-visit nursing use was also negatively associated with the inpatient cost among the high home-visit nursing use group. Conclusion: The findings implies home-visit nursing use prevents health care utilization. Further studies and policy strategies that can promote and strengthen home-visit nursing services under the public long-term care insurance are necessary in Korea.

Factors Related to Family Caregiver Financial Burden of Out-Of Pocket Expenses for the Nursing home service under Long-term Care Insurance System (노인장기요양보험 시설서비스 본인부담금에 대한 가족수발자의 경제적 부담감 영향요인)

  • Han, Eun-Jeong;Lee, Jung-Suk;Kwon, Jinhee
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.383-402
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting family caregiver financial burden of out-of pocket expenses for the nursing home service under Long-term Care Insurance System. We conducted a national cross-sectional descriptive survey from July to September 2010 to collect data based on the long-term care benefits cost specification. Total 1,016 family caregivers completed questionnaires. 185 subjects of total were excluded from the data analysis due to being answered by user(18 cases), or caregivers not to pay for services expenditures(122 cases), having a missing data on family caregivers characteristics(45 cases). Finally, 831 subjects were included in the study. The average financial burden was 3.18(${\pm}0.71$). We divided subjects into two groups by level of burden, high-burden group and low-burden group. In the result of the multiple logistic regression analysis, family caregiver financial burden was significantly higher in family caregivers with ages 40 to 49 compared to less than 40, lower educational level, unsatisfaction for long-term care service, high percentage(more than 50%) of cost-sharing and high total out-of pocket expenses(more than 300,000 won) for long-term care services. Also, Family caregivers who are spouse felt higher financial burden compared to son. This study is meaningful as the first attempt to measure family caregiver financial burden for long-term care service and to identify factors affecting the financial burden. Family caregivers felt financial burden of out-of pocket expenses for the nursing home service. The policy makers, the insurer, and the providers need to pay attention to ease family caregiver financial burden.

Comparative Analysis on the Characteristics of High Cost Medical Users between the Health Insurance and Medical Assistance Program (고액진료비 환자의 특성 비교분석 - 의료보험과 의료보호환자를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Sunny;Moon, Ok-Ryun
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.112-129
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    • 1996
  • Background : A small number of high cost patients usually spend a larger proportion of scarce health resources. Aged, long-term care and readmitted patients usually belong to these high cost patient group. Among others, long length of stay and readmission can be reduced by checking its cause, and these are the areas needed most of quality improvement activity. Characteristics of high cost medical users between health insurance program and medical assistance program were reviewed. Methods : The inpatient claims of health insurance and medical assistance program were analyzed. Patients were divided by 6 groups; long-term, mid-term, short-term, readmitted, cancer and aged. We defined high cost patients as those who had spent one and half million won and over per 6 months. Characteristics of high cost patients for each group were reviewed. Results : medical assistance patients used much more resources than the insured members in the average hospital cost per case but less in daily hospital cost. The former had a longer length of stay and had much heavier diseases. Major diseases of both group were cancer, diseases of circulatory system and chronic degenerative diseases. Gallstone and schizophrenia were more in the insured program. However, pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma were more common among the medical assistance patients. Early readmission before 2 weeks were 28-30% of the total readmission. Readmission rate in the malignat neoplasm and renal failure were 80% and more. Q.A program should be installed to prevent unnecessary readmissions. Conclusion : Almost 30% of early readmissions and admissions due to complications and long length of stay should be reviewed carefully to keep cost down and to enhance the quality of hospital care.

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Projecting Public Expenditures for Long-Term Care in Korea (노인장기요양보험 급여비용의 중장기 추계)

  • Yun, Hee-Suk;Kwon, Hyung-Joon
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.37-63
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    • 2010
  • Public expenditures on long-term care are a matter of concern for Korea as in many other countries. The expenditure is expected to accelerate and to put pressure on public budgets, adding to that arising from insufficient retirement schemes and other forms of social spending. This study tried to foresee how much health care spending could increase in the future considering demographic and non-demographic factors as the drivers of expenditure. Previous projections of future long-term expenditure were mainly based on a given relation between spending and age structure. However, although demographic factors will surely put upward pressure on long-term care costs, other non-demographic factors, such as labor cost increase and availability of informal care, should be taken into account as well. Also, the possibility of dynamic link between health status and longevity gains needs to be considered. The model in this study is cell-base and consists of three main parts. The first part estimated the numbers of elderly people with different levels of health status by age group, gender, household type. The second part estimated the levels of long-term care services required, by attaching a probability of receiving long-term care services to each cell using from the sample from current year. The third part of the model estimated long-term care expenditure, along the demographic and non-demographic factors' change in various scenarios. Public spending on long-term care could rise from the current level of 0.2~0.3% of GDP to around 0.44~2.30% by 2040.

Effects of Visiting Nursing Services in Long-term Care Insurance on Utilization of Health Care (노인장기요양보험의 방문간호 서비스가 의료이용에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Sangjin;Kwak, Chanyeong
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.272-283
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This is a comparative study using secondary data from the Korean national long term care (LTC) insurance. Methods: Visiting nursing (VN) service users (n=666) and non-users (n=4,375) were extracted and compared in terms of medical expenditures, length of hospitalization, and annual number of ambulatory care visits to investigate effects of VN services in LTC. Results: Total health care expenditures were compared between the two groups and it was found that VN service users spent about $ 1700 than non-users for their medical costs between 2009 and 2011. The average length of in-hospital stay for VN service users was 19.4 days shorter than that of non-users. However, using VN services did not significantly influence the annual number of ambulatory care visits. Conclusion: The study has found that VN services are effective ways of providing community-based LTC services. We recommend LTC policy makers to further utilize VN services to deliver cost effective health care services.

Inclusion of Home-based Rehabilitation Services in the Long-Term Care Insurance - Review on the Home-based Physical Therapy in the OECD - (노인장기요양보험제도를 통한 방문재활 서비스 도입방안 -서비스 공급주체로서 OECD국가 가정방문물리치료의 고찰-)

  • Yoon, Tae-Hyung
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.161-175
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to expand the home-based rehabilitation services in the long term care insurance. This study was reviewed on the home-based physical therapy in the OECD. The way of this study was literature search and review. This was to reviewed Proquest, Sciencedirect, SpingerLink, Pubmed. Kew word is "home-based therapy". This was collected 71 articles and final analyzed article was 49. The results were as follows; The article number is seven in Canada, fifteen in USA, five in UK, six in Australia, three in Sweden, five in New Zealand, two in Netherlands, one in Turkey, South Korea, Japan, France, Spain, Italy respectively. Randomized controlled trial is fifty, case-control study is eleven, interview is three, literature review is two, and case report, cost-analysis, cost-effectiveness, pilot study, single blinded parallel design, demonstrative study, survey is one respectively. Physical therapist played an important role in home-based rehabilitation among OECD than nurse. Therefore, we must introduce home-based physical therapy in long term care insurance in South Korea.

Comparative Study of Home Nursing Care Services under the Long-term Care Insurance System in Four Nations (방문간호의 국내외 현황분석 - 한국, 미국, 일본, 독일의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Sung, Myung-Sook;Jang, Hee-Jung;Kim, Chun-Gill;Kang, Kyeong-Hwa;Nam, Kyung-A;Park, Jong-Duk
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.211-225
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This comparative study analyzed information systems including manpower, contents of service, clients, and costs among four nations. Methods: A literature review of relevant publications from Korea, United States, Japan, and Germany supported the use of several plans to activate home nursing care services under the long-term care insurance system in Korea. Results: Korean home nursing care services require quality improvements. The results indicated that a rule is necessary that rations simple visiting service and home nursing care services under the long-term care insurance system, that an integrated management system for elderly care is required, and that the revised delivery of services needs to establish and reflect on various factors to estimate the value in a home visiting nursing care cost system. Conclusion: The data should be valuable in establishment of home nursing care services under the long-term insurance system in Korea.