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Comparative Analysis of Oral Health Awareness, Knowledge and Behavior according to the Major of Some Female Students for Life Care (일부 여학생들의 라이프케어를 위한 전공별 구강보건 인식, 지식 및 행태 비교분석)

  • Lee, Mi-Lim;Lee, Hyo-Cheol
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to examine relation of oral health awareness, knowledge and behavior in department dental hygiene, health-related majors and health-unrelated majors in attempt to provide basic data of oral health promotion and oral health education. This study were 591 female H university students in Gwangju. The interests of oral health, the recognition of importance for oral health, and recognition of one's own oral health status were highest in dental hygiene students, followed by health-unrelated majors and health-related majors. The level of oral health knowledge by the major was highest in dental hygiene students(9.73), followed by health-related majors(9.14) and health-unrelated majors(9.05). In the oral health behavior by major, students who brushed more than three times a day, used the oral care products and received regular dental examinations within 1 year were the highest in the dental hygiene major, followed by health-related majors and health-unrelated majors. The experience of scaling within 1 year was the highest in the dental hygiene major, followed by health-related majors and health-unrelated majors. The higher the oral health knowledge, increased awareness of oral health concern and the importance of oral health. Also, the higher the degree of interest in oral health, the greater the recognition that oral health is important and the more the oral health condition is perceived as healthy, It was found that the number of brushing increased. In this results, the higher the oral health knowledge, the higher the oral health awareness and the oral health behavior. It is necessary to find ways to develop or utilize various oral health education for university students.

Analysis of Chlorophyll-a and Algal Bloom Indices using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based Multispectral Images on Nakdong River (무인항공기 기반 다중분광영상을 이용한 낙동강 Chlorophyll-a 및 녹조발생지수 분석)

  • KIM, Heung-Min;CHOE, Eunyoung;JANG, Seon-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.101-119
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    • 2022
  • Existing algal bloom monitoring is based on field sampling, and there is a limit to understanding the spatial distribution of algal blooms, such as the occurrence and spread of algae, due to local investigations. In this study, algal bloom monitoring was performed using an unmanned aerial vehicle and multispectral sensor, and data on the distribution of algae were provided. For the algal bloom monitoring site, data were acquired from the Mulgeum·Mae-ri site located in the lower part of the Nakdong River, which is the areas with frequent algal bloom. The Chlorophyll-a(Chl-a) value of field-collected samples and the Chl-a estimation formula derived from the correlation between the spectral indices were comparatively analyzed. As a result, among the spectral indices, Maximum Chlorophyll Index (MCI) showed the highest statistical significance(R2=0.91, RMSE=8.1mg/m3). As a result of mapping the distribution of algae by applying MCI to the image of August 05, 2021 with the highest Chl-a concentration, the river area was 1.7km2, the Warning area among the indicators of the algal bloom warning system was 1.03km2(60.56%) and the Algal Bloom area occupied 0.67km2(39.43%). In addition, as a result of calculating the number of occurrence days in the area corresponding to the "Warning" in the images during the study period (July 01, 2021~November 01, 2021), the Chl-a concentration above the "Warning" level was observed in the entire river section from 12 to 19 times. The algal bloom monitoring method proposed in this study can supplement the limitations of the existing algal bloom warning system and can be used to provide information on a point-by-point basis as well as information on a spatial range of the algal bloom warning area.

A Study on Satisfaction with Online Classes of Radiology Students due to COVID-19 (코로나-19로 인한 방사선(학)과 재학생들의 온라인 수업에 대한 만족도 연구)

  • Kang, Yeon-Hee;Park, Cheol-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2022
  • In this study, a survey was conducted and analyzed to find out the satisfaction of online classes among students enrolled in the radiology department of a university located in Busan city. As a result, in terms of satisfaction with online classes, male scores were higher, but there was no statistically significant difference. In the interdisciplinary system, the satisfaction score of the students enrolled in Bachelor's degree was high, and there was a statistically significant difference except for the satisfaction of learning participation (p<0.001, p<0.05). For class satisfaction by grade level, Senior had higher scores, and there were statistically significant differences except for learning participation satisfaction (p<0.001, p<0.01, p<0.05). In the satisfaction survey according to the number of lectures, the scores of the students who took 4-7 lectures were found to be high except for the satisfaction of learning participation, and there was a statistically significant difference (p<0.01, p<0.05). In the method of communication with the instructor, students who used e-mail showed high scores, and there was a statistically significant difference in lecture satisfaction (p<0.05). In the correlation analysis between sub-variables for online classes, statistically significant correlations were established in all areas. Most of the students preferred class methods such as recorded classes and classes using external content such as YouTube, and when asked about the merits of online classes, many students answered that the advantages of online classes were repetitive classes and no restrictions on time and place. When asked about the shortcomings of online classes, many students answered that it was a lack of concentration and lack of communication with the instructor. This study was conducted to provide basic data to improve the satisfaction of online classes that will increase in the future. Therefore, based on the results of this study, it is expected that more quality online classes will be produced so that students' satisfaction with online classes can be improved.

Yearly Occurrence of Thrips Infesting Hot Pepper in Greenhouses and Differential Damages of Dominant Thrips (시설 고추재배지 총채벌레 연중 발생 및 주요 총채벌레의 차등 해충성)

  • Kim, Chulyoung;Choi, Duyeol;Lee, Donghyun;Khan, Falguni;Kwon, Gimyon;Ham, Eunhye;Park, Jungjoon;Kil, Eui-Joon;Kim, Yonggyun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.319-330
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    • 2022
  • Andong is a place to culture the great amount of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Korea. This study reports a yearly occurrence (March 31~October 25, 2021) of thrips infesting the hot pepper in Andong. Thrips caught to yellow sticky traps were diagnosed by morphological characters and showed two dominant species: Frankliniella occidentalis and F. intonsa. During this period, a total of 107,874 thrips were caught and included F. occidentalis at about 82%, F. intonsa at about 17%, and the other thrips at about 0.3%. There were two main peaks at May~June and at September~October, respectively, in which the total number of thrips was higher in the second peak and most were F. occidentalis. Interestinly, a low level of thrips occurred during July~August was observed and explained by their susceptibility to high temperatures. A laboratory experiment by exposing thrips to high temperatures showed that thrips were susceptible to temperatures higher than 35℃ and not tolerant to 45℃ for 1 h. Indeed, high temperatures higher than 45℃ were recorded in the greenhouses in Andong during July~August. F. occidentalis was more tolerant to the high temperatures than F. intonsa. On the other hand, the thrips showed the highest occurrence peak at July~August in hot pepper-culturing greenhouse in Kangwon, where the average temperatures were mostly lower than those of Andong and no high temperatures higher than 45℃ were recorded during July~August. A viral disease caused by tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) was observed in the hot peppers cultured in Andong greenhouses. Multiplex PCR was used to detect the virus along with identification of thrips. With a high record of about 30%, the virus-infected thrips were detected during all the monitoring period. The virulent thrips were identified to be only F. intonsa. These results suggest that F. occidentalis gives a direct damage especially during harvesting period with their high populations while F. intonsa gives indirect damage by transmitting TSWV.

The Distribution and Characteristics of Protected Areas and Natural Resources in the Metropolitan Area in Blog Posts (블로그 게시물에 나타난 수도권 보전지역 및 자연자원의 분포 및 특성)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to evaluate the awareness of conservation areas and green resources and analyze their characteristics by utilizing accumulated blog data created for specific places and objects. Among all the conservation areas and resources located in the Seoul metropolitan area, places that can be evaluated were classified, and sites were evaluated by dividing them into ten categories based on the number of blog posts written. As a result of the study, the users' awareness of forests was the highest, and the awareness of conservation areas and green resources was higher in urban areas than suburban areas. The result shows that the conservation areas and green resources located around the metropolitan area serve as natural tourist destinations while being the object of conservation for users. In addition, these results are in the same vein as the research results in domestic and foreign studies on the importance of ecosystem services in urban areas. Unlike existing research methods, this study is meaningful in that it identified the level of user awareness through social media analysis and applied it to evaluating conservation areas and green resources. It can be used as basic data to prepare a management plan considering public interest and awareness or to establish a development plan to increase awareness. In addition, the cumulative amount of blog content used in the study is meaningful in that it can identify and monitor users' interest in the space. However, it was not possible to examine the contents of each blog in detail because it was evaluated based on the amount of social media content. In addition, in the case of conservation areas and green resources, it is necessary to review and supplement the evaluation contents by adding keyword analysis and content analysis for the site to be evaluated as content other than the pure viewpoint of users may be mixed with development issues.

The Trend of Cigarette Design and Tobacco Flavor System Development

  • Wu, Jimmy Z.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2002
  • In light of addressing consumer health concern, coping with anti-tobacco movement, and promoting new product, tobacco industry is actively pursuing to make a new generation of cigarettes with low tar and nicotine deliveries, and less harmful substances. Low tar and low nicotine cigarettes increases their market shares dramatically world wide, especially in KT&G, multinational tobacco companies, EU countries, even in China regulated by CNTC to set up yearly target to lower tar and nicotine deliveries. On the other hand, to design a new cigarette with reduced harmful substances begins to gain speed. The "modified Hoffmann list" publishes thirty plus substances in tobacco leaf and main smoke stream, which is the prime suspect causing health problems. Various ways and means are developed to reduce such components including new tobacco breeds, new curing method, tobacco leaf treatment before processing, selected filtration system, innovated casing system to reduce free radicals, as well as some non conventional cigarette products. In TSRC held this year, the main topic is related to reduce tobacco specific nitrosamines in tobacco leaf. The new generation of cigarette is in the horizon. It still needs a lot help to produce commercial products with satisfied taste and aroma characters. The flavor industry is not regulated by many governments demanding which ingredients might or might not be for tobacco use. However, most of the cigarette companies self impose a list of ingredients to guide flavor suppliers to design flavors. Unfortunately, the number of ingredients in those lists is getting shorter every year. It is understandable that the health is not the only reason. Some cigarette companies are playing safe to protect the company from potential lawsuit, while others are just copying from their competitors. Moreover, it is obvious that it needs more assistance from casings and flavors to design new generation of cigarettes with missing certain flavor components in tobacco leaf and main smoke stream. These flavor components are either non-existed or at lower level at new form of cured tobacco leaf or filtered in the main smoke stream along with reduced harmful substances. The use of carbon filters and other selected filtration system poses another tough task for flavor system design. Specific flavor components are missing from the smoke analysis data, which brings a notion of "carbon taste" and "dryness" of mouth feel. It is ever more demanded by cigarette industry to flavor suppliers to produce flavors as body enhancer, tobacco notes, salivating agents, harshness reducer, and various of aromatic notes provided they are safe to use. Another trend is that water based flavor or flavor with reduced ethanol as solvent is gaining popularity. It is preferred by some cigarette companies that the flavor is compounded with all natural ingredients or all ingredients should he GMO free. The new generation of cigarettes demands many ways of new thinking process. It is also vital for tobacco industry. It reflects the real needs for the consumers that the cigarette product should be safe to use as well as bearing the taste and aroma characters smokers always enjoyed. An effective tobacco flavor system is definitely a part of the equation. The global trend of tobacco industry is like trends of any other industries lead by consumer needs, benefited with new technology availability, affected by the global economy, and subjected for various rules and regulations. Anti-tobacco organizations and media exceptionally scrutinize cigarette, as a legal commercial product. Cigarette is probably the most studied commercial product for its composition, structure, deliveries, effects, as well as its new developmental trend. Therefore, any new trend of cigarette development would be within these boundaries. This paper is trying to point out what it would be like for tobacco industry in the next few yews and what concerns the tobacco industry. It focuses mostly on the efforts to produce safer cigarettes. It is such a vital task for the tobacco industry and its affiliate industries such as cigarette papers, filters, flavors, and other materials. The facts and knowledge presented in this paper might be well known for the public. Some of the comments and predictions are very much personal opinion for a further discussion.

Effectiveness Enhancement Measures for Local Government Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) by Improving Small-scale EIA Institution (소규모 환경영향평가 제도개선을 통한 지자체 환경영향평가 효과성 증진방안)

  • Jongook Lee;Kyeong Doo Cho
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2023
  • In the Republic of Korea, the target project scope of the small-scale EIA is stipulated as the plan area above around 5,000~60,000m2 depending on a type of project and classification of land use. Whereas, the lower limit of the corresponding local government EIA project is generally located above the small-scale EIA's limits, and overlapping ranges exist. This situation has been enlarged since road construction and district unit planning were included as the target projects for small-scale EIA in the "Enforcement Decree of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act", which was partially revised in November 2016, and the current consultation system needed discussion in that small-scale EIA is allowed to be done without gathering review opinions at the local level. In fact, projects subjected to local government EIA but consulted as small-scale EIAs may seem insignificant because of a small number of total cases; however, it is worth paying attention to the fact that a local government may not add a target project due to the small-scale EIA. This study suggested the three policy measures for improving small-scale EIA to enhance the effectiveness of local government EIA: supplementing the institutional arrangements to incorporate the review opinion from the local region in small-scale EIA, giving priority to local EIA for conducing the projects in overlapping ranges with partial amendments on EIA law regarding exceptions to local government EIA, including small target projects (not to be small-scale EIA targets) to the ordinance that are deemed necessary to be conducted as local government EIA. Even though a positive function of small-scale EIA has been confirmed, efforts should be made to improve the situation in which many projects within local governments are consulted without review from the region.

The Heading Response and Regional Adaptability of Rice Varieties under the Temperature and Day-Length Conditions of Major Rice Production Areas in North Korea (북한 주요 벼 재배지역의 기온과 일장 환경에서 품종의 출수 반응과 지역 적응성 분석)

  • Woonho Yang;Shingu Kang;Jong-Seo Choi;Dae-Woo Lee
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    • v.67 no.4
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    • pp.222-233
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    • 2022
  • The heading responses of rice varieties that originated from South Korea, North Korea, and northern China were examined under the temperature and day-length conditions of 13 major rice production areas in North Korea. Kenjiandao3 and Nongdae3 originated from China, Olbyeo1, Olbyeo2 and Sonbong9 from North Korea, and Joun from South Korea demonstrated the earliest heading stage depending on the regional environment. Out of 40 rice varieties, 34 reached the heading stage within the regional safe marginal heading date (SMHD) under Haeju and Sariwon environmental conditions, while 16 to 17 varieties reached the heading stage under Wonsan, Changjon, Supung, and Yongyon environmental conditions. Some middle and mid-late maturing varieties that originated from South Korea reached the heading stage within the SMHD under the temperature and day-length conditions of Kaesong, Haeju, Sariwon, Nampo, and Pyongyang that are located in the west-southern plain. The majority of early maturing varieties, but not the middle or mid-late ones, reached the heading stage within the SMHD under the environmental conditions of Singye, Anju, Kusong, and Sinuiju. Only a few early maturing varieties demonstrated the heading stage within the SMHD under Yongyon, Changjon, and Wonsan environments. The number of days to heading was highly positively correlated among all regions; however, it was not consistent among the rice varieties. The 40 rice varieties that had been tested were classified into seven groups according to their heading responses to the temperature and day-length variations of the 13 regional conditions at 65% similarity level in cluster analysis.

Comparative Study on the Independence of Central bank in Transition Countries: Focused on the Russia, Czech Republic, Poland (체제전환기 국가의 중앙은행 독립성 비교 연구 - 러시아, 체코, 폴란드를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sang Won
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.499-524
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to based on review of theoretical and empirical studies to assess the independence of central banks - the former Socialist republics, including the Russian Federation and Czech, Poland. In addition, the work is expected to clarify whether a link exists between independence and the most important economic indicators such as inflation, economic activity, the budget deficit. And The subject of this study are the formal and actual independence of national banks, as well as limiting factors: political and economic. Background investigation of the problem of independence of central banks from the fact that, according to many economists, it is essential to the successful development of a market economy. The effectiveness of any country's economy due to currency volatility, low inflation, high reliability of the banking system, etc. As far as the independence of monetary regulation contributes to these goals - one of the most actively debated issues in the world of economic theory and practice for a long time. The issue of central bank independence is extremely important for Russia, Czech, Poland. In the near future to the central bank has important tasks, among which are the transition to inflation targeting in the rejection of significant intervention in the foreign exchange market, as well as improving the sustainability of the national banking system. Transparency and independence of the Bank of Russia, Czech Republic, Poland, in my view, should be an important factor in achieving these goals. The countries of Czech Republic, Poland have already made a number of steps to bring the status of their banks to the European standards. Many other developing countries are also in the process of reforming their central banks and the improving conditions of their functioning. However, despite the fact that as a model for reform used by the central banks of countries with developed market economies, central banks in developing countries are still yet deprived of the legal, economic and political independence. A different situation exists in transition space. Because of significant differences in the views of the authorities in transition republics at the necessary level of independence of central banks and the exchange rate and monetary policy reform of monetary management in these countries led to different results.

A Comparative Toxicological Study of Dried Mylabris phalerata Extract and it's Modifier : Single Dose Toxicity on Male Mice (반묘(斑猫)와 가공반묘(加工斑猫)의 단회투여(單回投與) 독성에 대한 비교연구)

  • Roh, Heui-Mok;Kim, Seong-Mo;Choi, Hong-Sik
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : The objective of this study was to compare, the potency of toxicity of Cantharidin containing dried Mylabis phalerata (MP) extract and it's modifier. Methods : They were monitored at dosage level 2,000, 1,000, 500, 250 and 125 mg/kg, respectively. Changes of body weight, clinical signs, mortality, LD50, macroscopic changes of gastrointestinal tract and liver were observed after single oral dose of test articles with changes of serum Gastrin and Somatostatin levels. Results : Dosage-dependent decrease of body weight and/or gains were demonstrated in dried MP extract-dosing groups, were also detected in modified and dried MP extract-dosing groups at 2,000 and 1,000 mg/kg-dosing group. However, below 500 mg/kg-dosing group, the body weights were significantly increased compared to that of equal dosage group of dried MP extract-dosing group. Dosage-dependently detected clinical signs in dried MP extract-dosing groups, were also detected in modified and dried MP extract-dosing groups at 2,000 and 1,000 mg/kg-dosing group. However, below 500 mg/kg-dosing group, these clinical signs dramatically were decreased compared to that of equal dosage group of dried MP extract-dosing group. Dosage-dependent increase of mortality rates were observed in dried MP extract-dosing groups, were also detected in modified and dried MP extract-dosing groups at 2,000 and 1,000 mg/kg-dosing group. However, below 500 mg/kg-dosing group, the mortalities were significantly decreased compared to that of equal dosage group of dried MP extract-dosing group. The LD50 of dried MP extract in male mice was dramaticlly increased in their modify, 265.86 vs 426.99 mg/kg. Dosage-dependently increase of number of hemorrhagic and/or erythematous spots detected in the gastrointestinal tracts of dried MP extract-dosing groups, were also detected in modified and dried MP extract-dosing groups at 2,000 and 1,000 mg/kg-dosing group. However, below 500 mg/kg-dosing group, these abnormal spots were dramatically decreased compared to that of equal dosage group of dried MP extract-dosing group. Dosage-dependently increase of degrees of enlargement and congestion detected in the liver of dried MP extract-dosing groups, were also detected in modified and dried MP extract-dosing groups at 2,000 and 1,000 mg/kg-dosing group. However, below 500 mg/kg-dosing group, these abnormal signs were dramatically decreased compared to that of equal dosage group of dried MP extract-dosing group. Dosage-dependently increase of serum gastrin levels of dried MP extract-dosing groups, were also detected in modified and dried MP extract-dosing groups at 2,000 and 1,000 mg/kg-dosing group. However, below 500 mg/kg-dosing group, these abnormal increase were dramatically decreased compared to that of equal dosage group of dried MP extract-dosing group. Dosage-dependently increase of serum somatostatin levels of dried MP extract-dosing groups, were also detected in modified and dried MP extract-dosing groups at 2,000 and 1,000 mg/kg-dosing group. However, below 500 mg/kg-dosing group, these abnormal increase were dramatically decreased compared to that of equal dosage group of dried MP extract-dosing group. Conclusions : The toxicity of dried MP extract was reduced by their modify.