• Title/Summary/Keyword: L. E. M.

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Comparison of Radical Scavenging, Anticytotoxic, and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Euphorbia Maculata and E. supina (큰땅빈대와 애기땅빈대의 라디칼 소거, 세포독성 억제 및 항염증 활성 비교)

  • Rhim, Tae-Jin
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.1131-1142
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to compare the antioxidant, anticytotoxic, and anti-inflammatory properties of Euphorbia maculata ethanol extract with those of E. supina ethanol extract. 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical and superoxide scavenging activities of E. maculata at $50{\mu}g/mL$ were $38.3{\pm}3.7$ and $21.5{\pm}1.2%$, respectively, whereas those of E. supina at the same concentration were $109.4{\pm}0.9$ and $59.5{\pm}4.8%$, respectively. Oxygen radical absorbance capacities of E. maculata and E. supina at $10{\mu}g/mL$ were $14.70{\pm}0.63$ and $26.17{\pm}1.36nmol/mL$ Trolox, respectively. Cupric reducing antioxidant capacities of E. maculata and E. supina at $10{\mu}g/mL$ were $10.22{\pm}0.97$ and $62.99{\pm}5.28nmol/mL$ Trolox, respectively. Total phenolic contents of E. maculata and E. supina at $50{\mu}g/mL$ were $29.03{\pm}0.14$ and $87.89{\pm}0.20nmol/mL$ gallic acid, respectively. E. maculata and E. supina were reported to prevent supercoiled DNA breakage induced by peroxyl and hydroxyl radicals in a concentration-dependent manner, where protection against the supercoiled DNA breakage provided by E. supina was greater than that provided by E. maculata. E. maculata and E. supina at $100{\mu}g/mL$ inhibited tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced cytotoxicity in HepG2 cells by $49.4{\pm}4.3$ and $87.3{\pm}4.5%$, respectively. E. maculata and E. supina at $500{\mu}g/mL$ inhibited lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production in RAW 264.7 cells by $63.1{\pm}7.0$ and $85.2{\pm}1.6%$, respectively. The antioxidant capacities including DPPH radical scavenging, superoxide scavenging, oxygen radical absorbance, and cupric reducing antioxidant activity were found to be highly correlated with total phenolic content (0.896 < r < 0.983, p < 0.01) and anticytotoxic activities (0.915 < r < 0.960, p < 0.01). However, the superoxide scavenging activity was not significantly correlated (r = 0.604, p > 0.05) with the anti-inflammatory activity. Thus, these findings demonstrated that the radical scavenging, anticytotoxic, and anti-inflammatory capacities of E. supina were more potent than those of E. maculata. Further studies are needed to elucidate the properties of polyphenolic constituents in E. supina responsible for these effects and the underlying mechanisms.

Electrochemical Properties of Binuclear Tetradentate Schiff Base Cobalt(II), Nickel(II) and Copper(II) Complexes in Nonaqueous Solvents. (V) (비수용매에서 이핵성 네자리 Schiff Base Cobalt(II), Nickel(II) 및 Copper(II) 착물들의 전기화학적 성질 (제 5 보))

  • Chjo Ki-Hyung;Choi Yong-Kook;Lee Song-Ju;Kim Chan-Young;Rim Chae-Pyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.709-719
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    • 1992
  • We synthesized the binuclear tetradentate Schiff base cobalt(II), nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes such as [Co(II)_2(TSBP)(L)_4], [Ni(II)_2(TSBP)(II)_4] and [Cu(II)_2(TSBP)] (TSBP: 3,3',4,4'-tetra(salicylideneimino)-1,1'-biphenyl, L: Py, DMSO and DMF). We identified the binucleated structure of these complexes by elemental analysis, IR-spectrum, UV-visible spectrum, T.G.A. and D.S.C. According to the results for cyclic voltammogram and differential pulse polarogram of 1 mM complexes in nonaqueous solvents included 0.1M TEAP-L (L; Py, DMSO and DMF) as supporting electrolyte, it was found that diffusionally controlled redox processes of four steps through with one electron for binucleated Schiff base Cobalt(II) complex was Co(III)_2 {^\longrightarrow \\_\longleftarrow^e^-}Co(III)Co(II)_2{^\longrightarrow \\_\longleftarrow^e^-}Co(II){^\longrightarrow \\_\longleftarrow^e^-}Co(I){^\longrightarrow \\_\longleftarrow^e^-}Co(I)_2 and two steps with one electron for Nickel(II) and Copper(II) complexes were M(II)_2 {^\longrightarrow \\_\longleftarrow^e^-}M(I)M(I){^\longrightarrow \\_\longleftarrow^e^-}M(I)_2 (M; Ni and Cu) in nonaqueous solvents.

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Analysis of E,E-farnesol and squalene in makgeolli using stir bar sorptive extraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SBSE-GCMS를 이용한 막걸리 중의 E,E-farnesol과 squalene분석법)

  • Ha, Jaeho;Shim, You-Shin;Cho, Yongsun;Seo, Dongwon;Jang, Hyewon;Jang, Hyejin
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.60-65
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to establish an analytical method for the determination of E,E-farnesol and squalene in makgeolli, which is a traditional type of Korean fermented rice wine. E,E-farnesol and squalene in makgeolli were extracted using stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. SBSE was found to be an effective method for analyzing the E,E-farnesol and squalene levels in makgeolli. The linear dynamic range of the SBSE method for detecting E,E-farnesol and squalene ranged from 0.5 to 200 ng/mL with $R^2=0.9974$ for E,E-farnesol and 100 to 50000 ng/mL with $R^2=0.9982$ for squalene. The limit of detection and the limit of quantification using the SBSE method were 0.1 and 0.5 ng/mL for E,E-farnesol and 15.0 and 40.0 ng/mL for squalene, respectively. The average recoveries obtained were, quantitatively, 101-107% for E,E-farnesol and 98-103% for squalene, respectively, supporting the accuracy of the SBSE-GCMS method.

Composition of Vitamin A, E, $B_l$ and $B_2$ Contents in Korean Cow's Raw Milk in Korea (국내산 원유 중 비타민 A, E, $B_l$$B_2$ 함량에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak Byung-Man;Kim Sung-Han;Kim Kang-Seob;Lee Ki-Woong;Ahn Jang-Hyuk;Jang Chi-Hoon
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 2006
  • This study was performed to investigate the changes of vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin $B_l$ and vitamin $B_2$ contents in cow's raw milk collected from dairy farms in Chungcheong-do and Jeolla-do for a year. The contents of fat soluble vitamin A and E were changed as seasonal effect, but water soluble vitamin $B_l$ and $B_2$ contents were not changed as seasonal effect. Vitamin A content in cow's raw milk was as follows [minimum ${\sim}$maximum (mean), ug/100 mL]; $35.1{\sim}59.0$ (44.4) in spring, $36.7{\sim}65.6$ (50.0) in summer, $28.7{\sim}61.2$ (46.8) in autumn and $29.9{\sim}57.8$ (43.1) in winter. In case of vitamin E was as follows [minimum${\sim}$maximum (mean), ug/100 mL]; $28.3{\sim}59.2$ (45.8) in spring, $39.6{\sim}69.9$ (58.8) in summer, $35.0{\sim}62.8$ (46.2) in autumn and $26.0{\sim}55.4$ (41.5) in winter. In case of vitamin $B_l$ was as follow [minimum${\sim}$maximum (mean), ug/100 mL]; $27.7{\sim}57.9$ (42.84) in spring, $32.4{\sim}66.1$ (49.39) in summer, $34.1{\sim}63.7$ (46.69) in autumn and $20.6{\sim}61.4$ (43.20 in winter. The amounts of vitamin $B_2$ in cow's raw milk was as follows [minimum${\sim}$maximum (mean), ug/100 mL]; $150{\sim}182$ (160 in spring, $145{\sim}185$ (163) in summer, $149{\sim}180$ (166) in autumn and $148{\sim}190$ (167) in winter.

Effects of Density, Temperature, Size, Grain Angle of Wood Materials on Nondestructive Moisture Meters

  • Pang, Sung-Jun;Jeong, Gi Young
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.40-50
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of density, temperature, size, and grain direction on measurement of moisture contents (MC) of wood materials non-destructively. The MC of different sizes of solid wood, glulam, and CLT from larch (larix kaempferi, $560kg/m^3$) and pine (pinus koraiensis, $430kg/m^3$) were measured using the dielectric type and resistance type meters. The specimens were conditioned in the environmental chamber to be equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of 12 % and 19 %. When density setting in dielectric type meter was increased from $400kg/m^3$ to $600kg/m^3$, the MCs of specimen (S-L-100-E) were decreased from 13.4 % to 11.3 %. However, when wood group (WG) setting in resistance type meter was changed from WG1 to WG4, the measured MCs were increased from 9.2 % to 12.3 %. When temperature setting in resistance type meters was changed from 0 to $35^{\circ}C$, the MC was decreased from 17.0 % to 13.0 %. The MCs measured by dielectric type meter for larger specimens (S-L-100-E_11.3 %, G-L-240-E_11.7 % and C-L-120-E_12.8 %) were higher than those of small size specimens (S-L-30-E_8.7 %, G-L-150-E_10.3 %, and C-L-90-E_9.7 %). The MCs measured by resistance type meter for larger specimens (G-L-240-E_11.6 % and C-L-120-E_13.3 %) were also higher than those of small size specimens (G-L-150-E_10.4 %, and C-L-90-E_11.8 %). The resistance type meter was not affected by the grain direction but the dielectric type meter were affected by the grain direction. The MC measured by resistance type meter for G-L-120-E perpendicular to grain direction was 11.5 % and the measured MC parallel to grain direction was 11.3 %. The MC measured by dielectric type meter parallel to grain direction (12.1 %) was higher than that measured perpendicular to grain direction (10.7 %).

Studies on Esterase of Pieris rapae L. II. Biochemical Properties and Immunological Studies (배추흰나비(Pieris rapae L.)의 esterase에 관한 연구 II. 생화학적 특성 및 면역학적 연구)

  • 박철호;김학열;여성문
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.337-345
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    • 1990
  • The properties of three esterases (E2, E6 and E11) which were previously purified from Pieris rapae L. were determined and physiological role of E6 was inferred using immunological methods. Based on inhibitor study, all of the purified esterases were found to be carboxylesterases (EC The Km values for E2, E6 and E11 were determined to be 6.89 X 10-$^4$M. 3.19 $\times$ l0-$^4$M and 3.69 X 10-$^4$M, respectively. The molecular weights of E2, E6 and E11 were estimated to be 42 KD, 81 KD and 174 KD, respectively. The isoelectric points of E2, E6 and E11 were estimated to be pH 5.54, pH 5.89 and pH 6.50, respectively. The concentration of E6 during development was highest at the late 5th instar larval stage and that according to organs at the same stage was highest in midgut. These results suggest that E6 might be a hydrolase involved in the digestion of dietary lipids.

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Le Lien de Causalit$\acute{e}$ et la Prescription Extinctive en Mati$\acute{e}$re de Responsabilit$\acute{e}$ M$\acute{e}$dicale en Droit Français (프랑스법상 의사책임분야(醫事責任分野)에서의 인과관계와 소멸시효론에 관한 소고)

  • Park, Soo-Gon
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.367-397
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    • 2014
  • Dans le contentieux m$\acute{e}$dical, il est difficile de prouver l'existence d'un lien de causalit$\acute{e}$ entre la faute m$\acute{e}$dicale et les pr$\acute{e}$judices subis par la victime. R$\acute{e}$partir bien de façon raisonnable la charge de la preuve du lien causal est alors une des questions pr$\acute{e}$occup$\acute{e}$es par la doctrine cor$\acute{e}$enne. La Cour supr$\hat{e}$me cor$\acute{e}$enne semble toutefois facilliter l'indemnisation des victimes dans les cas o$\grave{u}$ la responsabilit$\acute{e}$ du m$\acute{e}$decin a ${\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ mise en cause, et cela en admettant des fois une solution op$\acute{e}$rant un renversement de la charge de la preuve du lien causal. Une telle attitude a ${\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ m$\hat{e}$me affirm$\acute{e}$e dans un arr$\hat{e}$t rendu r$\acute{e}$cemment en cas de dommage caus$\acute{e}$ par le fait du produit de sant$\acute{e}$, notamment pour le cas de contamination virale par voie de transfusion. La Cour a $\acute{e}$galement reconnu que l'action se pr$\acute{e}$scrit $\grave{a}$ partir du moment de la consolidation du pr$\acute{e}$judice. Aux termes de cette $\acute{e}$tude, on pourra constater que le juge français reconna$\hat{i}$t aussi l'assouplissement de la charge de la preuve du lien de causalit$\acute{e}$ en mati$\acute{e}$re d'action m$\acute{e}$dicale. Il faudra toutefois souligner que le ph$\acute{e}$nom$\acute{e}$ne ne soit pas g$\acute{e}$n$\acute{e}$ralis$\acute{e}$ en droit français, d'autant plus que la pr$\acute{e}$somption de l'existence de la causalit$\acute{e}$ en la mati$\grave{e}$re a $\acute{e}$t$\acute{e}$ admise de mani$\grave{e}$re restrictive par la l$\acute{e}$gislation sp$\acute{e}$cifique. Tel $\acute{e}$tait notamment le cas pour les accidents de la contamination par le virus du sida ou de l'h$\acute{e}$patite C survenus apr$\grave{e}$s la transfusion. En d$\acute{e}$finitive, on peut dire qu'en droit français, le principe est maintenu en cas de manquement $\grave{a}$ une obligation de r$\acute{e}$sultat n$\acute{e}$e du contrat m$\acute{e}$dical, tandis que la Cour de cassation admet parfois en mati$\grave{e}$re de droit commun de la responsabilit$\acute{e}$ contractuelle la pr$\acute{e}$somption de causalit$\acute{e}$ en cas d'inex$\acute{e}$cution des obligations de r$\acute{e}$sultat. En fait, la pr$\acute{e}$somption de causalit$\acute{e}$ dans le contentieux m$\acute{e}$dical pourra mener les m$\acute{e}$decins $\grave{a}$ se diriger vers les traitements d$\acute{e}$fensifs. Cette situation peut m$\hat{e}$me conduire $\grave{a}$ emp$\hat{e}$cher le d$\acute{e}$veloppement de la science m$\acute{e}$dicale, enfin $\grave{a}$ une situation d$\acute{e}$savantageuse aux patients. Il y a alors lieu de se m$\acute{e}$fier des int$\acute{e}$r$\hat{e}$ts d$\acute{e}$s$\acute{e}$quilibr$\acute{e}$s entre le m$\acute{e}$decin et le patient. De ce point de vue, on peut estimer que le droit français donne des suggestions aux juristes cor$\acute{e}$ens dans la recherche des solutions plus ad$\acute{e}$quates en ce qui concerne la charge de la preuve du lien causal en mati$\acute{e}$re de responsabilit$\acute{e}$ m$\acute{e}$dicale.

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Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of extracts from Ledum palustre L. (백산차 추출물의 항산화 및 항염증 활성)

  • Kim, Se Gie
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.1025-1033
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    • 2017
  • In this study, Ledum palustre L. was extracted by 4 different methods (LPW, hot water extraction; LPA, autoclave extraction; LPU, ultrasonification extraction; LPE, 70% ethanol extraction) and LPE was fractionated by using polarity difference of each solvent and used as 4 samples (LPE/H, the n-hexane layer; LPE/E, the EtOAc layer; LPE/B, the n-BuOH layer; LPE/W, the $H_2O$ layer). Antioxidant activities of Ledum palustre L. extracts were measured by DPPH and ABTS. As a result, the DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging showed high activities with LPE (82.3%, 99.8%) and LPE/E (91.8%, 99.6%) at the concentration of $1,000{\mu}g/mL$. The anti-inflammatory activities of LPE and LPE/E were measured by the inhibitory activity against NO, $PGE_2$, TNF-${\alpha}$, IL-$1{\beta}$ and IL-6 production on LPS-stimulated Raw 264.7 macrophages. As a result of MTT assay, cell viabilities of LPE and LPE/E were more than 90% at $25{\mu}g/mL$. NO and $PGE_2$ productions were inhibited by LPE (NO: 50%, $PGE_2$: 70%) and LPE/E (NO: 57%, $PGE_2$: 73%) at the concentration of $25{\mu}g/mL$. The inhibition activities against TNF-${\alpha}$, IL-$1{\beta}$, IL-6 production were 24%, 47% and 40% at the concentration of $25{\mu}g/mL$ of LPE. In particular, LPE/E showed 51%, 57% and 62% inhibition activities at the same concentration, respectively. From the above results, it can be concluded that $1,000{\mu}g/mL$ of LPE and LPE/E have the high antioxidant activities similar with Vitamin C, and $25{\mu}g/mL$, the low concetration of LPE and LPE/E have excellent anti-inflammatory activities. Therefore, if more research about anti-aging, whitening and antimicrobial activity of Ledum palustre L. extracts is carried out in the future, it will be possible to use them as effective materials for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases and in the areas of functional foods and cosmetics.

Associations between Anemia and Glomerular Filtration Rate and Albuminuria in Korean Adults by Metabolic Syndrome Status: Analysis of KNHNES V-3 Data (대한민국 성인의 대사증후군 유무에 따른 빈혈과 사구체 여과율 및 알부민뇨의 연관성: 국민건강영양조사 V-3 분석)

  • Hyun YOON
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2024
  • The present study was conducted to explore relationships between anemia and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and urine microalbumin/creatinine ratio (uACR) in Korean adults with or without metabolic syndrome (MetS). The data of 4,943 adults aged ≥20 years who participated in KNHNES V-3 (2012) were analyzed. In the non-MetS group, the odds ratio (OR) for anemia of those with a decreased eGFR {eGFR<60 mL/min/1.73 m2, 3.85 (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.03~7.30)} was significant as was the OR of those with decreased eGFR plus elevated uACR (eGFR<60 mL/min/1.73 m2 and uACR≥30 mg/g, 5.81 [95% CI, 2.60~13.02]). In the MetS group, ORs for anemia for those with an elevated uACR (2.18 [95% CI, 1.11~4.27]), a decreased eGFR (3.74 [95% CI, 1.11~12.55]), or a decreased eGFR plus an elevated uACR (16.79 [95% CI, 5.93~47.57]) were significant. In conclusion, in non-MetS, anemia was associated with a low eGFR, whereas in MetS, anemia was associated with a low eGFR and an elevated uACR. In addition, the OR for anemia was greatly increased when eGFR was diminished and uACR was elevated regardless of MetS and MetS status.

Amplification of Glutathione Production in E. coli Cells Using Recombinant DNA Techniques

  • Nam, Yong-Suk;Park, Young-In;Lee, Se-Yong
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.157-162
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    • 1991
  • Conditions for glutathione production in E. coli cells which possess pGH501 (2 gshI+gshII) were studied. In terms of ATP supply for the glutathione synthesis, two different systems have been constructed and compared. When the acetate kinase reaction of E. coli was used for ATP generation, 20 mM of L-cysteine was completely converted to glutathione by toluene-treated E. coli cells (100 mg/ml) harboring pGH501 within 2 h at $37^{\circ}C$. However, considering the economical aspects, the glycolytic pathway of yeast was chosen as a better system for ATP generation. The optimal concentrations of reactants for glutathione production were determined to be as follows; 80 mM L-glutamate, 20 mM L-cysteine, 20 mM glycine, 20 mM $MgCl_2$, 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5), 400 mM glucose, polyoxyethylene stearylamine ($5\;\mul/ml$), toluene-treated E. coli HB101/pGH501 (100 mg/ml), and dried yeast cells (400 mg/ml). The conversion ratio of L-cysteine to glutathione was 80% (about 5 mg/ml) under optimal condition within 6 h at $37^{\circ}C$.

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