• Title/Summary/Keyword: Life Time value

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Prognostic Value of Leptin in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients (말기암환자의 여명 예측 요인, 혈중 렙틴 농도의 효과)

  • Hong, Ji-Hyun;Lee, So-Jin;Kwak, Sang-Mi;Choi, Youn-Seon;Lee, June-Yeong
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Most terminally ill cancer patients die from cancer anorexia-cachexia syndrome. This study evaluated a prognostic role of plasma leptin levels in terminally ill cancer patients. Methods: This study enrolled 69 terminally ill cancer patients who were aged above 20 years old from July 2009 to July 2010. For univariate analysis, an association between leptin levels and patient's characteristics or other variables was examined using Spearman's correlation analysis, Wilcoxon's rank-sum test or Kruskal-Wallis test, as appropriately. For multivariable analysis, Cox's proportional hazard regression model was used to evaluate a clinical significance of plasma leptin levels as a prognostic factor and to determine factors which affect the risk of death in terminally ill cancer patients. Results: A statistically significant positive correlation between plasma leptin levels and survival time was found. Univariate Cox's proportional hazard regression analyses also showed a moderately significant association between plasma leptin levels and survival time. However, after adjusting variables for sex, white blood cell counts, total bilirubin, AST, ALT, albumin and CRP levels, plasma leptin levels were not significantly associated with survival time. Conclusion: No significant association was found between plasma leptin levels and survival time in terminally ill cancer patients. However, this study suggested a prognostic value of plasma leptin levels in gastrointestinal cancer patients.

Development of Optimal Facility Management (FM) Process Using Spatial-data-based Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) Analysis (공간정보 기반 MTBF 분석을 활용한 최적의 FM 프로세스 개발)

  • Yoon, Jonghan;Cha, Heesung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2018
  • Facility Management (FM) phase in building lifecycle management is the most crucial phase concerning building value and life cycle cost management. Nevertheless, systematic and rational FM process is not yet constructed, leading to failure of facility value and cost management from accurate and proactive FM. This is because there has been minimal approach regarding construction of optimal FM process based on rational FM data analysis. The purpose of this study is to provide optimal FM process with quantitative FM data analysis method using spatial data. This study investigated existing FM data structure and derive the limitation of it from both expert interview and practical FM material analysis. As a solution for this limitation, this study provided optimal FM process with MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure), which is quantitative FM data analysis method. The effect of the provided process was validated with a case study. It is expected that this process allows rational and objective FM data analysis, resulting in accurate and proactive FM. And it is expected that it can be used as a useful basic data for developing an effective system for the FM process.

Evaluation of the Bioactivity of Polygonium tinctorium Leaf: Potential Clinical Uses (쪽잎의 생리활성 평가)

  • Sung, Hwa-Jung;Choi, Ok-Ja;Park, Jong-Yi;Sohn, Ho-Yong
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 2019
  • The leave of Polygonum tinctorium (LPT) have been used for centuries as a traditional medicine and as a food ingredient and natural dye. The aim of the current study was to develop high-value added products using LPT. Hot water extract (HWE) and ethanol extract (EE) of LPT were prepared, respectively, and their bioactivity was evaluated. The extraction ratio for the HWE was 27.6%, which was two-fold higher than that of the EE. The contents of total polyphenol in the HWE and total sugar in the EE were 51.2 mg/g and 297.8 mg/g, respectively. The total flavonoid and reducing sugar contents were similar in the extracts, irrespective of the extraction solvent. The HWE did not show antimicrobial activity in a disc-diffusion assay, but the EE showed strong growth inhibition against gram-positive bacteria. The EE exhibited stronger DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities and reducing power than those of the HWE. The HWE was particularly effective as a scavenger of nitrite ($RC_{50}$ of $6.0{\mu}g/ml$). In an antithrombosis activity assay, the EE showed significant anticoagulation activity as determined by an extended blood coagulation time (thrombin time, prothrombin time, and activated partial thromboplastin time), in addition to platelet aggregation activity. The HWE also showed platelet aggregation inhibitory activity. This report provides the first evidence of antithrombosis activities of LPT. Our results suggest that LPT has potential as a new antioxidant and antithrombosis agent.

Precise, Real-time Measurement of the Fresh Weight of Lettuce with Growth Stage in a Plant Factory using a Nutrient Film Technique (NFT 수경재배 방식의 식물공장에서 생육단계별 실시간 작물 생체중 정밀 측정 방법)

  • Kim, Ji-Soo;Kang, Woo Hyun;Ahn, Tae In;Shin, Jong Hwa;Son, Jung Eek
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2016
  • The measurement of total fresh weight of plants provides an essential indicator of crop growth for monitoring production. To measure fresh weight without damaging the vegetation, image-based methods have been developed, but they have limitations. In addition, the total plant fresh weight is difficult to measure directly in hydroponic cultivation systems because of the amount of nutrient solution. This study aimed to develop a real-time, precise method to measure the total fresh weight of Romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Asia Heuk Romaine) with growth stage in a plant factory using a nutrient film technique. The total weight of the channel, amount of residual nutrient solution in the channel, and fresh shoot and root weights of the plants were measured every 7 days after transplanting. The initial weight of the channel during nutrient solution supply (Wi) and its weight change per second just after the nutrient solution supply stopped were also measured. When no more draining occurred, the final weight of the channel (Ws) and the amount of residual nutrient solution in the channel were measured. The time constant (${\tau}$) was calculated by considering the transient values of Wi and Ws. The relationship of Wi, Ws, ${\tau}$, and fresh weight was quantitatively analyzed. After the nutrient solution supply stopped, the change in the channel weight exponentially decreased. The nutrient solution in the channel slowly drained as the root weight in the channel increased. Large differences were observed between the actual fresh weight of the plant and the predicted value because the channel included residual nutrient solution. These differences were difficult to predict with growth stage but a model with the time constant showed the highest accuracy. The real-time fresh weight could be calculated from Wi, Ws, and ${\tau}$ with growth stage.

Real-time CRM Strategy of Big Data and Smart Offering System: KB Kookmin Card Case (KB국민카드의 빅데이터를 활용한 실시간 CRM 전략: 스마트 오퍼링 시스템)

  • Choi, Jaewon;Sohn, Bongjin;Lim, Hyuna
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2019
  • Big data refers to data that is difficult to store, manage, and analyze by existing software. As the lifestyle changes of consumers increase the size and types of needs that consumers desire, they are investing a lot of time and money to understand the needs of consumers. Companies in various industries utilize Big Data to improve their products and services to meet their needs, analyze unstructured data, and respond to real-time responses to products and services. The financial industry operates a decision support system that uses financial data to develop financial products and manage customer risks. The use of big data by financial institutions can effectively create added value of the value chain, and it is possible to develop a more advanced customer relationship management strategy. Financial institutions can utilize the purchase data and unstructured data generated by the credit card, and it becomes possible to confirm and satisfy the customer's desire. CRM has a granular process that can be measured in real time as it grows with information knowledge systems. With the development of information service and CRM, the platform has change and it has become possible to meet consumer needs in various environments. Recently, as the needs of consumers have diversified, more companies are providing systematic marketing services using data mining and advanced CRM (Customer Relationship Management) techniques. KB Kookmin Card, which started as a credit card business in 1980, introduced early stabilization of processes and computer systems, and actively participated in introducing new technologies and systems. In 2011, the bank and credit card companies separated, leading the 'Hye-dam Card' and 'One Card' markets, which were deviated from the existing concept. In 2017, the total use of domestic credit cards and check cards grew by 5.6% year-on-year to 886 trillion won. In 2018, we received a long-term rating of AA + as a result of our credit card evaluation. We confirmed that our credit rating was at the top of the list through effective marketing strategies and services. At present, Kookmin Card emphasizes strategies to meet the individual needs of customers and to maximize the lifetime value of consumers by utilizing payment data of customers. KB Kookmin Card combines internal and external big data and conducts marketing in real time or builds a system for monitoring. KB Kookmin Card has built a marketing system that detects realtime behavior using big data such as visiting the homepage and purchasing history by using the customer card information. It is designed to enable customers to capture action events in real time and execute marketing by utilizing the stores, locations, amounts, usage pattern, etc. of the card transactions. We have created more than 280 different scenarios based on the customer's life cycle and are conducting marketing plans to accommodate various customer groups in real time. We operate a smart offering system, which is a highly efficient marketing management system that detects customers' card usage, customer behavior, and location information in real time, and provides further refinement services by combining with various apps. This study aims to identify the traditional CRM to the current CRM strategy through the process of changing the CRM strategy. Finally, I will confirm the current CRM strategy through KB Kookmin card's big data utilization strategy and marketing activities and propose a marketing plan for KB Kookmin card's future CRM strategy. KB Kookmin Card should invest in securing ICT technology and human resources, which are becoming more sophisticated for the success and continuous growth of smart offering system. It is necessary to establish a strategy for securing profit from a long-term perspective and systematically proceed. Especially, in the current situation where privacy violation and personal information leakage issues are being addressed, efforts should be made to induce customers' recognition of marketing using customer information and to form corporate image emphasizing security.

Evaluation Method of Green Construction Technologies Using Integrated LCC and LCA Analysis (LCC-LCA 통합 분석에 의한 친환경 건설기술 평가방법)

  • Kim, Yoon-Duk;Cha, Hee-Sung;Kim, Kyung-Ra;Shin, Dong-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2011
  • Green technologies of buildings are spreading for saving resource and energy consumption during life cycle of buildings. However, selection of optimized the technologies for applying projects is needed a lot of time and costs. Therefore prioritization is necessary to apply the technologies for buildings. An evaluation of economic value for the technologies is significant for prioritization of the technologies, however, the current evaluation system of economic value for technologies is not reflected the accurate features of the technologies. Green technologies have the objectives for reducing the emission of CO2 and saving the cost during the whole lifecycle of buildings. Thus the evaluation of economic feasibility for green technologies is needed to include the economic value from improving the environment. This paper developed the economic evaluation method integrated with LCC and LCA to accurately analyze the economic value for green technologies. Moreover, this paper drew the priority of the technologies by conducting case studies with the integrated method and analyzing the results with AHP. The conclusion of case studies, Green technologies is worth more if to include the economic value from improving the environment. Then in analysis of priority, Green intelligent component technologies were rated the highest. The conclusion of the study is able to utilize the supporting tool for making decision to select the optimized technologies for the projects and precedence study for developing future research of prioritization for green technologies. The future study for improving the developed method will supplement the various evaluation factors and apply the detailed weight to analyze the priority of green technologies.

FingerPrint building method using Splite-tree based on Indoor Environment (실내 환경에서 WLAN 기반의 Splite-tree를 이용한 가상의 핑거 프린트 구축 기법)

  • Shin, Soong-Sun;Kim, Gyoung-Bae;Bae, Hae-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2012
  • A recent advance in smart phones is increasing utilization of location information. Existing positioning system was using GPS location for positioning. However, the GPS cannot be used indoors, if GPS location has an incorrectly problem. In order to solve indoor positioning problems of indoor location-based positioning techniques have been investigated. There are a variety of techniques based on indoor positioning techniques like as RFID, UWB, WLAN, etc. But WLAN location positioning techniques take advantage the bond in real life. WLAN indoor positioning techniques have a two kind of method that is centroid and fingerprint method. Among them, the fingerprint technique is commonly used because of the high accuracy. In order to use fingerprinting techniques make a WLAN signal map building that is need to lot of resource. In this paper, we try to solve this problem in an Indoor environment for WLAN-based fingerprint of a virtual building technique, which is proposed. Proposed technique is classified Cell environment in existed Indoor environment, all of fingerprint points are shown virtual grid map in each Cell. Its method can make fingerprint grid map very quickly using estimate virtual signal value. Also built signal value can take different value depending of the real estimate value. To solve this problem using a calibration technique for the Splite-tree is proposed. Through calibration technique that improves the accuracy for short period of time. It also is improved overall accuracy using predicted value of around position in cell.

Impact of Packaging Methods Coupled with High Barrier Packaging Loaded with TiO2 on the Preservation of Chilled Pork

  • Xiaoyu Chai;Dequan Zhang;Yuqian Xu;Xin Li;Zhisheng Zhang;Chengli Hou;Weili Rao;Debao Wang
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.1142-1155
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the impact of packaging methods coupled with high barrier packaging loaded with titanium dioxide (TiO2) on the quality of chilled pork. The experiment consisted of three treatment groups: air packaging (AP), vacuum packaging (VP), and vacuum antibacterial packaging (VAP). Changes in total viable count (TVC), pH value, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) value, sensory attributes, and water holding capacity of pork were analyzed at 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 d. TVC of the VAP group was 5.85 Log CFU/g at 12 d, which was lower than that of AP (6.95 Log CFU/g) and VP (5.93 Log CFU/g). The antibacterial film incorporating TiO2 effectively inhibited microorganism growth. The VAP group exhibited the lowest pH value and TVB-N value among all the treatment groups at this time. The findings demonstrated that the application of VAP effectively preserved the sensory attributes of pork, the hardness, cohesiveness and adhesiveness of pork in VAP group were significantly superior than those in AP group (p<0.05), but not significantly compared with VP group. On the 12 d, the CIE a* value of pork in VAP group was significantly higher (p<0.05). This exhibited that VAP could effectively maintain the freshness of chilled pork and extend the shelf life for 3 d compared to the AP group. These findings provide empirical evidence to support the practical implementation of TiO2-loaded packaging film in the food industry.

Evaluation on the Characteristics of Stress Corrosion Cracking for the Weldment of HT-60 Steel under Applied Potentials (인가전위 하에서 HT-60강 용접부의 SCC특성 평가)

  • Na, Ui-Gyun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.896-903
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    • 2002
  • The susceptibility of SCC for the weldment and PWHT specimens of HT-60 steel was evaluated using a slow strain rate method under applied potential by means of the potentiostat in synthetic seawater. In case of the parent, anodic polarization voltage was inappropriate in elongating the time to failure(TTF). -0.8V corresponding to cathodic protection range is most effective in improving the SCC resistance against corrosive environment. In case of the weldment, the values of reduction of area(ROA) and TTF at -0.68V corresponding to cathodic polarization value were 45.2% and 715,809sec which were the largest and longest life among other applied potentials. Those were vise versa at -1.1V. In case of the PWHT specimens, TTF and ROA at -0.68V was longest and largest like the weldment. Besides, PWHT is effective in prolonging the time to failure of the welded off-shore structure due to softening of effect. Regardless of the weldment and PWHT specimen, as corrosion rate gets higher, TTF becomes shorter and deformation behaviour for the weldment and PWHT specimen at -1.1V was shown to be irregular. Finally, it was found that specimens showed brittle fracture at -1.1V, but more ductile fracture accompanying the micro-cracks at applied potential of -0.68V.

Analysis of Baseflow Contribution based on Time-scales Using Various Baseflow Separation Methods (다양한 기저유출 분리 방법을 이용한 4대강 수계의 시간대별 (연·계절·월) 기저유출 기여도 분석)

  • Lee, Seung Chan;Kim, Hui Yeon;Kim, Hyo Jeong;Han, Jeong Ho;Kim, Seong Joon;Kim, Jonggun;Lim, Kyoung Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2017
  • The analysis of baseflow contribution is very significant in Korea because most rivers have high variability of streamflow due to the monsoon climate. Recently, the importance of such analysis is being more evident especially in terms of river management because of the changing pattern of rainfall and runoff resulted from climate change. Various baseflow separation methods have been developed to separate baseflow from streamflow. However, it is very difficult to identify which method is the most accurate way due to the lack of measured baseflow data. Moreover, it is inappropriate to analyze the annual baseflow contribution for Korean rivers because rainfall patterns varies significantly with the seasons. Thus, this study compared the baseflow contributions at various time-scales (annual, seasonal and monthly) for the 4 major river basins through BFI (baseflow index) and suggested baseflow contribution of each basin by the BFI ranges searched from different baseflow separation methods (e.g., BFLOW, HYSEP, PART, WHAT). Based on the comparison of baseflow contributions at the three time scales, this study showed that the baseflow contributions from the monthly and seasonal analysis are more reasonable than that from the annual analysis. Furthermore, this study proposes that defining BFI with its range is more proper than a specific value for a watershed, considering the difference of BFIs between various baseflow separation methods.