• Title/Summary/Keyword: Location map

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The Spatial Analysis of Knowledge Production Activities Based on Korean Patent Data (특허 데이터에 기초한 지식창출활동의 공간분석)

  • Lee, Hee-Yeon;Kim, Hong-Joo
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.318-340
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    • 2006
  • In the last decade, there has been a widespread interest in knowledge production activities as a new engine of endogeneous growth. In the knowledge-based economy, there has been a growing importance of the patent as the index of knowledge production. Much literature suggests that knowledge production activities tend to be spatially concentrated and formed the clusters in the advanced economies. The purpose of this paper is to analyze spatial-temporal patterns of knowledge production activities in Korea based on a data set of patents from 1981-2000. This paper uses spatial statistical methods and GIS to explore the spatial dimensions of knowledge production activities in Korea. Through this research, it was found that knowledge production activities were unevenly distributed. The knowledge production activity measured by patent counts is highly concentrated in a limited number of cities. The top 10 cities accounted for 68.5% of the total number of patents in the period of 1981-2000, suggesting the existence of a strong concentration of knowledge production activities in Korea. The locations of knowledge production activities by themselves represented a strong spatial autocorrelation. The concentration of knowledge production activities in Korea is spatially correlated to the concentration of adjacent neighboring cities. The location of knowledge production activities is not free from a spatial context and spillover of knowledge production activities are heavily bounded within geographic limits, forming a spatial cluster. There appear some quite a large spatial cluster around the seoul metropolitan area.

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Development of Video Work Manual for Rock-Drill Data In Fire Service (소방에서의 도상훈련 기초자료 영상화작업 매뉴얼 개발)

  • Cho, Jae-Kwan;Park, Hee-Jin;Hwang, Inn;Kwon, Hayrran
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.103-128
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    • 2002
  • As a result of trying the various manufacturing methods considering the reality of manpower and equipments with this manual, the following standardized procedures and contents can be suggested. (1) Since tools presenting Rock-Drill data must formalize the order of explanation although explainers are different, it will be valid that it is configured by existing power point method rather than by web document type. Composition of contents are selected on the basis of defence card and survey and then 8 items including initial screen, peripheral conditions, mobilization route, general conditions, use and structure by floor, department of vehicle consideration in activities and end screen are included. (2) Making methods and cautions of data included and used in power point are as follows ; - It was most effective that objects of fire fighting and location of neighboring fire fighting water were expressed by electronic map and drawing of inner building was made by scanning it after paining general architecture drawing(plan by each floor) rather than using drawing tools of EXCEL program or CAD drawing. And it was helpful to simplify contents of architecture drawing to wall, stairs and gate in understanding them. - Photographing of video data should be taken to show available fire fighting facilities in fire, use of planned space and the whole inner structure of each floor from the inside of fire fighting buildings and to display play time between 10 sec. and 1 min, for obstacles to distance from adjacent buildings or passage of special vehicles and fire fighting water from the outside of the building. - File format of video data taken in this way is most suitable to use wmv(window media video) or asf(advanced streaming format) type in consideration of time required for export, screen quality, file capacity and play type in Rock-Drill through network. - Still screen(photo) is more effective to express the department of fire fighting vehicles or other equipments than using video. (3) In configuration work of power point, hyper link was used most and configured to see any part at any situation like web document and then uniformity of presentation order of power point was complemented. (4) In case of sales facilities with the area of $35.557m^2$, the time of 22 hours and 30 minutes for five days was taken with five persons. Therefore, when eight-hour works a day were calculated, the whole process of video work for Rock-Drill can be finished with three day works.

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QTL Analysis of Rice Heading-related Genes Using Cheongcheong/Nagdong Doubled Haploid Genetic Map (청청/낙동 배가반수체 유전자 지도를 이용한 쌀의 출수기 관련 양적형질유전자좌(QTL) 분석)

  • Jang, Yoon-Hee;Park, Jae-Ryoung;Kim, Kyung-Min
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.30 no.10
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    • pp.844-850
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    • 2020
  • Disaster-related extreme weather is rapidly increasing due to climate change. In Korea, typhoons accompanied by rainfall usually approach in August and September, causing great damage. The purpose of this study is to find a gene that regulates the heading date of rice in order to avoid loss of harvest from climate change and typhoons. Cheongcheong/Nagdong doubled haploid (CNDH) was used as the plant material to investigate the location of heading-related genes using QTL and sequence analysis by cloning the gene. In the distribution chart, the heading dates, culm lengths, panicle lengths, numbers of panicles, and 1,000-grain weights all have normal distributions. QTL analysis found 13 contigs on chromosome 8. One QTL, named qHd8, was detected on chromosome 8. The range at qHd8 was approximately 7.7 cM, with RM72 and RM404 markers near the peak. There were 13 contigs and 1 ORF. Protein sequence analysis showed that rice was similar to Os08g0341700, AtSFH13, and AtSFH7 proteins. Os08g0341700, which is involved in signal transduction, is similar to phosphatidylinositol transfer-like protein II, and complete information is not available, but it is believed to play a role in the phosphatidylinositol-specific signaling pathway related to Sec14P.

Learning-based Detection of License Plate using SIFT and Neural Network (SIFT와 신경망을 이용한 학습 기반 차량 번호판 검출)

  • Hong, Won Ju;Kim, Min Woo;Oh, Il-Seok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.8
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2013
  • Most of former studies for car license plate detection restrict the image acquisition environment. The aim of this research is to diminish the restrictions by proposing a new method of using SIFT and neural network. SIFT can be used in diverse situations with less restriction because it provides size- and rotation-invariance and large discriminating power. SIFT extracted from the license plate image is divided into the internal(inside class) and the external(outside class) ones and the classifier is trained using them. In the proposed method, by just putting the various types of license plates, the trained neural network classifier can process all of the types. Although the classification performance is not high, the inside class appears densely over the plate region and sparsely over the non-plate regions. These characteristics create a local feature map, from which we can identify the location with the global maximum value as a candidate of license plate region. We collected image database with much less restriction than the conventional researches. The experiment and evaluation were done using this database. In terms of classification accuracy of SIFT keypoints, the correct recognition rate was 97.1%. The precision rate was 62.0% and recall rate was 50.2%. In terms of license plate detection rate, the correct recognition rate was 98.6%.

An Object Recognition Performance Improvement of Automatic Door using Ultrasonic Sensor (초음파 센서를 이용한 자동문의 물체인식 성능개선)

  • Kim, Gi-Doo;Won, Seo-Yeon;Kim, Hie-Sik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2017
  • In the field of automatic door, the infrared rays and microwave sensor are much used as the important components in charge of the motor's operation control of open and close through the incoming signal of object recognition. In case of existing system that the sensor of the infrared rays and microwave are applied to the automatic door, there are many malfunctions by the infrared rays and visible rays of the sun. Because the automatic doors are usually installed outside of building in state of exposure. The environmental change by temperature difference occurs the noise of object recognition detection signal. With this problem, the hardware fault that the detection sensor is unable to follow the object moving rapidly within detection area makes the sensing blind spot. This fault should be improved as soon as possible. Because It influences safety of passengers who use the automatic doors. This paper conducted an experiment to improve the detection area by installing extra ultrasonic sensor besides existing detection sensor. So, this paper realize the computing circuit and detection algorithm which can correctly and rapidly process the access route of objects moving fast and the location area of fixed obstacles by applying detection and advantages of ultrasonic signal to the automatic doors. With this, It is proved that the automatic door applying ultrasonic sensor is improved detection area of blind spot sensing through field test and improvement plan is proposed.

A comparative study of nondestructive geomagnetic survey with archeological survey for detection of buried cultural properties in Doojeong-dong site, Cheonan, Chungnam Province (매장문화재 확인을 위한 자력탐사 및 발굴 비교연구: 충남 천안시 두정동 발굴지역)

  • Suh, Man-Cheol;Lee, Nam-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.175-184
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    • 2000
  • A nondestructive experimental feasibility study was conducted using magnetometer to find buried cultural objects at pottery and steel matters in low-relief mountaineous area of Doojeong-dong, Cheonan, Chungnam Province from May 23 to July 18, 1998. Magnetic survey was carried out with $20cm{\times}20cm$ grid in a site of $20m{\times}40m$ before excavation, and the distribution of magnetic anomalies was compared with the results of excavation. Magnetic sensor was located on the surface of ground during the magnetic survey on the basis of an experimental result. Positive magnetic anomalies of maximum 130 nT are found over a pair of potteries. Magnetic anomaly map reveals several anomalous points in the 1st and 4th quadrants of the survey site, from where potteries and their fragments were confirmed. Six points out of seven points cprrelated with magnetic anomaly are found contain earthwares, whereas a magnetically uncorrelated location produced earthware made of unbaked clay. Steel waste such as cans and wires hidden in soil and bushes also influenced magnetic anomalies. Therefore, it is better to remove such steel wastes prior to magnetic survey if possible. Some magnetically anomalous points produced no archaeological object on excavation. This may be explained by shallower level of excavation than burial depth.

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SLAM Method by Disparity Change and Partial Segmentation of Scene Structure (시차변화(Disparity Change)와 장면의 부분 분할을 이용한 SLAM 방법)

  • Choi, Jaewoo;Lee, Chulhee;Eem, Changkyoung;Hong, Hyunki
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.8
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    • pp.132-139
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    • 2015
  • Visual SLAM(Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) has been used widely to estimate a mobile robot's location. Visual SLAM estimates relative motions with static visual features over image sequence. Because visual SLAM methods assume generally static features in the environment, we cannot obtain precise results in dynamic situation including many moving objects: cars and human beings. This paper presents a stereo vision based SLAM method in dynamic environment. First, we extract disparity map with stereo vision and compute optical flow. We then compute disparity change that is the estimated flow field between stereo views. After examining the disparity change value, we detect ROIs(Region Of Interest) in disparity space to determine dynamic scene objects. In indoor environment, many structural planes like walls may be determined as false dynamic elements. To solve this problem, we segment the scene into planar structure. More specifically, disparity values by the stereo vision are projected to X-Z plane and we employ Hough transform to determine planes. In final step, we remove ROIs nearby the walls and discriminate static scene elements in indoor environment. The experimental results show that the proposed method can obtain stable performance in dynamic environment.

Improved characterization method for mobile phone camera and LCD display (모바일 폰 카메라와 LCD의 향상된 특성화 방법)

  • Jang, In-Su;Son, Chang-Hwan;Lee, Cheol-Hee;Song, Kun-Woen;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2008
  • The characterization process for the accurate color reproduction in mobile phone with camera and LCD is popular. The camera and LCD characterization, gamut mapping process is necessary to map the camera's input color stimulus, CIEXYZ value, into the LCD's output color stimulus. Each characterization is the process estimating the relation between input and output signals. In case of LCD, because of output device, the output color stimulus for the arbitrary input signal can be measured by spectro-radiometer However, in the camera, as the input device, the characterization is an inaccurate and needs the manual works in the process obtaining the output signal because the input signal can not be generated. Moreover, after gamut mapping process, the noise is increased because the optimized gamma tone curve of camera for the noise is distorted by the characterization. Thus, this paper proposed the system of obtaining the output signal of camera and the method of gamma correction for the noise. The camera's output signal is obtained by RGB values of patches from captured the color chart image. However, besides the illumination, the error for the location of the chart in the viewfinder is generated when many camera modules are captured the chart. The method of correcting the position to correct the error from manual works. The position of camera is estimated by captured image. This process and moving of camera is accomplished repeatedly, and the optimized position can be obtained. Moreover, the lightness curve of camera output is corrected partly to reduce the noise from the characterization process.

High-Precision and 3D GIS Matching and Projection Based User-Friendly Radar Display Technique (3차원 GIS 정합 및 투영에 기반한 사용자 친화적 레이더 자료 표출 기법)

  • Jang, Bong-Joo;Lee, Keon-Haeng;Lee, Dong-Ryul;Lim, Sanghun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.47 no.12
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    • pp.1145-1154
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    • 2014
  • In recent years, as frequency and intensity of severe weather disasters such as flash flood have been increasing, providing accurate and prompt information to the public is very important and needs of user-friendly monitoring/warning system are growing. This paper introduces a method that re-produces radar observations as multimedia contents and applies reproduced data to mesh-up services. In addition, a accurate GIS matching technique to help to track the exact location going on serious atmospheric phenomena is presented. The proposed method create multimedia contents having structures such as two dimensional images, vector graphics or three dimensional volume data by re-producing various radar variables obtained from a weather radar. After then, the multimedia formatted weather radar data are matched with various detailed raster or vector GIS map platform. Results of simulation test with various scenarios indicate that the display system based on the proposed method can support for users to figure out easily and intuitively routes and degrees of risk of severe weather. We expect that this technique can also help for emergency manager to interpret radar observations properly and to forecast meteorological disasters more effectively.

The Effects of GyeongIn Ara Waterway on the Regional Property Value (경인아라뱃길이 지역 부동산 가격에 미친 영향 분석)

  • Lee, Hee-Chan;Cha, Joo-Young;Park, Doo-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.277-285
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research is to evaluate the scenic value of the Gyungin Ara waterway in real estate prices. Apart from the multi-functionality such as transportation of passengers and freight, prevention of floods, and provision of leisure areas, the Ara waterway possesses a scenic function which offers people esthetic value through unique and beautiful scenery. This scenic function is an externality for apartment residents living nearby. The applied methodology for this research is the Hedonic Price Model (HPM) which creates a cause and effect model between real estate prices and attributes. Variables such as apartment sale prices, complex characteristics, location characteristics, timely characteristics have been deduced through data collected from a total of 4,207 households that have experienced actual transactions during the same period, all located within the scenic benefit boundaries of the waterway. Landscape variable has been derived from algorithm designed by a combination of digital map and Google Mapview. The scenic value of the waterway estimated through the application of HPM on these variables is 165,000 Won per area (pyeong). The regional asset enhancing effect caused by the landscape view of the waterway is estimated to be 89.1 billion won.