• Title/Summary/Keyword: Location정보

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Mobility and Safety Evaluation Methodology for the Locations of Hi-PASS Lanes Using a Microscopic Traffic Simulation Tool (미시교통시뮬레이션모형을 이용한 하이패스 차로 위치별 이동성 및 안전성 평가방법 연구)

  • Yun, Ilsoo;Han, Eum;Lee, Cheol-Ki;Rho, Jeong Hyun;Lee, Soojin;Kim, Sang Byum
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.98-108
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    • 2013
  • The number of Hi-Pass lanes became 793 lanes at 316 expressway tollgates in 2011 due to the increase in the Hi-Pass use. In spite of the increase in the number of Hi-Pass lanes, there have been increased potential risks in tollgates where vehicles using a Hi-Pass lane must weave with other vehicles using a TCS lane. Therefore, there is a need for study on the safety in tollgates. To this end, this study aims at developing a methodology to evaluate the performance measures of diverse location countermeasures of Hi-Pass lanes in an efficient and systematic way. This study measured the mobility, safety and the convenience of installation and operation of Hi-Pass lanes using a microscopic traffic simulation tool, the surrogate safety assessment model and survey. In addition, this study aggregated the above three performance indexes using weight factors estimated using the AHP technique. For the test site, Dongsuwon interchange was selected. After building the microscopic traffic simulation model for the test site, the location countermeasures of Hi-Pass lanes applicable to the test site were compared with each other in terms of the mobility, safety and installing and operating convenience. As a result, there has been no apparent difference in mobility index based on delays. However, the countermeasures where Hi-Pass lanes are located in inside lanes generally showed better safety performance based on the number of conflicts. In addition, countermeasures with neighboring Hi-Pass lanes were favorable in terms of the safety and the convenience of installation and operation. The methodology proposed in this study was found to be useful to support decision makings by providing critical and quantitative information regarding the mobility, safety and the convenience of installation and operation.

Electromagnetic Wave in all Base Stations (다기지국 환경에서 전자파 노출량)

  • Cho, Euy-Hyun;Park, Jeong-Kyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.26-44
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    • 2011
  • The Study was carreid out to see whether the intensity of electromagnetic waves in each floor of a building where the sharing base station has been established is harmful to a human body, and to expect the intensity of the waves in the building. The investigate was performed on both of sharing base station either with many scatterers or without any of them. To satisfy the international standard and the domestic TTA standard, rms for each of the electromagnetic wave of every floor in the building with the station was measured from 3 location of 3 heights(1.1m,1.5m, and 1.7m). Max of the measured rsm from the each of the frequencies in the nine location was confirmed to be 48.12%(the rooftop measured value) at most, compared to the human body protection standard. The value was confirmed to satisfy the human body protection standard for each frequency. And the total value of the calculated exposure indexes for each frequency was determined to be more than 7 times lower at most, which was 0.1445, compared to the 1 standard. Since P value in both of 868MHz and 2.14GHz electromagnetic waves intensity for each base station and floor was less than 0.05, it was revealed to be meaningful, and since R-Sq(adj) value showed a value more than 50%, the regression equation was determined to fully absorb the data information. However, although the P value of both of 868MHz and 2.14GHz electromagnetic waves intensities under the integrating terms of the base station data and the floor data was showed to be less than 0,05, since R-Sq(adj) value of 868MHz electromagnetic waves intensity presented a value smaller than 50%(34.15%), it was determined that the 868MHz electromagnetic waves intensity is very much influenced by an environment with a base station. Because the electromagnetic waves intensity of 2.14GHz show R-Sq(adj) value bigger then 50%(51.8%), The regression equation model of 2.14GHz electromagnetic waves intensity was confirmed to be proper. It also turned out not to be effected by the surrounding environment near a building with the base station and the intensity of electromagnetic waves for each floor of such building was expectable by the regression equation.

Spontaneous Passage of Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies in Children (소아에서 위장관 이물의 자연 배출에 대한 경험적 고찰)

  • Lee, Ji-Hyuk;Nam, Suk-Hyun;Lee, Jee-Hyun;Lee, Hae-Jeong;Choe, Yon-Ho
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Ingested foreign bodies are removed by endoscopy, surgery or spontaneous passage, however, the decision of therapeutic modality chosen depends on the type, size, shape and location of the ingested foreign bodies. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the rate and characteristics of foreign bodies that were passed spontaneously out of the intestine. Methods: One hundred and sixty patients who visited Samsung Medical Center for treatment of gastrointestinal foreign bodies between January 2001 to July 2007 were enrolled in this study. Related data was colleted by reviewing the medical records of patients with proven foreign bodies retrospectively, as well as by conducting phone interviews with the parents of the patients. All cases were classified based on the nature and location of the ingested foreign body, as well as whether it was treated by spontaneous passage. Results: Of the 160 cases involving the passage of foreign bodies in children were included in this study (95 boys and 65 girls), endoscopic removals, operative removals or spontaneous passages were conducted in 80, 3 and 77 patients, respectively. The spontaneous passage rates for each type of object were as follows; coins (36.5%), bead and baduk stones (83.3%), long and sharp materials (52.6%), magnets (69.2%) and disc batteries (50.0%). In cases involving round-shaped foreign bodies, such as coins, the diverse spontaneous passage rates were more diverse. When foreign bodies were stuck below esophagus, similar sized coins and baduk stones had spontaneous passage rates greater than 80% regardless of age. Conclusion: It is better for clinicians to wait for spontaneous passage to occur in cases involving coins or round-shaped foreign bodies that are located at or below the stomach.

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A Study on the Location and Landscaping Characteristics of Yonghogugok of Jiri Mountain Illuminated by Old Literatures and Letters Carved on the Rocks (고문헌과 바위글씨로 조명한 지리산 용호구곡(龍湖九曲)의 입지 및 경관특성)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kahng, Byung-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.154-167
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    • 2014
  • The results of this study conducted to identify the substance, regional characteristics or landscaping of Namwon Yonghogugok, which is the only valley of Jiri Mountain, based on Kim Samun's 'Yonghokugok-Gyeongseungannae(龍湖九曲景勝案內)', 'Yongseongji(龍城誌)' and position, meaning of letters carved and projection technique by ArcGIS10.0 on the rocks are as below. The feature landscapes of the canyon of Yonghogugok, which is an incised meander and one of the Eight beautiful scenery of Namwon, ponds, cliffs and rocks generated with metamorphic rocks and granites weathered by rapids torrents. As a result of measuring the GPS coordinates of the letters carved on the rocks, excluding the 3 Gok Hakseoam and the distances based on the origin and destination of the letters carved on the rocks using the API(Application Programming Interface) function of Daum map, the total distance of Yonghogugok was 3.5km and the average distance between the each Gok was 436.5m. It is assumed that Yonghogugok was designated by Sarim(士林) of the Kiho School(畿湖學派) related to Wondong Hyangyak(元洞鄕約) which is the main agent of Yonghojeongsa(龍湖精舍), the forerunner of Yonghoseowon(龍湖書院), between the late Joseon Dynasty and the early Japanese colonial era, in 1927. Its grounds are the existence of Yonghoyeongdang mentioned on 'Yonghojeongsilgi'(龍湖亭實記), records of 'Haeunyugo(荷隱遺稿)', 'Yonghopumje(龍湖品題)' of Bulshindang(佛神堂), 'Yonghojeongsadonggu Gapjachun(龍湖精舍洞口 甲子春)' letters carved on the rocks and 'Yonghogugok-Shipyeong(龍湖九曲十詠)' posted on Mokgandang of Yonghoseowon. Comprehensively considering the numerous poetry society lists carved on the stone wall of Punghodae(風乎臺), the Sixth Gok Yuseondae, its stone mortar, 'Bangjangjeildongcheon(方丈第一洞天)' of Bulshindang and Gyoryongdam(交龍潭), the Yonghoseokmun(龍湖石門) letters carved on the rocks, Yeogungseok adjacent to the First Gok and Fengshui facilities, centered on Yonghoseowon and Yonghojeong, Yonghogugok can be understood as a unique valley culture formed with the thoughts of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Fengshui. 'Yonghogugok-Gyeongseungannae' provides very useful information to understand the place name, called by locals and landscaping aspects of Yonghogugok in the late Joseon Dynasty. In addition, the meaning of "Nine dragons" and even though 12 chu(湫: pond) of Yonghogugok Yongchudong including Bulyeongchu, Guryongchu, Isuchu, Goieumchu and Daeyachu are mentioned on Yongseongji, a part of them cannot be confirmed now. Various place names and facilities relevant to Guryong adjacent to Yonghogugok are the core of the place identity. In addition, the accurate location identification and the delivery of the landscaping significance of the 12 ponds is expected to provide landscaping attractiveness of Yonghogugok and become very useful contents for landscaping storytelling and a keyword of storyboard.

A Study for Factors Influencing the Usage Increase and Decrease of Mobile Data Service: Based on The Two Factor Theory (모바일 데이터 서비스 사용량 증감에 영향을 미치는 요인들에 관한 연구: 이요인 이론(Two Factor Theory)을 바탕으로)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Il-Kyung;Lee, Ho-Geun;Park, Hyun-Jee
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.97-122
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    • 2007
  • Conventional networking and telecommunications infrastructure characterized by wires, fixed location, and inflexibility is giving way to mobile technologies. Numerous research reports point to the ultimate domination of wireless communication. With the increasing prevalence of advanced cell-phones, various mobile data services (hereafter MDS) are gaining popularity. Although cellular networks were originally introduced for voice communications, statistics indicate that data services are replacing the matured voice service as the growth engine for telecom service providers. For example, SK Telecom, the Korea's largest mobile service provider, reported that 25.6% of revenue and 28.5% of profit came from MDS in 2006 and the share is growing. Statistics also indicate that, in 2006, the average revenue per user (ARPU) for voice didn't change but MDS grew seven percents from the previous year, further highlighting its growth potential. MDS is defined "as an assortment of digital data services that can be accessed using a mobile device over a wide geographic area." A variety of MDS have been deployed, with a few reaching the status of killer applications. Many of them need to access the Internet through the cellular-phone infrastructure. In the past, when the cellular network didn't have acceptable bandwidth for data services, SMS (short messaging service) dominated MDS. Now, Internet-ready, next-generation cell-phones are driving rich digital data services into the fabric of everyday life, These include news on various topics, Internet search, mapping and location-based information, mobile banking and gaming, downloading (i.e., screen savers), multimedia streaming, and various communication services (i.e., email, short messaging, messenger, and chaffing). The huge economic stake MDS has on its stakeholders warrants focused research to understand associated dynamics behind its adoption. Lyytinen and Yoo(2002) pointed out the limitation of traditional adoption models in explaining the rapid diffusion of innovations such as P2P or mobile services. Also, despite the increasing popularity of MDS, unexpected drop in its usage is observed among some people. Intrigued by these observations, an exploratory study was conducted to examine decision factors of MDS usage. Data analysis revealed that the increase and decrease of MDS use was influenced by different forces. The findings of the exploratory study triggered our confirmatory research effort to validate the uni-directionality of studied factors in affecting MDS usage. This differs from extant studies of IS/IT adoption that are largely grounded on the assumption of bi-directionality of explanatory variables in determining the level of dependent variables (i.e., user satisfaction, service usage). The research goal is, therefore, to examine if increase and decrease in the usage of MDS are explained by two separate groups of variables pertaining to information quality and system quality. For this, we investigate following research questions: (1) Does the information quality of MDS increase service usage?; (2) Does the system quality of MDS decrease service usage?; and (3) Does user motivation for subscribing MDS moderate the effect information and system quality have on service usage? The research questions and subsequent analysis are grounded on the two factor theory pioneered by Hertzberg et al(1959). To answer the research questions, in the first, an exploratory study based on 378 survey responses was conducted to learn about important decision factors of MDS usage. It revealed discrepancy between the influencing forces of usage increase and those of usage decrease. Based on the findings from the exploratory study and the two-factor theory, we postulated information quality as the motivator and system quality as the de-motivator (or hygiene) of MDS. Then, a confirmative study was undertaken on their respective role in encouraging and discouraging the usage of mobile data service.

A Mutual P3P Methodology for Privacy Preserving Context-Aware Systems Development (프라이버시 보호 상황인식 시스템 개발을 위한 쌍방향 P3P 방법론)

  • Kwon, Oh-Byung
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.145-162
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    • 2008
  • One of the big concerns in e-society is privacy issue. In special, in developing robust ubiquitous smart space and corresponding services, user profile and preference are collected by the service providers. Privacy issue would be more critical in context-aware services simply because most of the context data themselves are private information: user's current location, current schedule, friends nearby and even her/his health data. To realize the potential of ubiquitous smart space, the systems embedded in the space should corporate personal privacy preferences. When the users invoke a set of services, they are asked to allow the service providers or smart space to make use of personal information which is related to privacy concerns. For this reason, the users unhappily provide the personal information or even deny to get served. On the other side, service provider needs personal information as rich as possible with minimal personal information to discern royal and trustworthy customers and those who are not. It would be desirable to enlarge the allowable personal information complying with the service provider's request, whereas minimizing service provider's requiring personal information which is not allowed to be submitted and user's submitting information which is of no value to the service provider. In special, if any personal information required by the service provider is not allowed, service will not be provided to the user. P3P (Platform for Privacy Preferences) has been regarded as one of the promising alternatives to preserve the personal information in the course of electronic transactions. However, P3P mainly focuses on preserving the buyers' personal information. From time to time, the service provider's business data should be protected from the unintended usage from the buyers. Moreover, even though the user's privacy preference could depend on the context happened to the user, legacy P3P does not handle the contextual change of privacy preferences. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to propose a mutual P3P-based negotiation mechanism. To do so, service provider's privacy concern is considered as well as the users'. User's privacy policy on the service provider's information also should be informed to the service providers before the service begins. Second, privacy policy is contextually designed according to the user's current context because the nomadic user's privacy concern structure may be altered contextually. Hence, the methodology includes mutual privacy policy and personalization. Overall framework of the mechanism and new code of ethics is described in section 2. Pervasive platform for mutual P3P considers user type and context field, which involves current activity, location, social context, objects nearby and physical environments. Our mutual P3P includes the privacy preference not only for the buyers but also the sellers, that is, service providers. Negotiation methodology for mutual P3P is proposed in section 3. Based on the fact that privacy concern occurs when there are needs for information access and at the same time those for information hiding. Our mechanism was implemented based on an actual shopping mall to increase the feasibility of the idea proposed in this paper. A shopping service is assumed as a context-aware service, and data groups for the service are enumerated. The privacy policy for each data group is represented as APPEL format. To examine the performance of the example service, in section 4, simulation approach is adopted in this paper. For the simulation, five data elements are considered: $\cdot$ UserID $\cdot$ User preference $\cdot$ Phone number $\cdot$ Home address $\cdot$ Product information $\cdot$ Service profile. For the negotiation, reputation is selected as a strategic value. Then the following cases are compared: $\cdot$ Legacy P3P is considered $\cdot$ Mutual P3P is considered without strategic value $\cdot$ Mutual P3P is considered with strategic value. The simulation results show that mutual P3P outperforms legacy P3P. Moreover, we could conclude that when mutual P3P is considered with strategic value, performance was better than that of mutual P3P is considered without strategic value in terms of service safety.

Evaluation of Antenna Pattern Measurement of HF Radar using Drone (드론을 활용한 고주파 레이다의 안테나 패턴 측정(APM) 가능성 검토)

  • Dawoon Jung;Jae Yeob Kim;Kyu-Min Song
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2023
  • The High-Frequency Radar (HFR) is an equipment designed to measure real-time surface ocean currents in broad maritime areas.It emits radio waves at a specific frequency (HF) towards the sea surface and analyzes the backscattered waves to measure surface current vectors (Crombie, 1955; Barrick, 1972).The Seasonde HF Radar from Codar, utilized in this study, determines the speed and location of radial currents by analyzing the Bragg peak intensity of transmitted and received waves from an omnidirectional antenna and employing the Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm. The generated currents are initially considered ideal patterns without taking into account the characteristics of the observed electromagnetic wave propagation environment. To correct this, Antenna Pattern Measurement (APM) is performed, measuring the strength of signals at various positions received by the antenna and calculating the corrected measured vector to radial currents.The APM principle involves modifying the position and phase information of the currents based on the measured signal strength at each location. Typically, experiments are conducted by installing an antenna on a ship (Kim et al., 2022). However, using a ship introduces various environmental constraints, such as weather conditions and maritime situations. To reduce dependence on maritime conditions and enhance economic efficiency, this study explores the possibility of using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) for APM. The research conducted APM experiments using a high-frequency radar installed at Dangsa Lighthouse in Dangsa-ri, Wando County, Jeollanam-do. The study compared and analyzed the results of APM experiments using ships and drones, utilizing the calculated radial currents and surface current fields obtained from each experiment.

An Ontology Model for Public Service Export Platform (공공 서비스 수출 플랫폼을 위한 온톨로지 모형)

  • Lee, Gang-Won;Park, Sei-Kwon;Ryu, Seung-Wan;Shin, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.149-161
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    • 2014
  • The export of domestic public services to overseas markets contains many potential obstacles, stemming from different export procedures, the target services, and socio-economic environments. In order to alleviate these problems, the business incubation platform as an open business ecosystem can be a powerful instrument to support the decisions taken by participants and stakeholders. In this paper, we propose an ontology model and its implementation processes for the business incubation platform with an open and pervasive architecture to support public service exports. For the conceptual model of platform ontology, export case studies are used for requirements analysis. The conceptual model shows the basic structure, with vocabulary and its meaning, the relationship between ontologies, and key attributes. For the implementation and test of the ontology model, the logical structure is edited using Prot$\acute{e}$g$\acute{e}$ editor. The core engine of the business incubation platform is the simulator module, where the various contexts of export businesses should be captured, defined, and shared with other modules through ontologies. It is well-known that an ontology, with which concepts and their relationships are represented using a shared vocabulary, is an efficient and effective tool for organizing meta-information to develop structural frameworks in a particular domain. The proposed model consists of five ontologies derived from a requirements survey of major stakeholders and their operational scenarios: service, requirements, environment, enterprise, and county. The service ontology contains several components that can find and categorize public services through a case analysis of the public service export. Key attributes of the service ontology are composed of categories including objective, requirements, activity, and service. The objective category, which has sub-attributes including operational body (organization) and user, acts as a reference to search and classify public services. The requirements category relates to the functional needs at a particular phase of system (service) design or operation. Sub-attributes of requirements are user, application, platform, architecture, and social overhead. The activity category represents business processes during the operation and maintenance phase. The activity category also has sub-attributes including facility, software, and project unit. The service category, with sub-attributes such as target, time, and place, acts as a reference to sort and classify the public services. The requirements ontology is derived from the basic and common components of public services and target countries. The key attributes of the requirements ontology are business, technology, and constraints. Business requirements represent the needs of processes and activities for public service export; technology represents the technological requirements for the operation of public services; and constraints represent the business law, regulations, or cultural characteristics of the target country. The environment ontology is derived from case studies of target countries for public service operation. Key attributes of the environment ontology are user, requirements, and activity. A user includes stakeholders in public services, from citizens to operators and managers; the requirements attribute represents the managerial and physical needs during operation; the activity attribute represents business processes in detail. The enterprise ontology is introduced from a previous study, and its attributes are activity, organization, strategy, marketing, and time. The country ontology is derived from the demographic and geopolitical analysis of the target country, and its key attributes are economy, social infrastructure, law, regulation, customs, population, location, and development strategies. The priority list for target services for a certain country and/or the priority list for target countries for a certain public services are generated by a matching algorithm. These lists are used as input seeds to simulate the consortium partners, and government's policies and programs. In the simulation, the environmental differences between Korea and the target country can be customized through a gap analysis and work-flow optimization process. When the process gap between Korea and the target country is too large for a single corporation to cover, a consortium is considered an alternative choice, and various alternatives are derived from the capability index of enterprises. For financial packages, a mix of various foreign aid funds can be simulated during this stage. It is expected that the proposed ontology model and the business incubation platform can be used by various participants in the public service export market. It could be especially beneficial to small and medium businesses that have relatively fewer resources and experience with public service export. We also expect that the open and pervasive service architecture in a digital business ecosystem will help stakeholders find new opportunities through information sharing and collaboration on business processes.

Environmental Equity Analysis of the Accessibility of Urban Neighborhood Parks in Daegu City (대구시 도시근린공원의 접근성에 따른 환경적 형평성 분석)

  • Seo, Hyun-Jin;Jun, Byong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.221-237
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to investigate the environmental equity of the accessibility to urban neighborhood parks in the city of Daegu. The spatial distribution of urban neighborhood parks was explored by spatial statistics and the spatial accessibility to them was then evaluated by both minimum distance and coverage approaches. Descriptive and inferential statistics such as proximity ratio, Mann Whitney U test, and logistic regression were used for comparing the socioeconomic characteristics over different accessibilities to the neighborhood parks and then testing the distributional inequity hypothesis. The results from the minimum distance method indicated that Dalseo-gu had the best accessibility to the neighborhood parks while Dong-gu had the worst accessibility. It was apparent with the coverage method that Dalseo-gu had the best accessibility whereas Dong-gu and Nam-gu had the worst accessibility to the neighborhood parks at 500m and 1,000m buffer distances. There existed the spatial pattern of environmental inequity in old towns with respect to population density and the percentage of people under the age of 18. The spatial pattern of environmental inequity in new towns was explored on the basis of the percentage of people over the age of 65, the percentage of people below the poverty level, and the percentage of free of charge rental housing. These results were closely related to the development process of urban parks in Daegu stimulated by the quantitative urban park policy, urban development process, and residential location pattern such as permanent rental housing and free of charge rental housing. This study further extends the existing research topics of environmental justice related to the distributional inequity of environmental disamenities and hazards by focusing on environmental amenities such as urban neighborhood parks. The results from this study can be used in making the decisions for urban park management and setting up urban park policy with considering the social geography of Daegu.

Development of GIS based Water Quality Simulation System for Han River and Kyeonggi Bay Area (한강과 경기만 지역 GIS 기반 통합수질모의 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Chol-Young;Kim, Kye-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2008
  • There has been growing demands to manage the water quality of west coastal region due to the large scale urbanization along the coastal zone, the possibility of application of TMDL(Total Maximum Daily Loadings) to Han river, and the natural disaster such as oil spill incident in Taean, Chungnam. However, no system has been developed for such purposes. In this background, the demand of GIS based effective water quality management has been increased to monitor water quality environment and propose best management alternatives for Han river and Kyeonggi bay. This study mainly focused on the development of integrated water quality management system for Han river bas in and its estuary are a connected to Kyeonggi bay to support integrated water quality management and its plan. Integration was made based on GIS by spatial linking between water quality attributes and location information. A GIS DB was built to estimate the amount of generated and discharged water pollutants according to TMDL technical guide and it included input data to use two different water quality models--W ASP7 for Han river and EFDC for coastal area--to forecast water quality and to suggest BMP(Best management Practices). The results of BOD, TN, and TP from WASP7 were used as the input to run EFDC. Based on the study results, some critical areas which have relatively higher pollutant loadings were identified, and it was also identified that the locations discharging water pollutant loadings to river and seasonal factor affected water quality. And the relationship of water quality between river and its estuary area was quantitatively verified. The results showed that GIS based integrated system could be used as a tool for estimating status-quo of water quality and proposing economically effective BMPs to mitigate water pollution. Further studies need to be made for improving system's capabilities such as adding decision making function as well as cost-benefit analysis, etc. Also, the concrete methodology for water quality management using the system need to be developed.

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