• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landuse changes

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Impacts of Parameter Changes According to Landuse Changes on Hydrologic Simulation (토지이용 변화에 따른 매개변수 변화가 수문모형의 수문 해석에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Hwang, Soonho;Kim, Gye Woong;Kang, Moon Seong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.336-336
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    • 2018
  • 수문 모형에서 토지이용 자료는 수문해석에서 중요한 환경변수라고 할 수 있으며, 토지이용 자료의 정확도 및 해상도에 따라서도 수문해석 결과가 달라지기도 한다. 특히, SWAT 모형은 수문해석을 위한 알고리즘에서 고려하는 토지이용 관련 매개변수가 다양하며, 수문 모형의 적용성을 평가하는데 토지이용 관련 매개변수를 정확하게 추정하는 것이 중요한 요인이라 할 수 있다. 일반적으로 수문 모형의 검보정을 위해서는 각 년도에 맞는 토지이용자료를 이용하여야 하고, 각 년도별 매개변수를 달리하여 검보정을 실시하여야 하지만 토지이용 자료의 부족함과 수문모형 검보정의 편의성을 위해 특정년도의 토지이용 자료를 이용하여 고정된 매개변수를 이용하고 있다. 특히, 장래 수문변화를 고려하는 연구에서는 장래 토지이용 변화를 고려하여, 토지이용 변화에 따라 변화하는 매개변수를 고려하고 있으나 장래 수문해석에 있어 모든 매개변수를 토지이용 자료로만 추정할 수 없기 때문에 기 검보정에 사용한 매개변수를 일부 수용하여 적용하고 있는 실정이다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 모형의 검보정에 있어 고정된 매개변수를 사용한 경우 (a)와 토지이용 변화에 따라 변화하는 토지이용 특성과 매개변수 간의 상호 관계를 이용한 경우 (b)를 비교하여 토지이용 변화에 따른 매개변수 변화를 고려한 경우의 수문 모형의 수문모형 해석 결과를 검토하였다. 본 연구에서는 연도별 토지이용 자료를 생산하기 위해서 무료로 공개하는 위성영상 중 자료의 공간해상도와 분광해상도가 상대적으로 좋은 Landsat 위성영상 자료와 Sentinel 위성영상을 고려하였다. 또한 연구대상지는 토지이용 변화를 뚜렷이 확인할 수 있고 유역 말단 부분에 수문 모니터링 (혹은 유량 자료가 구축된 곳)이 이루어지고 있는 지역으로 선정하였다.

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A Study on Ecological Characteristics and Changes of Vegetation in Hamyangsangrim (함양상림 식생의 생태적 특성 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Wook;Lee, Seung-Joo;Lee, Soo-Dong;Kim, Ji-Seok;Han, Bong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.537-549
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to provide data for the basic research to found the effective conservation and management plan for the Hamyangsangrim designated as Natural Monument No. 154 and surround areas by analyzing the ecological characteristics such as landuse and actual vegetation, plant community structure, soil chemical property and also to identify the tendency of the ecosystem changes through comparison with past studies. According to analysis the results, the landuse and actual vegetation of survey site was classified as 8 types which were forest, artificial greenspace, plaza and open-space, bare ground and the pavement, water bodies, facilities, agricultural land and etc.. It was also categorized as 38 types according to detailed characteristic. 15 kinds of forest vegetation community types comprising silva were classified among them. The changes of actual vegetation showed little variation that the Quercus serrata-Carpinus tschonoskii forest was the most widely distributed in 2003(forest area ratio is 48.3%) and 2010(forest area ratio is 48.1%), whereas, the Quercus serrata forest declined a more dramatic from 11.6% to 23.2%. The Quercus serrata-Carpinus tschonoskii forest increased sharply(11.6% ${\rightarrow}$ 23.2%) and also the Quercus serrata-Zelkova serrata forest increased steadily(2.2% ${\rightarrow}$ 7.9%). The agricultural land around forest was transformed into artificial green zone. Moreover, water bodies, bare ground and the pavement of areas have increased. In addition, the urbanized area has decreased because the damaged areas inside forest have been restored to the woodlands. According to the result of typical 6 types vegetation communities change, the middle layer trees grew up to the canopy layer trees and was formed the canopy layer structure. The middle layer trees expanded their forces widely. Also new species appeared. And the shrub individuals also more dramatically increased due to the growth of shrubs. The force of Quercus serrata declined as well. However the force of Carpinus tschonoskii and Zelkova serrata expanded and increased in the forest. It must be the result of the ecological vegetation succession and environmentally soundly health recovery by influence of the projects of forest surrounding environment improvement and limitation of access to forest have managed and maintained since 2003. Those sorts of changes seems to be going to develop continuously. In the future Carpinus tschonoskii and Zelkova serrata will not be only codominant in the canopy layer but also Carpinus Tschonoskii, Zelkova serrata, Meliosma myriantha, Sapium japonicum. Styrax obassia and Acer pseudo-sieboldianum will be codominant in the middle layer. As a result, the forest's codominance species are going to be changed such like that.

A Discussion of the Two Alternative Methods for Quantifying Changes : by Pixel Values Versus by Thematic Categories (변화의 정량화 방법에 관한 고찰 : 픽셀값 대 분류항목별)

  • Choung, Song-Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.1 no.1 s.1
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 1993
  • In a number of areas, there are important benefits to be gained when we bring both the detection and monitoring abilities of remote sensing as well as the philosophical approach and analytic capabilities of a geographic information system to bear on a problem. A key area in the joint applications of remote sensing technology and GIS is to identify change. Whether this change is of interest for its own sake, or because the change causes us to act (for example, to update a map), remote sensing provides an excellent suite of tools for detecting change. At the same time, a GIS is perhaps the best analytic toot for quantifying the process of change. There are two alternative methods for quantifying changes. The conceptually simple approach is to un the pixel values in each of the images. This method is practical but may be too simple to identify the variety of changes in a complex scene. The common alternative is called symbolic change detection. The analyst first decides on a set of thematic categories that are important to distinguish for the application. This approach is useful only if accurate landuse/cover classifications can be obtained. Persons conducting digital change detection must be intimately familiar with the environment under study, the quality of the data set and the characteristics of change detection algorithms. Also, much work remains to identify optimum change detection algorithms for specific geographic areas and problems.

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Exploring and Testing Satellite Imagery to Historical Geography (위성영상의 문화역사지리학적 활용 가능성에 대한 탐색)

  • Chang, Eun-Mi;Park, Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.745-754
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    • 2000
  • Both Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing fields have been nearly neglected or ignored by historical geographers.This paper intends to show the potentiality of satellite images of various spatial reslutions to explore and to express themes of historical geography. Old Chinese maps and atlas were also used to relate the digital values and historical facfors. Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer data might be used as a real image for a contintal scale to show changes in coastal shoreline. Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery of Beijing showed some of boundaries of old palace. Finally IKONOS images of one meter resolution showed detailed information of landcover and landuse of the City, Beijing. The potential capability and limitation to apply satellite imagery in application of historical geography are also discussed.

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Assessment of Water Quality Management System Application on Yongdam Reservoir (용담댐 저수지 수질관리시스템 적용성 평가)

  • Lee, Yo-Sang;Koh, Deuk-Koo;Yi, Hye-Suk;Jeong, Seon-A
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.235-242
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    • 2008
  • To develop a watershed management plan for protection of the lake water quality, the linkages among land use activities, stream water quality, and lake water quality must be understood. This study conducted to develop a Decision Support System(DSS) for the reservoir water quality managers and a comprehensive watershed management plan. This DSS has three main components; database, interactive decision model, and data delivery interface system. Graphic User Interface(GUI) was developed as the interface medium to deliver the data and modeling results to the end users. Water quality management scenarios in Yongdam reservoir consist of two parts. One is the watershed management, and the other is water quality management in the reservoir. The watershed management scenarios that were evaluated include as follows : a removal of point sources, control of waste water treatment plant, reductions in nonpoint sources, and the management of developed land. Water quality management scenarios in the reservoir include to install a curtain wall and to operate an algae removal system. The results from the scenario analysis indicate that the strategy of the reservoir water quality management can promise the best effectiveness to conserve the quality of reservoir water. It is expected that many local agencies can use this DSS to analyze the impact of landuse changes and activities on the reservoir watershed and can benefit from making watershed management decisions.

Evaluation of Runoff and Pollutant Loads using L-THIA 2012 Runoff and Pollutant Auto-calibration Module and Ranking of Pollutant Loads Potential (L-THIA 2012 유출 및 수질 자동 보정 모듈을 이용한 유출/비점부하량 산정 및 비점오염 부하량 포텐셜 등급화)

  • Jang, Chunhwa;Kum, Donghyuk;Ha, Junsoo;Kim, Kyoung-Soon;Kang, Dong Han;Kim, Keuk-Tai;Shin, Dong Suk;Lim, Kyoung Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.184-195
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    • 2013
  • Urbanization from agricultural/forest areas has been causing increased runoff and pollutant loads from it. Thus, numerous models have been developed to estimate NPS loading from urban area and Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Analysis (L-THIA) model has been used to evaluate effects of landuse changes on runoff and pollutant loads. However, the L-THIA model could not consider rainfall intensity in runoff evaluation. Therefore, the L-THIA model, capable of simulating runoff using 10-minute rainfall data, was applied to the study areas for evaluation of estimated runoff and NPS. The estimated Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (NSE) values were over 0.6 for runoff, BOD, TN, and TP for most sites and watershed. The calibrated model was further extended to other counties for pollutant load potential evaluation. Pollutant load potential maps were developed and target areas were identified. As shown in this study, the L-THIA 2012 can be used for evaluation runoff and pollutant loads with limited data sets and its estimation could be used in identifying pollutant load hot spot areas for implementation of site-specific Best Management Practices.

The 21st Sustainable Environmental Policies for Protecting the Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems (수질 및 수생태계 보전을 위한 세기 지속가능한 환경정책 방안)

  • Kim, Lee-Hyung;Lee, So-Young;Min, Kyung-Suk
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2008
  • The construction technologies for development and urbanization diversely effect on the water qualities, hydraulics and aquatic ecosystems in watershed areas. Usually, the landuse changes in watershed areas by human activities are known as the main sources of pollutants to aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, in order to protect the aquatic ecosystems and to improve the water quality, the construction technologies should be improved with environmental technologies. In this paper, several applicable technologies for construction projects and protection of aquatic ecosystem will be summarized, which are the low impact developments (LID), buffer zones, watershed management practices, etc. Also the 21st sustainable environmental policies concerning watershed management will be discussed for watershed managers.

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Investigating the Impact of Best Management Practices on Nonpoint Source Pollution from Agricultural Lands

  • ;Saied Mostaghimi
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.32 no.E
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 1990
  • Abstract Over the last several decades, crop production in the United States increased largely due to the extensive use of animal waste and fertilizers as plant nutrient supplements, and pesticides for crops pests and weed control. Without the application of animal waste best management, the use of animal waste can result in nonpoint source pollution from agricultural land area. In order to increase nutrient levels and decrease contamination from agricultural lands, nonpoint source pollution is responsible for water quality degradation. Nonpoint source pollutants such as animal waste, ferilizers, and pesticides are transported primarily through runoff from agricultural areas. Nutrients, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus, can be a major water quality problem because they cause eutrophic algae growth. In 1985, it was presented that Watershed/Water Quality Monitoring for Evaluation BMP Effectiveness was implemented for Nomini Creek Watershed, located in Westmoreland County, Virginia. The watershed is predominantly agricultural and has an aerial extent of 1505 ha of land, with 43% under cropland, 54% under woodland, and 3% as homestead and roads. Rainfall data was collected at the watershed from raingages located at sites PNI through PN 7. Streams at stations QN I and QN2 were being measured with V-notch weirs. Water levels at the stream was measured using an FW-l Belfort (Friez FWl). The water quality monitoring system was designed to provide comprehensive assessment of the quality of storm runoff and baseflow as influenced by changes in landuse, agronomic, and cultural practices ill the watershed. As this study was concerned with the Nomini Creek Watershed, the separation of storm runoff and baseflow measured at QNI and QN2 was given by the master depletion curve method, and the loadings of baseflow and storm runoff for TN (Total Nitrogen) and TP (Total Phosphorus) were analyzed from 1987 through 1989. The results were studied for the best management practices to reduce contamination and loss of nutrients, (e.g., total nitrogen and total phosphorus) by nonpoint source pollution from agricultural lands.

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An Estimation of the Spatial Development Patterns based on the Characteristic City Indicators - The Case of Gangnam District - (도시특성지표 기반 공간개발 패턴 추정에 관한 연구 - 강남지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Jang, Seongman;Yi, Changhyo
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2015
  • Most data used for urban planning is aggregated by administrative district. Thus, a fundamental limit to analysing the changes of micro-geographical units exists. The object of this study is to estimate spatial development patterns based on characteristic city indicators. Gangnam, an area that was analysed, was divided into hexagon polygons. The development density and characteristic city indicators were input into each polygon. Moreover, this study analysed the influence of characteristic city indicators on development density using multinomial regression analysis. According to the results, distance between a polygon and both a road and a bus stop led to a decrease of development density in the polygon. However, distance between a polygon and a river led to an increase of development intensity. The method of this analysis and the results can be used to disaggregate the zonal data in the urban planing area.

Evaluation of SWAT Prediction Error according to Accuracy of Land Cover Map (토지피복도 정확도에 따른 SWAT 예측 오류 평가)

  • Heo, Sunggu;Kim, Kisung;Kim, Namwon;Ahn, Jaehun;Park, Sanghun;Yoo, Dongseon;Choi, JoongDae;Lim, Kyoungjae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.690-700
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    • 2008
  • The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model users tend to use the readily available input dataset, such as the Ministry of Environment (MOE) land cover data ignoring temporal and spatial changes in land cover. The SWAT model was calibrated and validated with this land cover data. The EI values were 0.79 and 0.85 for streamflow calibration and validation, respectively. The EI were 0.79 and 0.86 for sediment calibration and validation, respectively. With newly prepared landcover dataset for the Doam-dam watershed, the SWAT model better predicts hydrologic and sediment behaviors. The number of HRUs with new land cover data increased by 70.2% compared with that with the MOE land cover, indicating better representation of small-sized agricultural field boundaries. The SWAT estimated annual average sediment yield with the MOE land cover data was 61.8 ton/ha/year for the Doam-dam watershed, while 36.2 ton/ha/year (70.7% difference) of annual sediment yield with new land cover data. Especially the most significant difference in estimated sediment yield was 548.0% for the subwatershed #2. Therefore it is recommended that one needs to carefully validate land cover for the study watershed for accurate hydrologic and sediment simulation with the SWAT model.