• 제목/요약/키워드: Leap monthly year

검색결과 2건 처리시간 0.019초

측우기와 근대관측의 <서울우량표(1770~2019)>에 나타난 윤월년 강우 특이성 분석 (Analysis of the Rainfall Anomalies in Leap Monthly Years as Shown in the "Seoul Rainfall Table" (1770~2019))

  • 김일권
    • 대기
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.337-347
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    • 2024
  • This study reevaluated the Chukwookee precipitation records of the Diary of the Royal Secretariat and The Record of Daily Reflections, which are highly regarded as unprecedentedly long continuous meteorological records in world history. I have reconstructed them called "Hanyang Rainfall Data Set" (1770~1907). This dataset focuses on increased rainfall during 'leap monthly years' compared to regular years. Based on the analysis of First Hanyang Rainfall Data Set, leap monthly years (1,273.4 mm) were +6.0% higher than the overall annual average (1,201.6 mm), and +9.8% higher than 'non-leap monthly years' (1,159.6 mm). Upon further review using Second Modern Rainfall Data Set (1908~2019, 112 years), leap monthly years (1,369.1 mm) showed a +3.2% increase compared to the overall annual average (1,326.9 mm), and a +5.1% increase compared to non-leap monthly years (1,302.6 mm), demonstrating a consistent trend. When consolidated over the longest span of 250 years in Third Seoul Rainfall Data Set (1770~2019), leap monthly years (1,316.1 mm) were found to be +4.6% higher than the overall annual average (1,257.8 mm), and +7.5% higher than non-leap monthly years (1,223.8 mm). Furthermore, examining annual rainy days, leap monthly years in "Hanyang Rainfall Table" (56.3 days) showed a +3.9% increase compared to non-leap monthly years (54.2 days), indicating an overall increase in rainy days during leap monthly years. The occurrence of such peculiar increases in rainfall during leap monthly years could be attributed to meteorological changes throughout the year, caused by the additional intercalary month. However, specific academic discussions require consultation and evaluation from the meteorological community.

영업일수 변동이 경제지표에 미치는 영향 (Working Days Adjustment in Economic Time Series)

  • 이긍희
    • 응용통계연구
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.321-328
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    • 2000
  • 요일구성, 공휴일 및 윤년에 따른 영업일수 변동은 월별 또는 분기별 경제지표 일시적으로 변동시킴에 따라 지표분석의 교란요인으로 작용하고 있다. 본고에서는 경제지표에서 영업일수 변동의 효과를 RegARIMA모형 등으로 추정한 후 이를 원지표로부터 조정하였다. 그 결과 영업일수를 조정한 지표가 조정하지 않은 지표에 비해 경제지표의 기조적 움직음일 잘 나타내는 것으로 나타났다.

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