• 제목/요약/키워드: LIAO

검색결과 454건 처리시간 0.027초

A decoupling FEM for simulating near-field wave motion in two-phase media

  • Chen, S.L.;Liao, Z.P.;Chen, J.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.181-200
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    • 2007
  • A decoupling technique for simulating near-field wave motions in two-phase media is introduced in this paper. First, an equivalent but direct weighted residual method is presented in this paper to solve boundary value problems more explicitly. We applied the Green's theorem for integration by parts on the equivalent integral statement of the field governing equations and then introduced the Neumann conditions directly. Using this method and considering the precision requirement in wave motion simulation, a lumped-mass FEM for two-phase media with clear physical concepts and convenient implementation is derived. Then, considering the innate attenuation character of the wave in two-phase media, an attenuation parameter is introduced into Liao's Multi-Transmitting Formula (MTF) to simulate the attenuating outgoing wave in two-phase media. At last, two numerical experiments are presented and the numerical results are compared with the analytical ones demonstrating that the lumped-mass FEM and the generalized MTF introduced in this paper have good precision.

요대 고분벽화상의 무악인 복식에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Dancer and Musician Costumes by the Murals in Tombs of Liao Dynasty)

  • 임명미
    • 복식
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    • 제53권6호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2003
  • The results from the consideration of this are as follows. A Study on the Dancer and Musician Costumes by the Murals in Tombs decorate with mural, which is of Liao Dynasty. The tombs belong to two families: eight of them located to the northeast of Xiabali Village belong to the Zhang Family. Another was located to the north of Xiabali Village belong to the Han Family. The bands of the "Sanyue" consist of five to twelve players wearing luxurious dresses(Jamhwasik hwagakBokdu, Danryung, Belt, Boots) and playing miscellaneous musical instruments: sometimes the female ones in the bands are disguised as male. Usually, each band is accompanied with one or a couple of dancers. which one wearing is luxurious dresses (Goge.1amhwasik. Yoo : Jaket : joegori, Sang: skirts: chima, and shoes).

고려 대외교류국의 고분벽화에 나타난 주구(酒具) (Alcohol Beverage Utensils Represented on the Tomb Mural Paintings of Foreign Exchange Countries with Koryo Dynasty)

  • 고경희
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제30권5호
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    • pp.596-610
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    • 2015
  • This study is on the alcohol beverage utensils represented on the Chinese tomb mural paintings of Song, Liao, Jin, and Yuan those countries had foreign exchange with Koryo Dynasty. These mural paintings are distributed in the areas such as Hebei, Henan, Inner mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Peijing. etc. The Alcohol beverage vessels were classified mainly into storage vessel, pouring vessel, drinking vessel and ladles according to the purpose. The storage vessels of Song, Liao and Jin were called Jiuping, Jingping, Jiuzun as well as Meiping. Pouring vessels are basically one set of Zhuzi, Wenwan and Jiuzhu, or Zhuhu and Zhuwan. On the mural paintings of Yuan Dynasty, Meiping as storage vessels disappear, and a variety of shapes of pouring vessels such as Mayu and Yuhuchunping appear. This trend indirectly indicates the new arrival of distilled liquor, which seems to have affected transition of the alcohol beverage utensils.

Regional Scale Rice Yield Estimation by Using a Time-series of RADARSAT ScanSAR Images

  • Li, Yan;Liao, Qifang;Liao, Shengdong;Chi, Guobin;Peng, Shaolin
    • 대한원격탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 2003년도 Proceedings of ACRS 2003 ISRS
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    • pp.917-919
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    • 2003
  • This paper demonstrates that RADARSAT ScanSAR data can be an important data source of radar remote sensing for monitoring crop systems and estimation of rice yield for large areas in tropic and sub-tropical regions. Experiments were carried out to show the effectiveness of RADARSAT ScanSAR data for rice yield estimation in whole province of Guangdong, South China. A methodology was developed to deal with a series of issues in extracting rice information from the ScanSAR data, such as topographic influences, levels of agro-management, irregular distribution of paddy fields and different rice cropping systems. A model was provided for rice yield estimation based on the relationship between the backscatter coefficient of multi-temporal SAR data and the biomass of rice.

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고려 전·중기(918~1213)의 국왕 책봉(冊封)과 관복(冠服) 사여 (Investiture of King and Bestowment of Robe and Crown in the Early to Middle of Goryeo Dynasty)

  • 이민정
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제39권1호
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 2015
  • King and Crown Prince's Gwanbok (冠服) written in "Goryeosa" Yeobokji was the bestowment of robes and crowns by the Son of Heaven who yielded hegemony over East Asia. It designated the King and Crown Prince of Goryeo as real and authentic as well as confirmed the political status of Goryeo in East Asia. In "Goryeosa" Yeobokji, the King's Gwanbok is of higher stature than the adornments of the King's ritual robes (祭服) and court robes (朝服) which held a domestic political significance. In East Asia, bestowment of voiture (車) and robe (服) usually appeared in the multistate system. In the $10^{th}$ century, the Later Jin (後晋) spread the idea of investiture and bestowment to Khitan (契丹). The Liao (遼) or Khitan and the Jin (金), the Conquest Dynasties, endeavored to establish the legitimacy of the Son of Heaven by imitating Sinocentrism by means of investiture and bestowment. In the reign of XingZong (興宗) and DaoZong (道宗) of Liao, the ritual of investiture and bestowment for Goryeo was in the making, adding titles and bestowments in the occasion of the elevation of Emperor Liao's honorific title. King Munjong (文宗) of Goryeo reached 9-bestowment which symbolized the first of the feudal lords in East Asia. This exceptional respect for Goryeo went on to Jin's investiture and bestowment. From then, 9-bestowment was defined as an international decorum (禮) toward Goryeo. This historical study of Gwanbok (冠服) of "Goryeosa", indicates: First, the King's Ceremonial Robe with Nine-symbol Design were designated from the early to middle of the Goryeo Dynasty by investiture and bestowment from the Conquest Dynasties. Second, the bestowed King's Robe and Crown had simultaneous functions for domestic order and international order. Goryeo did not follow ideological Sinocentrism but followed practical interest by accepting Confucian Li (禮) philosophy passed on through the Conquest Dynasties.