• Title/Summary/Keyword: Legal Disputes

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A Study on Legal Property and Effect of Arbitration Agreement (중재계약의 성질과 효력에 관한 연구)

  • 김명엽
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.121-143
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    • 2001
  • Arbitration agreement is an agreement by the parties to submit to arbitration all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise between them in respect of defined legal relationship, whether contractual or not. Arbitration has become increasingly popular in settling international and domestic commercial disputes nowadays. The importance of arbitration agreement cannot be overemphasized. It is the most reasonable way to settle commercial disputes. There are two types in arbitration agreement. one is arbitration clause, the other is submission agreement. The arbitration agreement must be made in writing, in addition, other communication instruments shall be considered as effective arbitration agreement if they are properly documented. Over the past few decades, a considerable number of studies have been conducted on the legal property of arbitration agreement in Germany and Japan. Its legal property is aspect of substantial law contract. The basis of arbitration agreement is the principle of party autonomy. The important effect of arbitration agreement is to preclude jurisdiction from national court. The respondent shall raise a plea not later than when submitting his first defense on the merits of the action. As positive effect of arbitration agreement, the court must support the conduct of arbitral proceedings and arbitrator can be appointed upon request of a party.

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Major Legal Issues with Third Party Funding in International Investment Arbitration (국제투자중재에서 제3자 자금조달 제도의 주요 법적 쟁점)

  • Ahn, Keon-Hyung;Kim, Sung-Ryong;Joe, In-Ho
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.55-79
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    • 2013
  • As arbitration becomes an increasingly popular mode of resolving disputes, neighboring industries begin to take notice. This interest is reflected in the increasing utilization of third party funding in international arbitration claims. In this regard, the third party funding industry appears particularly interested in investor-state arbitration claims because they typically involve considerable claim amounts and substantial legal fees. To examine this trend more closely, this paper, firstly, examines the investor-state arbitration more precisely in Chapter II. In Chapter III, this study continues to examine some legal issues which can arise as a result of a conflict of interest between the parties to the funding agreement including, inter alia, 1) a dispute in which the funder terminates the agreement during the arbitration proceedings, 2) a dispute in relation to a funder's intervention in arbitration proceedings, and 3) a dispute on the responsibility for adverse costs orders, if any. This paper further identifies major legal issues which can arise in relation to 1) disclosure of existence of the funding agreement, 2) attorney-client privilege. Lastly, in Chapter IV, this paper provides some lessons from an in-depth case study on third party funding agreements and solutions to avoid and to solve prospective disputes in the future.

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A Study on the Establishment of an Arbitration System for the Resolution of Domestic Sports Disputes (국내 스포츠분쟁해결기구의 설치에 관한 소고)

  • Kim, Dae-Hee
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.159-179
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    • 2014
  • Currently disputes related to sports arise in various ways. Moreover, as the awareness of the rights of the people in the field of sports grows the chances of disputes occurring increases. Therefore, the number of sports disputes which will be dealt with by courts will increase. On the other hand, there are demands for fast and efficient legal resolutions for diverse sports disputes. However, as a dispute resolution system, the current domestic arbitration for sports disputes exposed several problems: the lack of professional arbitrators for sports disputes, procedural elements of delay, and the lack of promotion of the arbitration system. This study will first analyze the system for the resolution of domestic sports disputes. Then this study will review of the system for the resolution of international sports disputes and propose the establishment of an arbitration system for the resolution of domestic sports disputes.

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The Proposal of Reforming for Resolving Medical Malpractice Disputes (의료분쟁 해결제도의 개혁-미국 및 일본의 경험을 중심으로-)

  • 이규식
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.72-94
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    • 1991
  • The number of disputes between physicians and patients caused by medical malpractice are showing a sharp increasing over the past several years. The disputes on medical malpractice may be resolved either in court or by direct negotiation between both sides concerned. There are no special acts relating to the civil or penal liability of the physicians in Korea. The medical disputes are decided merely through legal technicalities and without reference to actual medical practice. The current system which does not compensate injured patients adequately or equitably leads to taking a long time consuming for dispute resolution processes. The things make worsed, the problem is due to not being of insurance system or a proper funds for compensation. This research proposes a outline of new and comprehensive alternative for these problems and failure of conventional resolution of medical disputes. So far, we have learned lessons from the excperiencies of resolving medical malpractice disputes of Japan and the United States. The proposal first calls for an administrative arbitration and pretrial screening panels as a condition precedent to trial. The proposal also includes to facilitate with the funds for compensating the injured.

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The Age of Medical Malpractice Crisis : Possibility and Limitation of Legal Resolution (의료분쟁의 해결을 위한 입법방향에 관한 연구)

  • 조형원;배상수;김병익;한달선;이석구;김기수;문옥륜
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.106-131
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    • 1995
  • Nowadays there are a lot of medical accidents and medical disputes in Korea. Our government has made efforts to legislate The Medical Disputes Conciliation Law for several years. But this law has many problems. These problems are followings. 1. the problem of going certainly through compulsory screening panels before coming to court. 2. the possibility in making the impartial screening panels for malpractice claims 3. the utilization of a mutual aid association to have low efficiency in paying for damages by medical malpractice and so on. To resolve medical disputes rapidly, we must legislate The Medical Disputes Conciliation Law in a short time. However, all medical disputes are not rationally dissolved by only this law, The Medical Lsw(Arztrecht) is needed to improve the solubility of medical disputes through setting up the decision criteria.

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Measures for ADR Activation of Gender Disputes in Korea (한국 성차분쟁(Gender Disputes)의 ADR 활성화 방안)

  • Shin, Koon-Jae
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.97-117
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    • 2015
  • As women's social advance had accomplished improvements to standard of living and equal employment, new forms of dispute such as gender inequality, sex crimes, and divorce rate increases have begun to generate. Disputes between men and women are desirable to settle by ADR rather than by traditional litigation owing to difficulties of legal resolution, cost and time, need for amicable dispute, etc. This study aims to reveal whether there is a relationship between ADR and gender. Through review of previous articles, this study finds that gender difference makes a visible difference depending on case type, context, and sex role of participants. For example, women were selected as mediators and arbitrators in non-monetary and small-claims disputes, family, labor, and consumer disputes and men were selected in large-scale disputes and construction, corporate and commercial, and intellectual property disputes owing to differences of experience and professionalism. Women were relatively frequently selected as mediators owing to active communication skills and men were selected as arbitrators because of decision-making skills.

A Study on Fisheries Management and Regulation of Fishing Area Disputes in Korean Coastal Waters (어업관리와 조업분쟁 조정에 관한 고찰 -연안어선어업의 조업구역을 중심으로-)

  • 이광남;윤동한
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 1997
  • The Proposal of this paper is to draw up solution about fishing disputes in Korea coastal waters. Small fishing vessels under 8 metric tons which is regulated by the provincial governors, must operate within provincial boundary on the sea as in fishery policy of Korea. on this, I think that the present situations of fishing disputes have related to the fishing license system. Problem of this kind, Before 1970's, fishing disputes rarely took place, and it, if any, did not bring any social conflicts or disputes. Since 1980's, some of fishing disputes have been reported within fisheries society Recently, The disputes have been increasing to become social conflicts between local people concerned and have evoked an argument on whether the provincial boundary on the sea exists. If such disputes continues to increases or remains unsolved, they will bring a tremendous social cost such as an accelerated decrease in fish resources, degradation of fishing grounds, disorder in fishing, destruction of fisheries culture and so on. The reasons for the growing disputes can be specified as fellows : the degradation of fish resources, the present fishing license system which inherently causes competitions in fish catching, irrational ceiling system of fishing vessels, legal problem on existing boundary between neighbouring two provinces, the functional problem of national or regional fishery coordination committee which has been established to coordinate general fishing disputes. This study has also dealt with Japan's experiences in fishing disputes which has the history of more than a hundred years and its coordinating mechanism. In the discussion section, some possible solutions have been briefly touched fer further study.

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Arbitration Award via Modern Technical means in Saudi Arabia

  • Mohammed Sulaiman Alnasyan
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 2023
  • This study deals with arbitration award via modern technical means; because e-Arbitration is deemed to be one of the most important substitute means for the settlement of disputes arising from electronic transactions. This type of arbitration is characterized by fast settlement of disputes, as well as fast enforcement of awards rendered thereon. The researcher seeks to indicate the content of the award, the conditions for rendering it, and to analyze the legal provisions related to its legal basis in the Saudi Law of Arbitration. This study shows that an arbitration award, rendered via modern technical means has a number of advantages, such as fast settlement, less cost, and keeping pace with modern technology, which is an aim of Saudi Arabia Vision 2030. The study also points out certain problems facing arbitration via technical means; however, the most important of which is the insufficiency of some legal rules associated with traditional arbitration, as contained in the Saudi Law of Arbitrator, which are incompatible with or applicable to an arbitration award which is rendered via modern means.

A Study on the Disputes Settlement Clause in the Defense Procurement Contracts (국방조달 계약에서의 분쟁해결 조항에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Sang-Ryul
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.157-181
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    • 2011
  • The term of defense procurement is used indifferently from defence acquisition. It consists of two sectors : domestic defense procurement and foreign defense procurement. For efficient and transparent defense procurement, Defence Acquisition Program Law in Korea suggests some principles including the purchase of domestically manufactured munitions in the first instance, and the Defense Acquisition Program Administration(DAPA)'s direct procurement of munitions, etc. By reviewing the characteristics, process, current situation and model contracts of defense procurement, it is found that domestic procurement contracts only propose the legal approach instead of arbitration and foreign procurement contracts suggest confusedly both the legal approach and arbitration for amicable disputes settlement. Therefore, it is quite recommended for arbitration organizations such as the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board(KCAB), the Korean Arbitrators Association(KAA), and the Korean Association of Arbitration Studies(KAAS) to foster a variety of strong awareness campaign, education and consulting programs, etc. for the popular use of arbitration clause. It will contribute to settle any disputes and controversies between the parties more speedy, economically and rationally, thereby reducing the costs, time and pains for solving them.

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Review of the Applicability of CISG in International E-commerce (국제 전자상거래에서 CISG의 적용 가능성에 관한 검토)

  • Kai-Yu Guo;Taehee Lee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.201-212
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - Internet-based e-commerce is rapidly developing and applied, and e-commerce through Internet technology overcomes the time and space constraints of existing business exchanges and facilitates multinational transactions.At the same time, disputes over e-commerce are increasing.In order to solve these disputes, clear laws should be regulated and regulated. Design/methodology/approach - This paper first studies the development and trend of E-commerce, then studies the legal provisions of CISG, and then combines them to analyze and draw a conclusion. Findings - Since its enactment in 1980, the CISG has been one of the most influential international commercial laws to date, with 95 States parties. It is a very important international agreement and norm that helps maintain and facilitate the settlement of international trade disputes and coordination of international merchandise sales activities. However, CISG, which is most widely used in traditional trade, faces many challenges due to the nature of E-commerce, but after studying the development and trend of E-commerce and the legal provisions of E-commerce, we conclude that CISG can be applied to E-commerce. Research implications or Originality - All the international conventions are the fruit of the efforts of the people, CISG, as one of the most important unitary laws of international trade, can be said to be representative.The analysis of CISG's legal provisions should be combined with the current international e-commerce trade form, so that CISG can be reasonably applied to modern trade disputes.