• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean vowels /i/ and /u/

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A System of English Vowel Transcription Based on Acoustic Properties (영어 모음음소의 표기체계에 관한 연구)

  • 김대원
    • Proceedings of the KSLP Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.170-173
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    • 2003
  • There are more than five systems for transcribing English vowels. Because of this diversity, teachers of English and students are confronted with not a little problems with the English vowel symbols used in the English-Korean dictionaries, English text books, books for Phonetics and Phonology. This study was designed to suggest criterions for the phonemic transcription of English vowels on the basis of phonetic properties of the vowels and a system of English vowel transcription based on the criterions in order to minimize the problems with inter-system differences. A speaker (phonetician) of RP English uttered a series of isolated minimal pairs containing the vowels in question. The suggested vowel symbols are as follows: 1) Simple vowels : /i:/ in beat, /I/ bit, /$\varepsilon$/ bet,/${\ae}$/ bat, /a:/ father, /Dlla/ bod, /$\jmath$:/ bawd, /u/ put, /u:/ boot /$\Lambda$/ but, and /$\partial$/ about /$\Im$:ll$\Im$:r/ bird. 2) Diphthongs : /aI/ in bite, /au/ bout, /$\jmath$I/ boy, /$\Im$ullou/ boat, /er/ bait, /e$\partial$lle$\partial$r/ air, /u$\partial$llu$\partial$r/ poor, /i$\partial$lli$\partial$r/ beer. Where two symbols are shown corresponding to the vowel in a single word, the first is appropriate for most speakers of British English and the second for most speakers of American English.

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Neutralization of Vowels /ɨ/ and /u/ after a Labial Consonant in Korean: A Cross-generational Study

  • Kang, Hyunsook
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated whether Korean vowels, /ɨ/ and /u/, are distinctively perceived after a labial consonant given the fact that native and Sino-Korean nouns showed only vowel /u/ after a labial consonant while this pattern was massively broken by the recent introduction of loanwords. For this purpose, a perception experiment was conducted with $V_1C_1V_2$ sequences in which different vowels /a, i, u/ and consonants /p, t, k/ occurred in $V_1$ and $C_1$ before the target $V_2$, /ɨ/ and /u/. The data was produced by six speakers each from two different age groups, Age20 and Age40/50 in the read speech style. The results showed that consonant /p/ attracted significantly more responses of /u/ from /VCɨ/ sequences and significantly less responses of /u/ from /VCu/ sequence than the other consonants did in both age groups. Furthermore, Age20 group showed significantly less percentage of /u/ responses than Age40 group when the preceding consonant was /p/ regardless of the target vowel. We suggest therefore that unlike the traditional belief of labial assimilation, there is neutralization after a labial consonant in which vowels /ɨ/ and /u/ are often realized as any sound between two vowels, /ɨ/ and /u/. That is, this vowel change is not categorial but it rather produces an ambiguous stimulus which attracts different responses from different listeners. Ambiguous stimulus was produced due to coarticulatory efforts in speech production and perceptual compensation. We also argue that there is generational difference such that Age40/50 group speakers showed stronger tendency to produce /u/ after a labial consonant regardless of whether the target vowel was /ɨ/ or /u/.

An Experimental Study on the Degree of Phonetic Similarity between Korean and Japanese Vowels (한국어와 일본어 단모음의 유사성 분석을 위한 실험음성학적 연구)

  • Kwon, Sung-Mi
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    • no.63
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    • pp.47-66
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    • 2007
  • This study aims at exploring the degree of phonetic similarity between Korean and Japanese vowels in terms of acoustic features by performing the speech production test on Korean speakers and Japanese speakers. For this purpose, the speech of 16 Japanese speakers for Japanese speech data, and the speech of 16 Korean speakers for Korean speech data were utilized. The findings in assessing the degree of the similarity of the 7 nearest equivalents of the Korean and Japanese vowels are as follows: First, Korean /i/ and /e/ turned out to display no significant differences in terms of F1 and F2 with their counterparts, Japanese /i/ and /e/, and the distribution of F1 and F2 of Korean /i/ and /e/ in the distributional map completely overlapped with Japanese /i/ and /e/. Accordingly, Korean /i/ and /e/ were believed to be "identical." Second, Korean /a/, /o/, and /i/ displayed a significant difference in either F1 or F2, but showed a great similarity in distribution of F1 and F2 with Japanese /a/, /o/, and /m/ respectively. Korean /a/ /o/, and /i/, therefore, were categorized as very similar to Japanese vowels. Third, Korean /u/, which has the counterpart /m/ in Japanese, showed a significant difference in both F1 and F2, and only half of the distribution overlapped. Thus, Korean /u/ was analyzed as being a moderately similar vowel to Japanese vowels. Fourth, Korean /${\wedge}$/ did not have a close counterpart in Japanese, and was classified as "the least similar vowel."

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The Articulation Characteristics of the Profound Hearing-Impaired Adults' Korean Monophthongs: with Reference to the F1, F2 of Acoustic Vowel Space (심도 청각장애 성인의 한국어 단모음 조음 특성: 모음 음향 공간의 F1, F2 값을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Eun-Ah;Seong, Cheol-Jae
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.229-238
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates the differences in acoustic parameters in vowel space across hearing loss, gender and vowels. The parameters include F1, F2, Euclidean Distance between vowels, and vowel triangular area comprised of /i/, /a/ and /u/. For this study, 20 hearing-impaired and normal hearing adults as a control group were asked to read 7 Korean vowels (/a, $\wedge$, o, u, w, i, $\varepsilon$/). Subjects' readings were recorded by NasalView and analyzed by Praat. Results showed that F1 were significantly higher in the hearing impaired group than in the normal hearing group, higher in the female group than in male group, and higher in low vowels than in high vowels. And the means of F2 was significantly higher in the hearing impaired group than in normal hearing group, higher in high vowels than in low vowels, and there was no difference between male and female group. Secondly, Euclidean distance between vowels was significantly shorter in the hearing-impaired group than in the normal group. Finally, acoustic vowel space area was significantly smaller in the hearing-impaired group than in the normal hearing group. The hearing-impaired group showed that front vowels tended to be backed and back vowels to be fronted.

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A Study of the Effects of Vowels on the Pronunciation of English Sibilants (영어 치찰음 발음에 미치는 모음의 영향 연구)

  • Koo, Hee-San
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this study was to find how English vowels affect the pronunciation of English sibilants /$d_3,\;{_3}$, z/ by Korean learners of English. Fifteen nonsense syllables composed by five vowels /a, e, i, o, u/ were pronounced six times by twelve Korean learners of English. Test scores were measured from the scoreboard made by a speech training software program, which was designed for English pronunciation practice and improvement. Results show that 1) the subjects had the lowest scores in /a_a/ position, and 2) subjects had lower scores in the /i_i/ position than in /e_e/, /o_o/ and /u_u/ positions when they pronounced $/d_3/,\;/{_3}/$, and /z/ in their respective inter-vocalic position. This study found that for the group studied Korean learners of English have more difficulty in pronouncing sibilants in /a_a/ and /i_i/ positions than in the other positions.

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Perception of English High Vowels by Korean Speakers of English

  • Lee, Ji-Yeon
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2009
  • This study compares the perception of English high tense and lax vowels (/i, I, u, $\mho$/) by English speakers and Korean speakers of English. The four vowels were produced in /hVd/ context by a native speaker of English, and each word's vowel duration was manipulated to range from 170ms to 290ms in 30ms increments. Two English speakers and six Korean speakers of English were asked to listen to pairs of tense and lax vowel words with manipulated vowel durations and to identify the pair by choosing either heed-hid or hid-heed for front vowels and either who'd-hood or hood-who'd for back vowels. The results show that English speakers distinguished tense vowels from lax vowels with 100% accuracy regardless of the different durations, compared to 62% accuracy for Korean speakers of English. Most errors occurred for lengthened lax vowels and shortened tense vowels. The results of this study demonstrate that Korean speakers mainly rely on vowel duration as a cue to discriminate the tense and lax vowels. The theoretical and pedagogical implications of this finding are discussed.

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A Durational Study of Vowels Followed by Voiced or Voiceless Consonants (후행하는 유.무성자음에 의한 모음의 지속시간 고찰)

  • Park, Hee-Jung;Shin, Hey-Jung;Yang, Byung-Gon
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the acoustic durations of Korean vowels followed by either voiced or voiceless consonants. Six healthy adult speakers (2 females and 4 males) recorded nonsense syllables in which voiced (/b, d, g/) or voiceless (/p', t', k', $p^{h},t^{h},k^{h}$) consonants follow three different vowels (/i, a, u/) embedded in a carrier phrase. Results showed that vowels preceding voiced consonants (e.g., haba) were significantly longer in duration than those preceding voiceless consonants (e.g., hiP' a or $hip^{h}a$). Also vowels were longer in duration when occurring before velar-stops than before bilabial-stop and dental-stops. Finally, the duration of the low vowel (/a/) was substantially longer than that of the high vowels (/i, u/). These findings may be applicable to speech synthesis or therapy.

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A Study of the Effects of Vowels on the Production of English Labials /p, b, f, v/ by Korean Learners of English (영어학습자의 순음 /p, b, f, v/ 발성에 미치는 모음의 영향 연구)

  • Koo, Hee-San
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to find how English vowels /a, e, i, o, u/ affect the production of English labials /p, b, f, v/ by Korean learners of English. Sixty syllables were composed by five vowels and four labials in the syllable types CV, VC, and VCV. The nonsense syllables were produced three times by nine subjects. The major results show that (1) in inter-vocalic position, the subjects had higher scores in producing /v/ composed with /a, e, o/ and /u/, while subjects had lower scores in producing /p/ with /i/ and /o/, (2) in post-vocalic position, the subjects had higher scores in producing /v/ and /f/ with /a, e/, and /o/, while subjects had lower scores in producing /b/ with /e/ and /i/, and (3) in pre-vocalic position, the subjects had higher scores in producing /v/ with /e, o, u/ and /f/ with /u/, while subjects had lower scores in producing /b/ with /e/, /i/ and /u/. The results suggest that on the whole, Korean learners of English have much difficulty in producing /p/ with /i/ in inter-vocalic condition and /b/ with /i, /e/ in pre-vocalic position.

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Perception of Korean Vowels by English and Mandarin Learners of Korean: Effects of Acoustic Similarity Between L1 and L2 Sounds and L2 Experience (영어권, 중국어권 학습자의 한국어 모음 지각 -모국어와 목표 언어 간의 음향 자질의 유사성과 한국어 경험의 효과 중심으로-)

  • Ryu, Na-Young
    • Journal of Korean language education
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2018
  • This paper investigates how adult Mandarin- and English- speaking learners of Korean perceive Korean vowels, with focus on the effect of the first language (L1) and the second language (L2) acoustic relationship, as well as the influence of Korean language experience. For this study, native Mandarin and Canadian English speakers who have learned Korean as a foreign language, as well as a control group of native Korean speakers, participated in two experiments. Experiment 1 was designed to examine acoustic similarities between Korean and English vowels, as well as Korean and Mandarin vowels to predict which Korean vowels are relatively easy, or difficult for L2 learners to perceive. The linear discriminant analysis (Klecka, 1980) based on their L1-L2 acoustic similarity predicted that L2 Mandarin learners would have perceptual difficulty rankings for Korean vowels as follows: (the easiest) /i, a, e/ >> /ɨ, ʌ, o, u/ (most difficult), whereas L2 English learners would have perceptual difficulty rankings for Korean vowels as follows: (the easiest) /i, a, e, ɨ, ʌ/ >> /o, u/ (most difficult). The goal of Experiment 2 was to test how accurately L2 Mandarin and English learners perceive Korean vowels /ɨ, ʌ, o, u/ which are considered to be difficult for L2 learners. The results of a mixed-effects logistic model revealed that English listeners showed higher identification accuracy for Korean vowels than Mandarin listeners, indicating that having a larger L1 vowel inventory than the L2 facilitates L2 vowel perception. However, both groups have the same ranking of Korean vowel perceptual difficulty: ɨ > ʌ > u > o. This finding indicates that adult learners of Korean can perceive the new vowel /ɨ/, which does not exist in their L1, more accurately than the vowel /o/, which is acoustically similar to vowels in their L1, suggesting that L2 learners are more likely to establish additional phonetic categories for new vowels. In terms of the influence of experience with L2, it was found that identification accuracy increases as Korean language experience rises. In other words, the more experienced English and Mandarin learners of Korean are, the more likely they are to have better identification accuracy in Korean vowels than less experienced learners of Korean. Moreover, there is no interaction between L1 background and L2 experience, showing that identification accuracy of Korean vowels is higher as Korean language experience increases regardless of their L1 background. Overall, these findings of the two experiments demonstrated that acoustic similarity between L1 and L2 sounds using the LDA model can partially predict perceptual difficulty in L2 acquisition, indicating that other factors such as perceptual similarity between L1 and L2, the merge of Korean /o/ and /u/ may also influence their Korean vowel perception.

The Effects of Vocal Loudness on Nasalance Scores in Korean Vowels - A Preliminary Study Using NasalView System - (음성강도에 따른 모음의 비음치 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Eun;Hong, Jin-Hee;Choi, Hong-Shik
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2002
  • This study was designed to examine the effects of vocal loudness on Nasalance scores in Korean vowels. One normal adult without 'hypemasality' produced 3 types of vowels (/i/, /a/, /u/) in 3 levels of loudness (60, 70, 80dB). Nasalance scores (%) and oral & nasal energy intensity (dB) were measured through NasalView system. These data were compared among 3 levels of loudness and among 3 types of vowels. The results were as follow: For all vowels, Nasalance scores significantly reduced when vocal loudness increased. Because the increases of oral energy intensity were larger than that of nasal energy intensity. For all levels of loudness, Nasalance scores significantly differed among vowel types (/i/>/a/>/u/).

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