• 제목/요약/키워드: Location selecting

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Developing Landscape Analysis Method for Forest Fire Damaged Area Restoration Using Virtual GIS (Virtual GIS를 이용한 산불피해지 복구 경관분석기법 개발)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Lee, Myung-Bo;Kim, Joon-Bum;Lim, Ju-Hun;Kim, Sung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2004
  • In Korea the number of forest fire occurrence and its damaged area have increased drastically and the plans for afforestation such as sound erosion control restoration and forestation have performed to restore for forest fire damaged area. In this study fire resistant forest was developed by selecting fire resistance tree species and applying GIS analysis, considering the characteristic of forest fire and location environment in forest fire damaged area along the east coast. Moreover, it showed the possibility of how spatial information technology such as virtual GIS could be applied during restoring forest fire damaged area and approaching landscape ecology researches. Especially the fire resistant forest was established by using GIS analysis against large scaled forest fires then the best forest arrangement was performed through this fire resistant forest species and 3D modeling in study area. In addition, the forest landscape was established through site index on passing years and then 3D topography and tracking simulation, which is very similar to real world, were constructed by using virtual GIS.

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A Study on the Third Party Logistics Service Enforcement of Inland Container Depot at Busan area (부산지역 ICD의 TPL(Third Party Logistics) 서비스의 기능 강화에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Young-Bong;Lee, Chun-Su
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.165-182
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this paper is to study on the third party logistics service enforcement of inland container depot at Pusan area. The main results of this paper are as follows: First, the inland container depot related to location selecting factor researches analyzed and korean TPL market reviewed. Second, the TPL service function reinforcement method and investments are mentioned. In detail the 9 factors are as follows: competitive high position and improvements of harbor back complex, ICD goods enterprise investment strategies, the harbor back which is inexpensive only the rent, taxes benefit and incentive, site security and base facility expansion, the goods service provision which is flexible, connection plan construction of goods enterprise, the incentive strategic establishment which is discriminated, the marketing activity which is long-term. and lastly the ICD and TPL Policy are needed that government and logistic enterprise's cooperation gains competitive advantage.

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Automatic Extraction of River Levee Slope Using MMS Point Cloud Data (MMS 포인트 클라우드를 활용한 하천제방 경사도 자동 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Cheolhwan;Lee, Jisang;Choi, Wonjun;Kim, Wondae;Sohn, Hong-Gyoo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_3
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    • pp.1425-1434
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    • 2021
  • Continuous and periodic data acquisition must be preceded to maintain and manage the river facilities effectively. Adapting the existing general facilities methods, which include river surveying methods such as terrestrial laser scanners, total stations, and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), has limitation in terms of its costs, manpower, and times to acquire spatial information since the river facilities are distributed across the wide and long area. On the other hand, the Mobile Mapping System (MMS) has comparative advantage in acquiring the data of river facilities since it constructs three-dimensional spatial information while moving. By using the MMS, 184,646,009 points could be attained for Anyang stream with a length of 4 kilometers only in 20 minutes. Levee points were divided at intervals of 10 meters so that about 378 levee cross sections were generated. In addition, the waterside maximum and average slope could be automatically calculated by separating slope plane form levee point cloud, and the accuracy of RMSE was confirmed by comparing with manually calculated slope. The reference slope was calculated manually by plotting point cloud of levee slope plane and selecting two points that use location information when calculating the slope. Also, as a result of comparing the water side slope with slope standard in basic river plan for Anyang stream, it is confirmed that inspecting the river facilities with the MMS point cloud is highly recommended than the existing river survey.

A Study on Green Space Location Selection to Reduce Particulate Matter by Projecting Distributions of Emission Source and Vulnerable Groups - focusing on Seongdong-gu, Seoul - (미세먼지 배출원과 취약계층 분포 추정을 통한 미세먼지 저감 녹지 입지 선정 연구 - 서울시 성동구를 대상으로 -)

  • Shin, Ye-Eun;Park, Jin-Sil;Kim, Su-Yeon;Lee, Sang-Woo;An, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2021
  • The study aims to propose a locating method of green space for reducing Particulate Matter (PM) in ambient air in conjunction with its source traces and vulnerable groups. In order to carry out the aims and purposes, a literature review was conducted to derive indicators of vulnerable area to PM. Based on the developed indicators, the vulnerable areas and green spaces creation strategies for each cluster were developed for the case of Seongdong-gu, Seoul. As a result, six indicators for vulnerability analysis were came out including the vulnerable groups (children's facilities, old people's facilities), emission sources (air pollutant emission workplaces, roads), and environmental indicators (particulate matter concentration, NDVI). According to the six selected indicators, the target area was divided into 39 hexagons and analyzed to result the most vulnerable areas to particulate matter. As a result of comprehensive vulnerability analysis, the Seongsu-dong area was found to be the most vulnerable to particulate matter, and 5 clusters were derived through k-means cluster analysis. Cluster 1 was analyzed as areas that most vulnerable to particulate matter as a result of the comprehensive analysis, therefore urgent need to create green spaces to reduce particulate matter. Cluster 2 was areas that mostly belonged to the Han River. Cluster 3 corresponds to the largest number of hexagons, and since many vulnerable groups are distributed, it was analyzed as a cluster that required the creation of a green spaces to reduce particulate matter, focusing on facilities for vulnerable groups. Three hexagons are included in cluster 4, and the cluster has many roads and lacks vegetation in common. Cluster 5 has a lot of green spaces and is generally distributed with fewer vulnerable groups and emission sources; however, it has a high level of particulate matter concentration. In a situation where various green spaces creation projects for reducing particulate are being implemented, it is necessary to consider the vulnerable groups and emission sources and to present green space creation strategies for each space characteristic in order to increase the effectiveness of such projects. Therefore, this study is regarded as meaningful in suggesting a method for selecting a green area for reducing PM.

Selection of Accident Frequency Area through Accident Cost Analysis (비용분석을 통한 교통사고 누적지역 선정방안)

  • Lee, Jung-Beom
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2022
  • The number of car crashes increases along with the increasing number of vehicles. Hence, diverse initiatives on traffic accidents have been implemented, targeting zero crash fatalities. According to the 3rd Traffic Safety Master Plan of 2016, the current standard selecting road accident black spots prioritizes locations with the high cumulative death toll. While this standard is suitable for roads that a city government manages to some extent, it is not suitable for roads less than 20 meters that a borough (Gu) handles. The roads under the supervision of a borough do not have enough death toll, and thus improvements on its road accident black spots are highly limited. In addition, discovering the causes of traffic accidents is not easy when the number of car accidents is obtained by considering only fatal accidents, which are relatively low in number. Therefore, including all traffic accidents might identify causes of accidents and result in better advancements. Therefore, this research follows rational decision-making and suggests new National Traffic Safety Master Plan standards. These new standards are obtained by comparing accident costs between the location of fatal crashes and road accident black spots. The analysis result shows that considering all types of accidents yields better results. For example, a Three-way Intersection in front of Zion Day Care Center, one of the selected spots under the current standard, has lower road crash costs than Sinchon Intersection, a selected spot under a new standard. Therefore, the study concludes that the standards to select road accident black spots need to include traffic accident severity and road crash costs.

A Study on the Development of "Bufo gargarizans" Habitat Suitability Index(HSI) (두꺼비 서식지 적합성 지수(HSI) 모델개발을 위한 연구)

  • Cho, Gun-Young;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.23-38
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    • 2022
  • This study investigates the characteristics and physical habitat requirements for each Bufo gargarizans life history through a literature survey. After deriving variables for each component of Bufo gargarizans, in order to reduce regional deviations from eight previously studied literature research areas for deriving the criteria for variables, a total of 12 natural habitats of Bufo gargarizanss are selected as spatial ranges by selecting four additional sites such as Umyeonsan Ecological Park in Seoul, Wonheungibangjuk in Cheongju in the central region, Changnyeong Isan Reservoir in the southern region, and Mangwonji in Daegu. This study presents Bufo gargarizans SI, a species endemic to Korea, whose population is rapidly declining due to large-scale housing site development and road development, and develops a Bufo gargarizans HSI model accordingly to improve the function of the damaged Bufo gargarizans habitat and to present an objective basis for site selection of alternative habitat. At the same time, it provides basic data for adaptive management and follow-up monitoring. The three basic habitat requirements of amphibians, the physical habitat requirements of Bufo gargarizans, synthesized with shelter, food, and water, and the characteristics of each life history, are classified into five components by adding space and threats through literature research and expert advice. Variables are proposed by synthesizing and comparing the general characteristics of amphibians, among the previously studied single species of amphibians, the components of HSI of goldfrogs and Bufo gargarizans, and the ecological and physical environmental characteristics of Bufo gargarizans. Afterwards, through consultation with an amphibian expert, a total of 10 variables are finally presented by adjacent forest area(ha), the distance between spawning area and the nearest forest land(m), the soil, the distance from the wetland(m), the forest layered structure, the low grassland space, the permanent wetland area(ha), shoreline slope(%), PH, presence of predators, distance from road(m), presence or absence of obstacles. n order to derive the final criteria for each of the 10 variables, the criteria(alternative) for each variable are presented through geographic information analysis of the site survey area and field surveys of the previously studied literature research area. After a focus group interview(FGI) of 30 people related to the Bufo gargarizans colony in Cheongju, a questionnaire and in-depth interviews with three amphibians experts are conducted to verify and supplement the criteria for each final variable. Based on the finally developed Bufo gargarizans HSI, the Bufo gargarizans habitat model is presented through the SI graph model and the drawing centering on the Bufo gargarizans spawning area

A Study on the Applicability of Wood Preservatives to Wooden Cultural Properties by Aging Treatment (열화 처리에 의한 목재 보존제의 목조문화재 적용성 평가 연구)

  • Lee, Jeung-Min;Kim, Young Hee;Won, Seo Young;Kim, Myoung Nam;Park, Ji Hee
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.180-191
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    • 2022
  • Wooden cultural heritage are exposed to the external environment as they and there are many difficulties in conservation due to their location and size. Among them, biological damage caused by termites or mold consumes a lot of money and time. Select and use wood preservatives to prevent biological damage: Wood preservatives were selected and the worst environmental conditions, temperature 60±3℃, humidity 55±5%, and light intensity of 0.35 W/m2, were subjected to aging treatment to analyze chemical changes. Through the deterioration process, it was confirmed that the change in color difference decreased in the wood preservative treatment compared to the Control group. As a result of measuring the content of the active ingredient contained in the deterioration process of the wood preservative, it was confirmed that the active ingredient content of Gori22 and Bondex Preserve III was higher than that of the comparative Wood Keeper A. Through experiments, the shelf life and treatment period can be predicted by measuring the extent to which wood preservatives affect the change of wood specimens during the deterioration process and the content of active ingredients. In conclusion, various wood preservatives were prepared, and the possibility of selectively selecting wood preservatives according to the environment, topography and period was presented as a major evaluation factor.

Determination of Floodplain Restoration Area Based on Old Maps and Analysis on Flood Storage Effects of Flood Mitigation Sections (고지도를 활용한 홍수터 복원 구역 선정 및 홍수완충공간의 홍수 저류효과 분석)

  • Dong-jin Lee;Un Ji;Sanghyuk Kim;Hong-Kyu Ahn;Eun-kyung Jang
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.40-49
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    • 2023
  • To reduce the damage of extreme flooding caused by climate change and to create flood mitigation sections in a nature-friendly riparian area, it is necessary to restore the floodplain area by referring to the past floodplain section of the current inland waterfront area before the levee was built. This study proposed a method of selecting a location for floodplain restoration using old maps of the Geum River study section and analyzed the effect of flood level reduction through unsteady flow numerical simulations using the floodplain as a flood mitigation space. As a result of analyzing changes in the river areas using old maps, the river section was estimated to gradually reduce by 27.8% (1,059,380 m2) in 2020 compared to 1919, and it was found to have an effective storage capacity of 2,200,868 m3 when restored to offline storage. The flood level and discharge control effects analyzed based on HEC-RAS unsteady flow simulation were 16 cm and 219.01 m3/s, respectively, in the downstream cross-section. In the numerical simulation in this paper, the flood mitigation space was applied as an offline reservoir. The effect of reducing the flood level may differ if levee retreat/relocation is applied.

A Study on the Problems and the Betterment Plan in Operating District Units Plan of the City in Busan Metropolitan (부산광역시 지구단위계획의 운영실태에 따른 문제점 및 개선방향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Gu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.5D
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    • pp.723-734
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, the problems and betterment plan in operating district units plan are studied by selecting typal case locations based on the types of district units plan of the city of Busan. According to the types, 4 locations of 'type of maintaining preexisting district' and 3 of 'type of managing preexisting district' are selected as case locations, based on a scale and characteristics of each location.In systematical aspects of the case locations, indiscreet upward adjustment of the locations, insignificant participation of the citizens and patternization were recognized as problems. And setting accurate standards for target and range of alteration in line with usage plan of the locations would be necessarily urgent. So through the analysing process of the problems arisen from the case locations I would suggests necessary solutions to improve the effectiveness of the district units plan. And In planning aspects, the similarity between the basic directions and the object, batch-application of the density plan, inadequacy of the usage plan, allocations and patterns of structures, and color planning were recognized to have problematic points. Consequently distinguished specific operating-guidelines would be necessary to achieve the basic directions and the object of district units plan. Furthermore, the building-to-land ratio and floor space index are needed to be exactly calculated through providing accurate and logical standards for appropriate development density of structures.

Elevator Algorithm Design Using Time Table Data (시간표 데이터를 이용한 엘리베이터 알고리즘 설계)

  • Park, Jun-hyuk;Kyoung, Min-jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.122-124
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    • 2022
  • Handling Passenger Traffic is the main challenge for designing an elevator group-control algorithm. Advanced control systems such as Hyundai's Destination Selection System(DSS) lets passengers select the destination by pressing on a selecting screen, and the systems have shown great efficiency. However, the algorithm cannot be applied to the general elevator control system due to the expensive cost of the technology. Often many elevator systems use Nearest Car(NC) algorithms based on the SCAN algorithm, which results in time efficiency problems. In this paper, we designed an elevator group-control algorithm for specific buildings that have approximate timetable data for most of the passengers in the building. In that way, it is possible to predict the destination and the location of passenger calls. The algorithm consists of two parts; the waiting function and the assignment function. They evaluate elevators' actions with respect to the calls and the overall situation. 10 different timetables are created in reference to a real timetable following midday traffic and interfloor traffic. The specific coefficients in the function are set by going through the genetic algorithm process that represents the best algorithm. As result, the average waiting time has shortened by a noticeable amount and the efficiency was close to the known DSS result. Finally, we analyzed the algorithm by evaluating the meaning of each coefficient result from the genetic algorithm.

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