• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean granite

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A Comparative Study of Geological Characteristics between Traditional Spa and Newly-established Spa (전통온천과 신설온천의 지질학적 특성 비교)

  • Lee, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.851-862
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    • 2007
  • The main reason of environmental pollution and destruction due to an indiscreet development of spa is the law of spa in use. According to the law of spa, the water of spa is ordained not mineral component and its efficacy but water temperature of over $25^{\circ}C$. Therefore this research was to analyze the differences between traditional spa and newly-established spa based on heat flow, geological rock, and fault relating to spa in order to call attention to a revision of the law of spa. According to the results, the location of the traditional spas was in accord with places which are Pohang, Bugok, Dongrae and Haeundae-gu of Busan, Uljin, Chungju, Usung-gu of Daejeon, Yesan, Asan, and Ichon. The heat flow of these places is over 67mW/m2 that is an average of South Korea. Relating to a fault, 92.3% of the traditional spas concurs with a fault and 33.5% of newly-established spa is in accord with a fault. 58.2% of the traditional spas and 42.7% of the newly-established spa are consistent with the granite.

Properties and Provenance of Loess-paleosol Sequence at the Daebo Granite Area of Buan, Jeonbuk Province, South Korea (전북 부안 화강암지역 뢰스-고토양 연속층의 퇴적물 특성과 기원지)

  • Park, Chung-Sun;Hwang, Sang-Ill;Yoon, Soon-Ock
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.898-913
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    • 2007
  • We examined soil properties and provenance of loess-paleosol sequences at the Daebo Granite area of Buan, Jeonbuk Province, South Korea. The section consists of the surface layer, Layer 1(paleosol), Layer 2(loess), Layer 3(paleosol), Layer 4(loess), and Layer 5(paleosol), from top to bottom and thickness of the exposed section is approximately 280cm. The magnetic susceptibility values show the distinct variations between the loess- and the paleosol layer. Even though pH, ORP, water content, and soil hardness do not display the obvious differences in the section, the organic content indicates the variation similar to those of the magnetic susceptibility. In the respect of the soil colors measured under 3 conditions, although the variations of the wet soil color exceedingly reflect the difference of the layers, these variations are obscure in some points in the section due to the characteristics of the Munsell color system. Based on the geomorphological properties, sedimentary structure, the difference of the major element composition and the condrite-normalized rare earth element(REE) patterns showing the clear difference from the adjacent bedrocks and stream sediments and the similarity to those of the Chinese Loess Plateau, it is suggested that the section was formed by the material originated from the Chinese Loess Plateau and peripheral areas. However, because the material experienced the alteration after sedimentation under the environment of the sediment area, it has the properties different from the material in the provenance areas. This phenomenon may result in the climatic condition of Korea, especially in precipitation.

Thermal Resistivity of Backfill Materials for Underground Power Cables (지중송전관로 되메움재의 열저항 특성)

  • 김대홍;이대수
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.209-220
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    • 2002
  • Because the allowable current loading of buried electrical transmission cables is frequently limited by the maximum permissible temperature of the cable or of the surrounding ground, there is a need for cable backfill materials that can maintain a low thermal resistivity (less than 5$0^{\circ}C$-cm/watt) even while they are subjected to high temperatures for prolonged periods. Temperatures greater than 5$0^{\circ}C$ to 6$0^{\circ}C$ may lead to breakdown of cable insulation and thermal nlnaway if the surrounding backfill material is unable to dissipate the heat as rapidly as it is generated. This paper describes the results of studies aiming at the development of backfill material to reduce the thermal resistivity. A large number of different additive materials were tested to determine their applicability as a substitute material. Tests were called out for DonUing river sand, a relatively uniffrm sand of very high thermal resistivity (5$0^{\circ}C$ -cnuwatt at 10% water content, 26$0^{\circ}C$-cm/watt when dry), and Jinsan granite screenings, and A-2(sand and gravel mixture), E-1 (rubble and granite screenings mixture), a well-graded materials with low thermal resistivity (about 35$^{\circ}C$ -cm/watt when at 10 percent water content, 10$0^{\circ}C$-cm/watt when dry). Based on this research, 3 types of backfill materials were suggested for improved materials with low thermal resistivity.

Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Paleostress from Healed Microcracks of Cretaceous Granites in Goheung Area, Jeonnam (전남 고흥 일대 백악기 화강암류의 아문미세균열을 이용한 백악기 말-신생대 3기 초 고응력장)

  • Kang, Seong-Seung;Lim, Chel-Gi;Sim, Hye-Min;Yoon, Jae-Hong;Kim, Cheong-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2008
  • Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary paleostress was evaluated by analyzing the healed microcracks in the Cretaceous granite of the Goheung area, south Korea. Healed microcracks in five granite samples (GH-1, GH-3, GH-4, GH-5, GH-8) were investigated and measured according to direction. The directions of maximum horizontal principal stress in GH-1, GH-3, and GH-4 are dominantly $N60^{\circ}W\;and\;N70^{\circ}E,\;N20^{\circ}W\;and\;N50^{\circ}W$, while minor directions are N-S and $N30^{\circ}E$. In GH-5 and GH-8, $N40^{\circ}E\;and\;N10^{\circ}E$ are the most dominant directions, while $N40^{\circ}W$ is the minor direction. Thus overall, the most dominant directions of healed microcracks in the study area are oriented $N60^{\circ}W$, while minor directions are oriented $N20^{\circ}W,\;N20^{\circ}E\;and\;N70^{\circ}E$, essentially NE. Combining the paleostress results of this study with other studies, the direction of the maximum horizontal principal stress in the study area during the late Cretaceous to the early Tertiary should perhaps be changed WNW to NE. The reason for this is thought to be the complex tectonic movements which occurred in northeast Asia at that time.

Effect of Residual Shear Strain on the Relationship between Volumetric Strain and Effective Stress after Liquefaction (액상화 후 잔류전단변형률이 체적변형률과 유효응력 관계에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Youngcheul
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2010
  • The settlements by liquefaction seldom occur uniformly because of soil homogeneity, however differential settlements are major cause of the damages to structures. From the past researches, author paid attention to the fact that stress history during undrained cyclic shear process affects greatly on the volumetric strains of the post-liquefaction. Therefore, the effect of the residual shear strain in cyclic shear process was examined in this study. The experiment apparatus based on strain control with volumetric strain control device was used for the study to investigate the effect of the residual strain on the relationship between volumetric strain and effective stress of clean and granite sandy soil. It could be seen an insignificant difference in the volumetric strain after liquefaction under various residual shear strain conditions in the case of clean sand. On the other hand, in granite sandy soil, the volumetric strain after liquefaction was small when the lower level of the residual shear strain was applied. And, the residual shear strain during cyclic shear affected the shape of the relation curve between effective stress and volumetric strain as well.

Potential as a Geological Field Course of the Northwest Coast, Goheung Gun (고흥군 북서 해안의 지질학습장으로서의 활용가능성)

  • Kim, Hai-Gyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study is to investigate the geological features distributed in the northwest coast, Goheung Gun as a geological field course of all levels. The study area is about 1.6km coast in direction of northwest from Sumundong ferry to Jangsun beach. The learning contents of the geology units in science textbooks from elementary school to high school was analyzed and, geomorphology and geology of study area was investigated for this study. In this study area, lots of geomorphology and geology elements related to the learning contents of the geology units in science textbooks were founded such as gravel beach, sea cliff, granite, rhyolite, andesite, gneiss, sedimentary rocks, fault, unconformity, stratification, cross bedding, graded bedding, intrusion structure, vein, dyke, plant fossil and spheroidal weathering. Characteristically, strata, stratification, granite, sedimentary rocks(conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone and shale), fault, plant fossil and weathering phenomenon were commonly involved with the learning contents of the geology units in elementary school science, middle school science and high school earth science I, II. This area is to be recommended as a site of geological field course for all students from elementary school to high school, as various field work materials for geological learning were distributed and, geological observation trail of about 400m in length for observation of strata and so on was installed along the coast in direction of the northwest from Sumundong ferry.

The Effect of Delayed Compaction on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Soil-Cement Mixtures (지연다짐이 Soil-Cement의 압축강도에 미치는 영향)

  • 정일웅;김문기;도덕현
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.66-76
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    • 1986
  • This study was attempted to investigate the effects of delayed compaction on the unconfined compressive strengh and dry density of Soil-cement mixtures. Soil-cement construction is a time-consuming procedure. Time-delay is known as a detrimental factor to lower the quality of soil-cement layer. A laboratory test was performed using coarse and fine weathered granite soils. The soils were mixed with 7% cement at optimum moisture content and excess moisture content in part. Socondary additives such as lime, gypsum-plaster, flyash and sugar were tried to counteract the detri-mental effect of delayed compaction. The specimens were compacted by Harvard Miniature Compaction Apparatus at 0,1,2,4,6 hors after mixing. Two kinds of compactive efforts(9 kgf and 18 kgf tamper) were applied. The results were summarized as follows: 1.With the increase of time delay, the decrease rate of dry density of the specimen compacted by 9 kgf tamper was steeper than that of the specimen compacted by 18kgf tamper. In the same manner, soil-B had steeper decreasing rate of dry density than soil-A. 2.Based on the results of delayed compaction tests, the dry density and unconfined compressive sterngth were rapidly decreased in the early 2 hours delay, while those were slowly decreased during the time delay of 2 to 6 hours. 3.The dry density and unconfined compressive strength were increased by addition of 3% excess water to the optimum moisture content during the time delay of 2 to 6 hours. 4.Without time delay in compaction, the dry densities of soil-A were increased by adding secondary additives such as lime, gypsum-plaster, flyash and sugar, on the other hand, those of soil-B were decreased except for the case of sugar. 5.The use of secondary additives like lime, gypsum-plaster, flyash and sugar could reduce the decrease of unconfined compressive strength due to delayed compaction. Among them, lime was the most effective. 6.From the above mentioned results, several recommendations could be suggested in order to compensate for losses of unconfined compressive strenght and densit v due to delayed compaction. They are a) to use coarse-grained granite soil rather than fined-grained one, b) to add about 3% excess compaction moisture content, c) to increase compactive effort to a certain degree, and d) to use secondary additives like line gypsum-plaster, flyash, and sugar in proper quantity depending on the soil types.

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Strength Characteristics of Improved Dredged Clay for Urgent Recovery of Ground Subsidence (함몰지반 긴급복구를 위한 개량준설점토의 강도 특성)

  • Oh, Sewook;Baek, Seungju;Bang, Seongtaek
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2019
  • Recently, there has been an increasing number of ground subsidence (sink-hole) in the downtown areas, and in such a case, it is important to minimize accidents and passages through prompt recovery. With respect to the present recovery method for ground subsidence, the methods of applying the back filling after excavating the ground subsidence or using the grouting injected materials to restore the ground are mostly used, but there has been few studies on materials used for recovering the ground subsidence. Therefore, in order to clarify the characteristics of back filling materials used in the ground subsidence, this study uses the environment-friendly hardening agent to improve the dredged clay, and then, the mixture ratio of hardening agent and mixture ratio of decomposed granite soil is changed to cure for 3, 7, 14 and 28 days to analyze the intensity characteristics of the unconfined compression, and it was compared with the unconfined compression intensity for the previously used cement, a hardening agent. In order to evaluate the characteristics of intensity on the back filling materials, the C.B.R test was carried out, and for the review on whether the back filling materials influence on corrosion of water and sewer pipes and others, the soil non-resistance test was carried out. As a result of the test, for the case of the recovery work of the ground subsidence that requires urgency, it is considered as prudent if the hardening agents of 12% are integrated to cure for 3 days or longer, and for not having the influence on the corrosion of the gas tube or water pipes, it is proposed to mix for 30% or more of the decomposed granite soil. Door model test were conducted To confirm the bearing capacity characteristics of the solidified layer.

Engineering Characteristics of CLSM Using Bottom Ash and Eco-friendly Soil Binder (친환경 고결제와 저회를 활용한 유동성 복토재의 공학적특성)

  • Park, Giho;Kim, Taeyeon;Lee, Yongsoo;Lee, Bongjik
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2019
  • In general, pipe laying works are performed by constructing underground facilities such as pipes and then refilling the rest of the area with sand or soil. However, there are many problems in the compaction process such as difficulties in tampering around the underground facility and low compaction efficiency. Such problems cause deformation and damage to the underground pipes during refilling work and ultimately cause road sinks. Construction methods using CLSM are one of the typical methods to solve these issues, and recently, studies on CLSM using coal ash, which has similar engineering properties as sand, have been actively performed to protect environment and recycle resources. While many studies have been conducted to recycle fly ash in many ways, the demand for recycling bottom ash is increasing as most of the bottom ash is not recycled and reclaimed at ash disposal sites. Therefore, in order to find bottom ash applications using eco-friendly soil binders that are environmentally beneficial and conform with CLSM standards, this study investigated flow characteristics and strength change characteristics of eco-friendly soil binders, weathered granite soil, a typical site-generated soil, bottom ash, and fly ash mixed soil and evaluated the soil pollution to present CLSM application methods using bottom ash.

Geoenvironmental Influence on the Recycled Soil from Demolition Concrete Structures for using in Low Landfilling (건설폐토석의 성토에 따른 지반환경적 영향)

  • Shin, Eun-Chul;Kang, Jeong-Ku;Ahn, Min-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2011
  • The recycled soil that is proceeded from demolition concrete structures was analyzed by the methods of the physical and mechanical tests of soil and TCLP test to use the soil in low landfilling for the construction of an industrial complex. The laboratory test for diffusion of alkali ion in soil mass was analyzed by the methods of XRF and ICP. The fish toxicity test was also conducted to find an environmental influence. The recycled soil through the laboratory test satisfied the engineering property for low landfilling and the criteria of soil contamination. However, the solution which producted by 1:1 ratio of recycled soil and water contained the high pH concentration by alkali ion. The calcium hydroxide solution by CSH cement paste was estimated as the main reason why pH concentration is increased more than 9.0. The high pH concentration in recycled soils causes a toxicity to the livability of fishes. A diffusion area of pH concentration in the ground was analyzed by the Visual Modflow Ver. 2009 program based on geotechnical investigation. The high pH concentration in the recycled soils can be remained as high value due to cement paste in the long term period. Therefore, in the early stage of landfilling work, the mixing with the weathered granite soil is necessary to control the pH concentration.