• Title/Summary/Keyword: Leading Journal

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Incidence of Panicle Blast, Race Distribution During 1993??¡?1994 and Pathogenicity of New Races of Pyricularia grisea in Korea (벼 이삭도열병 발생정도 및 병원균 레이스의 분포 변동(1993~1994)과 새로운 레이스의 병원성)

  • 한성숙;라동수;김장규
    • Korean Journal Plant Pathology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.238-244
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    • 1995
  • Severity of panicle blast disease on the leading cultivars of rice was investigated at nine locations of Korea during summer in 1993 with frequent raining and low temperature conditions. Incidence of panicle blast was 26% on Jinmibyeo, 23% on Chuncheongbyeo and 40% on Odaebyeo. Race distribution of Pyricularia grisea was examined from 1993 to 1994. A total of 1,098 isolates of the fungus obtained from the blast nurseries and framers; fields were screened using Korean differential varieties. Twenty one races were identified in 1993 and 19 races in 1994. KI-181, KJ-103, KJ-104, KI-241 and KI-209 were identified as new races, and KJ-301 (15%), KJ-201 (13%), KJ-105 (12%) and KI-409 (12%) were major races during 1993 and 1994. Race KI-197, which has a wide spectrum of virulence on rice cultivars, was isolated in a ratio of 8.3% and evenly distributed in the whole country. Some of the major and newly identified races during 1993∼1994 were used for spray-inoculation on leading cultivars and differential varieties in a greenhouse. We found that most of the cultivars were resistant to the major races, KJ-301 and KI-409, but were very susceptible to the new races, KI-241, KI-209, KI-181 and KJ-103.

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Clinical Nurses' Experience of Positive Organizational Culture (임상간호사가 경험한 긍정적인 간호조직문화)

  • Yom, Young-Hee;Noh, Sang Mi;Kim, Kyung Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.469-480
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to explore clinical nurses' experience of positive organizational culture in order to provide data for effective strategies of acquisition and retention of competent nurses. Methods: In this qualitative study, interviews with four focus groups of four to six nurses, 19 in total, were held. Compositional factors in groups included clinical experience, age, work place, and position. Interviews proceeded until data were saturated. Results: Fifteen sub-themes, categorized into six themes, emerged. Positive organizational culture themes included "Helping nurses to be organization members", "Allowing nurses to communicate with one another", "Helping nurses take an initiative to lead organization", "Having competent leader take charge of organization", "Enabling nurses to achieve organizational changes", and "Leading nurses to accomplish organizational performance." Conclusion: Results indicate that positive organizational culture is related to increases in occupational satisfaction and decreases in turnover through supportive organizational culture which makes it possible to reinvest expenses required for training new members to promoting quality growth in the organization and the prestige of professional nurses. In order to improve occupational satisfaction and sustained growth in nurses, it is necessary to provide nurses with positive work environments and require members to make active efforts leading to strategic changes.

Grounded Theoretical Analysis on the Hospital Accreditation Experience of Head Nurses in General Hospitals (종합병원 수간호사의 의료기관평가 경험에 대한 근거이론적 접근)

  • Moon, Ji-Hyun;Joo, Ga Eul;Lee, Jinhwa
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.437-447
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to conduct a grounded theoretical analysis on the hospital accreditation experience of head nurses in order to understand their behavior on the adaption of this new system. Methods: The participants were 8 head nurses with more than 3 years of experience. The data were collected through in-depth interviews using audiotape recording analyzed by the constant comparative method described in Strauss and Corbin's methodology. Results: There were 113 concepts, 26 subcategories and 12 categories identified through the open coding process. In the axial coding, the following paradigm model was proposed: 1) the causal conditions were 'hardware problem' and 'software problem', 2) the contextual conditions were 'vertical relationship', 'individual preference', and 'family support', 3) the intervening conditions were 'passive conditions' and 'active conditions', 4) the action/interaction strategies were 'leading role' and 'dependent role', 5) the consequences were 'positive acceptance' and 'negative acceptance', 6) the central phenomenon was 'difficult situation' and 7) the core category was 'leading in harmony'. Conclusion: The new system led head nurses having difficulties as the middleman between the hospital administration and general nurses, but they made a continuous effort to overcome and adapt to it through a number of strategies.

Study on the NCO Acquisition Pragram of Human Strength (부사관 모집제도 연구)

  • Jung, Jae Keak
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.14 no.3_1
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2014
  • NCOs of the amy-navy-air force are the foundation in maintaining, developing and leading the army making manpower aquisition very important. Currently, the operation or the recruitment business is being overlapped by each training institutions leading to uneffectively decreasing the curiosities of the applicants regarding their future. Even though the NCO selection policy is strong in the aspect of retaining uniqueness, use of acquired specialist, and statute revision, it is showing insufficiency in publicizing, selection effectiveness, promotion of peoples' conveniency, and budget reduction. Therefore, if the unification regarding the recruitment of each military sectors are run by the MMA(Military Manpower Administration), which is the institute that is fully responsible for the recruitment duty, it can acquire excellent man power while decreasing effort and resources, provide accurate information to the NCO applicants on time, and provide improved services through the convenient facilities and systems.

The Effects of Twenties Women's Fashion Color Reception on Clothing Purchase (20대 여성의 유행색 수용도가 의복구매에 미치는 영향)

  • 박정혜;이선재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2002
  • The purposes of this study are to examine the relation between twenties women consumer's fashion-color reception and clothing purchase behaviors, and to propose the most effective plans of color-marketing. A questionnaire survey examined 384 persons' opinions in total. First, consumers are classified into 3 groups. according to their preferring colors and the degrees of their concerning : 'type of leading fashion-color', 'type of following fashion-color', and 'type of being indifferent to fashion-color'. Second, this study analyzed the factors of consumers' clothes-purchasing motives. : all consumer groups showed their purchasing motives in the order of 'aesthetic sense'-pursuit factor. 'sensitivity'-pursuit factor, and 'actual profit and sociality'-pursuit factor. Third, the types of consumers' purchasing clothes were divided into 2 groups: type of planned buying. And type of unplanned buying. And the relations between the above 2 groups and purchasing motives were investigated, as a result. it was proved that the consumers who have the purchasing motives of 'sensitivity'-pursuit and 'actual profit and sociality'-pursuit conducted 'planned buying'. Fourth. the relations between motive of clothing purchase and the type of purchase behavior were examined by consumer group : in the consumer group of leading fashion-color, the more did they have the purchasing motives of 'sensitivity'-pursuit or 'actual profit and sociality'-pursuit, the more did they conduct' planned buying'. In the fashion-color following group, the more did they have the purchasing motives of 'sensitivity'-pursuit or 'actual profit and sociality'-pursuit, the more did they conduct 'unplanned buying'.

The Customer Value Creation and Corporate Social Responsibility: Customer-oriented Management of ENEX (고객가치 창조와 기업의 사회적 책임 이행: 에넥스의 고객중심 경영)

  • Noh, Yonghwi;Choi, Jeongil
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.695-706
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study investigates success factors of ENEX which is a leading company in the kitchen furniture industry in South Korea, based on the perspective of customer satisfaction and corporate social responsibility. ENEX has grown to a successful mid-sized firm with competitive technology as a result of pursuing customer-oriented management since its establishment in 1971. Methods: Recognizing the importance of customer satisfaction, this study analyzed several cases of customer-oriented management of ENEX and interpreted their findings. Results: The successful embedment of customer satisfaction DNA in the whole organization is a major success factor of ENEX. It has been applying 7 WISE policy to all business processes from the product development to after-service to create customer value. Also, top management has fully exercised leadership to make customer-oriented organization, leading to ENEX being a competitive firm to provide products and services which can impress customers. Conclusions: ENEX has conducted various social activities based on corporate social responsibility. This study would also provide meaningful insights to understand the importance of customer-oriented management.

Predictability of Consumer Expectations for Future Changes in Real Growth (소비자 기대심리의 미래 성장 예측력)

  • Kim, Tae-Ho;Lim, La-Hee;Lee, Seung-Eun
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.457-465
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    • 2015
  • The long lasting world-wide recession and low economic progress have made it more important to predict future economic behavior. Accordingly, it is of interest to explore useful leading indicators, correlated with policy targets, to predict future economic growth. This study attempts to develop a model to evaluate the performance of consumer survey results from Statistics Korea to predict future economic activities. A statistical model is formulated and estimated to generate predictions by utilizing consumer expectations. The prediction is found improved in the distant future and consumer expectations appear to be a useful leading indicator to provide information of future real growth.

Evaluation of Slip and Strength of Nitrogen doped P/P- Epitaxial Silicon Wafers (질소 도핑된 P/P- Epitaxial Silicon Wafer의 Slip 및 강도 평가)

  • Choi Eun-Suck;Bae So-Ik
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.313-317
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    • 2005
  • The relation between bulk microdefect (BMD) and mechanical strength of P/PP/P epitaxial silicon wafers (Epitaxial wafer) as a function of nitrogen concentrations was studied. After 2 step anneal(800C/4hrs+1000C/16hrs)(800C/4hrs+1000C/16hrs), BMD was not observed in nitrogen undoped epitaxial silicon wafer while BMD existed and increased up to 3.83×105ea/cm23.83×105ea/cm2 by addition of 1.04×1014atoms/cm31.04×1014atoms/cm3 nitrogen doping. The slip occurred for nitrogen undoped and low level nitrogen doped epitaxial wafers. However, there was no slip occurrence above 7.37×1013atoms/cm37.37×1013atoms/cm3 nitrogen doped epitaxial wafer. Mechanical strength was improved from 40 to 57 MPa as nitrogen concentrations were increased. Therefore, the nitrogen doping in silicon wafer plays an important role to improve BMD density, slip occurrence and mechanical strength of the epitaxial silicon wafers.

A Study on the Aesthetic Characteristics of Korean Wellbeing Fashion (한국 웰빙 패션의 미적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Hae-Joo;Lee, Hye-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.139-154
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    • 2007
  • Wellbeing means the new life style leading a rich and nice life in which body and spirit is combined organically, and influence of wellbeing culture extends throughout the society. The purpose of this study is to analyze the aesthetic characteristics of Korean wellbeing fashion. Fashion photographs from leading monthly fashion magazines from 2001 to 2005 were analyzed. The styles and materials and colors were examined from 1,151 wellbeing fashion designs that is based on wellbeing culture. The major conclusions of the study are as follows : 1. The styles of wellbeing fashion in Korea include sportive, ecology, ethnic, retro styles in order. 2. Wellbeing fashion in Korea increased double in 2005 compared to 2001. Not least, sportive style and ethnic style rapidly increased. 3. Materials of wellbeing fashion in Korea include cottons, wools, chemical fibers, silks, jutes, functional fibers in order. Particularly the use of cottons in 2005 increased three times compared to 2001. 4. Of wellbeing fashion colors, yellow in bright tone were present the most, followed by white, red, black, green, blue, grey in order. Natural colors, vivid colors, pastel tone colors were used.

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Improvement of the Tapering Error in the Centerless Through-feed Ground Parts Using a Work-rest Blade (공작물 받침대를 이용한 무심관통이송 공작물의 테이퍼링 오차 개선)

  • Kim, Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.70-77
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    • 2003
  • The centerless through-feed grinding is performed by passing the workpiece between the grinding wheel and the regulating wheel. So, the amount of removed material around the leading end, of the workpiece is always more than that around the trailing end until the leading end leaves the grinding wheel. Because of this, there are differences in diameters along the workpiece axis during grinding, and workpiece axis is not parallel to the grinding wheel axis and the contact lines between the workpiece and wheels. Thus the ground workpiece shows tapering error inherently. To eliminate this error, the workpiece axis must be kept to be parallel to the grinding wheel axis. And, the direction of the workpiece axis can be controlled by the work-rest blade. Therefore, the effects of work-rest blade inclination angle on the through-feed centerless ground part are investigated in this study. As a result, it is found that there is a positive inclination angle of the work-rest blade for minimizing the tapering error of a ground workpiece.