• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean population group

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A Study on the Difference of Preferences about Silver Town between Elderly Group and Pre-Elderly Group in Chungseo Province - Focused on Housing Type and Space Composition - (충서지역 노인층과 예비노인층의 실버타운 선호 차이점에 대한 연구 -주택유형과 공간구성을 중심으로-)

  • Ryu, Hye-Ji
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2007
  • The aged population increasing rapidly, the population rate of over 65 years old was over 7.5% in 2000 in Korea. It means that Korea is aging society. But, the aged welfare accommodation are still insufficient and more facilities accommodating the aged should be built. This situations made a new concept of silver town of the welfare facility for the aged. The purpose of this study was to find the difference of preferences about silver town between elderly group and pre-elderly group in Chungseo province. Focused on housing type and space composition of silver town, the results of this study will provide some useful information for the development of silver town and for further studies. It is very important to refer to the preference about silver town of elderly group and pre-elderly group for planing the silver town. Main results of this study showed that silver town was the most preferable elderly housing alternative for elderly group. And silver town should be provided health care center for elderly group.

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Relationship of diploid East Aisan Taraxacum Wiggers using the capitulum morphological character (형태형질에 의한 동아시아산 민들레속 2배체 식물의 유연관계)

  • Lee, Kyung Hwa;Yang, Ji Young;Morita, Tatsuyoshi;Ito, Motomi;Pak, Jae-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.153-166
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    • 2004
  • Genus Taraxacum propagated through diploid sexual reproduction and polyploid agamospermy. The cluster analysis of Korean(2 species, 4 population), Japanese (2 species 4 taxa 6 population) and Taiwanese (1 species, 3 population) Taraxacum species using 15 measured capitulum morphological characters was conducted to study the speciation of diploid Taraxacum in East Asia. We measured 15 capitulum morphological characters including length of capitulum, length and shape of outer-involucre, corniculate appandage. Within one population, these characters were very various and were overlapped. The result of cluster analysis using morphological character showed that all species were clustered into four groups (Korean species & T. japonicum group, T. platycarpum subspecies group, T. platycarpum subsp. hodense group, T. formosanum group). Korean species, T. hallaisanense (diploid) and T. ohiwanum (diploid, triploid) were clustered into T. japonicum that was occurred in Kansai provinces of Japan. Therefore, we could infer that Korean species was closely related to Japanese T. japonicum of Japanese species.

Randomized, Double-Blind Study of Efficacy and Safety of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Ethanol Extract in a Normal Population (정상인에서 스트레스와 불안에 대한 돌외추출물의 효과와 안전성에 관한 무작위 배정 이중 맹검 임상시험)

  • Jeong, Seong-Hae;Lee, Myung-Koo;Park, Mi-Sook;Kim, Jae-Moon
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of a standardized special ethanol extract from Gynostemma pentaphyllum as a management for anxiety and stress of normal population. This is a two-arm, parallelgroup, randomized, double blind clinical trial comparing Gynostemma pentaphyllum extract 200 mg bid (GP-EX, n=48) or placebo bid (n=54). The main outcome measures were the decrease in anxiety sensitivity index (ASI), the State version (S-STAI) of the Stait-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Trait version (T-STAT) of the STAI from baseline over a 6 weeks treatment period. In more anxious group (S-STAI50 or ASI19), the anxiety in group with GP-EX was decreased significantly than one in normal population with placebo [S-STAI50: T-STAI = from $57.7{\pm}6.5$ ($mean{\pm}S.D.$) to $46.8{\pm}11.2$ in normal population with GP-EX, p=0.002 vs. from $54.1{\pm}9.9$ to $49.0{\pm}9.6$ in normal population with placebo, p>0.05; ASI19: T-STAI = from $47.2{\pm}12.0$ to $42.4{\pm}11.1$ in normal population with GP-EX, p=0.022 vs. from $48.7{\pm}11.5$ to $46.0{\pm}10.4$ in normal population with placebo, p>0.05]. The most frequently reported adverse reactions considered possibly related to treatment were mild gastrointestinal events. GP-EX is more effective than placebo and is well tolerated as a therapy for anxiety and stress of normal population.

An Analysis on Changing Pattern of Economic Active Population by Working Life Table for Korean Men (우리나라 노동생명표에 의한 노동력추이 분석)

  • 조진만
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1990
  • This is a study which attempt to analyze changing patierns of economic active popu-lation, t o estimato- future patterns, and exa- mine vartons problems arises by changing c ire u mst ances of t he labor force market in- clunging soici al, economic ic, heathl th and demoi-graph ic aspects. We have constructed series of wotking life table which are useful in syt uiolyioig the lirocess of growth and structural change of labor force. Work i ng life tables represent ihie life eyele of econrmic' activity in hi ypothetical cohorts, that is. gen-erat i on of men Sn bject at eat' b period ot f their lives th given ra to's o mor tali it y and of par-- tici pation in economic activities. The tabloes prot' ide measorues of the alvet'age he ng t able of economically aeti \- e life. and agespecific rates of en trannee' into and retirement from the hahn' force. In const routing working life tables, age-specific activity rates and life tabole popula- titoto which represents contemporary condi-tions of moortality in Korea au'e the basic' maltoerials. We have derived the age-specific rates foorm economically active population survey, whoich were conducted by the Bureau of Statistics, Economic Planning Borard of the Korean government. Working life tables are constructed for men wtable these materi- als in the year of 1970, 1980 and 1988 by a modified Wolfbein-Wool's method. Some of the findings may be summerized as follow : 1) A central part of constructing working life table is calculation of stationary' economic active population, which represents the number of men in the stationtary population extoected to be in the labor force at each age group in the life span. The stationary economic active population by age have generally a universal pattern, where they rise sharply in the early twenties, approach its' peak in the thirties decline thereafter. at first graolually and then more rapidly at an advanced age. Korean men show the same general pa ttern of age distribution of stationary eco-- nomic active population with sharp increase hegining from the age interval of 20 to 24, reaching to maximum level at older age. The population. however, presumably, increased substantially due to increaseing school atte endance rates. Another difference exiSts in the youngest age groups, that is the activity rate in the year of 1988 is lower than that of Japan. The table shows an analysis of changes in the age distrihution of labor force between 1970, 1980 and 1988. 2) It was shown an analysis of changes in the age distribution and cause of separation from labor force. The entrance rate to labor force has increased from 18~\5 persons to 299 persons per 1000 head of stationary population between that of 1980 than that of 1988 for Korean men in 20~24 age group. The entrace rate to labor force shows a rapid entrance appearance concentrated on the 15~24 age group. The separation rate from labor force by retirment in Korea in the year of 1988 shows a great difference of the about four times as much as that of Japan. 3) The functions of table illustrate the patterns of working life of males in Korea in 1970, 1980 and 1988. The average remaining number of economically active years, e at age 15 in 1988 is 46.39 which is 2.12 years of increase compared with that of at age 15 in 1970,1980 and 1988 are 43.90,44.27 and 46.39 respectively, showing steadily increase dur- ing the past double decade the increase in the length of economically active life various age may be considered to have come both from extention of general life expectancy and from increasing entrance rate to economic activity in high age that of working is far greater in 1988 than that of 1980. The gaps between expectation of life and average remaining years of economically active widened due to rapid improvement of mortality level in Ko- rea. This observation together with the population pressure by the appearance of a group of younger population implies that constant increase of economically inactive population among older age group.

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Efficacy of Pancreatic Kallikrein on Semen Parameters of Men with Varicocele (정계정맥류로 인한 불임증에 대한 췌장성 Kallikrein의 효능)

  • Lee, Hee-Yong;Lee, Sang-Kon;Kim, Choung-Soo;Lee, Seung-Won
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.175-180
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    • 1986
  • It has been reported that oral kallikrein therapy exerts a favourable effect on sperm motility in asthenozoospermic patients. In order to evaluate the efficacy of kallikrein on asthenozoospermia, a total of 20 subfertile male patients with varicocele, whose sperm counts were less than $40{\times}10^6/ml$ and sperm motility was less than 30%, was subjected to this clinical study (Table 1). They were divided into 2 study groups: 1) Varicocelectomy group consisted of 10 patients with varicocele (grade II-III) who underwent varicocelectomy. 2) Kallikrein group was composed of 10 patients with varicocele (grade I) who were given kallikrein orally 600 KU (kallikrein unit) daily divided 3 times after meal for 3 to 9 months. Semen analyses were repeated twice before the study, once a month during the study and twice after the study. Effective results designate that sperm parameters improved more than 30% from the basical levels after varicocelectomy or kallikrein exposure. Sperm counts increased from $32.5{\times}10^5/ml$ to $45.5{\times}10^6/ml$ after varicocelectomy in 3 patients and sperm motility increased from 25% to 38.5% after varicocelectomy in 3 patients. Pregnancy occurred in 2 patients of 3 responders and 1 patient of 7 non-responders 3 to 6 months after varicocelectomy in Varicocelectomy group. Sperm motility increased from 28% to 40.2% after kallikrein treatment in 3 patients. Pregnancy occurred in 2 patients of the 3 responders in Kallikrein group (Tables 2-3). There were no significant changes in volume and morphology in Varicocelectomy group before after varicocelectomy and no significant changes in volume, counts, and morphology before and after kallikrein exposure. No remarkable side effects were noted with kallikrein treatment.

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Analysis of the width ratio and wear rate of maxillary anterior teeth in the Korean population

  • Oh, Yeon-Ah;Yang, Hong-So;Park, Sang-Won;Lim, Hyun-Pil;Yun, Kwi-Dug;Park, Chan
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2017
  • PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to compare the width ratio of maxillary anterior teeth according to age in the Korean population and to evaluate the maxillary central incisor width-to-length (W/L) ratio, given differences in age and gender. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Ninety-three Korean adults were divided into 3 groups (n = 31) by age. Group I was 20 - 39 years old, Group II was 40 - 59 years old, and Group III was over 60 years of age. After taking an impression and a cast model of the maxillary arch, the anterior teeth width ratio and central incisor W/L ratio were calculated from standard digital images of the cast models using a graph paper with a digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera. The calculated ratios were compared among all groups and central incisor W/L ratio were analyzed according to age and gender. All comparative data were statistically analyzed with one-sample t-tests, one-way ANOVAs with Tukey tests, and independent t-tests. RESULTS. No significant differences in maxillary anterior teeth ratios were found among the age groups. The maxillary central incisor W/L ratios in Group III were the greatest and were significantly higher than those in the other groups. The central incisor W/L ratio of men was higher than that of women in Group II. CONCLUSION. Maxillary anterior teeth width ratios were similar in all age groups in the Korean population. The maxillary central incisor was observed as worn teeth in the group over 60 years of age, and a significant difference between genders was found in 40 to 50 year olds.

Significance of the serum CA-125 level in intrauterine insemination cycles

  • Choe, Seung-Ah;Ku, Seung-Yup;Jee, Byung-Chul;Suh, Chang-Suk;Kim, Seok-Hyun;Choi, Young-Min;Kim, Jung-Gu;Moon, Shin-Young
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.164-167
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    • 2011
  • Objective: There are limited data regarding the significance of elevated serum CA-125 level during IUI cycles, even though it is used widely during the initial evaluation of infertile patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the prognostic value of serum CA-125 levels during IUI cycles. Methods: Among the patients with controlled ovarian stimulation and IUI cycles at Seoul National University Hospital from Jan 2005 through Dec 2009, 92 cases with no identified endometriotic lesion, ovarian tumor, salpingeal lesion, or uterine myoma were selected. To compare the clinical characteristics between the pregnancy group and the non-pregnancy group, the Mann-Whitney U test and Fisher's exact test were used. Results: The overall pregnancy rate was 18.5% (17/92). The pregnancy group showed a higher number of follicles 16 mm in diameter ($p$=0.036), endometrial thickness ($p$ <0.001), ampules of gonadotropin ($p$=0.009), and higher body mass index ($p$=0.022) than the non-pregnancy group. No significant difference was observed in the serum CA-125 level or the proportion of patients with CA-125 exceeding 17 IU/mL between the two groups. Conclusion: The prognostic value of serum CA-125 level among infertile patients with IUI cycles is considered limited.

Utilization Trends of Health Subcenter for Primary Medical Care in a Korean Rural Area (일개 농촌 면단위지역 주민의 보건지소 의료 이용 추이)

  • Jo, Heui-Sug;Wie, Cha-Hyung
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 1996
  • This study was analyze through the reports which published on the subject matter of Su Dong-Myun from year of 1972-1993, and analysis of data in 1994 was performed with medical records on the health subcenter by PC-SAS program. The result are as follows: The number of population in Su-Dong Myun(study area) was 5,707 in 1995, 4,641 in 1985 and 5,424 in 1975. In the composition rate of population "0-14" of age group only showed markedly decreasing tendancy from 42.8% in 1975 to 19.1% in 1995. However, "65 and over" showed markedly increasing tendancy from 5.7% in 1975 to 9.8% in 1995. Annual utilization rate showed rapidly increasing tendency from year of 1972 to 1978, such as 314 per showed rapidly decreasing tendency, such as 708 in 1981, 485 in 1984, 272 in 1987, 309 in 190 and in 1993. In the annual age-specific utilization rate, the age group of "0-14" showed the highest rate of 621 per thousand population in 1975, 1159 in 1980, 1021 in 1985 and 538 in 1990. However the age group of "65 and over" showed the highest rate of 481 in 1994. Age specific annual utilization rate showed markedly decreasing tendency in the age group of "0-14" and "15-44", however showed slightly decreasing tendency or same level in the group of "45-64" and "65 and over" from year of 1980 to 1994. In the age specific utilization rate, the lower down the age was, the higher tendency the rate showed, such as 621 per 1,000 population in "0-14" of the age group, 543 in "15-44", 406 in "45-64" and 294 in "65 and over" in 1975. However, the higher up the age was, the higher tendency the rate showed in 1980, 1985 and 1994, except "0-14" of age group. The 5 major diseases were disease of Respiratory system, Gastrointestinal system, Skin and Subcutaneous tissue, Accidents, Poisoning and Violence and Nervous system and Sense organ, in 1975, 1980 and 1985. However, in 1990 and 1994, the 5 major disease were disease of Respiratory system, Gastrointestinal system. Skin and Subcutaneous tissue, Musculoskeletal system and, Connective tissue and Circulatory system. In Composition rate of patient in Su Dong-Myun Health Subcenter by Charged Medical Fee, medical insurance showed almost all the highest rate of 93.9% in year of 1994 and C.H.D.A. of 100% in 1975. Proportion of insurance showed increasing tendency such as 6.6% in 1980, 21.3% in 1985, 69.0% in 1990 and relatively C.H.D.A. showed decreasing tendency.

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A Study on the Anemia Prevalence in Korea (한국인(韓國人) 빈혈빈도(貧血頻度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Tchai, B.S.;Kang, E.J.;Lee, H.S.;Han, J.H.
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.182-189
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    • 1981
  • The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the nutritional status of the Korean population and its relationship with the age, sex, economic status and geographic characteristics. Taking in consideration the geographic location and socioeconomic states, ten regions out of the twenty-four regions where the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs had executed a programme (National Nutrition Survey) on evaluation of the community nutritional status were selected. Hemoglobin concentration hematocrit, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were tested from a total of 906 subjects in a month of November, 1979. The results of this study suggest that the anemia prevalences of young children in Seoul and rural areas were remarkedly decreased during last ten years, but the prevalence of low income group in provincial cities are still high and particularly in 7-l4yr. and female adult group.

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A Combined Procedure of Direct Question Method and Modified Randomized Response Technique for Estimating Population Proportion

  • Kim, Hyuk-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.877-887
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    • 2003
  • A two-stage procedure is proposed to estimate the population proportion of a sensitive group. The proposed procedure is obtained by combining the direct question method and a modified randomized response technique. It is verified that the proposed procedure is more efficient than existing methods under some mild conditions.

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