• Title/Summary/Keyword: Leaflets

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Characteristics of Commercial Leaflets Sandwiched in Newspaper (Part 1) - The Size and Printing Types of Leaflets according to Business - (신문에 끼워진 상업용 전단지의 특성 (제 1보) - 발행업종별 전단지의 크기 및 인쇄 형태 -)

  • Yoon, Seung-Lak
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2013
  • To offer a basic information for the fibers of commercial leaflets, authors examined and analyzed the distribution, size, and printing types of leaflets sandwiched in the newspaper. The number of different leaflet size were almost 30 in two years including B5 ($182{\times}257mm$), A4 ($210{\times}297mm$), B4, ($257{\times}364mm$), A3 ($297{\times}420mm$), and large flyers such as $545{\times}395mm$, and $790{\times}550mm$. The number of different leaflets size were 25 in 2011, which was reduced to 15 in 2012. Both the number and amount of the leaflets were reduced. The high quality leaflets were issued and distributed in the corporate sector and the leaflets issued in other sectors such as shopkeeping, restaurant business, educational institutions were one-sided leaflets printed on single side of the paper. Compared to the previous year, large stores showed the increased number of leaflets but the number of leaflets from restaurant business and educational institutions and building trade were decreased.

Characteristics of Commercial Leaflets Sandwiched in Newspaper (Part 2) - Physical and Strength Properties of Leaflets According to Business - (신문에 끼워진 상업용 전단지의 특성 (제2보) - 발행업종별 전단지의 물리 및 강도적 성질 -)

  • Yoon, Seung-Lak
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2015
  • This research was performed to investigate the quality of leaflets provided with newspapers. The leaflets were classified according to business types and regions. The physical and strength properties were analyzed. The sizes of leaflets were 2, 4, 8 jeoljis of crown octavo, A3, A4, A5, and B3, B4, B5. Most of them were color printed and both-sides printing was much more popular than one-side printing. The leaflets about electronics, educations, and clothing showed lower density than restaurant business and other areas. The leaflets of electronics, educations, and clothing, and large stores showed lower tensile strength, and those of restaurant businesses and building trades showed relatively high tensile strengths. No differences on the quality of leaflets except for large stores were found according to business areas. Large markets made the leaflets with various types of papers, and low quality papers were also included.

Genetic Studies on Leaf Shapes in Soybeans I. Means, Variances, Heritabilities and Correlations between Characters of Leaf Parts (대두엽형에 관한 유전연구 제 1보 엽부위별 각형질의 평균치, 분산, 유전력 그리고 상관)

  • Kwon-Yawl Chang;suk-hyeon Kim
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.78-83
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    • 1979
  • Eight characters namely stalk length of trifoliate, stalk length of terminal leaflets, length of terminal leaflets, width of terminal leaflets, area of terminal leaflets, length of laternalleaflets, width of laternal leaflets, area of laternal leaflets in leaf parts of soybeans were measured to estimate the heritability values in percentage and relationships between those characters. Five parents and six different $_{x}\textrm{F}_2 generations and two backcross generations were used as the materials. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Eight quantitative characters were differ from varieties. and hybrids from different cross combinations. 2. Heritability values of stalk length were showed the lowest, values of leaf length were lower than those of leaf width in both of main leaflets and laternal leaflets, and other values of leaf area in main and laternal leaflets were showed the highest values. 3. It was also recognized that there were close relationships between leaf length and leaf area, leaf width and leaf area in main leaflets and laternal leaflets, and area of main leaflets and laternal leaflets. There was, however, no any relationship between stalk length and other characters, and between length and width of main leaflets and laternal leaflets.

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Pulsatile Blood Flows Through a Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve with Different Approach Methods of Numerical Analysis : Pulsatile Flows with Fixed Leaflets and Interacted with Moving Leaflets

  • Park, Choeng-Ryul;Kim, Chang-Nyung;Kwon, Young-Joo;Lee, Jae-Won
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.1073-1082
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    • 2003
  • Many researchers have investigated the blood flow characteristics through bileaflet mechanical heart valves using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. Their numerical approach methods can be classified into three types; steady flow analysis, pulsatile flow analysis with fixed leaflets, and pulsatile flow analysis with moving leaflets. The first and second methods have been generally employed for two-dimensional and three-dimensional calculations. The pulsatile flow analysis interacted with moving leaflets has been recently introduced and tried only in two-dimensional analysis because this approach method has difficulty in considering simultaneously two physics of blood flow and leaflet behavior interacted with blood flow. In this publication, numerical calculation for pulsatile flow with moving leaflets using a fluid-structure interaction method has been performed in a three-dimensional geometry. Also, pulsatile flow with fixed leaflets has been analyzed for comparison with the case with moving leaflets. The calculated results using the fluid-structure interaction model have shown good agreements with results visualized by previous experiments. In peak systole. calculations with the two approach methods have predicted similar flow fields. However, the model with fixed leaflets has not been able to predict the flow fields during opening and closing phases. Therefore, the model with moving leaflets is rigorously required for advanced analysis of flow fields.

Patterns of Leaf and Leaf Growth in Arisaema robustum Population (넓은잎천남성 (Arisaema robustum) 개체군의 잎과 잎생장 패턴)

  • 민병미
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.339-345
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    • 1997
  • The Arisaema robustum, perennial non-stem herb, population in the temperate forest of Sanseong-ri, Joongbu-myeon, Kyonggi Province was studied for leaf pattern and leaf growth from 1993 to 1995. The area of each side leaflet was larger than that of the apical leaflet in 3-leaflet form plants. But there was no significant difference among the leaflets (apical, 1st side and 2nd side leaflet) in t-testing of the 5-leaflet form plants. The specific leaf area (SLA) of the 3-leaflet form plant was greater than that of the 5-leaflet form plant, and the difference was significant at 0.1%. But differences of SLA value among the leafleats of the same leaflet form plants were minor. The area of leaflets or total leaf area was inversely proportioned to the their SLA values. Especially, the correlation coefficients (CC) between leaf area and SLA in apical leaflets and side leaflets of the 3-leaflet form plant compared to the 1st side leaflets of the 5-leaflet form plants were significant at the level of 1%. The differences between two sides in the dry weight and area of leaflets starting from the apical leaflets were about 5%. The CC values between attributes of the petiole (length and dry weight) and those of leaf blades (dry weight, leaf area and SLA) were high and significant at a 1% level. Especially, The CC value between the dry weight of the petioles and that of the leaf blades was higher than any others (r=0.952). The morphologies of the leaf margins were entire, medium serrate and serrate, and the same plant showed the same type from year to year. The plants usually had one leaf and occasionally 2 leaves. 1-leaf plants usually had 3 or 5 leaflets and occasionally 2 or 4 leaflets. Each year, the ration of individuals having the same number of leaflets was 72%, and that of individuals having a different number of leaflets was 27.54% (an increase of 20.4% and a decrease of 7.1% respectively). In the individuals increasing in the number of leaflets, the ration of individuals shifting from the 3-leaflet from to the 5-leaflet form was 14%. The increase ration of leaf area per individual a year was 37%, and the increase ratios of the plants increasing in leaflets were 60-70% regardiness of leaflet increase. The ratios of leaflet length/breadth were about 1-2, and the variations of those were 0.182-0.286 each year (12-20%).

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Genetic Studies on Leaf Shapes in Soybeans IV. Diallel Cross Analysis on Gene Distributions Concerned with Some Characters of Soybean Leaf Parts (대두 엽형에 관한 유전연구 제4보 엽형질에 관여하는 유전자의 분포상태)

  • Chang, K.Y.;Shin, D.S.;Kim, S.H.
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.332-336
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    • 1981
  • Seven soybean varieties and 21 F 2 hybrids of a diallel cross among these varieties were used as the materials, and genetic studies were conducted to evaluate the frequency and distribution of genes governing the characters of soybean leaf shapes. Partial dominance was exhibited by petiole length of trifoliates, petiole length of terminal leaflets, length of terminal leaflets, length of lateral leaflets, width of terminal leaflets Mean values of length of terminal leaflet were higher than those of lateral leaflets and length of leaflets were higher than width of leaflets, but mean values of width of terminal leaflets were shorter than those of lateral leaflets.

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Readability of Patient Information Leaflets in Clinical Trials (임상시험 시험대상자설명서의 가독성 평가)

  • Choi, Im-Soon;Yong, Chul-Soon;Lee, Iyn-Hyang
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2016
  • Background: Elements of informed consent including capacity, disclosure, understanding, voluntariness, and permission of the participant, are all crucial for clinical trials to be legally and ethically valid. During the informed consent process, the patient information leaflet is an important information source which prospective research subjects can utilize in their decision-making. In the adequate provision of information, KGCP guideline necessitate 20 specific items, as well as the use language that individuals can understand. This study measures the vocabulary level of patient information leaflets in an effort to provide an objective evaluation on the readability of such material. Methods: The word difficulty of 13 leaflets was quantitatively evaluated using Kim kwang Hae's vocabulary grading framework, which was compared to the difficulty level of words found in the $6^{th}$ grade Korean textbook. The quantitative outcomes were statistically analyzed using chi-squared tests and linear by linear association for ordinal data. Results: There was a statistically significant difference between the vocabulary level and frequency of words in leaflets and the 6th Korean textbook. The leaflets were on average 260 sentences and about roughly 15 pages long, including lay language (easier or equal to language used in primary school) of around 12% less; technical language of around 4.5% more. As the vocabulary grades increase, there was a distinct difference in vocabulary level between Korean textbook and each information leaflet (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Patient information leaflets may fail to provide appropriate information for self-determination by clinical trial subject through the difficulty level of its wording. Improvements in the degree of patients' understanding and appropriate use of information leaflets are collaboratively equipped to strengthen patient's autonomy and therefore guaranteeing participant's rights.

A new species of Potentilla (Rosaceae): P. gageodoensis M. Kim (양지꽃속(장미과)의 신종: 가거양지꽃(Potentilla gageodoensis M. Kim))

  • So, Soonku;Jo, Hyun;Kim, Muyeol
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.175-177
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    • 2014
  • A new speices, Potentilla gageodoensis M. Kim found in Is. Gageodo, Jeollanamdo Province, Korea, is firstly named and described. This species is similar to its related species P. fragarioides in having several characteristics like pinnately compound leaves, pubescent leaf blades and leaf petioles, different leaflets size, absent stolons, etc., but is distinct from P. fragarioides which has thin leaf textures, 7-13 leaflets, elliptic terminal leaflets, small petal size, and ciliate leaflet margin by having thick leaf textures, 5 leaflets, broadly ovate terminal leaflets, large petal size, and densely white ciliate leaflet margin.

Indigofera grandiflora (Leguminosae), a New Species from Korea

  • Choi, Byoung-Hee
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.145-148
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    • 1996
  • A new species, Indigofera grandiflora B. Choi et S. Cho, was described from sourthern Korea. The new species is related to I. kirilowii and I. koreana in the Far East. However, the species differs from these two species in having larger flowers and leaflets and hairiness on leaflets. The new species is also allied to I. decora in southest China and Japan, but clearly distinguished from the latter by its larger flowers, shorter inflorescences, and hairiness on leaflets.

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Physiological Response of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schum. and Thonn.) Taub. to Soil Textural Class, Moisture and Light Intensity

  • Akinyele, Adejoke O.;Wakawa, Lucky Dartsa
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2017
  • Investigation was carried out on response of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schum. and Thonn.) to soil, water and light with the view of its domestication and introduction to different ecological regions. The experiment was arranged in a factorial experiment of $3{\times}3{\times}3$ in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replicates. The factors were: soil textural class (Loamy sand, Sand and Sandy clay loam), watering regime (daily, twice a week and once a week) and light intensity (100%, 75% and 50%). Soil textural classes had significant influence on collar diameter, stem height, number of leaflets, root/shoot ratio and relative growth rate of Tetrapleura seedlings. Seedlings grown on loamy sand recorded the highest mean value- 2.28 mm for collar diameter, stem height- 12.9 cm, number of leaflets- 19.9, chlorophyll b- $0.34mg\;mL^{-1}$, leaf relative water content- 27.4% and relative growth rate- $0.037mg\;g^{-1}\;day^{-1}$. Watering regime had significant influence on the collar diameter of Tetrapleura. Seedlings watered daily recorded the highest mean value- 2.25 mm for collar diameter. Light intensity significantly influenced collar diameter and root/shoot ratio. Seedlings exposed to 100% light intensity recorded higher mean value for collar diameter- 2.28 mm and root/shoot ratio- 1.481 cm. The interaction between soil textural class and light intensity significantly affected collar diameter, stem height and number of leaflets. Higher mean value for collar diameter (2.47 mm) stem height (13.25 cm) and number of leaflets (21.16) were recorded while the interaction between soil textural class, light intensity and watering regime was significant for only number of leaflets. Tetrapleura exhibited some level of tolerance to different soil texture, drought and light intensity. Therefore, Tetrapleura has the potentials to be raised in different ecological zones characterized by difference in soil, rainfall and amount of sunshine.