• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land Database

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A Case Study on Suitability Analysis of Solid Waste Landfill Site utilizing GIS (GIS를 활용한 폐기물 매립지의 적지분석 사례연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;Yeon, Sang-Ho;Kim, Sung-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.33-49
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    • 2000
  • This research demonstrates the application of GIS to the selection of the waste landfill site through the case study of a urban area. The estimation factors for the suitability analysis of the waste landfill site were determined. The database was built through collection, input, and transformation of data. The recent land cover classification data and NDVI data which were obtained through processing of satellite imagery were incorporated into GIS data as estimation factors. The relative weights of importance among 2nd category estimation factors were determined by the pairwise comparison method. Also relative weights of 1st category estimation factors which are divided into the social-economical factor and the natural environmental factor were combined with those of 2nd category estimation factors. As the results of this case study, the suitability analysis was conducted in accordance with various estimation criteria. The highest suitability index was obtained in the case where we considered the relative weights of 2nd category estimation factors as different in the viewpoint which regards the social economical factor as important.

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An Assessment of Ecological Risk by Landslide Susceptibility in Bukhansan National Park (산사태취약성 분석을 통한 북한산국립공원의 생태적 위험도 평가)

  • Kim, Kyung-Tae;Jung, Sung-Gwan;You, Ju-Han;Jang, Gab-Sue
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2008
  • This research managed to establish the space information on incidence factors of landslide targeting Bukhansan National Park and aimed at suggesting a basic data for disaster prevention of a landslide for the period to come in Bukhansan National Park through drawing up the map indicating vulnerability to a landslide and ecological risks by the use of overlay analysis and adding-up estimation matrix analysis methods. This research selected slope angle, slope aspect, slope length, drainage, vegetation index(NDVI) and land use as an assessment factor of a landslide and constructed the spatial database at a level of '$30m\times30m$' resolution. The analysis result was that there existed high vulnerability to a landslide almost all over Uidong and Dobong valleys. As for ecological risks, Dobong valley, Yongueocheon valley, Jeongneung valley and Pyeongchang valley were analyzed to be higher, so it is judged that the impact on a landslide risk should be also considered in time of establishing a management plan for these districts for the time to come.

Analysis of Non-point Source Pollution using GIS Technique (GIS를 이용한 충주호주변의 비점원 오염 분석 연구)

  • 김윤종;유일현;김원영;류주영;이영훈;민경덕
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1995
  • Despite the widespread use of GIS over the past ten years, it has been limited application for regional modeling of pollutant loadings such as sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus(non-point source pollution), The goals of this study were to: select important processes and parameters of watersheds that contribute to non-point source pollution degradation, develop a ranking model to use the environmental geologic data and verify the model by comparing results with existing water quality data(Chung-ju Lake) for specific watersheds, The GIS database consisted of topography, geology, soils, precipitation, rainfall erosivity, land use, and watershed boundaries. The index(NPSP) for assessing non-point source pollution was comprised in the following three seperate components: soil loss index(SLI) assesses the potential soil erosion and sedim-ent delivery from field to stream; run-off potential ratio(R.P.R) predicts the potential production of surface runoff; chloropgyll-a index ranks the potential manure(animal or human) production within a watershed. The GIS model was a valuable tool to assess the impact of environmental pollation in watersheds.

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A Study on the Construction of 3D GIS DB by LiDAR (LiDAR에 의한 3차원 GIS DB 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Hee-Cheon;Park, Joon-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.172-183
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    • 2007
  • Recently geospatial information has used widely in many areas such as effective use and management of national land, establishment of city planning, managements of environments and disasters, etc. But present digital map is not suitable for nowadays because of delay of information renewal and changes of topography. In this study, GIS DB construction method was researched through the process of extracting main vector layers such as buildings, roads, contours, etc. from LiDAR data. In order to analyze accuracies of constructed data, the digital topographic maps of 1:1000 scale which were produced by Korea National Geographic Information Institute(NGI) and results of GPS survey were used. Effective DB construction method was suggested through comparing with existing GIS DB construction methods.

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Calculation of Pollutant Loadings from Stream Watershed Using Digital Elevation Model and Pollutant Load Unit Factors (발생부하원단위와 수치표고모형을 이용한 하천유역 오염부하량 산정)

  • Yang, Hong-Mo;Kim, Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to compare calculated pollutant loadings using pollutant load unit factors and vector type coverage, and expected mean concentration(EMC) and raster type of digital elevation model(DEM). This study is also focusing on comparison of the advantages and the disadvantages of the two methods, and seeking for a method of calculation of pollutant loadings using DEM. Estimation of pollutant inputs using pollutant load unit factors has limitations in identifying seasonal variations of pollutant loadings. Seasonal changes of runoffs should be considered in the calculation of pollutant loadings from catchments into reservoirs. Evaluation of pollutant inputs using runoff-coefficient and EMC can overcome these drawbacks. Proper EMC and runoff-coefficient values for the Koeup stream catchments of the Koheung estuarine lake were drawn from review of related papers. Arc/Info was employed to establish database of spatial and attribute data of point and non-point pollutant sources and characteristics of the catchments. ArcView was used to calculate point and non-point pollutant loadings. Pollutant loads estimated with either unit factors-coverages, i.e., pollutant load unit factors and vector coverages f point sources and land use, or EMC and digital elevation mode(DEM) were compared with stream monitoring loads. We have found that some differences were shown between monitoring results and estimated loads by Unit Factors-Coverage and EMC-DEM. Monthly variations of pollutant loads evaluated with EMC-DEM were similar to those with monitoring result. The method using EMC-DEM can calculate accumulated flows and pollutant loads and can be utilized to identify stream networks. A future research on correcting the difference between vector type stream using flow direction grid and digitalizing vector type should be conducted in order to obtain more exact calculation of pollutant loadings.

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Analyzing the Location Decision of the Large-Scale Discount Store Using the Spatial Association Rules Mining (공간 연관규칙을 이용한 대형할인점의 입지 분석)

  • Lee Yong-Ik;Hong Sung-Eon;Kim Jung-Yup;Park Soo-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.3 s.114
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    • pp.319-330
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this research is to achieve an objectivity of site decision after extracting site decision factors on a large-scale discount store(LSDS) and utilize any hidden information using the association rules mining through huge database. To catch this objective, we collect a census, economic, and environmental dataset related with locating of LSDS. And then, we construct a spatial data on the research area. These data is used for the extraction of a spatial association rules. To verify whether the extracted rules are suitability or not, we use the sales of some LSDS. As the result of test, the more sales, the more factors of the extracted rules relate with the sales it coincides. Consequently, the spatial association rules mining is efficient method which support the ideal site decision of LSDS.

Development of a Flood Runoff and Inundation Analysis System Associated With 2-D Rainfall Data Generated Using Radar III. 2-D Flood Inundation Simulation (레이더 정량강우와 연계한 홍수유출 및 범람해석 시스템 확립 III. 2차원 홍수범람 모의)

  • Choi, Kyu-Hyun;Han, Kun-Yeun;Kim, Sang-Ho;Lee, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.4 s.165
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    • pp.347-362
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    • 2006
  • In this study, a 2-D flood inundation model was developed to evaluate the impact of levee failure in a natural basin for flood analysis. The model was applied to analyze the inundation flow from the levee break of Gamcheon river during the typhoon Rusa on October 31 through September 1, 2002. To verify the simulated results, wide range field surveys have been performed including the collection of NGIS database, land use condition, flooded area, and flow depths. Velocity distributions and inundation depths were presented to demonstrate the robustness of the model. Model results have good agreements with the observed data in terms of flood level and flooded area. The model is able to compute maximum stage and peak discharge efficiently in channel and protected lowland. Methodology considering radar-rainfall estimation using cokriging scheme, flood-runoff and inundation analysis in this study will contribute to the establishment of the national integrated flood disaster prevention system and the river or protect lowland management system.

A Comparative Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility Using Airborne LiDAR and Digital Map (항공 LiDAR와 수치지도를 이용한 산사태 취약성 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Se Jun;Lee, Jong Chool;Kim, Jin Soo;Roh, Tae Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.4_1
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    • pp.281-292
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the accuracy that produced using various types and combinations of landslide-related factors from landslide susceptibility index maps. A database of landslide-related factors was adopted by the landslide locations that obtained from aerial photographs, and the topographic factors that derived from airborne LiDAR observations and digital maps, and various soil, forest, and land cover. Landslide susceptibility index maps were calculated by logistic regression and frequency ratio from the landslide susceptibility index. The correlation between airborne LiDAR data and digital map was shown strong similarities with one another. Landslide susceptibility index maps indicated the existence of a strong correlation and high prediction accuracy, especially when the frequency ratio and airborne LiDAR were used. Therefore, we concluded that the Airborne LiDAR will contribute to the development of effective landslide prediction methods and damage reduction measures.

Assessment of Accuracy of SRTM (SRTM(Shuttle Radar Topography Mission)의 정확성 평가)

  • Yoo, Seung-Hwan;Nam, Won-Ho;Choi, Jin-Yong
    • KCID journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.80-88
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    • 2007
  • The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) obtained elevation data on a near-global scale to generate the most complete high-resolution digital topographic database of Earth. SRTM consisted of a specially modified radar system that flew onboard the Space shuttle SRTM consisted of a specially modified radar system that flew onboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour during an 11-day mission on February 2000. Since 2004, in a GLCF (Global Land Cover Facility, http;//glcf.umiacs.umd.edu/) web-site, products of SRTM including 1Km and 90m resolutions for outside US and a 30m resolution for the US have been provided. This study is to assess the accuracy of SRTM-DEM in comparing with NGIS-DEM generated from NGIS digital topographic map(1:25,000) in Guem river watershed. For the Geum river watershed, SREM-DEM elevation ranged from 0 to 1,605m and NGIS-DEM ranged from 6 to 1,610m, and the average elevation of SRTM-DEM was 226.7m and 218.9m for NGIS-DEM, respectively. NGIS-DEM was subtracted from SRTM in three zones -Zone I (0~100m), Zone II (100~400m), Zone III (over 400m)- to estimate difference between SRTM and NGIS-DEM. As the results, the differences of these DEM were 5.2m (11.6%) in Zone I, 8.8m (3.8%) in Zone II, 12.5m (2.1%) in Zone III. Although there were differences between SRTM-DEM and NGIS-DEM, SREM-DEM would be possible to be utilized as DEM data for the region where DEM is not prepared.

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Development of ePosition Application Technology Based on ENC Data (전자해도 데이터 기반 ePosition 연계기술개발)

  • Seo, Ki-Yeol;Kim, Kyung-Hun;Lee, Sang-Zee;Oh, Se-Woong;Park, Jong-Min;Suh, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.1305-1310
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    • 2007
  • ePosition is a technology that can provide the spacial position of the earth to the information of ePosition ID through the Internet. It is serving the information of land location based on the Internet using the ePosition technology now, but it needs the service technique which can supply the marine data and the information of maritime position. Moreover, to support the information service of marine position, it needs the ENC linked technique based on S-57 that is an IHO transfer standard for digital hydrographic data. In this paper, therefore, it develops a linkage method for applying and utilizing the ePosition technology to ENC data, and supplements the base technology for applying it to marine related fields. As study method, firstly, this paper analyses ENC data model and structure, and converses for processing ENC file to ePosition data. Lastly, it derives the interconnection method with ePosition database and shows the ePosition service application based on the linked data and its validity.